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Inquiries into the Absolute: Digest 61

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Digest 61, June 28th, 2003


Answers by His Holiness Romapada Swami Maharaja


*** You are welcome to send in your questions to HH Romapada Swami at

iskcon_dc with the word "Question" in the subject. ***


On Following the Regulative Principles



Q 1)

I work in a hotel that serves meat. By working there have I committed a

sin? Would I be ineligible for Krishna Consciousness? I was reading the book

"Yoga for The 21st century" by Tamal Krishna Goswami. In the book chapter 8,

he says that anyone that has any connection to the death of an animal

whether it be feeding, delivering, serving, etc., has committed a sin and is

punishable by the laws of karma. Of course meat is cooked and served at our

hotel. I am an Executive Chef at the hotel. Although I do not cook or eat

meat I was really stunned by this statement as I have gained much from

chanting the name of God.



The laws of karma are subtle and very stringent. As you have described,

yes, anyone connected to sinful actions like animal killing, whether

directly or indirectly, reaps proportionate reactions.


While this is true, no one is barred from Krishna consciousness or

ineligible for His mercy. Even if unknowingly, or even knowingly, one

may perform some punishable sinful actions, such a person may still

take to chanting the Names of God and other devotional activities. I

would like to reassure you that any sincerely performed devotional

service will certainly be accepted by Krishna; it cannot be nullified

by an act of sin. In reciprocation with the devotional service rendered

to Him, Krishna enlightens the devotee how to further purify their

lives and come closer to Him (as, for example, you have come to a

crossroads of your life where you are making this inquiry). With

sincerity in you heart, you should strive to become situated in an

occupation that does not involve the compromises that your current

profession is shrouded within.


One serious caution is that we must not knowingly indulge in sinful

activities thinking that it can be adjusted or counteracted by chanting.

Such a mentality is offensive to the Holy name and should be avoided.


Devotees in general prefer to carefully choose an occupational duty that

is as pure and `karma-free' as possible. While every activity in the

material world is covered by some unavoidable fault, occupations that

directly break regulative principles can have a very deleterious effect

on one's consciousness and spiritual life as well as bring adverse

reactions, and this has been practically experienced by devotees

in situations similar to yours. In your case, you could consider possible

alternative chef situations where vegetarian food only is prepared,

in the upcoming future of your career.


Meanwhile, although there may be some inevitable reactions, the best

recourse is to take increased shelter of Krishna's holy names praying for

His protection, mercy and guidance to lead your life to a more conducive



Q 2)

Also would anyone connected with other industries like defense also

commit sin.



It is true that in this present age, the whole society is set up in

such a way that it is very hard to lead a pure life. Just by virtue of

living in a society that openly promotes all sorts of vices, we are in

one way or another contributing to these sinful activities, what then

to speak of being directly connected to some enterprise that is

dedicated to such prohibited actions! Although most people are ignorant

of these negative effects, the reactions are nonetheless treacherous!

Over and above our deliberate efforts to choose relatively harmless

professions under the guidance of experienced devotees, the only

way to completely inoculate ourselves from these vicious reactions is

by dedicating our lives cent percent to the service of the Supreme Lord.


To the extent our life is molded according to the instructions of the

scriptures and our activities are done purely in service to the Lord, to

that extent we are untouched by the reactions to our work. (See Bg 3.9,

18.57) Another significant way we can counteract such unavoidable

contaminations while living in the material world is by contributing

positively to the eradication of such vices, such as by directly or

indirectly promoting or supporting the dissemination of knowledge of

Krishna consciousness to others.



If one knows that he/she will never be an initiated devotee because of

lack of desire to follow the very strict regulative principles and life

style, is there any benefit to anyone for this person to maintain interest

in Krishna Consciousness? There are times when Srila Prabhupada says in

his books that some people are just a disturbance. How do you know if he

means these kinds of people?



Srila Prabhupada was most compassionate and so large hearted that he

freely engaged all sorts of people in Krishna's service, even the

drug-addicted hippies of the 60s, in whatever capacities they could

be engaged. He knew our deficiencies and sometimes spoke strongly to

strengthen our determination, but he never turned down a soul that

sincerely approached Krishna, regardless of their capacities or

inabilities. (Also refer to Bg 3.31 purport.) I am not sure of the

exact reference within Srila Prabhupada's writing which you are making,

but perhaps Prabhupada was refering to someone who was explicitly

envious of Krishna and approached the devotees to take advantage of them.


Please refer to Q1 above re. the eligibility for Krishna consciousness.

Krishna consciousness is the natural function of the soul, and by its

continued performance, all undesirables will eventually be removed. Even

if one may not yet be able to or even committed to follow all the spiritual

standards strictly, simply by continued chanting and hearing about Krishna

in the association of sincere devotees, such a practicioner will eventually

develop a strong taste for devotional service. The desire and the ability

to follow the rules and regulations of devotional life will just be the

natural by-product. Even otherwise, even if they are unable to come to the

point of initiation, there is no loss in serving Krishna. On the other hand,

what is the use of successful and perfect execution of millions of other

materialistic goals?


The acharyas have therefore recommended that some how or other one should

always think of Krishna; even if one is full of lust or fear or greed,

because such contact with Krishna can purify one of all impure actions

and desires. Srila Prabhupada narrates the story of a thief who heard about

the expensive ornaments of Krishna and went in search of Krishna to rob Him.

Although his motive was simply greediness, and he had no interest in sadhana

bhakti, simply by his eagerness to see Krishna, he was able to see Krishna

face to face and in course of their conversation, the thief became a pure

devotee. The only requirement is therefore to have a sincere eagerness for

the Supreme Lord and be in the association of pure devotees.





I'm practising Krishna Consciousness through ISKCON since 3 years

irregularly, following three regulative principles except 'no illicit sex'.

But chanting 16 rounds daily since 2 months and interested in life-long

Krishna Consciouness. I am also donating to ISKCON Rs. 2000/-(INR)

monthly since six months. So considering this, please answer the following

question. Can we claim money from our office against false receipts. And

also please explain elaborately considering all the situations.



As devotees of Krishna, we are required to act within the society as

representatives of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Our actions also

will directly reflect on the entire devotee community and the parampara

we represent, just as the misbehavior of a son brings ill repute to the

entire family. Therefore, this demands that we maintain impeccable

standards in all our dealings, words and actions, and certainly of the

highest religious and moral standards.


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu confirmed this standard of ethical conduct

in His dealings with Gopinath Pattanayaka (see CC Antya-lila Ch 9).


In principle, therefore, devotees are to refrain from illegal and also

improper activities and strictly uphold principles such as honesty etc.

Vaishnava acharyas have always stressed the importance for householders

to earn money only by honest means. Even though we may be engaged in

Krishna's service, money earned through less-than-legitimate means is

tainted with impurity. Even if such money was to be directly used in

Krishna's service, still the end does not fully justify the means.


Not only will such an act be a bad example and bring bad name to the

devotees of Krishna, but personally such seemingly harmless falsehood

or dishonest practices will still leave deep `samskaras' or impressions

in one's mind that will repeatedly impel them towards such activities

and implicate the individual deeper and deeper. Therefore, as aspiring

devotees, we should be very wary and refrain from such activities.





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----- Festivals over the next week ------

Jun 29 2003, Sunday Disappearance Sri Gadadhara Pandita (Fast)

Disappearance Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

(Fasting till noon)

Jun 30 2003, Monday Gundica Marjana

Jul 01 2003, Tuesday Disappearance Sri Svarupa Damodara Gosvami

Disappearance Sri Sivananda Sena

Ratha Yatra

(Hera Pancami after 4 days)

(Return Ratha after 8 days)

Jul 05 2003, Saturday Disappearance Sri Vakresvara Pandita


*** NOTE: All times are for Washington D.C, USA, EST ***

For festival information for your city please go to http://www.iskcondc.org and

click on 'Calendar'



** A brief biography of His Holiness Romapada Swami available at


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into the Absolute

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