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Meanings of personal names

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In the Vedic tradition the personal names are mostly names of God,

describing His qualitites or activities, or those of His devotees.

Pronouncing them everyone performs kirtan. Although unknown to

many, also the names in the West (mainly of Hebrew origin) often

have the same meaning.



B. Dobrovolny: Dictionary of spoken English, English-Czech/

Czech-English, published by J. Hokr, Praha, Czech Republic, 1946


comments by JanJM




Male names


Aaron noble, enthusiastic

Abel breath, temporary

Abraham father of many

Abram father of highness

Adam clay man, red clay

Adolphus chivalrous hero

Alaric very rich, noble ruler

Albert magnificent, famous

Alexander preserver of men

Alfred good guide

Al(f)onzo willing, cooperative

Alpheus change

Ambrose immortal, divine

Amos valiant, burden

Andrew strong, valiant

Anselm God's protection

Anthony invaluable, praiseworthy

Archibald very courageous, holy prince

Arthur noble

Asa healer

Asaph collector

Asher happy


Austin belonging to Augustus

Augustus noble, imper(ator)ial

Baptist baptist

Barnabas son of consolation

Bartholomew son of war

Basil royal

Benedict blessed

Benjamin son of days

Bernard valiant like a bear

Bertram bright raven

Boniface well-doer

Caesar hairy, blue-eyed, excised

Caleb dog

Calvin bald

Cecil short-sighted

Cephas rock (see Peter)

Charles strong, manly

Christian christian

Clarence bright

Claudius lame

Clement mild, merciful

Conrad strong-hearted

Constant steadfast, firm

Constantine firm, faithful

Cornelius fertile

Cyril master [adj.]

Cyrus sun

Dan judge

Daniel divine judge

Darius preserver

David beloved


Dionysius faith belonging to God

Donald lofty chieftain, leader

Duncan brown chieftain

Edgar property preserver

Edmund property defender

Edward property guardian

Egbert famous as a swordsman

Elias Jehova my God

Emmanuel God with us

Elmer excellent

Enoch consecrate, initiate

Ephraim very fertile

Erasmus charming, loveworthy

Erastus charming

Eryc rich, powerful

Ernest serious, stern, strict

Ethan power

Eugene blissgiving

Evan God's gift (see John)

Ezekiel God's power

Ezra help

Felix happy, blissful


Fernando valiant, vigorous

Festus jolly, cheerful


Frank free

Frederic celebrating peace

Gabriel man of God

Gaius joyful


Godfrey peace to God

George landlord, farmer


Gerard strong with a lance

Gideon exterminator

Gilbert yellow-bright

Giles goatling

Given gift, given

Goddard pious

Grifith celebrating faith

Gustavus warrior

Guy chief, leader

Hannibal mercy of Baal, given by God

Harold winner, foreman

Heman faithful

Henry farmer, husbandman, housefather

Herbert glory of army, celebrating the army

Herman warrior

Hilary joyful, jovial

Hiram very noble


Horatio always ready for an hour [of Judgement; Luke 12:40]

Hosea salvation

Howell wholesome, healthy

Hubert humble, simple, sincere, celebrating the Spirit

Hugh, Hugo soul

Humprey tutelary, protector of the house

Ichabod glory is gone

Ignatius fervent, fiery

Immanuel God with us (see Emmanuel)

Ingram raven

Ira sedulous

Isaac giggler, laugher

Isaiah God's salvation

Israel strong man, God's warrior

Ivan God's gift (see John)

Jacob (meaning unspecified)

Jairus enlightener

James (see Jacob)

Jason healer

Javan clay, earth

Jeremiah noble, divine

Jerome holy name

Jesse treasure

Joab God is his father

Job afflicted, despondent

Joel Jehova is God

John God's gift


Jonas dove

Joseph he will add/supplement

Joshua God's gift (see John)

Judah celebrated, praiseworthy

Julius soft-haired, gold-haired, Goldilocks


Justus just, honest, celebrating the justice

Kenneth army general

Laban white

Lambert possessing goods/lands

Lancelot little angel, servitor


Lawrence laurelled, possessing laurel (wreath)

Lazarus God, help!

Leander lion man

Lemuel created by God

Leonard lion heart

Leonidas lionlike

Leopold celebrating the people/folk

Levi familiarity

Lewis fightable hero

Linus flaxen-haired

Lionel lion cub, lionet

Llewellyn master of lightning

Lot veil

Luke light

Luther famous warrior

Lycurgus wolf hunter

Malachi God's messenger

Manasseh oblivion


Marcius little hammer, belonging to Mars


Mark male, belonging to Mars

Martin fightable, belonging to Mars


Mathias Jehova's/God's gift

Maurice blackamoor, dark-skinned

Maximilian greatest Emilian

Michael who is like God?

Miles private soldier, recruit

Morgan sailor

Moses drawn out of the water [Exodus 2:10]

Nathan gift

Nathanael God's gift

Nicholas victory of people

Noel Christmas, Christmas-born

Norman northerner

Obadiah God's servant

Oliver olive tree

Orestes highlander, mountaineer

Orlando glory to the homeland, celebrating the homeland

Oscar jumping warrior

Oswald God's power

Owen lamb, young warrior

Patrick aristocrat, nobleman

Paul little, insignificant

Peregrine stranger

Peter rock (see Cephas) [Matthew 16:18]

Philemon loving, friendly

Philip loving/celebrating the horses

Pius pious

Polycarp polycarpous, having many fruits

Quintin fifth

Ralph glorious wolf, hero

Raphael God's cure

Reginald powerful ruler

Reuben behold your son

Reynold powerful ruler

Richard talented, possessing an abundant heart


Roderic possessing a bright reputation

Rodolph(us) (see Rudolph(us))

Roger famous with a lance


Rowland glory of the earth, celebrating the homeland

Rudolph(us) valiant wolf, hero

Rufus redhead

Salmon shaded, umbriferous

Samson bright sun

Samuel asked of God [1 Samuel 1:20]

Saul demanded

Seba excellent

Sebastian honorable, sublime

Serenus serene, peaceful, silent

Seth appointed

Sigismund victorious protection


Silvanus forest-dweller

Silvester countryman, farmer

Sim(e)on willing to hear

Solomon peaceful, celebrating the peace

Stephen wreath

Sylvan (see Silvanus)

Thaddeus wise

Theobald courageous on behalf of people

Theodor God's gift

Theodoric powerful in people

Theophilus loving God

Thomas twin

Timothy possessing awe of God

Tobias dignified by God

Trist®am mournful, tearful

Ulysses hater

Urban town-dweller, urbane, courteous


Uriel light of God

Valentine strong, powerful

Victor victor, winner, celebrating victory

Vincent victorious

Vivian active, jovial

Walter controling the army

Wiliam firm helmet, protector

Winfred peace giver

Zaccheus innocent

Zachariah remembered by God

Zadoch just, honest

Zedekiah God's justice

Zelotes zealot, enthusiast

Zenas Jupiter's gift

Zephanias hidden from God



Female names


Ada (see Edith)


Adeline blissgiving, noble

Agatha good

Agnes pure

Alethea truth

Alice (see Adeline)

Almira noble

Althea healing one

Amanda loveworthy

Amelia diligent, active

Amy beloved


Angelina celestial


Anne mercy

Anette little Ann


Antoni(n)a invaluable

Arabella beautiful altar, Arabian lady

Augusta noble

Aurelia gold-hued

Aurora morning light, splendid

Barbara stranger

Beatrice beatific

Bertha bright

Blanch white

Bridget power

Camilla priestess

Caroline noble-minded

Cassandra burning by love


Catherine pure


Cecily short-sighted

Celestine heavenly

Charity love

Charlotte (see Caroline)

Chloe green, blooming

Christina christian


Clarissa bright, famous

Claudia lame

Clementina tender, mild

Constance firm, faithful

Cora girl

Cordelia hearty

Corinna (see Cora)

Cornelia fertile

Deborah bee

Diana goddess

Dinah judged one


Dorothea God's gift

Edith blissfulness, generous gift

Edna pleasure

Eleonor(a) light

Elisa(beth) votaress/servant of God

Ella, Ellen (see Eleonor)

Elvira white


Emily, Emma diligent

Ernestine stern, strict

Esther star od happiness

Ethel (see Adela)

Ethelind noble serpent

Eudora good gift

Eugenia blissgiving

Eunice happy victory

Euphemia good reputation

Eva, Eve life

Evangeline prophetess of bliss

Evelina little Eve

Fanny (see Frances)

Faustina happy

Felicia bliss

Fidelia faithful

Flora flora, vegetation

Florence blooming

Frances free

Frederica peaceful lady

Georgi(a)na housewife, farmwife

Gertrude girl with lance

Griselda stone heroine

Hannah (see Anna)

Harriet matriarch

Helen(a) light

Hilaria joyful, jovial

Honora honorable

Hortensia gardener

Huldah weasel

Ida divine

Inez (see Agnes)

Irena peaceful

Isabel(la) (see Elisabeth)



Jo(h)anna (see John)


Josephine (see Joseph)

Joyce amusing, diverting

Judith praised

Julia soft-haired

Justina just, honest

Katharine pure

Laura laurel

Leonora (see Eleonora)

Letitia bliss


Lilly lilie

Louis(a) good


Lucy born at dawn

Lucretia gain, profit

Lydia born in Lydia [NW Turkey]

Mabel loveworthy

Magdalene born in Magdala [town in Galilea]

Marcella belonging to Mars

Margaret pearl

Maria, Mary,

May, Miriam sea star

Marianne Mary and Anna

Martha matriarch

Mathilda valiant warrior

Maud (see Mathilda)

Melissa bee

Miranda admirable

Myra tearful

Nancy (see Anna)

Nora (see Eleonora)


Olivia olive

Ophelia serpent

Olympia heavenly, celestial lady

Paulina little

Ph(o)ebe pure, shining

Philippa horse-loving


Molly (see Mary)

Priscilla aged

Rachel sheep

Rebecca charmingly beautiful


Rosa rose

Rosabel(la) beautiful rose


Rosalie little rose

Rosalind beautiful like a rose

Roxanna dawn

Ruth beauty

Salome peaceful

Sara princess, noblewoman

Selina parsley, moon

Serena jolly, bright


Sibilla prophetess

Sophia wisdom

Sophronia possessing healthy mind

Stella star

Stephana possessing a wreath, celebrating a wreath

Susan(na) lily

Theresa bearing ears [of grains]


Thomasine twin

Tryphena tender, lovely

Ulrica rich

Urania celestial lady

Ursula she-bear

Valeria powerful

Victoria victory

Viola gilliflower

Virginia virginal, pure

Vivian lively, jovial

Wilhelmina protectress

Winifred peace lover

Zenobia having life from Jove




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