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Nectar of the day!


kadaa vrndaaranye vimala yamunaa teera pooline

carantam govindam haladhara sudaamaadi sahitam

aye krishna swaamin madhura murali vaadana vibho!

praseedetyaa krosan nimisam iva neshyaami divasaan


O Govinda! When will I see you in the forest of Vrndavana enjoying wandering

on the clear purifying sandy banks of the Yamunaa, herding the cows with

Haladhara, Sudaama and other boys.


" Crying out in pain, 'Alas! O Krsna, O Master, You sweet flute player! O

great one, please have mercy!', I shall accept a moment [of that vision] as

lasting for many days."


The Holy Name of Sri Hari Is All That Be



madhuram madhurebhyo 'pi mangalebhyo 'pi mangalam

pavanam pavanebhyo 'pi harer namaiva kevalam


Of sweet things, it's the sweetest you will taste at any time;

Of things that bring good fortune, it's good fortune's paradigm;

Of things that purify, it purifies most powerf'lly;

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.



abrahma-stamba-paryantam sarvam maya-mayam jagat

satyam satyam punah satyam harer namaiva kevalam


>From Brahma's realm atop the sky down to the lowly grass,

Illusion reigns in Maya-devi's treacherous morass.

The truth, the truth, the only truth: the Name of Sri Hari.

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.



sa guruh sa pita capi sa mata bandhavo 'pi sah

siksayec cet sada smartum harer namaiva kevalam


He's the guru, he's the father, he's the friend most true,

And she's the real mother who most kindly teaches you

To always chant and hear the Holy Name of Sri Hari.

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.



nihsvase na hi visvasah kada ruddho bhavisyati

kirtaniya mato balyad harer namaiva kevalam


Remember that our final breath may come at any time,

No matter if we're old and sick or in our youthful prime.

So young and old alike should chant the Name incessantly.

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.



harih sada vaset tatra yatra bhagavata-janah

gayanti bhakti-bhavena harer namaiva kevalam


Lord Sri Hari forever dwells wherever devotees

Whose hearts are fixed on Him and free of all impurities

Uplift their voices high and sing His Name in ecstasy.

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.



aho duhkham maha-duhkham duhkhad duhkhataram yatah

kacartham vismrtam ratna-harer namaiva kevalam


Alas! What sorrow! What great pain! The worst calamity--

For people to forget the Holy Name of Sri Hari!

Although the Name's a priceless gem, mere broken glass they see.

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.



diyatam diytatam karno niyatam niyatam vacah

giyatam giyatam nityam harer namaiva kevalam


Just fill your ears, just fill them with the Name of Sri Hari!

Just chant the Name, just chant the Name with all sincerity!

Just sing the Name, just sing the Holy Name eternally!

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.



trni-krtya-jagat sarvam rajate sakalopari

cid-ananda-mayam suddham harer namaiva kevalam


It makes this world appear like bits of straw upon the ground;

It splendorously reigns supreme--Divinity in sound;

It's filled with transcendental bliss and peerless purity;

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.


Inspired to glorify the Holy Name of Sri Hari,

A certain sage composed this hymn in Sanskrit poetry.

I pray that those who read this lowly version made by me

Will chant the Holy Name of Sri Hari in ecstasy.


#CrI RAdhikASTaka

from the Govinda-lIlAmRta, by #CrIla KRSNadAsa KavirAja


1. kuNGkumAkta-kAYcanAbja-garva-hAri-gaurabhA



mahyam Atma-pAda-padma-dAsyadAstu rAdhikA


Her gold complexion steals the pride of golden lotus tinged with red.

Her fragrance mocks the scent of lotus bloom with saffron powder spread.

Her skill in satisfying #CrI Hari is perfect and complete . . .

May RAdhikA bestow on me the service of Her lotus feet.


2. kauravinda-kAnti-nindi-citra-paTTa-CATikA



mahyam Atma-pAda-padma-dAsyadAstu rAdhikA


Her wondrous silken garments shame the splendor rubies can display.

She is a blooming garden where the bee of KRSNa loves to play.

She worships SUrya every day so She and MAdhava can meet . . .

May RAdhikA bestow on me the service of Her lotus feet.


3. saukumArya-sRSTa-pallavAli-kIrti-nigrahA



mahyam Atma-pAda-padma-dAsyAdastu rAdhikA


Eclipsed by RAdhA's tenderness, the fame of budding blossoms dims.

The moon, the lotus, sandal paste, and camphor serve Her cooling limbs.

When KRSNa burns with love's desires, Her soothing touch dispels the heat .

.. .


May RAdhikA bestow on me the service of Her lotus feet.


4. viCva-vandya-yauvatAbhivanditApi yA ramA

rUpa-navya-yauvanAdi-sampadA na yat-samA

CIla-hArda-lIlayA ca sA yato 'sti nAdhikA

mahyam Atma-pAda-padma-dAsyadAstu rAdhikA


Though youthful goddesses adored by all adore the goddess #CrI,

She lacks #CrI RAdhA's beauty, youth, and every other quality.

So when it comes to lovers' sports, with RAdhA no one can compete . . .

May RAdhikA bestow on me the service of Her lotus feet.


5. rAsa-lAsya-gIta-narma-sat-kalAli-paNDitA


viCva-navya-gopa-yoSid-Alito 'pi yAdhikA

mahyam Atma-pAda-padma-dAsyadAstu rAdhikA


In arts like dancing, singing, joking RAdhA is by far the best.

She shines with countless traits divine, like love and gorgeous form and


Among the famous gopIs of VRndAvan, She's supremely sweet . . .

May RAdhikA bestow on me the service of Her lotus feet.


6. nitya-navya-rUpa-keli-kRSNa-bhAva-sampadA

kRSNa-rAga-bandha-gopa-yauvateSu kampadA


mahyam Atma-pAda-padma-dAsyadAstu rAdhikA


Eternal pastimes, beauty, youth, and love for KRSNa make Her rich.

The loving gopIs tremble just to see that love, at highest pitch.

Her meditation on #CrI KRSNa's form and pastimes is complete . . .

May RAdhikA bestow on me the service of Her lotus feet.


7. sveda-kampa-kaNTakACru-gadgadAdi-saYcitA-



mahyam Atma-pAda-padma-dAsyadAstu rAdhikA


Perspiring, trembling, hairs on end, and crying, falt'ring of the voice,

Impatience, joy, and guile-these signs of rapture make Her friends


For KRSNa's eyes Her many jeweled ornaments provide a treat . . .

May RAdhikA bestow on me the service of Her lotus feet.


8. yA kSaNArdha-kRSNa-viprayoga-santatoditA-



mahyam Atma-pAda-padma-dAsyadAstu rAdhikA


Apart from KRSNa for a moment, RAdhA feels anxiety

And restlessness and other moods-the highest kind of ecstasy.

But when She meets Him with some effort, all Her sufferings retreat . . .

May RAdhikA bestow on me the service of Her lotus feet.


9. aSTakena yas tv anena nauti kRSNa-vallabhAM

darCane 'pi CailajAdi-yoSid-Ali-durlabhAm


taM karoti nanditAli-saYcayACu sA janam


Exalted goddesses like PArvatI can hardly ever see

#CrI KRSNa's lover, RAdhikA. But if a humble devotee

Recites these verses, then #CrI RAdhA, who enjoys with #CrI Hari,

Will pour the nectar of Her service down on him eternally.









gupta-gostha raksa raksa mam tathadya pankajaksa





yajna--sacrifice; bhanga--broken; rusta--angered; sakra--indra; nunna--sent;

ghora--terrible; megha--of clouds; cakra--hosts; vrsti--of rains; pura--by a

flood; khinna--distressed; gopa--of the gopas(t10; viksana--seen;

upajata--manifested; kopa--anger; ksipta--placed; savya--left; hasta--hand;

padma--lotus; dharita--held; ucca--tall; saila--mountain; sadma--abode;

gupta--protected; gostha--vraja; raksa--please protect; raksa--please

protect; mam--me; tatha--in that way; adya--now; pankajaksa--O lotus-eyed





O lord who became angry to see the gopas troubled by the great floods and

rains from the terrible clouds sent by indra angry at the stopping of His

yajna, O lord who lifted the great hill with your left lotus hand, O lord

who protected vraja, O lotus-eyed lord, please, please protect me in the

same way.


Madhya 18.38


vamas tamarasaaksasya

bhuja-dandau sa patu vah

kridaa-kandukataam yena

neto govardhano girih


vamau-the left; tamarasa-aksasya-of Kanea, who has eyes like lotus petals;

bhuja-dandau-arm; sau-that; patu-let it protect; vah-all of you;

kridaa-kandukatam-being like a toy; yena-by which; netah-attained;

govardhanau-named Govardhana; girih-the hill.


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "'May the left arm of Sri Krsna, whose eyes

are like the petals of a lotus flower, always protect you. With His left arm

He raised Govardhana Hill as if it were a toy.'"



This verse is found in the Bhakti-rasamata-sindhu (2.1.62).




Your servant

Dravida dasa

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