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Inquiries into the Absolute: Digest 75

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Digest 75, December 24th, 2003

Answers by His Holiness Romapada Swami Maharaja

*** You are welcome to send in your questions to HH Romapada Swami at

iskcon_dc with the word "Question" in the subject. The previous

digests are available at:



How to break habits and become serious




My question is how to break habits? How can one become serious and

follow Srila Prabhupada's instructions more closely?



Retraction of bad habits was compared by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura as

being synonymous to the jiva's returning back to the spiritual world,

because in effect these bad habits are nothing but the binding effects

of our long material association and past activities.


The first step in overcoming this material conditioning is of course to

recognize the bad habits themselves. This recognition should be

accompanied by sincere regret followed by firm resolve to give up the

habit. But often we find that despite being aware and regretful for

their habits, many people are unable to avoid their sinful tendencies,

because of the lack of proper effort. It takes great commitment sustained

over time to accomplish the result.


Srila Rupa Gosvami gives us the formula for accomplishing it: Enthusiasm,

determination, patience, following regulative principles under the guidance

of saintly authorities, and avoiding bad association. (Nectar of

Instruction verse 3) The particular methods for addressing specific bad

habits may vary, but these are the fundamental principles and I would

like to particularly highlight two key factors that support all the

others, and help us stay on track until we completely break free -- good

association and adopting strong daily practice of devotional activities.


Submission and developing attachment to the good preceptor is the most

compelling force that gives leverage to overthrow our deep-rooted bad

habits. This again is the answer to your second question of how to become

serious. This is also how, Srimad Bhagavatam describes, that even lowborn

and uncivilized people can come to the highest perfection of life. Once

again how we can develop that submission and attachment is by valuing

and appreciating very deeply the association of such saintly devotees.


One way of practical expression of such submission is to take up strong

devotional practices, (daily chanting, scriptural study etc) which

themselves give us determination and keeps us enthusiastic. But beyond

that they attract the mercy of the Lord, Who alone can ultimately cleanse

all material contamination from within our hearts (See SB 1.2.17).

Without the accompanying cultivation of theistic knowledge and positive

spiritual practices, other methods to counteract bad habits, as we often

see around us, would at best effect a temporary change. Sooner or later

the living entity will once again become susceptible to and overwhelmed

by material energy.


In short, the process of retraction of bad habits can be summed up as

follows: Recognition, Regret, Rectification, and Reinstatement - aided

by saintly association and devotional practices.







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----- Festivals over the next week ------

Dec 25 2003, Thursday Disappearance Srila Jiva Gosvami

Disappearance Sri Jagadisa Pandita


*** NOTE: All times are for Washington D.C, USA, EST ***

For festival information for your city please go to http://www.iskcondc.org and

click on 'Calendar'



** A brief biography of His Holiness Romapada Swami available at


** This and all previous digests are available on the internet, sorted by

topics and date. **

They can be accessed at: http://www.iskcondc.org -> Philosophy -> Inquiries

into the Absolute

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