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The Upadesavali of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura

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Letter COM:2686439 (108 lines) [W5]

Mundita Mastaka (das) (NE-BBT Russian)

09-Oct-99 03:43 +0300

Dvarakadhisa (das) IDS (PL) [531]

For: (Krsna) Katha

The Upadesavali of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura


The Upadesavali of Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Prabhupada


1. "Param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam --- supreme victory to the

congregational chanting of

Krsna's names" --- this is the Sri Gaudiya Matha's sole object of worship.


2. Sri Krsna, who is the visaya-vigraha or the object of the devotee's

prema, is the sole enjoyer and all others are to be enjoyed by Him.


3. Those who don't perform Hari-bhajana are ignorant and murderers of their

own souls.


4. The acceptance of Sri Harinama and direct realization of Bhagavan are one

and the same.


5. Those who equate the demigods with Visnu are unable to serve Bhagavan.


6. Establishing a printing press to print devotional books and preaching by

organizing nama-

hatta programs constitutes genuine service to Sri Mayapura.


7. We are not doers of good or bad deeds, nor are we scholars or illiterate.

Ñarrying the shoes of Hari's pure devotees as our duty, we are initiates

into the mantra "kirtaniyah sada hari".


8. Preaching without proper conduct falls within the category of karma,

mundane activity.

Without criticizing the nature of others, one should correct one's self ---

this is my personal



9. Serving the Vraja-vasis who felt great separation from Krsna when He left

Vraja to reside in

Mathura is our supreme constitutional occupation.


10. If we desire to follow an auspicious course in life, then disregarding

the theories of even

countless people we should hear only instructions from a transcendental



11. Life as an animal, bird, insect, or any other of the countless thousands

of species is acceptable, but taking shelter of deceit is thoroughly

improper. Only an honest person possesses real auspiciousness.


12. Simple-heartedness is synonymous with Vaisnavism. Servants of a

paramahamsa Vaisnava should be simple-hearted, a quality which makes them

the topmost brahmanas.


13. Helping to draw conditioned souls away from their perverted attachment

to the material

energy is the greatest compassion. If even one soul is rescued from

Mahamaya's fortress, that compassionate act is infinitely more benevolent

than the construction of unlimited hospitals.


14. We have not come to this world to be construction workers; we are the

bearers of Sri Caitanya-deva's instructions.


15. We will not remain in this world for long, and by profusely performing

Hari-kirtana, upon

relinquishing these material bodies we will experience the ultimate reward

of embodied life.


16. The foot-dust of Sri Rupa Gosvami, the fulfiller of Sri Caitanyadeva's

inner desires, is our

lives' sole desired object.


17. If I were to desist from lecturing about the Absolute Truth due to being

fearful that some

listeners may be displeased, I would be deviating from the path of Vedic

truth and accepting

the path of untruth. I would become one who is inimical to the Vedas, an

atheist, and would

no longer possess faith in Bhagavan, the very embodiment of truth.


18. Krsna's darsana can only be attained through the medium of the ear as

one hears Hari-

katha from pure Vaisnavas; there is no other way.


19. Wherever Hari-katha is being spoken is a holy place.


20. Proper sravana, hearing, is accomplished through the medium of kirtana,

and this will give one the good opportunity to practice smarana,

remembrance. Then internal experience of

rendering direct service to the astakaliya-lila, Sri Radha-Krsna's pastimes

in each of the eight

parts of the day, becomes possible.


21. We should understand that the loud calling out of Sri Krsna's names is



22. Bhagavan will not accept anything which is offered by a person who

doesn't chant Harinama one-hundred thousand times daily.


23. By sincerely endeavoring to chant Harinama without offences and

remaining fixed in

chanting constantly, one's offences will fade and pure Harinama will arise

on the tongue.


24. As mundane thoughts arise while taking Harinama, one should not become


A secondary consequence of taking Harinama is that these useless mundane

thoughts will

gradually dissipate; therefore one should not worry about this. By

dedicating one's mind, body, and words to serving Sri Nama and continuing to

chant with great persistence, Sri Nama Prabhu will grant one darsana of His

supremely auspicious transcendental form. And by continuing to chant until

one's anarthas are fully eradicated, by the power of Sri Nama realization of

His form, qualities and pastimes will automatically arise.

(Text COM:2686439) --------

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