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>From one of the best glorifications of Radharani. Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi by

Prabodhanada Sarasvati Thakura, translated by Kusakratha prabhu


Text 3





tasy€ namo 'stu vabh€nu-bhuvo mahimne


brahmevar€di-beginning with Brahma and Siva; su-dur™ha-unattainable;

pad€ravinda-lotus feet; r…mat-glorious; par€ga-pollen; param€dbhuta-most

wonderful; vaibhav€y€ƒ-glorfy; sarv€rtha-s€ra-rasa-vari-showering the best

of all nectars; kp€rdra-moistened with mercy; d˜eƒ-from the glance;

tasy€-of Her; namaƒ-obeisances; astu-should be; vabh€nu-bhuvaƒ-the

daughter of Vrsabhanu; mahimne-to the glory.



Obeisances to the glory of ®r… Vabh€nu's daughter. Even Brahm€, ®iva

and all the demigods cannot attain the pollen of Her lotus feet. Her

merciful glance showers the best of all nectars.


Text 4


yo brahma-rudra-uka-n€rada-bh…ma-mukhyair

€lakito na sahas€ puruasya tasya

sadyo-va…-karaŠa-c™rŠam ananta-aktiˆ

taˆ r€dhik€-caraŠa-reŠum anusmar€mi


yaƒ-who; brahma-rudra-uka-n€rada-bh…ma-mukhyaiƒ-headed by Brahma,

Siva, Suka, Narada, and Bhisma; €lakitaƒ-seen; na-not; sahas€-forcibly;

puruasya-of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; tasya-of Him;

sadyo-va…-karaŠa-bringing under control; c™rŠam-powder;

ananta-aktim-limitless power; tam-to that; r€dhik€-caraŠa-reŠum-the dust of

®r… R€dh€'s feet; anusmar€mi-I meditate.



I meditate on the dust of ®r… R€dh€'s feet, dust that even Brahma,

Siva, ®ukadeva, N€rada, Bh…ma, and a host of great saints cannot see, dust

that has limitless power, dust that at once transforms the Supreme

Personality of Godhead into ®r… R€dh€'s submisive servant.



Text 5


€dh€ya m™rdhani yad €pur ud€ra-gopyaƒ

k€myaˆ padaˆ priya-guŠair api piccha-mauleƒ

bh€votsavena bhajat€ˆ rasa-k€madhenuˆ

taˆ r€dhik€-caraŠa-reŠum ahaˆ smar€mi


€dh€ya-placing; m™rdhani-on the head; yat-which; €puƒ-attained;

ud€ra-gopyaƒ-noble gop…s; k€myam-to be desired; padam-attainment;

priya-guŠaiƒ-with pleasing qualities; api-also;

piccha-mauleƒ-peacock-feather crown; bh€va-of love; utsavena-with a

festival; bhajat€m-worshiping; rasa-k€madhenum-a kamadhenu cow of rasa;

tam-that; r€dhik€-caraŠa-reŠum-the dust of ®r… R€dh€'s feet; aham smar€mi-I




I meditate on the dust of ®r… R€dh€'s feet, dust that becomes a

k€madhenu cow to give the nectar of rasa as the devotees celebrate a

festival of spiritual love. Placing this dust on their heads, the beautiful

gop…s attain something even peacock-feather-crowned KŠa yearns to attain.


Text 206


k€maˆ t™likay€ kareŠa hariŠ€ y€laktakair a‰kit€

n€n€-keli-vidagdha-gopa-ramaŠ…-vndais tath€ vandit€

y€ sa‰guptatay€ tathopaniad€ˆ hdy eva vidyotite

s€ r€dh€-caraŠa-dvay… mama gatir l€syaika-l…l€may…


k€mam-voluntarily; t™likay€-with a brush; kareŠa-with the hand;

hariŠ€-by KŠa; y€-who; €laktakaiƒ-with red lac; a‰kit€-marked;

n€n€-various; keli-pastimes; vidagdha-expert; gopa-ramaŠ…-vndaiƒ-by the

gop…s; tath€-so; vandit€-offered respectful obeisances; y€-who;

sa‰guptatay€-secretly; tath€-so; upaniad€m-of the Upanisads; hdi-in the

heart; eva-indeed; vidyotite-effulgent; s€-She; r€dh€-caraŠa-dvay…-the two

feet of ®r… R€dh€; mama-of me; gatiƒ-the goal; l€syaika-l…l€may…-playful and




®r… R€dh€'s playful dancing feet, which KŠa, holding a painter's

brush in His hand, paints with red lac, to which the playful, intelligent,

and beautiful gop…s offer obeisances, and which, splendid and glorious, are

hidden in the heart of the Uapniads, are the only goal of my life,




Text 241


ucchi˜€mta-bhuk tavaiva caritaˆ Švaˆs tavaiva smaran

p€d€mbhoja-rajas tavaiva vicaran kuñj€ˆs tavaiv€lay€n

g€yan divya-guŠ€ˆs tavaiva rasade pasyaˆs tavaiv€ktiˆ

r…-r€dhe tanu-v€‰-manobhir amalaiƒ so 'haˆ tavaiv€ritaƒ


ucchi˜a-remnant; amta-nectar; bhuk-tasting; tava-of You; eva-indeed;

caritam-pastime; Švaˆƒ-hearing; tava-of You; eva-indeed;

smaran-remembering; p€d€mbhoja-rajaƒ-the pollen of the lotus feet; tava-of

You; eva-indeed; vicaran-thinking; kuñj€ˆƒ-forest groves; tava-of You;

eva-indeed; €lay€n-abodes; g€yan-singing; divya-guŠ€ˆƒ-transcendental

virtues; tava-of You; eva-indeed; rasade-sweet; pasyaˆƒ-seeing; tava-of You;

eva-indeed; €ktim-form; r…-r€dhe-O ®r… R€dh€; tanu-v€‰-manobhiƒ-with body,

mind, and words; amalaiƒ-pure; saƒ-he; 'ham-I; tava-of You; eva-indeed;

€ritaƒ-taken shelter.



Eating the remnants of Your meal, hearing Your pastimes, meditating on

the dust of Your lotus feet, walking to the forest groves that are Your

home, singing of Your divine virtues, and gazing on Your form, with a pure

body, mind, and words, I take shelter of You, O ®r… R€dh€, O giver of



Text 266


yad r€dh€-pada-ki‰kar…-kta-hdaˆ samyag bhaved gocaraˆ

dhyeyaˆ naiva kad€pi yad dhdi vin€ tasy€ƒ kp€-sparataƒ

yat prem€mta-sindhu-s€ra-rasadaˆ p€paika-bh€j€m api

tad vnd€vana-dupravea-mahim€caryaˆ hdi sphurjatu


yat-what; r€dh€-pada-ki‰kar…-kta-hdam-placed in the hearts of ®r…

R€dh€'s maidservants; samyag-completely; bhavet-may be; gocaram-the range of

perception; dhyeyam-the object of meditation; na-not; eva-indeed;

kad€pi-ever; yat-what; hdi-in the heart; vin€-without; tasy€ƒ-of Her;

kp€-sparataƒ-from the touch of mercy; yat-what;

prem€mta-sindhu-s€ra-rasadam-the nectar ocean oflove; p€paika-bh€j€m-of

sinners; api-also; tat-that; vnd€vana-dupravea-mahim€caryam-the wonder

of Vnd€vana's glories; hdi-in the heart; sphurjatu-may be manifested.



May the wonderful and rare glory of Vnd€vana, glory that is seen in

the hearts of the gop…s who serve R€dh€'s feet, glory that cannot be

understood by a heart untouched by R€dh€'s mercy, glory that floods even

sinners with the sweet nectar of spiritual love, appear in my heart.


Text 269


kv€haˆ mudha-matiƒ kva n€ma param€nandaika-s€raˆ rasaˆ

r…-r€dh€-caraŠ€nubh€va-kathay€ niƒsyandam€n€ giraƒ

lagnaƒ komala-kuñja-puñja-vilasad-vnd€˜av…-maŠale

kr…ac-chr…-vabh€nuj€-pada-nakha-jyoti-cha˜€ƒ prayasaƒ


kva-where?; aham-I; mudha-matiƒ-fool; kva-where; n€ma-indeed;

param€nandaika-s€ram-the essence of love and bliss; rasam-nectar;

r…-r€dh€-caraŠ€nubh€va-kathay€-by descriptions of ®r… R€dh€'s lotus feet;

niƒsyandam€n€-flowing; giraƒ-words; lagnaƒ-placed;

komala-kuñja-puñja-vilasad-vnd€˜av…-maŠale-in the graceful gove of

Vnd€vana forest; kr…at-playing; r…-vabh€nuj€-of ®r… R€dh€;

pada-nakha-jyoti-cha˜€ƒ-splendor of the toenails; prayasaƒ-greatly.



What kind of person am I? I am a fool. What is the nature of ®r…

R€dh€'s name? It is the sweet nectar of transcendental bliss. What in this

book seem to be words describing ®r… R€dh€'s feet are actually the splendor

of playful ®r… R€dh€'s toenails in the graceful and splendid groves of


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