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We have come from Radha Krsna lila!

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> I'm not actually qualified to explain all these things, I just don't like

> the idea that pure devotees can forget Krsna, which is clearly refuted by

> Srila Prabhupada and other our acaryas.


The following is how Srila Prabhupada clearly refutes it in his letter to

Jagadisa das, 27 February 1970:


"Regarding your questions concerning the spirit souls falling into Maya's

influence, it is not that those who have developed a passive relationship

with Krsna are more likely to fall into nescient activities. Usually anyone

who has developed his relationship with Krsna does not fall down in any

circumstance, but because the independence is always there, the soul may

fall down from any position or any relationship by misusing his

independence. But his relationship with Krsna is never lost, simply it is

forgotten by the influence of Maya, so it may be regained or revived by the

process of hearing the Holy Name of Krsna and then the devotee engages

himself in the service of the Lord which is his original or constitutional

position. The relationship of the living entity with Krsna is eternal as

both Krsna and the living entity are eternal; the process is one of revival

only, nothing new."


This quotation, as well as many others clarifying Srila Prabhupada's stance

on the issue, has already appeared in this conference, but I hope my posting

it once again is still relevant in this discussion.


Another important statement in this regard is Srila PRabhupada's purport on

SB 3.26.23-24:


"In the beginning, from clear consciousness, or the pure state of Krsna

consciousness, the first contamination sprang up. This is called false ego,

or identification of the body as self. The living entity exists in the

natural state of Krsna consciousness, but he has marginal independence, and

this allows him to forget Krsna. Originally, pure Krsna consciousness

exists, but because of misuse of marginal independence there is a chance of

forgetting Krsna. This is exhibited in actual life; there are many instances

in which someone acting in Krsna consciousness suddenly changes. In the

Upanisads it is stated, therefore, that the path of spiritual realization is

just like the sharp edge of a razor. The example is very appropriate. One

shaves his cheeks with a sharp razor very nicely, but as soon as his

attention is diverted from the activity, he immediately cuts his cheek

because he mishandles the razor.




FALLDOWN [emphasis mine - Mmd]. This falldown is due to false ego. From the

status of pure consciousness, the false ego is born because of misuse of

independence. We cannot argue about why false ego arises from pure

consciousness. Factually, there is always the chance that this will happen,

and therefore one has to be very careful. False ego is the basic principle

for all material activities, which are executed in the modes of material

nature. As soon as one deviates from pure Krsna consciousness, he increases

his entanglement in material reaction. The entanglement of materialism is

the material mind, and from this material mind, the senses and material

organs become manifest."


Your servant,

Madana-mohana das

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what is the big trip,about been in radha krsnas pastimes???is this a new

philosofy??I want to read ONE statment from SRILA PRABHUPADA that said that

yes,we conditioned souls we were part of the most intimate and elevated topic

of bhakti yoga,the rasa lila etc>>>>becarefull,please becarfull,you are

steping again in land mines,were is this coming from??as far im concern no I

was not there never,problably big devotees like ekatma prabhu they can say we

were!!!!!!prablably he was,not me.

please remember even when SRILA PRABHUPADA was present there was a gopi bava

club,becarfull,SP didnt said WE WERE IN RADHA KRSNA LILA,this is dangerous

statment,thats all I have to say.


if I may ask I like to know who is your spiritual master ekatma prabhu?I will

love to ask him some questions?? please forgive me??just wondering

premananda goura das

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> what is the big trip,about been in radha krsnas pastimes???is this a new

> philosofy??I want to read ONE statment from SRILA PRABHUPADA that said

> that yes,we conditioned souls we were part of the most intimate and

> elevated topic of bhakti yoga,the rasa lila etc>>>>becarefull,please

> becarfull,you are steping again in land mines,were is this coming from??as

> far im concern no I was not there never,problably big devotees like ekatma

> prabhu they can say we were!!!!!!prablably he was,not me.

> please remember even when SRILA PRABHUPADA was present there was a gopi

> bava club,becarfull,SP didnt said WE WERE IN RADHA KRSNA LILA,this is

> dangerous statment,thats all I have to say.


Bellow is a part from the Brihad-Bhagavatamrita which may clarify the issue,

translated by Kusakrath Prabhu.


43 Their eyes fixed on the path, all the people of Vraja now stand by

the Yamuna's shore. Even the trees, eager to see Him, stretch their leaves

and branches high. He will come by this path.


44 Sri Gopa-kumara said: It was as if I was suddenly bathed with great

streams of nectar. With a single glance I saw the path she showed.


45 I was stunned with bliss. My legs could no longer move. With a great

effort from far away I could hear the sound...


46 ...of cows mooing, and playful, sweet flute melodies filled with many

charming waves of sound, that enchanted the people of Vraja...


47 ...made the trees shed tears that were a great flood of nectar, made

the people of Vraja shed stream of tears from their eyes, made milk flow

from the breasts of the elderly mothers, and made the swiftly moving Yamuna

become motionless.


48 Whether this flute flows with poison or nectar I do not know. Whether

this sound is harder than a thunderbolt or softer than nectar I do not know.

Whether it is hotter than fire or cooler than the moon I do not know.

Because of it everyone in Vraja has become mad. Now they have fainted



49 Then I saw some of the women of Vraja coming from the palace carrying in

their hands articles for offering arati. Others carried on their heads

ornaments and delicious foods.

Note: Srila Sanatana Gosvami explains that in their hands they carried

lamps, and other things, and on their heads they carried garlands,

ointments, fresh butter, sweet rice and other things.


50 As they hastily and confusedly ran in the direction of the cows' mooing

and the flute's music, some of the women stumbled and fell.


51 Some had put their ornaments in the wrong places, some had forgotten to

tie their belts and hair, some, stunned as trees, stayed in their homes, and

some fainted and fell to the ground.


52 Some, their faces wet with tears, had fainted and were being carried by

their friends. Others, overcome with love, came there and said to their

friends: "Look! It is He!"


53-4 Continually singing His names and pastimes, decorated with wonderful

beauty and colourful garments, and their good fortune robbing Goddess Laksmi

of her pride in being fortunate, they ran to the Yamuna's shore. As if

pulled by someone, I ran behind.


55 Then from far away I saw Him. His hand was glorious with the sweet flute.

He quickly ran from His friends and cows, saying "O Sridama, now I have

found my friend Sarupa, who is a brilliant sun shinning on the lotus flower

of your family," and gracefully continued walking.


56 He was decorated with forest ornaments, a moving kadamba garland, and

a peacock-feather turban. His fragrance filled the directions. His

blossoming lotus face was handsome with a playful smile.


57 His lotus eyes glistened with merciful glances. His only real ornament

was His own wonderful handsomeness. The fingers of His lotus hand pushed

back the moving locks of His hair decorated with dust raised by the cows.


58 To beautify the surface of the earth, He touched it with His soft lotus

feet as He danced gracefully.


59 Splendid with the sweetness of youth, His handsomeness made all the

directions glorious. The ocean of His many glories charmed the hearts of

His eternal dear friends there.


60 Controlled by the love of His helpless devotees, He ran to me. I fainted

with love by seeing Him. He embraced my neck, and then suddenly fell to

the ground.


61 In a moment I became conscious. I carefully freed my neck from His

embrace. I saw Him fallen to the ground, unconscious, covered with dust, and

muddying the path.

Note: Srila Sanatana Gosvami explains that the Lord was muddying the ground

with streams of tears.


62 The gopis came there and said: "Who has come here? What has he done to

the goal of our lives? Alas! Alas! Now we people of Vraja are all dead!"


63 Crying and lamenting in many ways, and saying, "Perhaps he is a servant

of the magician Kamsa," they gathered around Krsna.


64 The gopas quickly came. Seeing the situation, they cried pitifully.


65-6 Hearing the sound of crying, the people of Vraja, Nanda and the gopa

men, Yasoda, who dearly loved her son, the other women, and the

maidservants, fainting and stumbling as they came, all ran there, crying out

"Alas! Alas!"


67 Then the cows, bulls, calves, black deer, and other animals all came

there and, seeing what had happened to Krsna, cried in agony.

Note: Srila Sanatana Gosvami explains that the animals all considered Krsna

the Lord of their life.


68 Gently making sounds of love, their faces bathed with tears, approaching

Him again and again, and smelling Him, they licked Him again and again.


69 Crying as they flew in the sky above, many grieving birds made a great



70 Their hearts filled with pain, the unmoving trees and plants suddenly

became withered and dry. How can I say it in words? All moving and unmoving

beings became as if they were dead.


71 Tormented, drowning in an ocean of sorrow, confused about what I had

done, placing my head at His feet, and crying, I lamented again and again.


72 Handsome Balarama, whose fair complexion was decorated with blue

garments, who was dressed and decorated as His younger brother was, and who

was only slightly older than He, with great fear quickly came from far away.

Note: Srila Sanatana Gosvami explains that Lord Balarama's complexion is

the colour of a white lotus flower.


73 Balarama, the leader of the wise, cried at first, but then He became

peaceful at heart. He looked about. He took my arms and carefully placed

them around the neck of His younger brother.

Note: Srila Sanatana Gosvami explains that Lord Balarama looked about to

find the cause of His brother's fainting.


74 He made my hand stroke Krsna's handsome limbs. He made me call out to Him

with wonderfully sweet words. He made me lift Him from the ground.


75 At once He opened the charming lotus eyes that had been sealed by streams

of tears. Seeing me, He happily embraced and kissed me, but then, looking

around, He became embarrassed.


76 Having attained me, a friend more dear than life He had not seen for a

long time, taking my hand in His left lotus hand, asking me wonderful

questions, bringing happiness to all the people of Vraja, and walking as

gracefully as an elephant, the handsome Lord entered the village of Vraja.

Note: Srila Sanatana Gosvami gives "O dear friend, are you well? Are you

happy?" as an example of Krsna's questions.




Please pay attention to the last verse, "Having attained me, a friend more

dear than life HE HAD NOT SEEN FOR A LONG TIME..."

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> what is the big trip,about been in radha krsnas pastimes???is this a new

> philosofy??I want to read ONE statment from SRILA PRABHUPADA that said

> that yes,we conditioned souls we were part of the most intimate and

> elevated topic of bhakti yoga,the rasa lila etc>>>>becarefull,please

> becarfull,you are steping again in land mines,were is this coming from??as

> far im concern no I was not there never,problably big devotees like ekatma

> prabhu they can say we were!!!!!!prablably he was,not me.

> please remember even when SRILA PRABHUPADA was present there was a gopi

> bava club,becarfull,SP didnt said WE WERE IN RADHA KRSNA LILA,this is

> dangerous statment,thats all I have to say.


Why do you bring in the rasa-lila? May I remind you that the gopis are NOT

jiva-tattva (and tatastha-sakti) but laksmi-tattva, expansions of Srimati

Radharani, not prone to a fall-down from the spiritual world? But the

jiva-tattvas are prone, as been shown by so many quotes in this conference.

It is also interesting to see that Sarupa (or Gopa Kumara) is a gopa, not a

gopi. I guess Sanatana Gosvami had a good reason to write the story.


And why are you being cinical with a fellow vaisnava on a public forum?


> if I may ask I like to know who is your spiritual master ekatma prabhu?I

> will love to ask him some questions?? please forgive me??just wondering

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