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rasa lila

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> Another point: we sometimes hear that certain gurus minimize the value of

> hearing about the Lord's pastimes that don't involve Vrindaban or Madhurya

> rasa.


Quotes from the folio:


The Vedic literatures contain many narrations of the Lord's pastimes,

including the Battle of Kuruksetra and historical facts relating to the life

and precepts of devotees like Prahlada Maharaja, Dhruva Maharaja and

Ambarisa Maharaja. One need only concentrate his mind on one such narration

and become always absorbed in its thought. Then he will be in samadhi.



So sometimes a class of devotees known as sahajiya, they say that "What we

have got to do with the narration of Kuruksetra battle?" They immediately

jump to the krsna-lila, directly with the gopis. And Krsna's activities in

other field, they think it is useless. But that is not the fact. Anywhere

Krsna is acting, that is transcendental-the Battlefield of Kuruksetra,

historical references, description, so superficially it appears that what a

devotee has got to do with this battlefield? But battlefield or no

battlefield, wherever there is Krsna, that is transcendental. This has to be

understood. Otherwise, Sukadeva Gosvami, why he should indulge in describing

how Uttara's pregnancy was saved by Krsna, how the brahmastra was thrown by

Asvatthama? So Sukadeva Gosvami is liberated person. Why he should indulge

in these material things? No. Those who are advanced, they know that Krsna's

dancing with the gopis, that lila and Krsna's playing as the leader of the

battlefield of Kuruksetra is the same. It is all transcendental. One should

not make any distinction between the two. Samstham ca pandu-putranam vaksye

krsna-kathodayam. Pandu-putranam, the pandu-putras, or the Pandavas, son of

Pandu, they're all devotees. Even their political affairs, because there is

connection with Krsna, it is krsna-katha. Those who are with poor fund of

knowledge [break] (lecture 9/11/76)


Then His pastimes. Just like His lila in Vrndavana or with any other

devotees. There are many lilas. Then Krsna's associates, those who are

devotees of Krsna. If you speak about them, that is also a presence of

Krsna. If you talk about Narada Muni, if you talk about Vyasa Muni, if you

talk of Lord Caitanya, if you talk Rupa Gosvami-those who are, I mean to

say, unalloyed devotees of Krsna-if you discuss about them, then Krsna is

there. He is present by His name, He is present by His fame, He is present

by His pastime, He is present by His associates. Anything in Krsna

connection, that makes Krsna present in that spot. This is actual fact. One

has to realize it, that's all. (1/16/67)


[a mock debate:]

Ramesvara: Krsna's incarnation is to attract the living entities to Krsna.

So let me read about rasa-lila, because I'm feeling some attraction.

Prabhupada: Then why not Kuruksetra-lila? What...? Kuruksetra-lila...

Krsna's lila is the same, absolute. You are attracted to rasa-lila means you

have got sex desire. That's all.

Ramesvara: I may still have sex desire, but this will purify me.

Prabhupada: No, no, no. This will purify. You are not purified. (6/7/76)


Your servant,


Umapati Swami







> Another point: we sometimes hear that certain gurus minimize the value of

> hearing about the Lord's pastimes that don't involve Vrindaban or Madhurya

> rasa. However in the same chapter of the Sri Caitanya Bhagavata, Antya

> 10.33-34, we find this:

> 33. Hearing Gadadhara read Srimad Bhagavatam, Lord Caitanya would manifest

> many symptoms of ecstatic love.

> 34. A hundred times Lord Caitanya attentively heard Gadadhara read the

> story of Prahlada and the story of Dhruva.

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