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We have come from Radha Krsna lila!

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[Text 84050 from SOCHI]


> "yad gatva" does not say anything against our coming from Radha Krsna

> lila


My objection to the proposed coming from Radha Krsna lila was based on a

quote saying that a pure devotee can never forget Krsna, in which Srila

Prabhupada is paraphrasing SB 11.2.53:


"A pure devotee of the Lord can never forget those lotus feet in any

circumstance. He will not give up his shelter at the lotus feet of the Lord

for a single moment-indeed, not for half a moment-even in exchange of the

benediction of ruling and enjoying the opulence of the entire universe."


We cannot brush aside statements like this when trying to prove our coming

from the Radha Krsna lila.


And what about such quotes like: "In the Vaikuntha world there is complete

harmony between the residents and the Supreme Personality of Godhead".

(Bhag. 3.15.33)?


How it can be called the place without anxiety if every now and then

somebody is falling down due to some strange reason? Does it mean all the

residents there are so complacent that they don't care about so many

falldowns and therefore there is no anxiety? Today one cowherd boy is

missing, tomorrow another one... Rather it would be Sa-kuntha, too much

anxiety, "what if next day I will fall down?" Somehow I fail to see how this

idea is supposed to make sense.


> Prabhupada explained in another context that it means that generally

> it is a one-time trip to fall in the material world. Means after going

> back to the spiritual world we don't fall not that we don't fall in the

> first place. Once burnt twice shy.


Do you have any sastra pramana for the "one-time trip"? I'm not sure which

quote you mean, but I was always under the impression that all the

associates of the Lord in the spiritual sky are completely perfect and pure

souls and that they serve the Lord continuiosly out of their deep love and

attraction to Him, not because of the fear to go to the material world. This

is thoroughly confirmed in sastra.


"The nitya-siddha devotees love Krsna millions of times more than their own

selves. They all have eternal, blissful qualities just like Lord Krsna."

(Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. 2.1.290)


"In that sky, which is far, far beyond the material sky and its sevenfold

coverings . . . pure devotees of the Lord are absolutely in harmony with the

Personality of Godhead, or in other words, they always think of the Lord as

their only dependable friend and well-wisher.? (Bhag. 2.2.18, purp.)


"Attainment of love of Godhead means complete freedom from all other

attractions." (Bhag. 2.2.31, purp.)


Otherwise what is the meaning of "the absolute world"? And what about those

who have never been fallen? Does it mean they can also fall down some day?

Srila Prabhupada, Srila Bhaktivinode, Srila Rupa Gosvami?

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dear assembled devotees,


>>But to carry every

>>discussion with so much argumentativeness as "I meant this" and "you said

>>that" and on and on, arguing, without taking a humble attitude and

>>ignoring Vaisnava etiquette is unattractive to a devotee that has tasted

>>sweeter things.


Sorry for everything I wrote that might have disturbed any of you. That was

not my intention. It is my nature, that, once having started a discussion, I

like to analyze and clarify every point, and come to a conclusion. As far as

I see, my points have not been opinions, but in line with our philosophy,

otherwise, why would I bother to write them. What is the worth of my

opinions. And I expect to be rectified, if there may be a flaw in my

presentation. Thus we all may benefit.


Srila Krishnadasa Kaviraja explains in CC how thoroughly discussing a topic

from a variety of angles strenghtens the mind, thus helping it to better

absorb in Krishna consciousness. Folio people, please send in the quote.


>>Dear Ekatma das, after reading my last reply about arguing, etc., I wasn't

>>referring to you, necessarily, as it sounds when I reread it, but in

>>general, as I' ve seen in other unpleasant discussions. So please don't

>>misunderstand me as I wrote a reply hastily without enough consideration

>>of how my words might be understood as written. Mahananda dasa


Thank you. Even from the flaws of an individual we may make general points,

for the benefit of everyone.


>>arguing, without taking a humble attitude and ignoring

>>Vaisnava etiquette


I would love to hear about this one, to avoid future disasters.


If you comment on it, please change the >subject< to something else than

"We have come from Radha Krsna lila!".


ys. ekatma das.

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