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The Glories of Srimati Radharani

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The Glories of Srimati Radharani


>From the Rk-parisistha:


"Srimati Radharani is always to be found with Sri Krsna, and Madhava is

always to be seen with Radhika. One is never without the other's company."


>From the Gopalottara-tapani:


"She is the embodiment of maha-bhava, or the highest transcendental ecstasy,

and none of the other gopis, or cowherd damsels of Vrndavana, possesses Her

excellent qualities. Radharani is therefore known as the most famous



In the Padma Purana Narada Muni describes Srimati Radharani:


"As much as Srimati Radhika is dear to Lord Krsna, Her pond Radha-kunda is

as beloved to Him. Among all the gopis Srimati Radharani is most dear to



>From the Ujjvala-nilamani of Srila Rupa Goswami


"The principal characteristics of Srimati Radharani, the Queen of Vrndavan,

are that She is charming, ever-youthful, has roving eyes, and ever-sparkling

smile, a body marked with all auspicious lines, Her fragrance drives Krsna

mad with desire. She is an exponent of fine music, has sharp intelligence,

is dextrous, shy, respectable, patient, grave, playful, eager to display the

highest ecstasy of maha-bhava, that She is the primary source of supreme

spiritual love, the most famous, the object of attraction for Her elders,

that She is controlled by the love of Her girlfriends, the principal of

Krsna's many loves, and She has Him always under Her control."


Rupa Goswami prays to Srimati Radharani in his Catu-puspanjalih [stavamala]

as follows:


"O Queen of Vrndavana, Sri Radha, I worship You. Your fair complexion is

more resplendent than molten gold, the color of Your sari the hue of a blue

lotus flower. Your beautiful braided hair is long and raven-black, its

coiffure studded with many brilliant gems, like the shining black hood of a



"Even the beautiful lotus in full bloom or the rising full moon offers no

comparison to Your breathtaking face, for it is much more exquisite. Your

shining forehead is marked by a tidy saffron tilaka.


"The arches of Your elegant eyebrows put to shame Cupid's bow. Your

cascading black tresses sway, and the dark mascara on Your roving eyes makes

them look like restless black partridges.


"Your fine nose is decorated by a ring studded with the noblest pearl, and

Your lips are more charming than bright red tulips. Your sparkling, even

teeth are like rows of spotlessly white jasmine buds.


"The golden earrings that dangle gracefully from Your ears like a pair of

Laburnum flowers are inlaid with many precious gems. The gentle cleft of

Your delicate chin is decorated with a dot of musk, and an intricately

bejewelled necklace sparkles on You with regal splendor.


"Your nicely formed arms are like lotus stems, adorned with fine and

precious gems, and the two armlets inlaid with blue sapphires softly jingle

with Your slightest movements, pleasing all ears with their sweet music.


"Your hands are beautiful and soft, like the lotus, and Your fingers are

decorated with rings mounted with precious jewels. Your breasts are adorned

with a large necklace finely set with stones and gems.


""The central jewel of Your regal necklace sits atop a line of dark gems

that grow gradually larger in size. One could mistake it for a black snake

carrying a gem on its hood. You are slender around the waist, and Your belly

is concave because it must carry the burdon of Your full breasts. It is

marked by three lines like entwining creepers.


"A tinkling girdle of gold inset with precious stones adorns Your broad

flaring hips, and Your shapely thighs put to shame the pride of the golden

trunks of banana trees.


"Your kneecaps are so delicate and well-formed that they are far more

attractive than round golden caskets studded with gems. The ankle-bells on

Your finely formed feet sing an eternal melody, and the pink lotuses that

blossom in autumn bow their heads in ardent worship to the beauty of Your

lotus feet.


"The brilliance of millions upon millions of full moons pales before the

opalescent nails of Your lotus feet. Innumerable ecstatic symptoms are Your

natural embellishments, and You become stunned and perspire freely when Your

yearning sidelong looks from afar intimately traverse Krsna's body.

Uncontrollable erotic waves overcome You, and when You meet with Your

beloved Krsna You are swept away in a surge of sublime ecstacy. O Queen of

Vrndavan, You are the reservoir of all divine qualities, and I therefore

worship Your lotus feet.


"O Srimati Radharani, all the symptoms of the very highest ecstasy,

maha-bhava, become simultaneously manifest in You, and Your heart is

benumbed. You are the ocean of unlimited transcendental emotions found only

in perfect heroines, and everyone is amazed when You exhibit these ecstatic



"All the charming and captivating traits which make a heroine perfect are

offering their obeisances to Your lotus feet in silent praise. The great

beauty Laksmi-devi, the goddess of fortune, is humbly praying to attain

residence on the toenails of Your lotus feet.


"You are the crest jewel of the damsels of Vraja, an eternal resident of

Gokula, the most beloved object of the gopis. Your gentle smile acts as the

life sustaining salve for Lalita and other sakhis.


"When Your roving eyes glance on Krsna with a sidelong look, it acts on Him

like a drop of ambrosia, maddening and inciting Him with love. You are the

apple of Your father king Vrisabhanu's eyes, and the sooting rays of Your

moonlike activities exhilarate him.


"Your heart is like an ocean which is overflooding with waves of

compassion. Therefore, O Radhika! shower Your mercy, and be pleased with

this person who is begging to become Your maidservant.


"O Radha my mistress! When will I be fortunate to see that after a lover's

quarrel, when Krsna tries to pacify You, His indignant lady-love, with sweet

cajoling words, in which He is truly expert, and begs You for a lovers'

tryst, You are really pleased within but nonetheless turn Your face away and

look at Krsna from the corner of Your eyes.


"O Divine Lady! Will that day ever come? When Lord Krsna, who is adept at

everything, strings a charming garland of myrtle blossoms and slips it over

Your head and His electric touch sends waves of ecstasy pulsating through

You, and You begin to perspire profusely, when will I be fortunate enough to

gently fan You with a palm leaf fan?


"O divine Lady! O beautiful Queen! When after Your hours of pleasure with

Krsna Your intricately made-up hair becomes dishevelled and You need someone

to set it properly again, when will You instruct this maidservant to do this



"O Divine beauty with cherry lips! Will I be able to see the wonderful

dalliances between You and Krsna? When I place betel-nut pan into Your lotus

mouth, Krsna tries to take it out of Your mouth and chew the same pan.


"O Srimati Radha! Among all the beloved gopis of Krsna You are His most

cherished jewel. Therefore kindly be pleased with me and quickly shower Your

mercy by including me amongst Your family members.


"O Queen of Vraja! I beg repeatedly at Your lotus feet for Your

compassionate grace. Please allow me to become Your maid-in-attendance

(sakhi) and confidante, so that when You become indignant after a lover's

quarrel Krsna will approach me, knowing that I am Your sakhi, and flatter me

to take Him to You; then I will take His hand and guide Him to You.


"Anyone who reads this prayer, named Catuspuspanjali, dedicated to

Radharani, the Queen of Vrndavana, with faith and devotion, will very soon

receive Her mercy directly."


In his Sri Prarthana-paddhati [stavamala],, Srila Rupa goswami prays:


"O Queen of Vrndavana, O Radharani, Your complexion is like molton gold,

Your doe-like eyes are captivatingly restless, a million full and brilliant

moons wane before Your lustrous countenance, and a blue sari, having stolen

the hue of a fresh rain-laden cloud, has enwrapped Your exquisite form. O

Radha, You are the crest-jewel of all the dallying damsels of Vrndavana,

fragrant and pristine like a budding jasmine flower. Your sublime form is

adorned with priceless jewelry , and you are the best of all the charming

and intelligent gopis. You are decorated with all wonderful excellences and

surrounded by eight dedicated and beloved cowherd girls known as the



"The ambrosia of Your beautiful lips, red as the bimba fruit, is life-giving

syrup to Krsna. O Radha, I am rolling on the banks of the Yamuna, my poor

heart filled with anticipation, praying to You with all humility. I am

guilty of being an offender, a rascal, a useless wretch-yet I beg You to

kindly engage me in even the smallest service to Your lotus feet. O most

merciful Lady, it will not become You to ignore this most distressed soul,

for Your heart is always overflowing with compassion and love."


Raghunatha dasa Goswami writes in the Vilap-kusum-anjali


"O Supreme Ladyship, Queen of my heart, Radha! Laksmi-devi the goddess of

fortune does not possess even a drop of the beauty that exudes from Your

exquisite toenails, therefore if You do not grant me the proper vision to

perceive Your transcendental pastimes, then what use do I have for this

life, which is burning in the fire of excruciating sorrow?

"O merciful Lady! Indeed, lately I am floating in a nectarean ocean of hope,

and passing time in hardship and pain, but if You do not shower mercy upon

me then this life, living in Vrndavana, and even Lord Krsna are all

meaningless to me." 101-102


"The Queen of Vraja is my mistress. O Lady mistress, O Radha, I am Your

maidservant, but the flames of intense separation are incinerating my heart

and I grow feeble from profuse crying. Finding no other means, I am

therefore sitting somewhere in Govardhana and composing these verses in deep



"O dallying damsel of Vraja, Sri Radhika, I am sucked into an ocean of grief

and my condition is so miserable! Kindly send me Your mercy in the form of

an infallible boat and save me from this whirlpool. Please give me sanctuary

at Your lotus feet."


"O Radha-kunda, pond of sublime joy, my mistress Srimati Radhika is always

absorbed in divine amorous pastimes with her beloved paramour Sri Krsna on

your banks, and you have endeared yourself to this Divine Couple more than

anything else They cherish. Please, therefore, be merciful upon me and allow

me but a moments vision of the object of my greatest adoration, Srimati




Sri Vrndavana-mahimamrita


I pray that the queen of Vrndavana, whose every limb shines with an ocean of

wonderful golden moonlight, and whose beautiful form displays a wonder of

ever-fresh youthfulness, may appear before me. (Sri Vrndavana-Mahimamrita



The motions of the beautiful gopi's eyes hinted to Lord Krsna that Radha had

gone to take rest in the forest cottage. Meeting Her there, Lord Krsna

kissed and embraced Her. Please meditate on Srimati Radharani enjoying

pastimes in this way. (SVM 2.75)


Within the boundary of Vrndavana forest a certain youthful form fills the

ten directions with the splendor of its limbs, which shine like molten gold.

This form rests on the chest of the splendid dark moon that is Lord Krsna.

This form is overcome with the nectar of transcendental mellows and maddened

with the bliss of transcendental love. The ornaments that decorate this form

tinkle with the movements of transcendental pastimes. The garments that

cover this form have fallen and the flower garlands decorating this form

have become broken. Maddened with amorous passion, this form no longer feels

any embarrassment. (SVM 2.78)


In Vrndavana forest, in a grove of very fragrant blossoming jasmine flowers,

Sri Sri Radha-Krsna sit down together. Overwhelmed with the nectar of

transcendental mellows, They touch each other, repeatedly decorating each

other's body with many wonderful flower ornaments although in the course of

Their armorous pastimes these decorations become broken. Let me worship Sri

Sri Radha-Krsna, Who enjoy pastimes in this way. Vrndavana's queen Radha is

now drowning in the blissful nectar ocean that is dark complexioned Lord

Krsna, and Krsna is also plunged in the shoreless blissful nectar ocean of

Sri Radha. The gopis' hearts and bodies swim in the blissful nectar ocean of

gazing at the transcendental pastimes of the divine couple, who are billions

of times more dear to each other than Their own life's breath. I meditate on

Radha, Krsna, and the gopis in this way. (SVM 2.80-81)


The forms of Radha's maidservants are wonderful bubbles from the particles

of foam from the effulgent spiritual ocean of sweet transcendental lvoe that

flows from the beauty of Radha's lotus feet. These young girls are filled

with all artistic skill, and their wonderfully beautiful limbs are decorated

with splendid garments and ornaments. O friend, please become the follower

and servant of these maidservants of Sri Radha. (SVM 2-86)


Please meditate on Her being anointed by a friend with scented oil, bathed,

and offered tirtha-kriya, a sumptuous feast, a splendid garland of fragrant

forest flowers, betel-leaves, music, and a foot-massage as She, the

flower-crown of Vraja's girls, lies down with dark Krsna. (SVM 3.77)


When will I see the fulfillment of my desires, the ocean of the splendor of

Sri Radha's feet, the bodily hairs risen with ecstatic devotional love, the

sweet music that was learned, and the wonderful flower garlands, jewel

necklaces, ornaments, and garments left by Her and Her beloved in Vrndabana?

When in Sri Vrndavana's groves and paths will I see a splendor as fair as

molton gold and like an ocean of beauaty moving at every step with hundreds

of currents of the gracefulness of ever-fresh youth and violently tossed by

great waves of ever-fresh love for the dark moon of Krsna? Glimpsing Her

braids, beautiful face, breasts, eyes, teeth, lips, and flower-blossom

luster, any other girl becomes embarrassed. May She, the fair splendor that

in a forest grove is now a wonderful ornament on Lord Syama's chest, appear

before me. May Vrndavana's splendid treasure, which has a youthful body, a

golden complexion, is tossed by waves of ever-new amorous pastimes, flooded

with currents of eternal, wonderful beauty, overwhelmed by great,

transcendental love, decorated with splendid flower garlands, garments, and

ornaments, and, Oh! with its auspicious glory fills the gopis with wonder,

appear before me.(SVM 3.79-82)


In Vrndavana, which is very beautifully decorated by Sri Radha, who is

served by splendid servant-girls that are great treasures of all

-intelligence and all-expertise and the shade of whose lotus feet is

difficult for even the most beautiful of all young gopis to attain, who

(Radha) is eternally overcome with the bliss of transcendental amorous

passion, who is loved day and night by beautiful friends whose bodily hairs

stand erect in ecstatic love for the divine couple, Who is a wonderfully

splendid and auspicious crescent moon shining in the midst of the many

glistening stars that are the host of Her friends and dear maidservants, who

floods the world with festive nectar waves from the ocean of wonderful

golden splendor rising from each of Her transcendental limbs, who fills all

directions with waves of pure love, of Her wonderful, beautiful , golden

complexion and of the gracrful sweetness of Her delicate limbs sprouting

from youth, who relishes perfect, intoxicating bliss, Who continually

enchants the birds, beasts, trees, vines, and others, Whose wonderful beauty

is millions and millions of oceans of beauty, where the beauty of Laksmi,

Gauri, and the splendid demigodesses is not even a single drop, who stands

at the topmost limit of splendid, wonderful skill in tghe arts of love,

whose bodily hairs stand erect as She again and again tastes teh nectar of

pure love for Lord Syama, Who is decorated with a belt, ankle-bells,

necklaces, bracelets, jewel earrings, hair-ornaments, armlets, rings, and a

beautiful glistening pearl set at the tip of Her nose, Who wears Her hair in

a large braid decorated with a bunch of beautiful flowers at its tip, which

swings about Her beautiful broad hips, Who wears splendid jewel ornaments in

the part of Her hair, Who wears a beautiful chaplet of flowers at the place

where Her braid begins, the golden moon of whose beautiful forehead is

decorated with glistening sindura dots, the waves of whose moving eyebrows

again and again create limitless missions of passionate desires in Her

lover, the gracefully playing khanjana birds of whose eyes stun Her lover,

the sharpened arrows of whose playful, restless, amorous sidelong glances

again and again overwhelm Her lover, Who enchants the heart with both the

wonderful moonlight of Her shy smile and Her conversation as sweet as a cool

stream of nectar, whose limitlessly sweet lips are splendid as a glistening

pomegranate flower, Whose chin is a nectar ocean of beauty ornamented with a

single beautiful black musk- dot, Whose splendid, delicate cheeks are

glistening golden mirrors fashioned from the great ocean of transcendental

beauty, Whose incomparably beautiful teeth stained from chewing betelnuts

are like beautiful pearls and beautiful, glistening, perfectly ripe

pomegranate seeds, Whose beautiful nose, as lovely as a sesame flower, is

decorated with a beautiful pearl studded with splendid jewels and gold,

Whose beautiful nostrils are like Kamadeva's two wonderful golden quivers,

Whose charming lips, more red than roses, are marked with both the stain of

betelnuts, and a wound left by the teeth of the charming master of Her life,

Whose very splendid conchshell neck is decorated with a wonderful graiveyaka

necklace, beautiful kanthika necklaces, and padaka lockets glistening with

various jewels, Who is decorated with many glistening hara necklaces resting

on the splendid bodice that covers Her breasts, which are like two mountain

peaks of nectgarean beauty, or two fully blossomed flowers grown from the

jewel mine of transcendental beauty., Whose charmingly beautiful slender

abdomen is marked with three folds of skin that are three waves in the ocean

of transcendental beauty, Whose very beautiful hips are dressed in

glistening red silk, Whose splendid golden-plantain-tree thighs are filled

with the great wonder of a great flood of glistening waves of the nectar of

pure transcendental sweetness, Whose splendid knees and ankles are like

beautiful lotus stems, Whose lotus feet display limitless beauty and

sweetness, on each limb of Whose transcendental form is a very wonderful

monsoon shower of wonderful beauty, auspiciousness, great sweetness,

splendor, and the transcendental symptoms of pure ecstatic love for dark

complexioned Lord Krsna, Who the hairs on all Her limbs standing erect in

ecstacy, Her beautiful limbs now moving languidly because of having tasted

the bliss of unrestrained, uninterrupted, passionate transcendental amorous

pastimes with dark complexioned Lord Krsna, Her words overwhelmed with

emotion, and Her every feature showering a great monsoon of transcendental

sweetness, by presenting in this way a very unusual appearance, has deeply

worried and upset Her gopi friends, and Who, placing the blossoming vine of

Her languid transcendental form on the dark complexioned transcendental form

of Lord Krsna, and served by Her maidservants, Who affectionately massage

Her lotus feet, fan Her, give Her betelnuts, and render other services, and

playfully taking the chewed betelnuts from the moon that is the mouth of the

Lord of Her life, placing them in the moon of Her own mouth, laughs, gives

them back to Her lover, and playfully repeats this game again and again,

with Her, Sri Radha, (in that Vrndavana forest) a certain dark young moon,

wealthy with many skills in the arts of amorous pastimes, limitlessly

wonderful with a great wealth of love for Sri Radha and a great flood of

handsomeness and charmm and overcome with eternal amorous passion, enjoys

transcendental pastimes. (SVM 4.3-17)


When in my heart will I properly worship Sri Radha, who is fair as mosten

gold, Whose limbs are flowering vines, Who is a shoreless flood of beauty,

playfulness, and fresh youthfulness, Whose swinging braids play about Her

broad hips, Whose beautiful breasts are two wonderful golden mountains,

Whose pleasantly smiling face is sweet with ever-new nectar, Whose eyes are

two khanjana birds playing in the ever-new nectar of transcendental mellows,

Whose smooth vinelike arms are filled with beauty and luster and are

splendid with glistening armlets and beautiful bracelets, Whose ears are

decorated with glistening transcendental jewel earrings, the tip of Whose

nose is decorated with a splendid pearl set in jewels and gold, Whose

conchshell neck glistens with various kinds of golden necklaces, whose hair

is decorated with many jewel ornaments, Whose fingers are decorated with

beautiful, glistening jewel rings, Who wears a bodice that holds the flood

of splendor from Her breasts, Whose exquisitely beautiful waist is so

slender it can be encircled by a single hand, Who wears a splendid jewel

belt on Her hips, Who wears beautiful anklets, Who, furtively glancing at

Her lover, trembles with very sweet feelings of love, shyly smiles, and

playfully covers Her breast with the edge of Her sari, the rising moon of

Whose face creates waves of gentle smiles of ever-new bliss, the haris of

Whose body stand erect with transcendental love, Who smiles as She speaks

some words with a gopi friend, Whose restless eyes move here and there, and

Whose vinelike arms tremble with ecstatic love? (SVM 4.40-45)


Radha hid in the forest of golden lotus flowers attebded bt swarms of very

sweetly humming bumblebees. Krsna entered that forest, and mistaking one of

the golden lotuses for Radha's face, began to kiss it. Radha then emerged

from hiding, reassured Her beloved, kissed Him, and laughed. (SVM 4.113)


Sri Radha, who with floods of splendor from Her beautiful, youthful limbs

the color of molten gold, with eternally wonderful graceful waves of very

sweet amorous pastimes, and with the faltering of Her voice, Her tears, Her

trembling, and other symptoms of ecstatic love for dark complexioned Krsna,

fills with wonder Her friends come to Her favorite forest grove and makes

the hairs on their bodies stand erect, is my queen. May Sri Radha and Her

beloved, Who are flooded with waves of very, very wonderful sweetness,

playful transcendental pastimes, splendid beauty, and expert knowledge of

the arts of love, who have come to Vrndavana from Vraja, and the wonder of

whose beauty increases hundreds and hundreds of times at Radha-kunda, appear

in my heart. (SVM 5.7-8)


The hairs of His body erect in ecstasy, His crown and earrings moving, and

His flute placed against the full moon of His lips, Madhava praises the

delightful transcendental qualities of Radha-kunda, which is the greatest

jewel decorating Sri Govardhana's crown, and which is very dear to the queen

who rules the lfie of the charming lotus-eyed Lord. (SVM 5.13)


Now, with great devotion, let us meditate on our queen Sri Radha, Whose

transcendental form is filled with the nectar of supremely pure love. She is

the crest jewel of all beautiful young gopis. All Her beautiful limbs are

filled with all transcendental virtues. With Her wonderful beauty She

enchants all the universes and makes Mohini, Parvati, Laksmi, Rati, and all

other beautiful girls hand down their heads in shame. Her complexion is the

color of molton gold. Her glistening beauty is limitless. The rising luster

of Her fair complexion fills the ten directions. The rising sweetness of Her

transcendental beauty drowns the spiritual and material worlds. She is a

splendid, wonderful nectar ocean of pure transcendental love. She performs

the arati ritual, offering millions of Her own lives to Lord Krsna. She is

filled with the great splendor of unalloyed, pure, transcendental love. Her

splendid transcendental form displays the most wonderful ever-fresh

youthfulness. She manifests millions of oceans of the nectar of ever-fresh

transcendental beauty. At every step Her very wonderful transcendental

beauty completely enchants the entire world. Her charming transcendental

form is a great flood of transcendental sweetness. She wears a garland of

amlli and campaka flowers that greatly agitate swarms of bumblebees. She is

decorated with a vine of Her beautiful braided hair which enchants the

entire universe. It begins with exquisite beauty at the top of Her head, is

seen encircling the area of Her eyes, and finally hangs down to Her broad

hips. In its beginning it is decorated with many colorful flowers, in its

middle flowers are entwined within it, and at its end it is decorated with

clusters of flowers and jewels. Her very dark, long, glistening, very broad,

splendidly beautiful braids are like a great snake lurking behind a vine of

campaka flowers. Her face is as splendid as an unlimited golden full moon,

or the whorl of a golden lotus glistening in the unlimited moonlight (SVM



Her face is like the whorl of a charming, blossoming golden lotus flower.

Her splendid teeth are like a row of ripe pomegranate seeds. Her splendidly

beautiful bimba fruit lips are an ocean of transcendental sweetness. Her

very beautiful chin is very enchantingly decorated with a black dot of musk.

Her shyly smiling eyes are two restless khanjana birds. The playful

movements of Her eyebrows have completely defeated the powerful bow of the

demigod Cupid. Her beautiful nose is decorated with a splendid pearl set in

gold and jewels. Her ears are charmingly decorated with flowers and

beautiful jewel earrings. The splendor of a jewel locket beautifies Her new

golden conchshell neck. Her beautiful new breasts are two golden flower

buds. Her breasts are wonderfully beautiful. They are very charming and they

are very full, firm, large, and high. Her bodice is always covered by the

edge of Her sari. She is decorated with splendid jewel bracelets and

armlets. Her arms are two splendid, graceful vines. Her abdomen marked with

three graceful folds of skin is like a glistening, smooth golden flower

petal. Her slender waist is very charming and beautiful. Her large, young

hips expand the nectar of great beauty. The beautiful and wonderfully

colorful flower of Her silken sari reaches down to Her graceful ankles. Her

lovely thighs are two glistening and smooth plantain tree trunks. Her knees

are very beautiful. Her splendid legs are lotus stems. All moving and

non-moving living entities are enchanted by the beauty of Her lotus feet.

Her graceful, playful steps enchant most charming Lord Krsna. She wears a

splendid sash and tinkling golden ankle-bells. Her toes are adorned with

splendid rings and Her feet with golden anklets studded with rubies. Her

legs and thighs are very beautiful. Her fingers are splendidly decorated

with jewel rings. At every step she is more beautiful. She is a shoreless

ocean of expert skill in the performance of very wonderful, endless

transcendental pastimes. With Her delicate fair limbs and the nectar waves

of very wonderful amorous pastimes, She completely enchants both Lord Krsna

and Her gopi friends. (SVM 8.1-15)


Please meditate on the transcendental potency who bears the name Radha, who

with a very sweet flood of limitless beauty has washed away all material

dualities, who with the graceful motions of Her transcendental limbs

enchants all moving and nonmoving living entities, and who with arrows of

shyly smiling sweet sidelong glances wounds dark-complexioned Lord Krsna and

overwhelms Him with the transformations of ecstatic love. (SVM 8.48)


Day and night may my tongue be filled with the sweet nectar of Sri Radha's

glories. May I pray for the position of the maidservant of Her lotus feet in

Vrndavana forest. May my peaceful composure be stolen away by the youthful

beauty of the golden-complexioned goddess, Sri Radha. By the power of my

tears, haris standing erect, and the other symptoms of my love for Sri

Radha, may I cross beyond this world of repeated birth and death. (SVM 8.53)


May Sri Radhika, the enchanting splendor of whose limbs makes the faces of

the beautiful vraja-gopis turn pale, and the beauty of whose toenails makes

kamadeva, Rati, Narayana, Laksmi, and their followers faint, appear in my

heart. (SVM 8.56)


Let us meditate on the very wonderful, sweet melodious tinkling of the

anklebells on Sri Radha's lotus feet in Vrndavana. May my queen, Sri Radha,

who is decorated by a circle of smiling and laughing friends playing vinas,

mridangas, talas, and other musical instruments, who is served by beautiful

maidservants bearing jewelled golden cups, betelnut boxes, fans, and other

paraphernalia, whose splendor pervades all spiritual and material worlds,

who is filled with limitless sweetness, whose form is like a golden vine,

who with splendidly beautiful limbs soft and delicate as sirisa flowers,

with wonderful youthful sweetness, beauty, gracefulness, and other virtues,

and with flowing waves of a flooding nectar ocean of amorous pastimes,

enchants all moving and non-moving living entities in Vrndavana forest, who

is decorated with many splendid garlands and ornaments, who is anointed with

splendid cosmetics, whose splendid silken bodice is decorated with flowers,

whose bodily hairs stand erect in ecstasy as She places the vine of Her

beautiful left arm around Lord Krsna's shoulders, whose beautiful left lotus

hand plays with a lotus flower, whose maidservants repeatedly and

affectionately fan Her with their saris' edges, who chews betelnuts, who

gives betelnuts to Her beloved, whose maidservants offer Her golden jewelled

goblet filled with delicious, cool nectar scented with camphor and spices,

who, gazing again and again at Vrndavana's wonderful beauty, and intently

listening again and again to Vrndavana's wonderful sounds, becomes struck

with wonder and asks Her lover, "What is this?" whowith very sweet,

wonderful, graceful, playful steps, with tinkling ankle-bells, with the

flooding moonlight of Her toes, and with a heart overwhelmed with beautiful

happiness, walks in the very opulent and sweet forest of Vrndavana, who

walking here and there in the very wonderful and beautiful forest, sings and

makes Her beloved sing, and who eternally enjoys transcendental pastimes, be

served day and night by me, whose only home is Vrndavana. (SVM 8.65-79)


When will my heart plunge in the blissful ocean of the beauty, sweetness,

and playfulness at Radha's two lotus feet? When, renouncing impersonal

liberation and all great material opulences as if they were a clump of

grass, will I reside in Vrndavana? My heart is enchanted by Sri Radha, who

walks in Her transcendental forest, Her feet beautiful as lotus flowers, Her

ankle-bells sweetly tinkling, Her feet flooding the surface of the ground

with a golden and reddish sweetness, and Her jeweled anklets and splendid

toe-rings brightly glistening. Will I, unmoved by the touch of the Vedic or

public opinion, my heart rapt in meditation on the greatest sweetness, and

the bumblebee of my heart intoxicated by tasting the great sweetness of the

nectar of the lotus flower of Sri Radha's feet, stay here in Vrndavana? Who

would not become enchanted by meditating on Sri Radha's youthfulness,

beauty, cooling nectar eloquent words, the graceful motions of Her golden

limbs, or Her tears, erect bodily hairs, and other symptoms of ecstatic

love? Please meditate on Sri Radha's face, which is like the whorl of

blossoming golden lotus illumined by a limitless shower of moonlight and

filled with very sweet nectar that Lord Hari, whose complexion is like a

blue lotus, yearns to taste. Please meditate on the moon of Radha's face,

which showers a great monsoon of splendid golden moonlight on the material

and spiritual worlds, and which is the life and soul of the cakora bird that

is Lord Krsna. I offer respectful obeisances to the eternally youthful queen

of Vrndavana, whose beautiful transcendental form is filled with the

sweetest nectar of pure transcendental love. Please meditate on the flooding

golden oceans of the sweet nectar of Sri Radha's love, which have now

covered the spiritual and material worlds. Many charming girls who make even

the most beautiful transcendental young girls seem as insignificant as so

many blades of grass, place their heads on the forest ground before the feet

of my queen, Radha. Please meditate on Sri Radha, who is the most splendidly

beautiful of all beautiful girls, and who is worshiped by the most

intelligent and beautiful girls in the three worlds. Let me glorify the gopi

maidservants who attend Sri Radha's lotus feet, from which flows a nectar

ocean of the bliss of unrestrained, sweet pure love. Even though I hav not

performed a single pious deed, and even though I have committed every sin,

shall I not attain spiritual perfection simply by chanting the two-syllable

mantra "Radha"?(SVM 9.2-13)


May I live in hell millions of times. May I never attain my desires. May the

Supreme Personality of Godhead decline to grant me His mercy, but may my

yearning to attain the sweetness of Sri Radha's lotus feet never become

slackened. Even the eyes and heart of Lord Hari are filled with boundless

yearnings to see the beauty of charming Radha's feet, which are decorated

with melodiously tinkling ankle-bells as She wanders with graceful steps in

the forest of Vrndavana. I pray that beauty may appear in my loving heart.

May Sri Radhika, who is plunged in the waves of the ocean of the sweetness

of youthful beauty, who is the great Deity of krsna-prema, whose dancing

knitted eyebrows contain millions of playful amorous desires, and who is as

sweet as nectar, appear in my heart. May my heart, overcome with the

sweetness of ecstatic love, become plunged in the eternally increasing ocean

of sweetness that moves over Srimati Radharani's beautiful, youthful,

transcendental form, the very sweet moonlight of Her face with its shy

smiles and crooked sidelong glances, Her wonderful words, graceful motions,

and all Her very sweet transcendental pastimes. I pray that Srimati

Radharani's youthful, charming, sweet, and wonderful transcendental limbs,

wonderful crooked sidelong glances, sweet shyness, enchanting gentle smile,

beauty, luster, graceful motions, and the first symptoms of Her blossoming

love for dark-complexioned Lord Krsna, may all appear before me. May my

queen, Radha, Her unlimitedly beautiful fair limbs anointed with kunkuma,

decorated with jewels and gold, and showering unlimited oceans of very sweet

transcendental splendor, and Her transcendental form bearing the wonderful

symptoms of the sweet nectar of Her passionate transcendental love for

dark-complexioned Lord Krsna, appear in my heart, which is now astonished by

the wonderful sweetness of Her every act. Above the highest transcendental

abode is the blissful kingdom of Vrndavana, where the wonderful youthful

divine couple are splendidly manifest. I offer my respectful obeisances to

that person who, situated in his own desired spiritual form, sweetly carries

out the orders of Lalita and the other gopis, who love the divine couple

more than their own life's breath. May I pass the moments of my life in the

land of Vrndavana, always meditating on the beauty of Sri Radha's lotus

feet, which are decorated with sweetly tinkling jeweled ankle bells. I pray

that Sri Radha's lotus feet, which are decorated with sweetly tinkling

ankle-bells, and are filled with limitless beauty, delicate softness, sweet

fragrance, a flood of transcendental splendor, and a host of other

transcendental virtuas, may appear before me. May my heart chant the glories

of Sri Radha's very beautiful lotus feet, which are golden above their

reddish soles, and which steal away the heart of Lord Hari with their sweet

transcendental splendor. On Sri Radha's lotus feet I gaze at the waves of

jewel splendor flowing from Her anklets and toe-rings and shining in the

splendid jewel moonlight of Her toenails. I meditate on the very fragrant

lotus flower of Sri Radha's feet, which is filled with the thick, sweet

honey of transcendental bliss, which the black bee of Lord Krsna yearns to

attain, and which even the goddess of fortune cannot attain. I pray that Sri

Radha's charming feet, which are beautifully decorated with jewel

ankle-bells, and which shine with a series of toenail moons set on a line of

newly sprouted very delicate flower toes, may appear before me. Everyone

please meditate on Lord Krsna's flute, which is now completely silenced by

the tinkling jewel ankle-bells on Radha's feet. All its hissing is now

useless. Now it is simply an object of laughter for all of Radha's friends.

Because Lord Krsna again and again smells them and presses them to His face,

eyes, and heart, Sri Radha's fragrant and pleasantly cooling lotus feet now

shine with a dark splendor. When, in this forest of Vrndavana, will the

flooding ocean of tghe great sweetness of Sri Radha's lotus feet devestate

my heart and fill it with unrestrained devotional love. I meditate on

Radha's lotus feet, their jewel toenails shining with great splendor, and

their charming ankle-bells tinkling during the very sweet and wonderful

pastimes in Vrndavana forest. (SVM 9.17-33)


A certain teen-age girl, whose transcendental form is situated in the

topmost limit of beauty, and the splendor of whose golden limbs fills the

forest of Vrndavana, has stolen the heart of dark-complexioned Lord Krsna.

In a grove of Vrndavana forest a golden vine, filled with buds like golden

lotus flowers, its face like a golden full moon, its waist very slender, and

its limitless transcendental beauty filling all directions is now embracing

a passionate, dark, transcendental tamala tree.(SVM 9.38-39)


All glories to the beautiful young girl whose complexion is splendid as

gold, who is the great sweetness of the nectar ocean of love, who is served

by many beautiful girls expert in many arts and skills, and who is the thief

that has stolen the heart of dark-complexioned Lord Krsna.(SVM 9.41)


May She who splashes all directions with great waves from the flooding ocean

of golden luster, who is enchanting with beauty, new youth, and skill in the

arts of passionate love, who is the personification of the blissful nectar

of pure love, who is the life of Lord Shyama, who is the Deity of

transcendental knowledge, and who is the ornhament of Vrndavana, eternally

shine in my heart. Glory, glory to Radha, a fathomless ocean of pure love!

Glory, glory to Krsna, who eternally thirsts to drink nectar with Her!

Glory, glory to the friends that bring Them together! Glory, glory to

Vrndavana, Their splendid abode! (SVM 9.44-45)


Eternally meditating on Sri Radha, taking shelter of the shade of Her lotus

feet, always filling his tongue with the nectar of Her holy name, staying

far away from women and men attached to women, considering their company

poison, and performing austerities, a saintly devotee resides here in

Vrndavana. His great devotion and renunciation increasing day by day, a

fortunate person will take shelter of Sri Radha's feet and reside in

Vrndavana. Thinking all scriptures that ignore Sri Sri Radha-Krsna a useless

waste of time, glowing with love for Sri Radha's lotus feet, performing

severe austerities, unconcerned about his material body, and friendly to

everyone, a saintly devotee resides in the transcendental abode of Sri

Vrndavana. (SVM 9.65-67)


Chanting the glories of the very sweet transcendental form and pastimes of

Sri Radha, I happily live in Vrndavana without the slightest care or

anxiety.(SVM 9.87)


Here in this forest of Vrndavana my heart has become enchanted by the

youthfulness, expert skill in the art of transcendental amorous pastimes,

ever new and splendid beauty, shyness, playful smiles, playful crooked

sidelong glances, playful graceful motions, very beautiful and splendid fair

complexion that makes the beholder become overwhelmed with transcendental

bliss, and charming transcendental sweetness of Sri Radha. When, because of

seeing the forest of Vrndavana with perfect clearness, will my heart,

jubilant with the sweet nectar of transcendental bliss and overwhelmed with

ecstatic pure love, become plunged in the golden, shoreless ocean of the

sweetness and beauty of Sri Radhika's transcendental form and pastimes,

which is filled with gracefulness, youthfulness, and charm, and which is the

thief that has stolen the heart of Sri Krsna. (SVM 10.8-9)


When will I become completely charmed by Sri Radha's transcendental form and

qualities? When will the graceful dancer of devotional service to Sri

Radha's lotus feet enter my heart? Sometimes his hairs standing erect,

sometimes chanting the holy name of Radha in a broken voice, sometimes

rolling about on the ground, and sometimes fainting a devotee overwhelmed

with ecstatic love wanders in the forest of Vrndavana. (SVM 10.36-37)


All glories to a certain young goddess, who is filled with the ultimate

sweetness of krsna-prema, and the waves of the glistening ocean of the

splendor of whose transcendental limbs has broken the differences of the

directions in Vrndavana. (SVM 10.44)


Filling all spiritual and material worlds with the splendor of Her

transcendental limbs, and flooding every place with the sweetness of Her

transcendental pastimes, a very beautiful teen-age girl, whose form is like

a golden vine agitated with pure love for Lord Shyama, is splendidly

manifest in Vrndavana's forest. Saintly theologians teach the graceful dance

known as pure devotional service to the lotus feet of Sri Radha. By this

dancing, whether a materialist like me, sinful or pious, blamed or praised,

one may take shelter of Vrndavana, where Sri Radha is splendidly manifest.

May I perform millions of wicked deeds. May I be filled with millions of

wicked thoughts and millions of horrible, senseless material desires in the

forest of Vrndavana, but may I never forget the holy name of Sri Radha. His

heart fatally pierced by volleys of terrible poisoned cupid's arrows shot by

the sweetness of Sri Radha's shy smiles and the pastimes of Her dancing

sidelong glances and the sweetly graceful movements of Her transcendental

body, a certain dark complexioned youth now staggers about in the forest of

Vrndavana. May Sri Radhika's youthfulness, charm, virtues, talents,

gracefully moving limbs, and beauty that floods all directions, appear in

our hearts. (SVM 10.46-50)


Not associating with women or men attached to women, taking shelter of this

holy place, remaining indifferent to all the dualities of material

existence, and maintaining the body by eating only a few roots or whatever

simple food is easily available, please place Sri Radha's lotus feet in your

heart sweetened with splendid ecstatic love, and please pass your days and

nights always chanting Her holy names in the forest of Vrndavana. (SVM



All glories to the youthful splendor named Radha, which rests on th lap of a

dark youth in Vrndavana forest, which has a glistening golden form plunged

in the flooding ocean of transcendental beauty, and which with the nectar of

ever-new transcendental love eclipses the glory of spiritual and material

worlds. (SVM 10.72)


Sri Radha is the supreme goddess of love. She is supreme in all spiritual

and material worlds. Her lotus eyes fill Laksmi and all the goddesses with

wonder. They pray for Her merciful glance. Lord Krsna is the supreme god of

love. His amorous passion has no limit. He is supreme over all. A single ray

of His splendor floods Lord Narayana in an ocean of happiness. (SVM 11.46)


One who is very fortunate worships Sri Radha's lotus feet, which are plunged

in the great ocean of transcendental beauty, plunged in the great ocean of

intense transcendental sweetness, plunged in the great ocean of golden

splendor, and filled with the wonderful tinkling of colorful anklets and the

great auspiciousness of the chest of the dark moon of Lord Krsna Go ahead

and attain material or spiritual happiness! Attain all the kinds of

liberation! Attain devotion to Lord Visnu! What is the value of these

things? What are they in comparison to a tiny fragment of the happiness of

serving Sri Radha's feet? (SVM 11.84-85)


A vine of pearls splendidly decorates the waterpot-breasts of Sri Radha. It

is Her touch that gives these pearls their beauty. O beautiful-faced girl,

your crooked dark eyes are now plunged into the crooked dark form of Lord

Hari. The friendship of similar things is natural in this world. (SVM



Vrndavana is the home of boundlessly wonderful and powerful transcendental

pastimes. Vrndavana is filled with limitless mercy. Ho happiness is superior

to happiness in Vrndavana. Without the merciful sidelong glance of Sri Radha

no one has the power to do anything. I am the perfect example. I know that I

suffer grievously because I have not attained Her mercy. Although Vrndavana

is the source of transcendental bliss, my heart cannot find any hahppiness

within it. O beautiful firl, I cannot for a moment look at Your beautiful

smiling face. How can a kumuda flower find happiness without the moon? Are

there not many very beautiful intelligent gopis here in Vrndavana? O Radha,

I see only You. Where can a cakkora bird go if he turns from the moon? O Sri

Radhika, if you are not merciful, then my mind and body will become racked

with pain and I will quickly die of grief. For this reason please always

cast Your glance of mercy on this person in Vrndavana. The girl named Sri

Radha is the most exalted form of the goddess of fortune. Her lover is the

most exalted form of the Supreme Personality of godhead. May the charming

youthful divine couple, which enjoys the nectar of transcendental amorous

pastimes in Vrndavana without beginning or end, be the object of my worship.

With charming devotional service please eternally worship charming Sri Sri

Radha-Krsna, Who eternally enjoy charming transcendental pastimes in the

charming groves of charming Vrndavana forest. In a splendid transcendental

body suitable for Radha's service, acting as a servant of Radha's feet, and

pleasing the heart of Radha's lover, eternally reside in Radha's forest. O

beautiful-faced Radha, gazing into Your face makes my eyes blossom with

happiness. The moon, which is the friend of the kumeda flowers, brings only

happiness to th kumudas. (SVM 11.109-117)


I have firm faith in the worship of Sri Radha. My heart burns with pain and

can find no peace. Except for the land of Vrndavana, what medicine is there

to cure me? (SVM 12.1)


A certain young, golden, and sweet lotus-flower girl is splendid with

charming and wonderful playfulness in the forest of Vrndavana. Wandering

above that lotus the black-bee Krsna has now become intoxicated by drinking

its nectar. I have now also become a bee and I have now landed on that

flower's red lotus feet. O lotus-eyed Radha, why do You anxiously gaze to

the east? Go to Your lover and remove His anxiety. O charming girl, is Your

face not as splendid as millions of moons? O Radha, now that You have

rejected Him with harsh words, Your charming lover, dressed in a disguise,

has come outside Your place and with the voice of a cuckoo, sings Your

glories. In your heart please see the splendor of Vrndavana's god of love,

which Sri Sri Radhika-Madhava drink with the cupped hands of Their restless

eyes. (SVM 12.21-24)


"Radha, why do You not show Me Your beautiful golden lotus face so charming

with its knitted eyebrows? Why do You not show Me Your breasts which are the

abode of the most wonderful beauty?" May Lord Hari who, in the forest of

Vrndavana placed Radha on His lap, held Her chin, and gazed at Her face

smiling with these jokes of love, appear before me. Sri Krsna said: "O

Radha, I think of Your breasts and Your angry face with its knitted eyebrows

as two golden lotus flowers above which hovers a swarm of black bees."

Please meditate on the black stag Sri Radha has caught in the trap of love,

and with whom She plays day and night in the forest of Vrndavana. Sri Radha

is intoxicated by the sweetness of Vrndavana. She is intoxicated with

extraordinary love. The sound of the name 'Krsna' makes Her wild with thirst

to enjoy transcendental amorous pastimes. She is expert in the battlefield

of love. I offer my respectful obeisances to the splendid dark parrot that

stays on the unreachable top branches of the tall mango tree of the

Upanisads, that pleases the gopis, and that with the wonderful ropes of

intense love Sri Radha binds, forces to bow down, and pushes into the cage

of Her feet. Please meditate on the wonderful, handsome, restless, dark

parrot who, thinking them to be bimba fruits, bit the very sweet lips of Sri

Radha. Let me take shelter of the walking tamala tree embraced by an amorous

golden vine in the land of Vrndavana. O Radha, deep in Vrndavana forest You

have stolen the jewel of my heart. Please give to me the sweetness of Your

smile. I am your servant. She with face, eyes, breasts, hips, navel, feet,

hands, and other limbs very wonderful, it filled with with new blossoms,

splendid lotuses, playing deer, mountains, and riverbank beaches all very

beautiful, She with a transcendental form restless with passion, it filled

with flowering golden vines, She decorated with tinkling ornaments, it

charming with the sweet warbling of many birds, She with a splendid face

framed by beautifully glistening black braids, it the place where the

beautiful Yamuna flows, She with lips very beautiful and words filled with

currents of transcendental bliss, and it filled with swift and cooling

streams, may Sri Radha and the forest of Vrndavana simultaneously and

affectionately appear in my heart. (SVM 12.28-38)


This bumble bee will not fly to the beautiful blossoming malli flowers. He

will not fly to the charming kalivalli flowers. He will not fly to the

blossoming lotus flowers. He is not eager to taste the sweet fragrance of

the malati flowers. He will not look at thsmiling vasanti flowers. O Radha,

in this forest of Vrndavana He only flies to the lotus flower of Your feet.

(SVM 12.53)


On Sri Radha, whose lips are beautiful even when not decorated with

cosmetics, whose hands are like lotus flowers even when not anointed with

kunkuma, whose glistening dark lotus eyes are very beautiful even when not

anointed with mascara, whose long, smooth, glossy hair is very beautiful

even when not combed or tied, and who, even without wearing any ornaments,

is ornamented in the most beautiful way, please always meditate in this land

of Vrndavana. When the fortunate devotees consider that Vrndavana is more

dear to them than life itself, then Vrndavana is not difficult for them to

attain. If, by the mercy of the great devotees in Vrndavana, they attain

pure love, then the queen of Vrndavana will at once be easily attained by

them. (SVM 13.5-6)


Exhausted by enjoying many pastimes in Vrndavana Forest, covered with drops

of perspiration, and like a full moon if the moon could be decorated with

beautiful strands of pearls, may Sri Radhika's lotus face protect you all.

If a blossoming golded lotus flower illumined by the light of numberless

hosts of splendid moons were to kill a black bumble bee, then I would

compare that sight to the face fo Sri Radha in Vrndavana. Lord Hari takes in

His fingers the red cosmetics touching Sri Radha's colorful jewel anklets

and with awe and reverence places it over His heart. Please worship

Vrndavana, where Sri Radha gracefully walks with Her soft and delicate feet.

(SVM 13.23-25)


A great wonder shines in Vrndavana. It is two blossoming lotus flowers. It

is two moons. It is two persons thirsting to taste sweet nectar in the

other. One is the splendor of gold, and the other the glory of sapphire. Is

this the crest-jewel of honey-drinking black bees staring at a golden lotus

bud? At that moment Sri Radha smiled and shyly covered Her breasts. Please

meditate on Her in Vrndavana in this way. (SVM 13.26-27)


Meditate on Sri Radha's beautiful face, which would be like the whorl of a

golden lotus if the lotus had a row of pomegranate seeds, were splendid as

millions of full moons (SVM 13.29)


Her hand waving away the bees greedy after the very wonderful sweet

fragrance of Her beautiful transcendental form, and Her eyes blossoming with

eagerness and bliss, Sri Radha walks along the paths in Vrndavana forest and

enjoys transcendental pastimes with Her beloved. When my queen Radha becomes

filled with jealous anger, and Her friends tell Her to refuse to talk with

Him, stunned Lord Hari pleases Her by offering Her many flowers, fruits, and

other gifts from Vrndavana forest. Let me glorify Vrndavana forest. When Sri

Radha, the hairs on Her transcendental body erect in transcendental bliss,

describes the many glories of Vrndavana forest, then the bumblebees stop

singing, the female cuckoos no longer sound the fifth note, the parrot stops

tracing his melody, the peacock dancer no longer calls out "keka", the

embarrassed lute makes no sound, and the flute does not sing. Every day the

parrots and then the gopi-maidservants happily recite Sri Radha's virut-poem

splendidly glorifying Sri Vrndavana. When my queen made Her lover hear it,

He became overwhelmed with bliss and love. I pray that my mind be always

rapt in meditation on Sri Vrndavana. (SVM 13.38-41)


May playful Sri Radha, whose kind and gentle smile reveals beautiful

jasmine-bud teeth, who wears an exquisite blue silk garment decorated with

splendidly colorful spots, and who is glorious in the charming forest groves

filled with gunja and bumblebees, eternally reside in my heart. May Sri

Radha, who wears a string of splendid black gunja that once rested on Lord

Krsna's neck, who has stolen the great treasure that is the heart of Lord

Krsna who continually thirsts to enjoy transcendental pastimes with Her, who

enjoys many loving transcendental pastimes in the charming forest groves,

and who removes the host of sufferings sprung from the lack of devotion to

Her, become manifest in my heart. May Sri Radha, whose face is moonlight

drunk by the cakora birds of Lord Krsnacandra's eyes, who is the personified

Deity of transcendental love, who is maddened with amorous passion, who

wears a garland of splendid golden campaka flowers that attract swarms of

restless bees, and who shines with transcendental splendor, bring peace to

my suffering heart. (SVM 13.72-74)


In my heart I meditate on Sri Radhik, who, as the autumn moon shines

brilliantly, Her form camouflaged with sandal paste, a necklace of pearls,

and newly washed white garments, is very eager to meet Her lover in Her own

forest garden of jasmine flowers. May Srimati Radhika who, passionately

yearning to meet Lord Madanamohana in the newly blossoming forest of

Vrndavana, saw the wonderfully colorful forest, became at once stunned, Her

feet unable to walk on the path, and had to be carried along by Her dear

companion, appear in my heart. (SVM 13.96-97)


I pray that my mind may become a singing bumblebee in the dust of Sri

Radhika's feet in the land of Vrndavana, where Lord Krsna eternally enjoys

transcendental amorous pastimes. (SVM 14.14)


If Radha lifts Her head and gently smiles, then of what use are the rising

of the full moon or the forests of blossoming lotus flowers? If, pretending

to wish to see the forest, She goes there, taking the hand of a gopi friend,

then the night in beautiful Vrndavana forest becomes filled with nectar.

This bumblebee is now drinking the honey of that blossoming golden lotus

moving to and fro in the waves of the Yamuna. Radha, why do You smile?

Should a great bumblebee not boldly take this honey in Vrndavana forest? O

Radha, seeing this khanjana bird on the broad banks of the Yamuna, the

khanjana baird of My eyes now wishes to go to the shore of Your thighs. Now

that the handsome black bees are drinking the honey of the lotus flowers in

Vrndavana, I have become filled with the desire to drink the honey of Your

beautiful lotus face. Wonderfully decorated with colorful flowers, Sri Radha

enjoys passionate amorous pastimes with a great bumblebee in the beautiful

newly-blossoming groves of Vrndavana, which are filled with swarms of

buzzing bees. (SVM 14.23-26)


"When you simply wish for Sri Radhika's protection, illusion at once flees

in fear." O wretched heart, from where have you gotten these hundred feigned

symptoms of ecstatic love, as real as a host of flowers imagined to float in

the sky? (SVM 14.41)


I worship Radha who, hastily dressed, garments and ornaments in the wrong

places, earrings swinging on Her cheeks, eyes moving restlessly, and flower

ornaments falling from Her braided hair, not boubting Her friends, runs to

drink the nectar of seeing Her beloved in glorious Vrndavana. When a gopi

praises Vrndavana forest, Radha becomes overwhelmed. Dropping Her vina, not

tying Her hair and belt, and not telling Her friends, She eagerly begins to

run there, happily followed by the other gopis. (SVM 14.72-73)


I meditate on Sri Radha's splendid reddish lotus feet, which with

melodiously tinkling anklebells walk on the golden pavements of Vrndavana.

(SVM 14.97)


Because of ceaseless offenses to Sri Radha one falls into the ocean of

suffering without hope of rescue. Only Vrndavana's merciful glance can

rescue him. (SVM 14.100)


Please worship Sri Radha who, at first filled with jealous anger by the

cruel words of Her friends, and then worshiped with sweet words Her lover

sent through a messenger, now runs to Her lover's place in Vrndavana forest.

The girl names Radha, who is the goddess of amorous weapons able to wound

the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the goddess of beautiful, sweet,

ecstatic transcendental love, who is the goddess of sweet transcendental

pastimes, and who is the goddess that rules the life-breath of the prince of

Vraja, awakens in Vrndavana forest. With the movements of Her eyebrows She

creates millions of millions of Kamadevas. With Her playful words She

creates millions of nectars. With the splendor of Her smiling face She

creates millions of moons. With the splendor of Her transcendental limbs She

creates millions of great oceans of the nectar of love. This is Sri Radhika,

who enjoys transcendental pastimes with Her lover. She is the controller of

my life. (SVM 15.5-7)


Making a crown of jewels and wonderful flowers, placing it and garlands,

earrings, other ornaments, and a new peacock feather on the newly-arriving

glistening monsoon cloud Krsna, some of Her friends told to stay far away

and some initiated into a vow of silence, She runs, embraces Vrndavana's

moon Krsna, and cries. May Sri Radha shine in my heart. May the most

beautiful gopi, Sri Radha, who when the Lord of Her life arrived decorated

with flowers from Candravali's forest garden, would not walk to embrace Him

or move a finger or eye to recognize Him, protect us. I meditate on Sri

Radha who, when Krsna said: "All of Vrndavana has attained the kindness of

Your feet. Only with Your permission will I ever go to Candravali's house,"

wept, and when Her forcibly embraced Her, called out "No! No!" in a flood of

distressed words. Even as the moon faded, the sun shone brightly, the

tumultuous sounds of the birds filled all directions, and Her friends

gathered in the doorway, trembling, shy Sri Radhika did not retreat from

Lord Krsna's passionate embrace in the cottage of vines in Vrndavana forest.

(SVM 15.10-12)


Dressed in wonderful garments and ornaments, dancing with wonderful grace,

Her small golden bells jingling, Her bracelets and anklets tinkling, and Her

graceful gestures full of charm, Srimati Radhika fills her friends, Lord

Hari, and the entire forest of Vrndavana with wonder. I meditate on Sri

Radhika who, wonderfully dressed, wonderfully decorated with wonderful

jewels and wonderful rings and necklaces, and Her braided hair set with

wonderful and splendid lotus garlands, with wonderful grace and charm dances

with Her partner, who is wonderfully decorated with a peacock-feather crown,

in the circle of the rasa dance. (SVM 15.14-15)


In Vrndavana forest a sweet and inconceivably glorious goddess is hidden.

Please humbly bow before Her with folded hands. Worship Her with splendid

and fragrant blue flowers. Circumambulate Her and bow down before Her. In

with love in your heart you carefully keep the blissful treasure of pure

devotional service, then I will tell you the truth: sometimes when Krsna

sweetly places the vine of His arm around Radha's neck, She responds with

"No! No!" I shall tell you a mantra that is hidden from all the Vedas and

not manifested anywhere in the most confidential scriptures. When a person

chants this mantra the great spiritual perfections come before his feet and

the opulences of the Supreme Personality of Godhead stand in his hand. For a

person who chants this mantra ther are no orders or prohibitions. A person

who understands the dust of this mantra's lotus feet purifies they who know

the rules of the Vedas. This mantra is the sweetest nectar. It is the

auspiciousness of all auspiciousness. It is filled with all limitless

wonderful glory. It is the attainment of all attainments. It is the ultimate

goal of all goals. It is the wild bliss of all wild blisses. They say it is

the secret of all secrets. Without thinking of anything else, day and night

chant this mantra: Radha. This mantra is a flood of sweetness churned from

the sweetest nec

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