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Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura on the origin of the jiva

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Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura:


It should be understood that the jiva soul is neither produced of this

material world, nor created in the transcendental world. They are

originated from the marginal line between the transcendental and mundane

spheres. (Tattva Viveka 2.4, by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, page 55)


Among the unlimited potencies of Sri Krsna, there is one known as

tatastha-sakti (border-potency). From that sakti comes out the

jiva-souls remaining at the junction of the two worlds, viz., the

transcendental and the mundane ones, may contact them both. In its

composition it is only the atomic cit (pure sentience) . . . On account

of the purity in its composition, it has got the capacity for being the

eternal denizen with divine bliss in the transcendental power. (Jaiva

Dharma, chapter 4, page 46)


A jiva is a spark of the eternal consciousness. A jiva is first situated

on the line of demarcation between the material world and the spiritual

world. There those jivas who do not forget their relation with Krsna

derive the power of consciousness and are drawn into the spiritual

world-they come in eternal touch with Krsna and enjoy beatitude arising

from the worship of Krsna. And those who forget Krsna and give

themselves up to maya's enjoyments, maya'with her own force draws them

into herself. It is from that very moment that we fall into the misery

of this world. (Jaiva Dharma, chapter 7, page 95-96)


The semblance or dim reflection of the internal Cit-potency is the

jiva-sakti (potency) or Tatastha-sakti stationed in between cit-jagat

and a-cit-jagat or mayic-jagat whereas the shadow or perverted

reflection of that internal cit potency is the maya-sakti or external

a-cit potency. All the jivas emanate from the tatastha-sakti of God and

accordingly the mundane worlds emanate from the maya-sakti of God. (Sri

Srimad Bhagavat-arka Marichimala, chap. 1, Introd., By Srila

Bhaktivinoda Thakura)


The jiva-souls are emanated from the jiva-sakti of Sri Krsna and they

are spiritual but atomic. In the very self of the jiva-soul or in his

constitution practically there remains no maya. As jiva-souls are atomic

in size and being emanated from the tatastha-sakti of Sri Krsna (viz.

from the intermediary-potency which exists in between cit-jagat and

mayic-jagat) jiva-soul is liable to be subjected to maya when becomes

averse to his constitutional right of serving the Lord. Jiva-soul in

bondage misconstrues himself as the doer and enjoyer, therefore is

affinated to the adopted bodies which are provided by prakrti. A jiva by

dint of spiritual virtue may possess steadfast devotion to Sri Krsna and

getting rid of worldly affinity goes back to the abode of bliss. (Sri

Srimad Bhagavat-arka Marichimala, ch. 7, text 34, purport by Srila

Bhaktivinoda Thakura)


The constituent particles, in the form of pencils of effulgence of

Maha-Visnu are manifest as the individual souls (jivas). (Brahma-Samhita

10, purp.)


The cit-potency of God is boundless, so is His maya-potency also

enormous; between them are the innumerable minute jivas. The Jivas

emanate from the tatastha sakti (border potency) of Sri Krsna; so is the

nature to tatastha (border potency) of Sri Krsna. (Jaiva Dharma, chapter

15, page 213)


The root of all actions is the desire for acts, the root of which again

is avidya. Avidya is the name for the forgetfulness of soul's essential

nature that 'I am Krsna's servant.' This avidya did not commence within

the course of the mundane time. That root of karma of the jiva arose

when he was at the tatastha position. As such, the beginning of karma is

not to be traced within mundane time, and, on that account karma is

beginningless. (Jaiva Dharma, page 234)


There are two types of jivas liberated from maya--nitya-mukta, eternally

liberated, and baddha-mukta, those who were bound but became liberated.

The jivas who were never bound by maya are called nitya-mukta. The

nitya-muktas are also of two types, aisvarya gata nitya mukta and

madhurya gata nitya mukta. The former are the associates of Lord

Narayana in Vaikuntha and are the atomic particles from mula Sankarsana.

The latter are the associates of Lord Krsna in Goloka. They are the

atomic particles of Sri Baladeva situated in Goloka Vrndavana.

(Jaiva-Dharma, Chapter 17, p. 251)

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