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Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana

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Hare Krishna,








One will receive the mercy of the Goswamis and compassionate followers of


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu by obtaining their association. That association is

available in their books, in the books describing their activities, in the line

of their followers, and in their samadhis sitting in Vrndavana. Remembering the

Supreme Lord Krishna and His pure devotees is a powerful form of devotional

service called smaranam. Hence, a devotee will make spiritual advancement

simply by remembering and praying for the mercy of the departed Vaisnavas. The

mercy of the Vaisnavas is absolutely essential in order to attain the goal of

human life i.e. eternal service to Sri Sri Radha Krishna.'




One becomes purified of material contamination and attains love of Godhead by

chanting the holy names of Lord Sri Krishna and Sri Krishna Caitanya. Because

the Lord and His pure devotees are non-different, one also becomes free from

sinful reactions and spiritually elevated by chanting the names of Lord

Caitanya's loving associates. Srila Krishnadas Kaviraja confirms this in

Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi Lila 12:92,


"Yan-saba smarane pai Caitanya-carana, yan-saba-smarane haya vanchita purana,"


Simply by remembering the names of Lord Gauranga's eternal associates, one gets

the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and all his desires become





One must take shelter at the lotus feet of a devotee mahatma and treat him as

the most exalted well-wisher of all human society. We should take shelter of

such a mahatma and ask for his causeless mercy. Only by his benediction can one

be relived from attachment to the materialistic way of life. C.C. Madhya Lila

22:51 "mahat-krpa vina kona karme bhakti naya Krsna-bhakti dure rahu, samsara

nahe kasya"- unless one is favoured by a pure devotee, one cannot attain the

platform of devotional service. To say nothing of Krishna bhakti, one cannot

even be relived from the bondage of material existence.




On 29th May is the disappearance of Baladeva Vidyabhusana and appearance on

Gangamata Goswamini. Kindly glorify them by reading their pastimes.


Your servant in mission of Srila Prabhupada.




Nanda Gopal dasa




Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana




Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana (Sri Govinda Dasa) appeared in the 1600's near

Remuna, Orissa. In his youth, he mastered Sanskrit grammar, poetry and logic.

After carefully studying the commentaries of Sankara and Madhva he took

initiation in the Tattva-vadi disciplic succession of Sripad Madhvacarya.

Baladeva Vidyabhusana became a dig vijay Pandit (conqueror of all opponents)

and began visiting the holy places. Wherever he went he defeated the local

sages, scholars and sannyasis.




In Jagannatha Puri, he learned the superexcellent philosophy of Sri Krishna

Caitanya from Sri Radha Damodara Goswami, and took initiation after converting

to Gaudiya Vaisnavism. In Vrndavana, he studied Srimad Bhagavatam under Srila

Visvanatha Cakravrati Thakura and worshipped Radha Syamasundara.


In 1706 A.D. Visvanatha Cakravrati Thakura sent him to Gulta (near Jaipur,

Rajasthana) to uphold the credibility of Mahaprabhu's movement. The local

Ramanandais (a branch of Sri Vaisnavas) were claiming that the Bengali

Vaisnavas had no right to worship Govindaji because they had no commentary on

the Vedanta-sutra. Lord Govindaji Himself directly revealed the Govinda-bhasya

(a Vaisnava commentary on Vedanta) to Baladeva Vidyabhusana. Using it, Baladeva

solidly established Gaudiya Vaisnavism as an independent philosophy. He also

reinstated the Bengali Vaisnavas in Govindaji's service in Jaipur.

Govindaji-bhasya is the only bhakti commentary on Vedanta-sutra.




Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana was a niskincana-parama bhagvata, fully renounced

topmost devotee of Lord Krishna. His more than twenty-four books and

commentaries have helped thousands of Vaisnavas understand the sublime

philosophy of Krishna consciousness and the intimate writings of the six

Goswamis. Since he was devoid of false prestige, he never wrote about his

birth, parents, linage, and personal life. According to Srila Bhaktivinoda

Thakura in Navadvipa-dhama mahatyam, in Caitanya lila Baladeva Vidyabhusana is

Sri Gopinatha Acarya, the brother-in-law of Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. In

Vraja he serves as Sri Radha's eternal maidservant Ratnavali Devi.




Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana ki Jai Jai !!






Sri Gangamata Goswamini



>From her childhood pastimes Princess Sachi devi, the daughter of king Naresh

Narayana of Bengal, showed unalloyed devotion to Lord Sri Krishna. She even

refused to marry on account of her genuine attachment to Krishna. After her

father's demise she ruled the kingdom. But she soon renounced it to find a bona

fide spiritual master.




Princess Sachi devi met Sri Haridas Pandit, a leading guru in Vrndavana, and

began performing devout bhajana to Govindaji. Although she became frail from

under eating,


She would always sleep on the Yamuna's sandy bank, and rise before sunrise to

clean Govindaji's temple. Daily she would hear Bhagavata-katha, see Govindaji's

arotika, circumambulate Radha-Symasundara's lila sthanas (pastime places) such

as Vamisivata, Seva Kunja, Nidhu vana, Rasa Sthali. Receiving encouragement

from Sri Haridasa Pandit, Sachi devi completely dropped her false ego, put on

rugs, and went house to house in Vraja begging alms. The Vrajavasis were

astonished by her sever renunciation. Taking her guru's suggestion, she went to

Radha-kunda to associate with Sri Laksmipriya devi dasi, a dear disciple of Sri





Following Thakura Haridasa's perfect example, Laksmipriya devi daily chanted

300,000 names (192 rounds) of Krishna. Everyday the two matajis would

circumambulate Govardhana Hill and worship Krishna. On her guru's order, Sachi

devi went to the home of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya in Jagannatha Puri.

Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya and most of Lord Gauranga-sundara's eternal associates

had already returned to Goloka Vrndavana. Sachi devi restored Sarvabhuama's

house, and established first-class worship of Sri Shyama Raya, a Deity given to

her by Jaipur brahmana. Everyday she lectured on Srimad Bhagavatam. Her classes

became popular attracting eager listeners from miles around. Many people,

including brahmanas and King Mukunda Deva, took initiation from Sachi devi.




In Sri Navadvipa dhama Prikrama, Sripad B.V.Narayana Maharaja explains how

Sachi devi got the name 'Gangamata.'




'On the day of Ganga Sagara Mela, Sachi devi, who was residing in Jagannatha

Puir, desired to bathe in Ganges. That night the Ganges flowed from the Lotus

feet of Jagannatha and came to Sachi's ashrama. Entering Ganga Devi'd waters

Sachi floated to the lotus of Jagannatha Swami inside the temple.'


'After unlocking the doors the next morning the pujaris were surprised to find

her inside the temple. Thinking she was thief, they immediately put Sachi devi

in jail. Seeing this mistake, Lord Jagannatha appeared simultaneously in a

dream to both the Puri King and the head pujari. The Lord ordered them to

release Sachi devi and take initiation from her. From then on she became

famous as Gangamata Goswamini.'




Sri Sri Gangamata Goswamini ki Jai Jai ! !

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