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Shrimati Radharani's Appearance -14th Sept

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>From Lalita Madhava by Rupa Goswami, Scene 1


4 Gargi: What is this "sweet nectar?"

5 Paurnamasi: It is Brahma's words "O Mount Vindhya, to fulfil your

desire you will have two daughters that will give you a son-in-law who will

defeat Lord Siva and whose virtues will fill the world with wonder."

6 Gargi: Why did Mount Vindhya desire a daughter and not a son?

7 Paurnamasi: He had become the rival of king Himalaya, who is the

father of Gauri and very proud of the opulence of his son-in-law, (Siva).

8 Gargi: He could not tolerate the glory of his own family. In

ancient times He tried to defeat Mount Meru. He could not rise again after

he bowed down to offer respects to Agastya Muni.

Note: Mount Vindhya grew taller and taller until he challenged even

his relative, Mount Meru. Agastya Muni visited Mount Vindhya. The mountain

bowed down to offer respects. Agastya asked Mount Vindhya to remain in that

position until he returned. Agastya never returned and Vindhya could not

raise his head again. In this way Mount Vindhya's pride was humbled.

9 Paurnamasi: Yes. The intelligent are like that.

10 Gargi: How did Radha go from Mount Vindhya to Gokula?

11 Paurnamasi: She was taken by Putana, the kidnapper of children.

12 Gargi: (with fear) Witches that steal children generally eat their

victims. This girl is very fortunate to be saved.

13 Paurnamasi: O daughter, Kamsa ordered her to kill any extraordinary

small boys and kidnap any small girls.

14 Gargi: Why did the king ask her to do those two things?

15 Paurnamasi: (He was pushed) by the words of Devaki's demigoddess


16 Gargi: What were those words?

17 Paurnamasi: She said to Kamsa: "This same person who in your

previous birth severed your head with a cakra raised in battle, the same

person who the sages know as He whose two lotus feet are worshipped by the

demigods, the same person who pleases His loving devotees (by showering

them) with oceans of the nectar of bliss, the same person who is the root

from which the universe (has sprouted) has now appeared (in this world) at

the time of the moon's rising."

18 She said: "Today or the day after, eight sublimely sweet saktis will

appear on this earth. Two sisters, who are like great palaces of beautiful

transcendental qualities, will also appear. When He defeats Siva, Lord

Krsna, the king of kings, will accept the hand of both the girls (in


19 Gargi: What happened to the second sister?

20 Paurnamasi: When Vindhya's chief priest chanted a demon-killing

mantra, Putana's heart became struck with fear. As she was hastily flying

over Vidarbha province the first of her victims dropped from her and fell

into a river's current.

21 Gargi: My father (Sandipani Muni) is omniscient. Why then, has he

said that, (as a result of) a benediction granted by Durvasa Muni, Srimati

Radharani appeared from (King) Vrsabhanu's chest?

22 Paurnamasi: Requested by Brahma, Lord Hari's yogamaya potency

removed these two infant girls from the wombs of the wives of Candrabhanu

and Vrsabhanu and placed them in the womb of Vindhya's wife.

23 Gargi: (With astonishment) did the two fathers know what happened?

24 Paurnamasi: Certainly they understood. Why would Durvasa Muni not

help them?

25 Gargi: How do you know all this?

26 Paurnamasi: (I learned this) by the mercy of my spiritual master's

(Narada's) instructions, which have also made me attached to Radha.

27 Gargi: Is it true that when the witch Putana was killed you took

Radha from her lap?

28 Paurnamasi: (I took) not only Radha, but five other girls also.

29 Gargi: Who were they?

30 Paurnamasi: They were 1. Radha's moon-faced friend Lalita, 2.

Candravali's beautiful friend Padma, 3. Bhadra, who acts auspiciously, 4.

auspicious Saibya, and 5. splendid and cheerful Syama.

31 Gargi: How were these girls placed among the gopis?

32 Paurnamasi: Swiftly and secretly I gave these five infant girls to

five gopis in different parts (of Vrndavana). In a secret place I happily

gave virtuous Radha to Yasoda's nurse, Mukhara, and said: "O elderly one,

here is your son-in-law Vrsabhanu's daughter."

33 Gargi: This must be the way Radha's second close friend Visakha,

appeared in Gokula (Vrndavana).

34 Paurnamasi: No. No. Jatila found her floating in the Yamuna.

35 Gargi: I did not know that. Who found the Vindhya's first daughter

as she was floating in the river's current?

36 Paurnamasi: Bhismaka.





Description of the Quarrel Between Sridama and Radha


1-2 On whose request did Krsna come to the surface of the earth, what

the Lord did before He returned to His own abode, how He removed the earth's

burden, and how He killed the demons, of all these I will, carefully

thinking of what happened, tell you the story.

3 Listen and I will tell you of Lord Hari's descent as a cowherd boy.

His arrival in Gokula, and Radha's descent as gopi.

4 Listen and I will tell you in detail what before you heard me tell

only briefly in the story of Sankhacuda's death.

5 Sridama quarrelled with Radha and She cursed him to become the demon


6 Then Sridama cursed Radha: Go to a human womb in Vraja! Become a

girl of Vraja and walk on the earth's surface!

7 Afraid of Sridama's curse, She went to Sri Krsna and said: I will

become a gopi! Sridama cursed Me! What will I do to prevent it! O breaker

of fears please tell me.

8 How can I live without You? O Lord, without You every moment will

become a hundred yugas.

9-10 My heart bursts into flames when the blinking of My eyes separates

Us. O Lord glorious as the autumn moon, using the cakora birds of My eyes I

drink the nectar of Your face day and night. I declare that You are My

heart, My self, My mind and My body.

11 You are My eyes and My power to see. You are My life. You are My

treasure. Awake of asleep, I always meditate on Your lotus feet. O Lord,

without serving You I cannot live for a moment.

12 Hearing these words, Lord Krsna placed His beautiful beloved on His

chest. He reassured Her and removed Her fears. He said:

13-14 O girl with the beautiful face, during the Varaha-kalpa I will go to

the earth. You will go with Me and also take birth on the earth. O

goddess, I will go to Vraja and enjoy pastimes (with You) in the forest.

15 You are more dear to Me than life. If I am present why should You

be afraid?

Saying this, Lord Hari, the master of the universes, became silent.

16 For this reason the master of the universes went to Nanda's Gokula.

Why should He be afraid? Of what would He, the killer of fears, be afraid?

17 Pretending to fear the illusory potency, He assumed the appearance

of a gopa, approached Radha, and enjoyed pastimes with Her.

18-19 To keep the promise He made when the demigod Brahma prayed to Him,

Lord Krsna came to earth with the gopis, removed the earth's burden and then

returned to His own abode.

20 Sri Narada said: Why did Sridama quarrel with Radha? What you

briefly told before, now please tell at length.

21 Sri Narayana Rsi said: One time, in a rasa-mandala in a secluded

place in a great forest in Goloka, Lord Hari enjoyed pastimes with Sri

Radha. Overcome with bliss, Radha could not understand Herself or anything


22 Leaving Her unsatisfied in the midst of Their pastimes, He went to

enjoy amorous pastimes with Viraja, another gopi.

23 Beautiful Viraja resembled Radha. She has a billion beautiful gopi


24 As she sat on a jewel throne, this gopi, who thought Lord Krsna more

dear than life, and who was fortunate and glorious among women, saw Lord

Hari approach.

25 Lord Hari looked at her, her face glorious as the autumn moon, and

she, ravishingly beautiful, smiled, and with crooked eyes gazed at Him.

26 She was eternally sixteen years old, in the full bloom of youth.

She wore exquisite garments and Her beauty was richer with jewel ornaments.

27 Seeing that she was being tortured by Kamadeva's arrows and the

hairs of all her limbs were erect with excitement, Lord Hari at once enjoyed

pastimes with her.

28-29 In the great forest, in a secluded place, in a circle of jewels, on

a bed made of flowers, as she embraced to her chest the Lord of her life,

who is more glorious than millions of Kamadevas, Viraja fainted, overcome

with the bliss by enjoying amorous pastimes with Lord Krsna.

30 Seeing Lord Hari embraced by her in the jewel pavilion, Radha's

friends at once told their mistress.

31 Hearing their words, Radha became angry and lay down on Her bed.

32 Her eyes like red lotus flowers, the goddess wept bitterly. The

great goddess said to them: "Show Him to Me."

33 If you speak the truth, then come with Me. I will give Krsna and

this gopi the result They deserve.

34 When I punish her who will save her? With her quickly bring Lord

Hari's other lovers also.

35-36 Don't bring that smiling, crooked-hearted, nectar-mouthed pot of

poison to My home. Instead, take the Lord to My beautiful pavilion and keep

Him there.

37 Hearing Radha's words, some gopis became frightened, and they all

folded their hands and humbly bowed their heads and necks.

38 Standing before Her, they all said to the Lord's eternal beloved:

"We will show You the Lord with Viraja."

39 After hearing their words, beautiful Radha, ascended a chariot. She

departed with 1 630 000 000 gopis, travelling on a chariot...

40 ...made of may regal jewels, splendid as millions of suns, roofed

with thirty million domes made of regal jewels, splendid with a variety of

colourful flowers, pulled by colourful horses,...

41 ...with ten thousand wheels, enchanting the heart, travelling as

fast as the mind, beautiful with ten million pillars and many different

glorious jewels,...

42 ...with many wonderful and colourful beautiful pictures, with many

rubies in the inside rooms, with many jewels decorating the wheels,...

43 ...with four hundred thousand splendid and wonderful wheels

decorated with wonderful bells and tinkling ornaments,...

44 ...with a hundred thousand jewel palaces, with doors made of the

best of jewels, with jewel pictures,...

45 ...with domes of the best regal jewels, with splendid spires, with

delicious foods and exquisite garments,...

46 ...beautiful with many jewel beds, jewel cups and cases, and golden


47 ...with ten million ruby staircases, with very beautiful syamantaka

and kaustubha jewels,...

48 ...splendidly beautiful with wonderful forests and lakes and

hundreds of groves of millions of lotus flowers,...

49 ...with splendid jewel domes and spires eighty miles wide and eight

hundreds miles high,...

50 ...splendid with ten million garlands of parijata, kunda, karavira

and yuthika flowers,...

51 ...fragrant with many very beautiful campaka, nagesa, mallika,

malati, and madhavi flowers,...

52 ...decorated with many garlands of kadamba flowers and thousand

petal lotuses,...

53 ...decorated with wonderful forests, lakes, and colourful flower

gardens, fast as the wind, the best of all chariots,...

54 ...covered with exquisite fine cloth, decorated with hundreds of

jewel mirrors,...

55 ...decorated with sapphires and white camaras, fragrant with sandal,

aguru, musk and kunkuma,...

56 ...splendid with ten million parijata-decorated beds, ten million

flags, and ten million bells,...

57 ...with ten million jewel beds covered with wonderful and colourful

blankets, fragrant with campaka flowers, sandal and kunkuma,...

58 ...decorated with flower-pillows, and perfect for amorous pastimes,

and also decorated with many beautiful things never seen or heard of before.

59 O sage, quickly descending from the chariot thus described, Lord

Hari's beloved goddess Radha, at once went to Him in the pavilion of jewels.

60 At the entrance She saw a handsome, smiling, lotus-faced guard

accompanied by a hundred thousand gopas.

61 To that gopa, who was Sri Krsna's dear friend named Sridama, goddess

Radha, Her eyes now like red lotuses, angrily said:

62 Go away! O servant of a rake, go away! I will see what kind of

beautiful lover Your master has now!

63 Hearing Radha's words, strong and fearless Sridama, holding a stick

in his hand, did not allow Her to enter.

64 Their lips trembling, the other gopis angrily pushed the servant


65 Hearing a great commotion from the people of Goloka and

understanding that Radha was angry, Lord Hari disappeared.

66 Hearing the word "Radha" and seeing Lord Hari disappear, Viraja

became afraid. By practice of mystic yoga she gave up her life.

67 Her body at once became a river circling Goloka.

68 That river was filled with jewels, very deep, eight hundred million

miles wide, and ten times as long.


Chapter Three

Sri Radha-Sridama-sapodbhava

The Cursing of Sri Radha and Sridama


1 O sage, when She went to the pavilion of amorous pastimes Radha did

not see Lord Hari. Seeing the river that Viraja had become, She went home.

2 Seeing that His eternal beloved had become a river, Sri Krsna loudly

wept on the beautiful shore of that Viraja River.

3 "O best, best of lovers, come to Me! O beautiful one, beautiful

one, how can I live without you?

4 "By My blessing now become the most beautiful of women, and the

empress of rivers.

5 :Now have a form more beautiful than the beautiful form you had. O

chaste one, your previous form has now become a river."

6 "Raise from the water and come to Me."

Taking a new form, and beautiful like Radha, she approached Lord


7 Wearing yellow garments and her lotus face smiling, with crooked

eyes she gazed at the Lord of Her life and He gazed at her.

8 She was oppressed by the burden of her hips and thighs, and her

breasts were swollen and high.

9 She was the most beautiful of beautiful women, and She was fortunate

and glorious among women. She was the colour of a beautiful campaka flower

and her lips were ripe bimba fruits.

10 Her beautiful teeth were like ripe pomegranate seeds,, her face was

an autumn moon, and her eyes were blossoming dark lotuses.

11 She was decorated with a dot of musk and many dots of red sindura.

She was beautiful with beautiful designs and pictures. Her braided hair was

very beautiful.

12 Jewel earrings resting on her cheeks, She was decorated with a

necklace of jewels and glorious with a necklace of pearls. On the tip of

her nose was an elephant pearl.

13 She was splendid with jewel armlets and bracelets and a bracelet of

shells. She was opulent with many tinkling ornaments and tinkling jewel


14 Seeing her so beautiful and so full of love for Him, the Lord of the

universes at once embraced her and kissed her again and again.

15 Going to a secluded place, the all-powerful Lord again and again

enjoyed many different kinds of amorous pastimes, beginning with

viparita-lila, with His beloved.

16 Accepting the Lord's invincible semen, passionate and fortunate

Viraja at once became pregnant.

17 After a hundred celestial years of pregnancy, she gave birth to

seven handsome sons from the Lord.

18 In this way the Lord's eternal beloved became the mother of seven

sons. She was very happy with her seven sons.

19 One day, her heart filled with amorous desires, the saintly girl

again enjoyed pastimes with Lord Hari in a secluded place in Vrndavana


20 Then, frightened by his brothers, her youngest son came there and

went to his mother's lap.

21 Seeing her son was afraid, she who was an ocean of kindness left

Lord Hari and placed the boy on her lap. Then Krsna went to Radha's home.

22 When she had comforted the boy she noticed that her beloved was no

longer there. Her heart filled with unsatisfied desires, she lamented


23 She angrily cursed her son: "You will become an ocean of salt-water.

The living entities will never drink your water."

24 Then she cursed all the boys: "Those fools will go to the earth!

Fools, go to beautiful Jambudvipa on the earth!

25 "They will not stay together in one place, but will stay each in his

own place. They will stay happily around different islands.

26 "They may enjoy pastimes with the rivers on these islands."

In this way, because of his mother's curse, the youngest boy became

an ocean of salt-water.

27 The youngest then told the other boys about their mother's curse.

Unhappy, all the boys went to their mother.

28 After hearing their mother's words, they offered obeisances to her

feet. Then, their necks bowed with devotion, they all went to the surface

of the earth.

29 O sage, they became seven oceans around the seven islands. From the

youngest to the eldest, each ocean was twice as large as the preceding one.

30 They became oceans of salt-water, sugarcane juice, wine, clarified

butter, yoghurt, milk and sweet water. Their liquid will be used to

cultivate grains on the earth.

31 In this way they became seven oceans around the seven islands of the

earth. Unhappy in separation from their mother and brothers, all the boys


32 Tormented by separation from her sons, chaste Viraja wept again and

again. She fainted out of grief she felt for her sons and husband.

33 Understanding that she was drowning in an ocean of grief, Radha's

master, His lotus face smiling, came to her again.

34 When she saw Lord Hari she stopped weeping and lamenting. Gazing at

her beloved, she became plunged in an ocean of bliss.

35 Overcome with passion, she placed Lord Hari on her lap and enjoyed

pastimes with Him. In this way, even though she had abandoned her sons,

Lord Hari became pleased with her.

36 His eyes and face filled with happiness, He gave her a benediction:

"Beloved, I will always come to you.

37 "Like Radha you will be dear to Me. By the power of My blessing you

will always protect your sons."

38 Seeing Sri Krsna with Viraja as he spoke these words, Radha's

friends told their mistress.

39 Hearing this, Radha lay down in the palace of anger and wept. Then

Krsna entered that palace and approached Her.

40 O Narada, accompanied by Sridama, Krsna stood at Radha's door. When

She who is the queen of the rasa dance saw Her beloved Lord Hari, She became

angry and said:

41 O Lord Hari, You have many other lovers in Goloka. Go to them! Why

do You need Me?

42 Even though Your dear lover Viraja, out of fear of Me, left her body

and became a river, still You go to her!

43 Build a palace on her shore and stay with her. Stay with her. Go

to her. She became a river. You became a river also.

44 Because they belong to the same class, it is glorious for one river

to associate with another river. As they happily eat together and sleep

together they feel great love for each other.

45 O crest jewel of divine persons, when they hear from Me that You are

enjoying pastimes with a river, the great souls will smile.

46 They who say You are the master of the universes do not truly know

Your heart. The Personality of Godhead, who is the Supersoul in the hearts

of all, now desires to enjoy pastimes with a river!

47 After speaking these words, angry goddess Radha stopped. Surrounded

by a hundred thousand gopis, She would not rise from Her bed.

48 Some gopis carried camaras in their hands, some carried fine

garments, some carried betelnuts in their hands, and some carried

flower-garlands in their hands.

49 Some carried cups of scented water in their hands, some carried

lotus flowers in their hands, some carried red sindura in their hands, and

some carried flower garlands in their hands.

50 Some carried jewel ornaments in their hands, some carried black

kajjala, some carried flutes and vinas in their hands, and some carried

combs in their hands.

51 Some carried aviras in their hands, some carried yantras in their

hands, some carried scented oil in their hands, some most beautiful women

carried karatalas in their hands, and some carried toy balls.

52 Some played mrdangas, murajas, flutes and karatalas, some expertly

sang, and some expertly danced.

53 Some carried toys in their hands, some carried cups of honey in

their hands, some carried cups of nectar in their hands, and some carried

footstools in their hands.

54 Some carried garments and ornaments in their hands, some served

Radha's feet, some stood before Her with folded hands, and some spoke

prayers glorifying Her.

55 How many stood before Her? O sage, millions and millions stood


56 As Krsna stood at the door, Radha's friends, who held sticks, would

not allow Him to enter.

57 As the Lord of Her life stood before Her, Radha spoken to Him words

that were inaccurate, not worthy to be spoken, improper, and very harsh.

58 O Krsna, O lover of Viraja, get away from Me! O Lord Hari, o

restless debauchee, why do You trouble Me?

59 Go at once to Padmavati! Go to beautiful Ratnamala or Vanamala

whose beauty has no equal!

60 O lover of a river, O master of the demigods, O guru of the

demigods' guru, I know who You are. Auspiciousnss to You! Go! Go from My


61 Again and again You act like a human! Rake, enter a human womb!

Leave Goloka and go to Bharata-varsa!

62 O Susila, Sasikala, Padmavati, Madhavi, stop this criminal! What

need have we for Him?

63 After hearing Radha's words, the gopis spoke to Lord Hari words

there were beneficial, truthful, gentle, sweet, and appropriate to that


64 Some said: "O Lord Hari, for a moment go to another place. When

Radha's anger subsides we will bring You here."

65 Some very affectionately said: "Go home for a moment. You make

Radha blissful. Except for You, who can protect Her.

66 O sage, out of love for Radha some gopis said to Lord Hari: "For a

moment go to Vrndavana forest until Her anger subsides."

67 Some joked to the Lord: "O passionate one, by devotedly serving Her

You will appease the jealous anger of Your passionate beloved."

68 Some said the to Lord: "Go to another wife in the meantime, O Lord,

we will bring the result You earnestly desire."

69 Some stood smiling before Lord Hari and said: "Go to Her and pacify

Her jealous anger."

70 Some gopis spoke harshly to the Lord of their lives: "Who can see

Radha's lotus face now?"

71 Some said to the all-powerful Lord: "O Lord Hari, go to another

place, and when Her anger is over You may return."

72 Some beautiful and arrogant gopis said to Him: "IF You don't go to

another's home, we will force You to go."

73 Some beautiful gopis then surrounded the smiling, peaceful, and

cheerful Supreme Lord of all and prevented Him from entering.

74 Forced by the gopis, Lord Hari, who is the first cause of the

world's causes, left and went to another's home. Then Sridama became angry.

75 His lotus eyes now red, Sridama angrily spoke to the supreme

goddesss, Sri Radha, whose lotus eyes were also red with anger.

76 Sridama said: O mother, why do You speak these harsh words to m

master? O goddess, You rebuke Him without any consideration and for no


77-79 You mock the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the master of

Brahma, Ananta, Siva and is the master of Sarasvati, Laksmi, Laya, Maya and

Prakrti, who is beyond the modes of material nature, who is self-satisfied,

and whose desires are all fulfilled. Know that it is only because of Your

service to Him and Your worship of His feet that You have become the best of

goddesses and the queen of all. O beautiful one, You do not understand Him.

How can I have the power to describe Him?

80 With a playful bend in His eyebrows He can create many millions of

millions of goddesses like You. You do not understand Him, the Lord who is

beyond the modes of material nature.

81 In Vaikuntha goddess Laksmi eternally serves Lord Hari with great

devotion. She washes His lotus feet and dries them with her own hair.

82 With devotion Sarasvati always praises Him with beautiful prayers

that are nectar for the ears. You do not understand Him, the great Supreme

Personality of Godhead.

83 Frightened goddess Maya, who is the material energy and the

personified life of all conditioned souls, always praises Him with devotion.

O proud one, You do not understand Him.

84 Although they eternally offer prayers to Him, the Vedas cannot

understand even one sixteenth of His glory. O beautiful one, You do not

understand Him.

85 O goddess, with his four heads powerful Brahma, the father of the

Vedas, glorifies Krsna. Brahma serves His lotus feet.

86 With this five heads, the guru of the yogis, offers prayers to Lord

Krsna. His eyes filled with tears and the hairs of his body erect, he

serves Lord Krsna's lotus feet.

87 With His thousand heads Ananta Sesa again and again offers prayers

to Lord Krsna, the all-pervading Supersoul. He devotedly serves Lord

Krsna's lotus feet.

88 Dharma, who is the protector and witness of everyone and the master

of the worlds, happily and devotedly serves Lord Krsna's feet always.

89 All-powerful Lord Visnu, who resides in Svetadvipa and is His

partial incarnation, meditates on Lord Krsna as the Supreme at every moment.

90 The demigods, demons, sages, kings, manus, humans and philosophers

serve Him though they cannot see His lotus feet even in a dream.

91 At once abandon Your pride and worship the lotus feet of Lord Hari,

who merely by the play of bending His eyebrow destroys the material


92 Brahma's lifetime is an eye-blink for Lord Krsna. Twenty-eight

Indras live their lives in Brahma's day.

93 Brahma lives for 108 years calculated in this way. O Radha, You and

the gopis and everyone and everything are under my master's dominion.

94 Hearing Sridama's very harsh and forceful words, She became suddenly

angry. She stood up and spoke to him.

95 Going outside, Her hair loosened, Her lotus eyes reds, and Her lips

trembling, She harshly spoke to him.

96 Sri Radha said: Rogue! Fool! Servant of a rake! Listen. I don't

know your master. You know everything about Him.

97 O lowest wretch in Vraja, Sri Krsna is your master and not Mine?

You praise your father and rebuke your mother.

98 As the demons always insult the demigods, so you always insult Me!

Therefore, O fool, become a demon!

99 Gopa, leave Goloka and go to a demoness' womb. Fool, now I have

cursed you. Who can protect you?

100 After thus cursing him, the queen of the rasa dance became silent.

Then, with jewelled-handled camaras in their hands, Her friends served Her.

101 After hearing Her words, his lips trembling in anger, Sridama cursed

Her: Go to the womb of a human woman!

102 You are angry like a human woman, therefore become a human woman on

the earth! Mother, I have cursed You. Of this there is no doubt.

103 You will be eclipsed by a part of Your own shadow. The fools on the

earth will say you are the wife of a petty king.

104 That petty king will be a partial incarnation of Lord Hari. He will

be a great yogi born in a human womb because of Radha's curse on him.

105 In Gokula You will attain Lord Krsna. You will stay with Him in the

forest there and enjoy pastimes with Him. You will be separated from Him

for a hundred years and then You will attain Him, Your Lord, again and

return with Him to Goloka.

106 After speaking these words and after bowing down before Radha,

Sridama went to Lord Hari. Bowing down before Lord Krsna, Sridama narrated

the story of the cursings.

107 Sridama wept as never before. As weeping Sridama was about to go to

the earth, Lord Krsna said to him:

108 You will become the king of demons. In the three worlds no one will

defeat you.

109 After fifty yugas Siva's spear will make you leave that body and

with My blessings you will return to Me.

110 After hearing Lord Krsna's words, grieving Sridama said to Him: You

will never transform me into a person that has no devotion for You.

111 Saying this Sridama left his own asrama. Then, weeping again and

again, Radha came there.

112 Saintly Radha loudly lamented, "Child, where are you going?" Then

Sridama became Sankhacuda, the husband of Tulasi.

113 When Sridama had left, Goddess Radha approached Lord Hari. She told

Him everything and He spoke to Her.

114 Lord Krsna told everything to His grieving beloved. Then, in the

course of time, Sridama became Sankhacuda and then returned to the Lord.

115 In the Varaha-kalpa Radha went with Lord Hari to the earth. O sage,

She attained a birth in Gokula in King Vrsabhanu's home.

116 In this way I have spoken the transcendental narrations of Lord

Krsna, which everyone yearns to hear. What more do you wish to hear?


Chapter Six

Sri Radha-Krsna Samvada


63 I will go to the earth. O demigods, first return to your homes, and

then, by your amsa expansions, quickly go to the earth.

64 After speaking to the demigods, Lord Krsna, the master of the

universes, called the gopas and gopis and spoke to them words that were

sweet, truthful and appropriate.

65 Sri Krsna said: O gopas and gopis, please listen. All of you please

go to Nanda's land of Vraja. O Radha, please go at once to the home of King


66 King Vrsabhanu's dear wife is the saintly gopi named Kalavati. She

is Subala-gopa's daughter. She is a partial incarnation of the goddess of


67 She is fortunate and glorious among women. She was the mind-born

daughter of the pitas, but by Durvasa's curse she was born in a house in


68 At once go to Nanda's Vraja and take birth in her womb. O girl with

the lotus face, I will assume the form of a small boy and I will marry You.

69 O Radha, to Me You are more dear than life. To You I am more dear

than life also. We are not different. We are one body eternally.

70 Listening, Sri Radha wept, overcome with love. O sage, with Her

cakora-bird eyes She drank the moonlight of Lord Krsna's face.

71 Sri Krsna said: O gopas and gopis, please take birth on the earth in

the beautiful palaces of the noble gopas.



185 In this way the demigods must go, by their partial expansions, to

the earth and help to remove its burden. The demigods' wives must also go,

by their partial expansions, to the earth.

186 At that point Lord Krsna stopped speaking. O Narada, Brahma stood

there, listening.

187 Sarasvati was at Lord Krsna's left and Laksmi at His right. Parvati

and all the demigods were before Him.

188 The gopis and gopas were before Him. Sri Radha rested on His chest.

At that moment Sri Radha, the queen of Vraja spoke to Lord Krsna.

189 Sri Radha said: O Lord, please hear the words of Your maidservant.

My life has become a blazing fire that burns without stop. My mind

trembles, swinging to and fro.

190 When I look at You I cannot even blink. O Lord, how can I go to the

earth without You?

191 O friend, how much time must pass before I will meet You again in

Gokula? O master of My life, please tell the truth.

192 An eyeblink without You will be a hundred yugas for Me. What will I

look on? Where will I go? Who will protect Me?

193 O master of My life, how can I for a moment think of mother, father,

relatives, friends, brother, sister, or children when You are gone?

194 O master of illusions, please promise me that when I am on the earth

You will not cover Me with illusion and make Me forget Your glories.

195 O Krsna, please turn My mind into a bumblebee always wandering among

the nectar lotus-flowers of Your feet.

196 Wherever I may be born, please give Me service to You and

remembrance of You.

197 You are Krsna and I am Radha. When I am on the earth may I never

forget the glory of Our love. O Lord, please give Me this benediction.

198 As breath always stays with the body and as the body always stays

with its shadow, may We two always stay together when We take birth. O Lord

please give Me this benediction.

199 When We are on the earth let Us not be separated for even an

eyeblink. O Lord, please give Me this benediction.

200 Who was it that used My life-breath to create Your body, feet, and


201 How many glorious kinds of women are there? How many kinds of

glorious men praised again and again? No woman is attached to her lover as

I am to You.

202 How is it that I was created from half of Your body? There is no

difference between Us. That is why My mind always thinks of You.

203 How is it that My mind, heart, and life were placed in Your body.

And Your mind, heart and life were placed in Mine?

204 That is why an eyeblink's separation from You brings a great

catastrophe to My mind. That is why, when it hears that We may be

separated, My life-force burns in an unending fire.

205 After speaking these words in the assembly of demigods, again and

again Sri Radha grasped Lord Krsna's lotus feet and loudly wept.

206 Then, placing Her on His lap and with His own garment wiping the

tears from Her face, Lord Krsna spoke many true and beneficial words.

207 Sri Krsna said: Goddess, please listen and I will describe to You

the yoga of the Supreme, a yoga even the kings of the yogis cannot

understand, a yoga that cuts grief into many pieces.

208 O beautiful one, consider this: The entire universe is constructed

of two things: resting places and things that rest in them. It is not

possible for a resting thing to be separated from its resting place.

209 For the fruit the resting place is the flower. For the flower the

resting place is the twig. For the twig the resting place is the branch.

For the branch the resting place is the tree itself.

210 For the tree the resting place is the sapling. For the sapling,

which is manifest from the seed, the resting place is the seed. For the

seed the resting place is the earth.

211 For the earth the resting place is Lord Sesa. For Lord Sesa the

resting place is the great tortoise beneath Him. For the tortoise the

resting place is the wind. For the wind the resting place is I Myself.

212 For Me the resting place is You. I always rest in You. You have

all powers. You are the root from which the material nature has sprung.

You are the Supreme Goddess.

213 You are the resting place of all bodies. You are the resting place

of the three mode of nature. You are the resting place of Me, for I am Your

heart. Without You I cannot act. Only by Your grace have I the power to


214 From the man the seed is manifest. From the seed children are

manifest. The resting place of both seed and children is the woman, who is

manifest from material nature.

215 How can the spirit soul exist without the body? How can the body

exist without the spirit soul? They are both the first cause. O goddess,

how can the creation be manifest without them both?

216 O Radha, We are not different. We are the seed and the world grown

from the seed. I am the soul and You are the body. Where the soul is

present, there also is the body. We are not different. Why must You be so


217 As whiteness is present in milk, as heat is present in fire, as

fragrance is present in earth, and as coolness is present in fire, so I am

always present in You.

218 As milk and its whiteness, fire and its heat, earth and its

fragrance, and water and its coolness are one and cannot be separated, We

are one also. We cannot be separated.

219 Without Me, You are lifeless. Without You, I am invisible. O

beautiful one, without You I cannot exist.

220 Without clay a potter cannot make a pot. Without gold a goldsmith

cannot make a gold ornament.

221 As the spirit soul is eternal, Your are also eternal. You are the

material nature. You are all powerful. You are the eternal resting place

of everything.

222 Laksmi, all-auspicious Sarasvati, Brahma, Siva, Sesa, and Yamaraja

are dear as life to Me. But You are more dear than life to Me.

223 If this were not so, then why do the demigods and demigoddesses stay

nearby, but You rest on My chest, O Radha?

224 O Radha, give up Your tears. I saintly one, give up this fruitless

and mistaken worry and go to King Vrsabhanu's house.

225 O beautiful one, use Your powers to create an artificial pregnancy

in Kalavati. For nine months fill her womb with air.

226 When the tenth month comes leave Your natural form behind, accept

the form of an infant girl and go to the earth.

227 At the time of giving birth, place Your form of a naked infant on

the ground by Kalavati and cry like a newborn child.

228 O saintly one, in this way, without entering a mother's womb, You

will appear in Gokula. I also will appear without entering a mother's womb.

You and I do not enter a mother's womb.

229 The moment I come to earth Vasudeva will carry Me to Gokula.

Pretending to fear Kamsa, I will go there for Your sake.

230 I will be Nanda's son in Yasoda's house. O beautiful one, again and

again You will happily see me and tightly embrace Me.

231 O Radha, because of the benediction I give You, You will remember

everything. Following My own wish, I will enjoy pastimes with You in

Vrndavana forest again and again.

232 Therefore, accompanied by thirty three virtuous friends and twenty

one billion gopi-associates, please go to Vraja.

233-4 O Radha, after comforting with eloquent nectar words the numberless

gopas and gopis left behind in Goloka, I will go to Vasudeva's home in

Mathura City.

235 The ten million gopas most dear to Me should take birth in the homes

of the gopas. To enjoy pastimes with Me they should go to Vraja.

236 O Narada, then Lord Krsna stopped speaking. The demigods,

demigoddesses, gopas and gopis were silent.

237 Then Brahma, Siva, Yama, Sesa, Parvati, Laksmi and Sarasvati

joyfully offered prayers to Lord Krsna.

238 Overcome with love and burning in the flames of imminent separation,

the devoted gopas and gopis offered prayers to Lord Krsna and bowed down

before Him.

239 Burning in the flames of imminent separation even though Her desires

were all fulfilled, Sri Radha devotedly offered prayers to Her lover Krsna,

who is more dear to Her than life.

240 Seeing that Sri Radha was weeping many tears of distress, Lord Krsna

spoke to Her truthful words of enlightenment.

241 Sri Krsna said: O goddess more dear than life, please be peaceful.

Give up You fears. What You feel I also feel. Why should You be unhappy

while I am with You.

242 However, I will tell You something that is not good. You will be

separated from Me for a hundred years.

243 O beautiful one, I will go to Mathura and because of Sridama's

curse, We will be separated.

244 In Mathura I will remove the earth's burden, release My parents from

bondage and give liberation to a florist, a tailor and a hunchback girl.

245 Then I will kill Kalayavana, deliver Mucukunda, build the city of

Dvaraka, and see a Rajasuya-yajna.

246 Then I will marry 16 100 princesses and defeat many enemies.

247 Then I will help My friends, burn Varanasi, make Siva yawn and cut

Banasura's arms.

248 I will forcibly take the Parijata tree, see many saintly sages when

I go on pilgrimage, and perform many other activities.

249 While on pilgrimage I will speak with My friends and relatives, help

My father perform a yajna, and, at an auspicious moment, see You again.

250 There I will also see the gopis and again I will teach You the truth

of spiritual philosophy.

251 From that time We will never really be separated for even a moment

of the day or night. Then, after some time, I will return to Vraja.

252 Beloved, during the hundred years We are separated We will meet in

Our dreams again and again.

253 In My Narayana form I will go to Dvaraka for those hundred years.

In that way I will enjoy My pastimes there.

254 Then I will return to live with You in the forest. Then I will wipe

away all the sufferings of My parents and the gopas and gopis.

255 When I have removed the earth's burden I will return to Goloka with

the gopas, gopis and You.

256 O Radha, in My form as eternal Lord Narayana I will return to

Vaikuntha with Laksmi and Sarasvati.

257 My various incarnations will return to Svetadvipa, the home of

religion, and the partial incarnations of the demigods and demigoddesses

will all return to their respective abodes.

258 Then You and I will again live in Goloka. Beloved, now I have told

You everything both good and bad. Who can stop from happening what I have


259 After speaking these words, Lord Krsna had Radha rest against His

chest. All the demigods and their wives were astonished.

260 Then Lord Krsna said to the demigods and demigoddesses: O demigods,

please return to your homes and prepare for your mission.

261 O Parvati, please go to Mount Kailasa with your husband and sons.

At the proper time you will execute the mission I have given you.

262 As I have said, you will take birth as a partial incarnation. You

will not be accompanied by Ganesa, who is the lord of the great and the


263-4 Bowing down before Lord Krsna, the demigods happily returned to

their homes. Then, bowing again before Lord Krsna and before Laksmi and

Sarasvati, they went, eager to execute their mission, to the earth. Then

Lord Krsna described Sri Radha's mission, a mission beyond what the demigods

can attain.

265 Lord Krsna said to Sri Radha: Accompanied by the many gopas and

gopis I have already named, please go to King Vrsabhanu's home.

266 Beloved, first I will go to Vasudeva's home in Mathura, and then, on

the pretext of fearing Kamsa, I will go to Gokula, where You will be.

267 Radha bowed down before Lord Krsna. Tormented with the thought of

being separated from Her love, She wept, Her eyes now red lotus flowers,

again and again.

268 She began to go and then She returned. Again and again and again

and again She left, returned, and gazed and gazed at Lord Krsna's face.

269 With the cakora birds of Her unblinking eyes saintly Radha drank the

nectar moonlight of Lord Krsna's face.

270 Seven times the supreme goddess Radha circumambulated Lord Krsna.

Seven times She bowed down and respectfully stood before Him.

271 Then twenty-one billion gopis and ten million gopas came there.

272 O Narada, accompanied by the multitudes of gopas and gopis, Sri

Radha bowed down before Lord Krsna and respectfully stood before Him.

273 Accompanied by Her thirty-three close friends and by the many gopas

and gopis, beautiful Radha bowed down before Lord Krsna and then went to the


274 Then Radha-gopi went to Vrsabhanu-gopa's home, the place Lord Krsna

arranged for Her in Nanda's Gokula.

275 When Radha went with the gopas and gopis to the earth, Lord Krsna

became eager to go there also.

276 After speaking to the gopas and gopis and giving them their various

duties, Lord Krsna, the master of the universes, travelling as fast as the

mind, went to Mathura.

277 Before all this Vasudeva and Devaki had six sons and Kamsa killed

each one as soon as they were born.

278 By Lord Krsna's order, Yogamaya pulled from Devaki's womb the

seventh embryo, who was an incarnation of Lord Sesa, and place it in

Rohini's womb in Gokula.


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In Goloka Radharani goes to Barsana for Her Appearance day celebrations


On Bhadra Sukla Saptami, Sridama, Radharani's brother or Her mother Kirtida

comes and picks Her from Yavat, Her mother in-law Jatila's house and takes

Her to Barsana where there is three day celebration for Her appearance day.

Krsna comes from Nandgram and stays for three days to participate in the

festival And ofcourse Radha & Krsna enjoy unlimitedly their ever-new

pastimes in Their secret hideouts, even in very house of Vrishbhanu &

Kirtida-devi. That is why everyone goes to Barsana on Radhas for 4:30 am

Mangal Arotik at the Sriji temple there.



Srimati Radharani's 25 transcendental qualities, by which She

controls Krsna.


(1) She is very sweet.// She is sweetness personified;


(2) She is always freshly youthful.// She is a fresh young girl;


(3) Her eyes are restless.// Her eyes are always moving;


(4) She smiles brightly.// She is always brightly smiling;


(5) She has beautiful, auspicious lines.// She possesses all auspicious

marks on Her body;


(6) She makes Krsna happy with Her bodily aroma.// She can agitate Krsna by

the flavor of Her person;


(7) She is very expert in singing.// She is expert in the art of singing;


(8) Her speech is charming.// She can speak very nicely and sweetly;


(9) She is very expert in joking and speaking pleasantly.// She is expert

in presenting feminine attractions;


(10) She is very humble and meek.// She is modest and gentle;


(11) She is always full of mercy.// She is always very merciful;


(12) She is cunning.// She is transcendentally cunning;


(13) She is expert in executing Her duties.// She knows how to dress nicely;


(14) She is shy.// She is always shy;


(15) She is always respectful.// She is always respectful;


(16) She is always calm.// She is always patient;


(17) She is always grave.// She is very grave;


(18) She is expert in enjoying life.// She is enjoyed by Krsna;


(19) She is situated at the topmost level of ecstatic love.// She is always

situated on the highest devotional platform;


(20) She is the reservoir of loving affairs in Gokula.// She is the abode

of love of the residents of Gokula;


(21) She is the most famous of submissive devotees.// She can give shelter

to all kinds of devotees;


(22) She is very affectionate to elderly people.// She is always

affectionate to superiors and inferiors;


(23) She is very submissive to the love of Her friends.// She is always

obliged by the dealings of Her associates;


(24) She is the chief gopi.// She is the greatest amongst Krsna's girl



(25) She always keeps Krsna under Her control. In short, She possesses

unlimited transcendental qualities, just as Lord Krsna does.// She

always keeps Krsna under Her control.



The glory of name 'Radha' is explained below:


'ra' sabdoccaranad eva sphito bhavati madhavah

'dha' sabdoccarata pascad dhavatyeva sa-sambhramah


Simply by vibrating the sound 'Ra', Sri Krishna's ecstatic jubiliation fully

blooms; simply upon hearing the sound 'dha', He chases after vibrator with

great awe and reverence.

(Brahma Vaivarta Purana)


'ra' sabdam kurvatas trasto dadami bhaktim uttamam

'dha' sabdam kurvatah pascat yami sravana lobhatah


(Lord Sri Krishna proclaims): ''The moment I hear the sound 'Ra' from

anyone's lips, I grant them My supreme prema-bhakti. But the next moment

when I hear the sound 'dha', I completely lose Myself and become intoxicated

in Radha-nama. Because of My great longing to hear the name of My Beloved, I

run after the devotees who chant Radha-nama.''


radhety evam ca samsiddha ra-karo dana-vacakah

dha nirvanam ca tad-datri tena radha prakirtita


The holy name of Radha is fully accomplished in perfection as follows: the

syllable 'Ra' denotes dana, bestowal of a gift, and the syllable 'dha'

indicates nirvana, liberation. Thus, She Who mercifully bestows liberation

into the eternal kingdom of painlessness is called 'Radha.'

(Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Sri Krishna-janma-khanda)


sa radheti sada hrdi sphuratu me vidya-para dvayaksara


Let the name of Sri Radha, in which the two divine syllables are embodied

and which personifies para-vidya (the ultimate truth) eternally shine in my



(Radha-Rasa-Sudha-Nidhi 96 by Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati)


radheti me jivanam


Sri Radha and Radha alone or the nectarean name of Sri Radhe is my life

breath. (Radha-Rasa-Sudha-Nidhi 97)


Why Krsna is called Atma-Rama


atma-ramasya krsnasya

dhruvam atmasti radhika


Kalindi has stated that ''Surely Sri Radhika is the very soul of Lord

Krishna Who is Atma-Rama, that is, One Who delights in Himself alone.''


atma tu radhika tasya tayaiva ramanad asau

atma-rama iti prokto muni-bhir gudha vedi-bhih


Bhagavan Krishna is always immersed in Sri Radha consciousness, which is His

very soul. Therefore learned sages who have grasped the secret esoteric

significance of this deep mellow call him 'Atma-Rama.'


No Krsna without Srimati Radharani


vina radha-prasadena krsna-praptir na jayate

tatah sri-radhika-krsnau smaraniyau su-samyutau


Without the mercy of Srimati Radhika, one can never attain Krsna. Therefore

one must remember them together, as They are always nicely situated by each

others' side.


(Srila Dhyana-chandra Goswami's Paddhati)


prema-bhaktau yadi sraddha mat prasadam yadicchasi

tada narada bhavena radhaya radhako bhava


Shri Krishna says: O Narada!! If you have faith in the process of

prema-bhakti and wish to attain my favour, then please become the worshipper

of Srimati Radharani in the mood of ecstatic emotion.


(Bhavisyottara Purana)


satyam satyam punah satyam satyam eva punah punah

vina radha prasadena mat-prasado na vidyate


Sri Krishna says: O Narada! I tell you truly truly, again truly, truly,

again and again - without the mercy of Srimati Radharani, one cannot attain

my mercy.


(Narada Purana)


Prayers to Radharani



damsair eva mrtam janam


bhesajair devi jivaya



O Radharani, the queen of Vrndavana, with the medicine of the red lac from

Your lotus feet, please bring back to life this person now dead from the

bites of the black snake of not seeing You. (Vilapa-kusmanjali by RDG)


tavaivaasmi tavaivaasmi

na jivaami tvayaa vinaa

iti vijnaaya devi tvam

naya mam caranaantikam


I am Yours alone! I am Yours alone! I cannot live without You! O queen,

please understand this and bring me to Your feet.


>From Vilapa Kusumanjali by Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswami



Sri Caitanya Caritamrita of Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami

C.C. Adi 1.6

Desiring to understand the glory of Radharani's love, the wonderful

qualities in Him that She alone relishes through Her love, and the happiness

She feels when She relishes the sweetness of His love, the Supreme Lord

Hari, richly endowed with Her emotions, appears from the wonb of Srimati

Sacideve, as the moon appears from the ocean.


The essence of the hladini potency is love of God, the essence of love of

God is emotion [bhava], and the ultimate developement of emotion is


Sri Radha Thakurani is the embodiment of mahabhava. She is the repository of

all good qualities and the crest jewel among all the lovely consorts of Lord


Of these two gopis [Radharani and Candravali], Srimati Radharani is superior

in all respects. She is the embodiment of mahabhava, and She surpasses all

in good qualities. (Ujjvala-nilamani 2)

Her mind, senses and body are steeped in love for Krsna. She is Krsna's own

energy, and She helps Him in His pastimes.[Adi 4.68-71]

Lord Krsna made Srimati Radharani close Her eyes in shame before Her

friends by His words relating Their amorous activities on the previous

night. Then He showed the highest limit of cleverness in drawing pictures of

dolphins in various playful sports on Her breasts. In this way Lord Hari

made His youth successful by performing pastimes in the bushes with Sri

Radha and Her friends. [b.r.s. 2.1.231] (CC Adi 4.117)


Adi 4.214-221

Among the gopis, Srimati Radhika is the foremost. She surpasses all in

beauty, in good qualities, in good fortune, and above all, in love.

Just as Radha is dear to Lord Krsna, so Her bathing placed [Radha-kunda] is

dear to Him. She alone is His most beloved of all gopis. (Padma Purana)

O Partha, in all the three planetary systems, this earth is especially

fortunate, for on earth is the town of Vrndavana. And there the gopis are

especially glorious because among them is My Srimati Radharani. (Adi

Purana-Krsna to Arjuna)

All the other gopis help increase the joy of Krsna's pastimes with

Radharani. The gopis act as instruments of Their mutual enjoyment.

Radha is the beloved consort of Krsna, and She is the wealth of His life.

Without Her, the gopis cannot give Him pleasure.

Lord Krsna, the enemy of Kamsa, left aside the other gopis during the rasa

dance and took Srimati Radharani to His heart, for She is the helper of the

Lord in realizing the essence of His desires. (Gita-Govinda 3.1 -

Krsna leaves rasa lila to search for Radha)

Lord Caitanya appeared with the sentiment of Radha. He preached the dharma

of this age-the chanting of the holy name and pure love of God.

In the mood of Srimati Radharani, He also fulfilled His own desires. This is

the principal reason for His appearance.


C.C. Adi 4.238-272

Once Lord Krsna considered with His heart: "Everyone says that I am complete

bliss, full of all rasas. All the world derives pleasure from Me. Is there

anyone who can give Me pleasure? One who has a hundred times more qualities

than Me could give pleasure to My mind. One more qualified than Me is

impossible to find in the world. But in Radha alone I feel the presence of

one who can give Me pleasure. Although My beauty defeats the beauty of ten

million cupids, although it is unequalled and unsurpassed and although it

gives pleasure to the three worlds, seeing Radharani gives pleasure to My

eyes. The vibration of My transcendental flute attracts the three worlds,

but My ears are enchanted by the worlds of Srimati Radharani. Although My

body lends fragrance to the entire creation, the scent of Radharani's limbs

captivates My mind and heart. Although the entire creation is full of

differnt tastes because of Me, I am charmed by the nectarean taste of the

lips of Srimati Radharani. And although My touch is cooler than ten million

moons, I am refreshed by the touch of Srimati Radhika. Thus although, I am

the source of happiness for the entire world, the beauty and attributes of

Sri Radhika are My life and soul. In this way My affectionate feelings for

Srimati Radharani may be understood, but on analysis I find them

contradictory. My eyes are fully satisfied when I look upon Srimati

Radharani but by looking upon Me, She becomes even more advanced in

satisfaction. The flutelike murmur of the bamboos rubbing against one

another steals Radharani's consciousness, for She thinks it to be the sound

of My flute. And She embraces a tamala tree, mistaking it for Me. 'I have

gotten the embrace of Sri Krsna,' She thinks, 'so now My life is fulfilled.;

Thus She remains immersed in pleasing Krsna, taking the tree in Her arms.

When a favorable breeze carries to Her the fragrance of My body, She is

blinded by love and tries to fly into that breeze. When She tastes the betel

chewed by Me, She merges in an ocean of joy and forgets everything else.

Even with hundreds of mouths I could not express the transcendental pleasure

She derives from My association. Seeing the luster of Her complexion after

Our pastimes together, I forget My own identity in happiness. The sage

Bharata has said that the mellows of lover and beloved are equal. But he

does not know the mellows of My Vrndavana. The happiness I feel when meeting

Radharani is a hundred times greater than the happiness I get from meeting



My dear auspicious Radharani, Your body is the source of all beauty. Your

red lips are softer than the sense of immortal sweetness, Your face bears

the aroma of a lotus flower, Your sweet words defeat the vibrations of the

cuckoo, and Your limbs are cooler than the pulp of sandalwood. All My

transcendental senses are overwhelmed in ecstatic pleasure by tasting You,

who are completely decorated by beautiful qualities. (spoken by Lord Krsna

to Radha, Lalita-Madhava 9.9 by Rupa Goswami)


Her eyes are enchanted by the beauty of Lord Krsna, the enemy of Kamsa. Her

body thrills in pleasure at His touch. Her ears are always attracted to His

sweet voice, Her nostrils are enchanted by His fragrance, and Her tongue

hankers for the nectar of His soft lips. She hangs down her lotuslike face,

exercising self-control only by pretense, but She cannot help showing the

external signs of Her spontaneous love for Lord Krsna. (Rupa Goswami thus

describes the countenance of Srimati Radharani)


Considering this, I can understand that some unknown mellow in Me controls

the entire existence of My captivator, Srimati Radharani. I am always eager

to taste the joy that Radharani derives from Me. In spite of various

efforts, I have not been able to taste it. But My desire to relish that

pleasure increases as I smell its sweetness. I have appeared in the world to

taste mellows. I shall taste the mellows of pure love in various ways. I

shall teach devotional service, which springs from the spontaneous love of

the devotees, by demonstrating it Myself with My pastimes. But these three

desires have not been satisfied, for one cannot enjoy them in a contrary

postition. Unless I accept the luster of the ecstatic love of Sri Radhika,

these three desires cannot be fulfilled. Therefore, assuming Radharani's

sentiments and bodily complexion, I shall descend to fulfill these three

desires. In this way Lord Krsna came to a decision. Simultaneously, the time

came for the incarnation of the age. At that time Sri Advaita was earnestly

worshiping Him. Advaita attracted Him with His loud calls. First Lord Krsna

made His parents and elders appear. Then Krsna Himself, with the sentiments

and complexion of Radhika, appeared in Navadvipa, like the full moon, from

the womb of mother Saci, which is like an ocean of pure milk.


>From Radha-Krsna Gannodesa Dipika by Srila Rupa Goswami:


TEXT 135


Srimati Radharani


Among all the beautiful gopis Srimati Radharani is the best. Radharani is

the queen of Vrndavana. She has many famous friends, headed by Lalita and




TEXT 136 - 139


Srimati Radharani's rival is Candravali. Among Candravali's friends are

Padma, Syama, Saibya, Bhadra, Vicitra, Gopali, Palika, Candrasalika,

Mangala, Vimala, Lila, Taralaksi, Manorama, Kandarpa-manjari, Manjubhasini,

Khanjaneksana, Kumuda, Kairavi, Sari, Saradaksi, Visarada, Sankari, Kunkuma,

Krsna, Sarangi, Indravali, Siva, Taravali, Gunavati, Sumukhi, Keli-manjari,

Haravali, Cakoraksi, Bharati and Kamala.



TEXT 140


The beautiful gopis may be considered in hundreds of groups, each group

containing hundreds of thousands of gopis.



TEXT 141


Among all these gopis the most important are Srimati Radharani, Candravali,

Bhadra, Syama and Palika. These gopis are full of all transcendental good




TEXT 142


Of these gopis Srimati Radharani and Candravali are the best. Each of them

has millions of doe-eyed gopi followers.


TEXT 143


Because She possesses all charm and sweetness, Srimati Radharani is the

better of the two. She is supremely famous. In the Sruti-sastra She is

known by the name Gandharva-devi.


TEXT 144


Sri Krsna, the cowherd prince whose charming sweetness has no equal or

superior, is very dear to Srimati Radharani. She considers Him millions and

millions of times more dear than Her own life's breath.



TEXT 145


Now the beauty of Srimati Radharani's trancendental form will be described.

Srimati Radharani is expert in all the fine arts and Her transcendental form

is like an ocean of nectar.



TEXT 146


Her splendid bodily luster is like the yellow pigment gorocana, molten gold,

or stationary lightning.



TEXT 147


She wears wonderfully beautiful blue garments and She is decorated with

various pearls and flowers.



TEXT 148


She is very beautiful and She has long nicely braided hair. She is

decorated with a garland of flowers and a beautiful pearl necklace.



TEXT 149


Her splendid forehead is decorated with the red pigment sindura and with

beautiful locks of curling hair.



TEXT 150


Decorated with blue bangles, Her arms have defeated Cupid's staff with their



TEXT 151


Decorated with black mascara and reaching back almost to Her ears, Srimati

Radharani's lotus eyes are the most beautiful in all the three planetary




TEXT 152


Her nose is as beautiful as a sesame flower and it is nicely decorated with

a pearl. She is anointed with various perfumes. She is splendidly




TEXT 153


Her ears are decorated with wonderful earrings and Her nectarean lips defeat

the red lotus flowers.



TEXT 154


Her teeth are like a row of pearls and Her tongue is very beautiful.

Decorated with a nectarean smile of pure love for Krsna, Her beautiful face

is a splendid as millions of moons.



TEXT 155


The beauty of Her chin has defeated and bewildered the demigod Cupid.

Decorated with a drop of musk, Her chin appears like a golden lotus flower

with a bumblebee.



TEXT 156


Bearing all the marks of wonderful beauty, Her neck is decorated with a

string of pearls. Her neck, back and sides are enchantingly beautiful.



TEXT 157


Her beautiful breasts are like two splendid waterpots covered with a bodice

and decorated with a necklace of pearls.



TEXT 158


Her beautiful enchanting arms are decorated with jeweled armlets.



TEXT 159

Her arms are also decorated with jeweled bracelets and other kinds of

jeweled ornaments. Her hands are like two red lotus flowers illuminated by

the series of moons that are Her fingernails


TEXT 160


Auspicious Markings on Srimati Radharani's Hands


Srimati Radharani's hands are decorated with many auspicious markings such

as the signs of the bumblebee, lotus, crescent moon, earring, parasol,

sacrificial post, conchshell, tree, flower, camara and svastika.



TEXT 161


These auspicious marks are manifest in various ways on Srimati Radharani's

lotus hands. Her splendidly beautiful fingers are also decorated with

jeweled rings.



TEXT 162


Charming, full of sweet nectar and decorated with a deep navel, Srimati

Radharani's beautiful waist enchants the three worlds.



TEXT 163


Her sloping hips lead to Her charmingly beautiful slender waist, which is

bound by a creeper of three beautiful folds of skin and decorated with a

sash of tinkling bells.

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