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Pamho. AgtSP.


> Mostly, the chief proponents of this doctrine are not very inclined to

> submissive hearing, but seem more to rely on their own strengths of

> logical reasoning. But herein lies the problem. In the assembly of

> Vaisnavas, this submissive hearing and reliance on the blessings of Krsna

> within the heart to give sufficient understanding and realization are

> paramount. If we abandon this humility and submissive hearing from the

> realized soul and take shelter instead of our own reason and logic, we

> will open the door to delusion.


Thank you for bringing this problem to the public and thank you for posting

the nice quote from Srila Prabhupada. As you are very nicely pointing out

the "No fall vadis" are not very inclined to submissive hearing but rely

more on logical reasoning. Therefore even such nice quotes which you just

supplied are not enough for them because they allready have a so called

"answer" to why Srila Prabhupada said what he said. They say that he says

these things only for preaching purposes but actually he believed something

else and thus they throw out the whole thing right out the window. This is

how far it has gone.


As far as I see it the main problem is the difficulty for the "No Fall

Vadis" to understand when Srila Prabhupada makes statements in the same mode

as the statement from the purport of SB 7.1.35 where Srila Prabhupada says:

"Otherwise it is a fact that no one falls from Vaikuntha." The "NFV" people

think that this means that those who are in the material world have not come

from Vaikuntha. They reason "Just see! Srila Prabhupada is saying here that

it is a fact that no one falls from Vaikuntha" and then they are happily

thinking that they have understood everything. This is their main mistake in

my opinion.


And I would say the main mistake of the members of ISKCON is to not supply

an answer to the NFV:s challenge. Srila Prabhupada has explained in many

places how it is a fact that no one falls from Vaikuntha and at the same

time include those who are in the material world.


In other words he has explained how the fallen conditioned souls come from

Vaikuntha but they have not fallen from Vaikuntha. This sounds like a

contradiction for the uninformed but Srila Prabhupada has explained how this

works and it makes perfect sense (It is not just my dreaming. It is the

explanation of Srila Prabhupada).


The second big mistake which is acting as big stumbling block in this whole

process of answering the challenges of the NFV:s is the misunderstanding

that Srila Prabhupada supposedly thinks that the subject is not an important

topic. This is a big misunderstanding which is flourishing within ISKCON

which makes it very easy for the NFV:s to spread their philosophical

deviations within ISKCON without any oposition. There is no oposition

because the members of ISKCON are not trained ot answer those challenges

from the NFV:s. And the reason why they are not trained is because they

mistakenly think that the topic is not important. It is a very unfortunate

situation which has been established.


I have written a paper showing what Srila Prabhupada considered important

topics in this connection and what he considered not important topics to

show that actually Srila Prabhupada considered the real topic a very

important topic. In that paper I also show from the statements of Srila

Prabhupada how it is a fact that no one falls from Vaikuntha and how at the

same time the fallen conditioned souls come from Vaikuntha. This is all

explained by Srila Prabhupada and it is not so difficult to understand. In

fact it is quite simple.


When one understand how this works one will also realize that Srila

Prabhupada was only speaking about one topic. He was not speaking about two

contradictory philosophical views. One will understand that all the

statements of Srila Prabhupada in connection to the jiva topic are 100%

true, even the statement from the purport of SB 7.1.35 where Srila

Prabhupada says: "Otherwise it is a fact that no one falls from Vaikuntha."


My realization is that Srila Prabhupada is genious and he has so kindly

taken his time and energy to reveal the secrets of the sastras for our

benefit, but unfortunately some of us doesn't even bother to study what he

has said because we think it is not important. This is a very unfortunate

situation. It is also especially unfortunate that even leaders in ISKCON are

propagating that is not an important topic claiming that it comes from Srila

Prabhupada. For this they use quotes where Srila Prabhupada seemingly states

that it is not an important topic but if one examines those quotes then one

will see that they are speaking about subjects which are relating to this

subject but are not ment for the real topic.


I am sticking out my head here a little, but I am not doing this to try to

offend anyone. Those leaders who maybe are doing this are doing it because

they think this is the desire of Srila Prabhupada. They are definitely

worthy my respect because they are very dear to Srila Prabhupada and Lord

Krishna and are doing very valuable services to the Lord. They are helping

so many to come to the lotus feet of the Lord so there is no reason to try

to find fault in them. But the fact is that many devotees are loosing their

faith in Srila Prabhupada because of the attacks of the NFV people and they

are loosing their faith because they are not prepared to defend the

challenges from the NFV people. That weakness comes from the

misunderstanding that the topic is not important.


Those things which Srila Prabhupada considers unimportant are of course

unimportant and if one studies more carefully one will see why he thinks

they are unimportant.


After more deep studies one will realize that Srila Prabhupada are speaking

about many topics. There is not only one topic and not even only two topics

but many topics in this connection and some are very important according to

Srila Prabhupada and some are not at all important. If one thinks that it is

all one and the same thing and dissmis it all as unimportant then one will

make a big mistake.


To understand philosophy requires engagement.


In short if one doesn't study carefully what Srila Prabhupada is actually

saying one will throw out the baby with the bathwater. And to throw out

babies is not very auspicious ;).



Svarupa das

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