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Gaura Pürëima (5) - Sri Navadvipacandra-stavaraja

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Sri Navadvipacandra-stavaraja

(by Srila Raghunandana Thakura)



Text 1


May Lord Caitanya, the moon of Navadvipa, who is the king of

dancers, appear splendidly in my heart. His charming, graceful form is as

effulgent as gold, and He has enchanted the minds of all. He is the abode of

perfect beauty, and He is greatly agitated the mind of the monarch Cupid.



Text 2


May Lord Caitanya, the moon of Navadvipa, who is the king of

dancers, appear splendidly in my heart. Your hair is beautiful and You are

both charming and affectionate to all. Chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra,

You have captured the minds of the elderly women of Navadvipa. Beautifully

dressed in various garments, You have made the entire country of Bengal

appear full of splendor.



Text 3


May Lord Chaitanya, the moon of Navadvipa, who is the king of

dancers, appear splendidly in my heart. As beautiful as fully blossomed

lotus flowers, Your affectionate, charming, and restlessly moving eyes are

moistened with pure love of Krishna. Your character and pastimes are very

sweet, and Your beautiful limbs are resplendent.



Text 4


May Lord Chaitanya, the moon of Navadvipa, who is the king of

dancers, appear splendidly in my heart. You appears like a sandalwood tree

from the Malayan Hills. Yous smile is pure, and the edge of Your garment is

decorated is red. You are the full incarnation of Godhead, and You have

descended to this world to perform jubilant transcendental pastimes as the

greatest of devotees.



Text 5


May Lord Chaitanya, the moon of Navadvipa, who is the king of

dancers, appear splendidly in my heart. You are the abode of auspiciousness

and youthfulness, and you are expert in all the transcendental mellows. You

have become famous for Your jubilant dancing, and Your pastimes are full of

all happiness, You purify the heart of the great burden of materialism, and

the chanting of Your holy names brings complete transcendental dilight to




Text 6


May Lord Chaitanya, the moon of Navadvipa, who is the king of

dancers, appear splendidly in my heart. Tears ceaselessly glide down Your

cheeks. Instructing the world in the chanting of the Lord Krsna's holy

names, You have innundated every country with thousands of flooding rivers

of pure love of Krsna. The expansion of Your fame has liberated the

residents of the entire world.



Text 7


May Lord Chaitanya, the moon of Navadvipa, who is the king of

dancers, appear splendidly in my heart. Impelled by the ecstasy of pure love

of Krsna, the hairs of Your body stand up, making You appear like a kadamba

tree. Appearing like large pearls, the tears from Your eyes bathe Your

chest. In the agony of intense separation from Krsna, You calls out,'Alas!

Alas!' You are full of compassion, and Your form is very handsome. Your fame

is spread throughout the entire universe.



Text 8


May Lord Caitanya, the moon of Navadvipa, who is the king of

dancers, appear splendidly in my heart. You are the maintainer of all the

universes and the destroyer of all the impurities born of the age of Kali.

You remove the sufferings of the poor conditioned souls and protect them

from the calamity of material existence. You grant them the unlimited

transcendental bliss of the sankirtana movement, which glorifies the singing

of Your own holy names.



Text 9


May Lord Chaitanya, the moon of Navadvipa, who is the king of

dancers, appear splendidly in my heart. You are the dear friend of the

saintly and thoughtful devotees, and You alone are the ocean of devotional

service in pure love of God. Yous aromatic and delightful lotus feet are the

abode of all beauty and opulence. You dance with a slow gracefulness, and

You are the most austere of sannyasis.



Text 10


May Lord Chaitanya, the moon of Navadvipa, who is the king of

dancers, appear splendidly in my heart. You are the essence of the Vedas and

the perfect incarnation of pure love of Krsna. You are a deep reservoir full

of all auspicious transcendental qualities, and You are the most learned

philosopher, whose sankirtana movement has brought peace and spiritual

brotherhood to the entire world. Appearing like an overflooding ocean of

mercy, You are the friend of the most fallen souls.



Text 11


May Lord Chaitanya, the moon of Navadvipa, who is the king of

dancers, appear splendidly in my heart. You are the most charming, handsome,

and wonderfully youthful person, the all-knowing expert of enthusiastic

dancing, and a great reservoir of pure love of Krsna. You are always very

eager to chant Your own holy names.



Text 12


These prayers glorify Lord Gauranga, the king of dancers, and grant

all benedictions to the devotees. Those who delight in reading these prayers

will become able to relish the transcendental bliss of pure love of God.






(P.S. Sorry, but I had no time to edit the transliteration)

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