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> Also can anyone say

> anything about how the lord slayed the Madhu and Kaitabha demons??


> Eagerly awaiting your reply,

> ys.

> Matsya.


The following is a text by Rohini Suta Prabhu about this.


> Origin, in the Puranas, two stories slightly different from each other,

> occur about the birth of Madhu and Kaitabha. One story is from Devi

> Bhagavat Skanda 10 and the other from Mahabharata, Santi Parva. In Devi

> Purana Chapter 1 and 10, it is stated as follows:


> In the beginning, there was no earth or any other planet. There was only

> water. Mahavisnu slept on the surface of the water. From the navel of

> Mahavisnu the lotus grew up. Brahma was born. There he recided the Vedas

> in deep meditation.

> Ear-wax flowed flowed out from both the ears of Mahavisnu. From that

> ear-wax two Asuras Madhu and Kaitabha was born.


> The following occures in the Mahabharata, Santi Parva chapter 348 about

> the birth of Madhu and Kaitabha:


> A lotus flower grew up from the navel of Mahavisnu and Brahma was born in

> the flower. In the flower there were two drops of water created by

> Mahavisnu. One drop was as sweet as honey from there the Asura Madhu was

> born with the attributes of tamas (darkness). The other drop was hard,

> from it Kaitabha was born with the attribute of rajas (passion).

> (Text COM:2457394) --------


> The Lord appeared as Hayagriva Avatar in a sacrifice performed by Brahma.

> He is the personified sacrifiece, and the hue of His body is golden. He is

> the personified Vedas as well, and the Paramatma of the demigods. When He

> breathed, all the sweet sounds (hymns) of the Vedas came out of His

> nostril´s. SB 2.7.11


> Appearing from the yajna, Lord Hayagriva, the master of the Vedas

> (vagisvari-patih), killed the demons Madhu and Kaitabha and recovered the

> Vedas. From Laghu-Bhagavamrta, Rupa Goswami).



> tasmai bhavan haya-siras tanuvam hi bibhrad

> veda-druhav atibalau madhu-kaitabhakhyau

> hatvanayac chruti-ganams ca rajas tamas ca

> sattvam tava priyatamam tanum amananti




> tasmai -- unto Lord Brahma; bhavan -- Your Lordship; haya-sirah -- having

> the head and neck of a horse; tanuvam -- the incarnation; hi -- indeed;

> bibhrat -- accepting; veda-druhau -- two demons who were against the Vedic

> principles; ati-balau -- extremely powerful; madhu-kaitabha-akhyau --

> known as Madhu and Kaitabha; hatva -- killing; anayat -- delivered;

> sruti-ganan -- all the different Vedas (Sama, Yajur, Rg and Atharva); ca

> -- and; rajah tamah ca -- by representing the modes of passion and

> ignorance; sattvam -- pure transcendental goodness; tava -- Your;

> priya-tamam -- most dear; tanum -- form (as Hayagriva); amananti -- they

> honor.




> My dear Lord, when You appeared as Hayagriva, with the head of a horse,

> You killed two demons known as Madhu and Kaitabha, who were full of the

> modes of passion and ignorance. Then You delivered the Vedic knowledge to

> Lord Brahma. For this reason, all the great saints accept Your forms as

> transcendental, untinged by material qualities.




> The Supreme Personality of Godhead in His transcendental form is always

> ready to give protection to His devotees. As mentioned herein, the Lord in

> the form of Hayagriva killed two demons named Madhu and Kaitabha when they

> attacked Lord Brahma. Modern demons think that there was no life in the

> beginning of creation, but from Srimad-Bhagavatam we understand that the

> first living creature created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead was

> Lord Brahma, who is full of Vedic understanding. Unfortunately, those

> entrusted with distributing Vedic knowledge, such as the devotees engaged

> in spreading Krsna consciousness, may sometimes be attacked by demons, but

> they must rest assured that demoniac attacks will not be able to harm

> them, for the Lord is always prepared to give them protection. The Vedas

> provide the knowledge by which we can understand the Supreme Personality

> of Godhead (vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah [bg. 15.15]). The devotees

> of the Lord are always ready to spread knowledge by which one may

> understand the Lord through Krsna consciousness, but the demons, being

> unable to understand the Supreme Lord, are full of ignorance and passion.

> Thus the Lord, whose form is transcendental, is always ready to kill the

> demons. By culturing the mode of goodness, one can understand the position

> of the transcendental Lord and how the Lord is always prepared to remove

> all obstacles on the path of understanding Him.


> In summary, whenever the Lord incarnates, He appears in His original

> transcendental form. As the Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (4.7):


> yada yada hi dharmasya

> glanir bhavati bharata

> abhyutthanam adharmasya

> tadatmanam srjamy aham


> "Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O

> descendent of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion -- at that

> time I descend Myself." It is simply foolish to think of the Lord as being

> originally impersonal but accepting a material body when He appears as a

> personal incarnation. Whenever the Lord appears, He appears in His

> original transcendental form, which is spiritual and blissful. But

> unintelligent men, such as the Mayavadis, cannot understand the

> transcendental form of the Lord, and therefore the Lord chastises them by

> saying, avajananti mam mudha manusim tanum asritam: [bg. 9.11] "Fools

> deride Me when I descend in the human form." Whenever the Lord appears,

> whether as a fish, a tortoise, a hog or any other form, one should

> understand that He maintains His transcendental position and that His only

> business, as stated here, is hatva -- to kill the demons. The Lord appears

> in order to protect the devotees and kill the demons (paritranaya sadhunam

> vinasaya ca duskrtam [bg. 4.8]). Since the demons are always ready to

> oppose Vedic civilization, they are sure to be killed by the

> transcendental form of the Lord. SB 7.9.38 (Text 5314)

> ---------------

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