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Srimati Radharani's mercy on Shyamananda

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One day Radha and Krsna, along with their sakhis, were dancing and singing

joyfully within the kunja. Holding one anothers hands Radha and her sakhis

made a circle around Krsna. They danced delightfully, and Krsna, whose

beauty charms Cupid himself, danced along with them while other sakhis sang

and played musical instruments.

When Sri Radha danced, Krsna observed with great joy. Sometimes she

danced, and other times she enjoyed watching her sakhis dance. The

perfection of the eyes is to see these divine amusements, which are all

meant for the pleasure of Krsna. While Radhika danced on and on,

unknowingly, one of her ankle bells(nupura?) became lose and fell to on the

ground. Neither she, nor her sakhis, noticed it.After dancing, Radha and

Krsna went to bed and relished loving pastimes throughout the night, as the

sakhis observed (stealthily?) through the windows. Upon awaking at dawn,

the sakhis requested Radha Krsna to get up from bed. After some time Radha

reluctantly arose. Fearful of the chastisement of her relatives she quickly

started for her house. The sakhis also returned to their homes, unaware of

the lost ankle bell. Sri Radha had planned this incident just to show her

mercy to Shyamananda.

In the morning Shyamananda Goswami went to perform his regular daily

service to the kunj (nikunj?). He took darshan, paid his obeisances, and

began cleaning under the desire tree (kalpataru). There he found the golden

ankle bell.

The entire surface of the kunj was glowing due to the ankle bells

effulgence. Its brightness overshadowed the glittering of a golden

mirror(?). It seemed as if the sun itself had appeared there personally.

Seeing this, Shyamananda fainted on the spot. Sometime passed before he

regained consciousness, then taking the ankle bell in his hand he placed it

on his head. Immediately his throat choked up with emotion and all the

symptoms of ecstasy appeared in his body. Overwhelmed with love, he kissed

the ankle bell and clasped it to his heart, then again fell unconscious on

the ground of the kunj.

After considerable time he again came to his senses and began

calling the names of Radha Krsna. Running frantically here and there he

searched for their Lordships. Unable to find them, he was filled with

distress. Mad with love, he cried out desperately, "When shall I see Radha

Krsna." Eventually he pacified himself, tied the ankle bell around his

neck, and continued cleaning the kunj.

Meanwhile, after entering her room, Radha was perturbed to find one

of her ankle bells missing. Thinking that she may have dropped it in the

kunja, she ordered Lalita to go there and search for it. Lalita Sundari, in

the disguise of an old lady hurried to the kunj.

Upon seeing Shyamananda, Lalita asked his name, and he replied

"Dukhini Krsnadasa". "Have you seen the ankle bell of my daughter-in-law?"

Lalita inquired. "She came to the Jamuna to fetch water and due to her

carelessness one of her precious golden ankle bells fell from her foot in

this kunj. If you have found it please return it and I will gladly reward


"Tell me frankly", Goswami asked, "Where do you live and what is

your name?

"I am Radha dasi", Lalita replied, concealing her identity. "I

belong to a Kanoj brahmana family of Vraja."

Hearing this Goswami admitted, "Thakurani, I did find an ankle bell,

but it cannot be yours. It must belong to Sri Radha, because the moment I

touched the ankle bell I felt as if I was falling deep into the ocean of

love of God. My heart swelled with ecstatic love and I fell unconscious.

No ordinary ankle bell could induce such feelings. Now listen to me, this

ankle bell surely belongs to Sri Radha. If you insist that it belongs to you

I will certainly return it, but first I want to see where you live. I will

show the ankle bell to the inhabitants of your village and they must

identify it as yours. If they will act as your witnesses, I will immediately

give it back. Otherwise I shall wear it myself until I am able to return it

to the feet of the rightful owner.

Hearing this, Lalita finally confessed, "You are right. I have tried

to deceive you. This ankle bell certainly belongs to Srimate Radharani. I

am very pleased with you, ask any boon for yourself and I will happily grant

it, afterwards I will take the ankle bell. The daughter of Vrsabhanu will

also be extremely pleased with you for finding her ankle bell."

Goswami earnestly replied, "O Thakurani, I must know your real

identity. Only after you have revealed your true self to me will I ask my


Taking Goswami to a secluded place Lalita confessed, "I am Lalita, a

maidservant of Sri Radha. Listen to me Duhkini Krsna das, you are anxious

to see my real form, but such a revelation will certainly be too much for

you to bear."

"By your mercy anything is possible," he protested.

Submitting to his desire Lalita agreed, "Alright Krsna das, I shall

reveal my real self. Close your eyes."

Goswami shut his eyes, then Lalita ordered, "Look at me Krsna das."

Opening his eyes Goswami witnessed the extraordinary beauty of Lalita.

Overwhelmed with ecstasy he fell on the ground unconscious. Sri Lalita devi

lovingly helped him to come to his senses, and Goswami bowed to her feet

with tears in his eyes. Holding the feet of Lalita on his head he smeared

the dust from her lotus feet over his entire body. Fully under the control

of divine love, he cried incessantly, unable to speak a word.

Seeing his state of mind, Lalita gently touched his body, pacifying

him. Satisfied by Goswami's devotional sentiments, Lalita said, "Krsna das

ask any type of boon from me.""I have nothing to ask for", Goswami said. "I

only want to be your servant and in this way serve Radha Krsna."

Lalita kindly fulfilled his desire saying, "You shall certainly

attain the association of Radha Krsna, but you cannot serve their Lordships

in this feature. You must prepare yourself mentally as a confidante of

Radha to have her darshan. Come with Sri Rupamanjari to the kunj and

observe the rasalila of Radha Krsna. Then you can witness all of our true

identities. For the remainder of this life stay with Sri Jiva and go on

tasting the essence of the rasalila. At the end of your life you will

attain the lotus feet of Sri Radhika. Now, accept this eternal mantra of

Radha Krsna. Whenever you chant this mantra you will be able to see their

Lordships." Showering her mercy upon him, Lalita gave Goswami the mantra

practiced by herself. Immediately upon reciting the mantra within the kunj

pure love arose within the mind of Goswami. Filled with joy he fell at the

feet of Lalita. She put her feet on his head, then taking him on her lap,

blessed him heartily.

Goswami then went to a particular spot in the kunja where he had

previously cleared the grass and dug a hole using a small spade(?). In that

hole he had hidden the ankle bell, along with the spade, covering them with

a cloth. Upon removing the cloth he found that the spade had been

transformed into gold by the touch of the ankle bell. Delighted, Goswami

brought the ankle bell to Lalita carrying it on his head. He place it

before her and fell prostrate on the ground offering obeisances.

Taking the ankle bell in her hand Lalita Sundari quickly placed it

to Goswami's head saying, "Let the touch of Sri Radhika's feet be on your

head." Again she touched the ankle bell to his forehead, suddenly two

vertical lines appeared on his forehead, and from the touch of the pinnacle

of the ankle bell a dot appeared in the middle of the tilak.

Goswami fell on the ground bowing to the feet of Lalitadevi. "From

today", Lalita said, "You will be known by the name Shyamananda. Having

attained the mercy of the lotus feet of Shyama (Radha) you have become

extremely fortunate. Now return to your kunj and do not tell anyone, except

Sri Jiva about this incident, otherwise you will not live long."

Overwhelmed with love Goswami again bowed before Lalita, crying

helplessly. Lalita consoled him and took her leave. She walked a few steps,

then suddenly disappeared from the kunj.

Goswami frantically began roaming from kunj to kunj crying loudly,

"Where is Lalita." Filled with ecstatic love he eventually returned to his

kunj and fell at the feet of Sri Jiva Goswami.

By the touch of Sri Lalita, the complexion of Shyamananda had been

transformed into a wonderful golden color. His beauty had increased to such

an extent that the entire world would certainly be enchanted by his


"Where have you been for so long", Sri Jiva inquired curiously, "and

how has your complexion become golden?"

Shyamananda replied, "My lord, I have been in my kunj. It is only

by the mercy of your lotus feet that my complexion has changed."

"You have become so beautiful," Sri Jiva said with wonder. "What is

that sign on your forehead? Who painted it there? Your body is filled with

love and your eyes are full of tears. Previously you wore tilak like the

temple of Sri Hari(?), who has given you this new tilak? You are definetly

hiding something from me Shyamananda, but I am not deceived. I know you have

received the mercy of Krsna, or maybe the mercy of Sri Radhika, because I

see the mark of her feet on your forehead. Now you must explain everything

to me.

"It is your mercy which has caused these tears of love and ecstasy

in my body", Shyamananda insisted. "The mark of your grace is the tilak on

my forehead. Please show me your mercy so that I may attain the spiritual


Syamananda had hidden the golden spade under a cloth in his room,

suddenly Sri Jiva noticed it and inquired: "What is under that cloth? Show

me and I'm sure I will understand everything.

Shyamananda uncovered the cloth, revealing the golden spade.

Astonished, Sri Jiva asked, "How is it possible that the iron spade has

become gold?"

"I shall tell you confidentially," Shyamananda softly replied, as I

was forbidden to tell anyone except you. Saying this he took Sri Jiva to a

secluded place and whispered the whole story in his ear. Filled with

happiness Sri Jiva placed Shyamananda on his lap saying, "Today I have

become your property. Because you have received the favor of the daughter

of Vrsabhanu, you have now become the most fortunate devotee."

Bowing at the feet of Sri Jiva, Shyamananda lovingly requested him

not to reveal this incident to anyone. "Say only that by the grace of my

spiritual master everything has taken place."

Concealing Shyamananda's secret, Sri Jiva simply told everyone that

due to the wish of Shyamananda's guru from now on Krsnadas would be known as

Shyamanada, and his tilak shall be known as Shyamanandi.

"I am a captive of your love," Shyamananda told Jiva. "By your mercy

I found the ankle bell, and by your mercy I was able to see Sri Lalita devi

and receive the mantra."

By the grace of the lotus feet of Shyamananda I received the ability

to write this book. Meditating on Sri Rupamanjari, I have described the

first chapter in a nutshell.


(Shyamananda Prakash by Krsnacarana das)

(Text 940) ----------------

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