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Answer to Allegations Made Against H.H. Narayana Maharaja

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> It is obviously completely false to say that Srila Maharaja is against

> book distribution and preaching, and the facts which disprove this

> statement have always been readily and openly available.

He is

> committed to the production and distribution of books, and he also

> emphasizes that it is not enough to go on distributing books without

> advancing in Krsna consciousness. "Some are telling that you should always

> be distributing books and making money for your whole life, and this will

> take you to Goloka Vrindavana in the service of gopi-prema. This is quite

> absurd, quite absurd .... They should know that this book distribution

> alone will not be sufficient to achieve the final goal".


This point is very clear and proved by the solid evidences, i am impressed.


> Babaji Phobia

"What he is now preaching and

> delivering clearly comes from outside the line of Bhaktisiddhanta

> Sarasvati Thakura. He did not get this from Bhakti Prajnana Kesava

> Maharaja, his diksa guru". This statement is completely false. In fact,

> Maharaja has deeply studied the sastras and the commentaries of all of our

> acaryas, and quotes them in all of his preaching and teaching. Will

> Ravindra Svarupa please specify precisely what Maharaja is teaching and

> delivering that is outside the line of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura,

> and that he did not get from his Guru Maharaja?


If there are any false teachings emanated from Narayan Maharaj, they should

be pointed out and serious philosophical debate should take place to clear

out doubts which rose up in the minds of many devotees.


> Regarding "rasika shiksha", Maharaja recently pointed out that his

> spiritual master gave him Gopala mantra to Gopi-jana Vallabha; Kama

> gayatri (which is specifically for raganuga-bhakti in parakiya-rasa); and

> the sannyasa mantra (which is for taking exclusive shelter of gopi-bhava).

> Maharaja also studied the Gosvami literatures such as Ujjvala-Nilamani

> under his Guru Maharaja's guidance. Maharaja concluded, "So what did I not

> receive from my Guru Maharaja?"


This we have no way to check, only by studying 11 anubhavas we can examine

advance devotee.



> In his eagerness to portray Srila Narayana Maharaja as a sahajiya,

> Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu alleges that Maharaja regularly associates with

> two kisori women behind closed doors. This is a myth. We challenge

> Ravindra Svarupa to name any such women.


> He has failed in his attempt to establish that Srila Narayana Maharaja is

> a sahajiya.


Is any solid proof that Narayan Maharaj claimed himself to be/act as Krsna

and engaged in any kind of illicied activities?



> Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu states that Srila Narayana Maharaja privately

> belittles Srila Prabhupada.


I can hardly believe. If Narayan Maharaj belittles Srila Prabhupada, how

good standing Prabhupada disciples would peacefully hear such things?


I have been observing Maharaja closely for two

> and a half years, and talking to other Godbrothers and Godsisters' and I

> can say that this statement is completely untrue.


As we mature, we come to

> accept that Srila Prabhupada has appeared in the context of our sampradaya

> and the present Gaudiya community, whose members may from time to time

> emphasize different aspects of siddhanta and practice.


It can be risky.

Srila Prabhupada

> writes that such disagreements between pure devotees are on the

> transcendental platform. There is a danger that immature devotees, being

> unable to reconcile such apparent contradictions, may choose to take

> sides, and may commit offences to one Vaisnava in the name of following

> another.




> Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu asserts: "After all, Narayana Maharaja is claiming

> that he is Srila Prabhupada's direct successor. All in ISKCON are urged to

> acknowledge him as our authorized spiritual master". This is inaccurate

> hearsay. Some of Maharaja's zealous followers may have suggested this, but

> Maharaja has never done so.


It can be but if Narayan Maharaj will not correct his zealous followers he

will allow romors to be spread what will hamper him too, and in near future

his zealous followers can claim him(NM) to be saktyavesa avatar, or Krsna

himself, as it was in SP case in 1970.


> Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu and the GBC have said that it is not possible to

> take shiksha from Srila Narayana Maharaja because there are differences

> between what he says and what Srila Prabhupada has said. But we also find

> major differences between Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura and his

> spiritual master (who' for example, forbade him to go to Calcutta to

> preach). There are differences between the practices in Srila Prabhupada's

> mission and in that of his spiritual master. Many senior devotees maintain

> that there are also significant differences between Srila Prabhupada's

> instructions and the practices promoted by the GBC. In fact, it is

> practically impossible to find any instance of "non-difference" between

> members of our guru parampara.


This is questionable counterargument.


I put again my question - is it true that Narayan Maharaj claim to have

right to deceive his followers, because one has to be deceiver like Krsna to

enter Vrndaban? This was in Ravindra Svarupa's paper and was not


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