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Gaura Pürëima (6) - Gauranga Mantras

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>From Srila Dhyanacandra Gosvami's

"Sri Gaura-govindarcana-smarana-paddhati"



(16) Sriman Mahaprabhu Dhyana



anugamitvena sriman mahaprabhor mandiram gacchet.

tatra tad-ajnaya sri-navadvipa-candrasya sayyotthanam

suvasita-jalena srimukha-praksalanadi-kramena sevam kuryat.

tatra sriman mahaprabhor dhyanam yatha urddhvamnaye ----


In his manasa-deha, the sadhaka will follow his guru, parama-guru,

paratparaguru and paramesthi-guru to the temple of Sriman Mahaprabhu. By

their order, he will awaken the Lord and offer Him scented water for washing

His lotus face, etc., and do other seva as is appropriate. Then he will

meditate upon the Lord as described in the Urddhvamnaya-samhita:


dvi-bhujam svarna-ruciram

varabhaya-karam tatha


grinantam hari-namakam


Absorbed in prema, the golden Lord Gaura stands holding one hand in

the benediction pose and the other in the pose for awarding fearlessness,

while He incessantly chants the holy names.



(20) Sri Gauracandra Pranama


visvambharaya gauraya

caitanyaya mahatmane

saci-putraya mitraya

laksmisaya namo namah


I offer my humble obeisance again and again to that great soul who

is known as Visvambhara (maintainer of the universe), Gaura, Caitanya,

Saci-putra, the Husband of Laksmi and the Friend of All.


(73) Sri Gauranga's Asta-kala-seva



caritamritam adbhutam

cintyatam cintyatam nityam



The nectarous pastimes of Sri Navadvipa-candra are very wonderful.

Eager to serve the Lord, the sadhaka shall always think of these pastimes.




nisante gauracandrasya

sayanam ca nijalaye

pratah-kale kritotthanam

snanam tad-bhojanadikam


At the end of night (nisanta), he shall meditate on the Lord

sleeping in His own home. In the early morning (pratah-kale), the Lord rises

from His bed, bathes and takes His meal.




purvahna-samaye bhakta-

mandire paramotsukam

madhyahne paramascarya-

kelim sura-sarit-tate


In the forenoon, the Lord becomes deeply absorbed in

krisna-lila-smarana and experiences intense feelings of separation. In the

middle of the day, Mahaprabhu performs astonishing pastimes on the bank of

the Ganga. The sadhaka shall meditate on Lord Gauranga in this way.




aparahne navadvipa-

bhramanam bhuri-kautukam

sayahne gamanam caru-

shobhanam nija-mandire


In the afternoon, Gaurahari very joyfully roams about Sri

Navadvipa-dhama. In the early evening, He returns to His own home, revealing

His enchanting beauty.




pradose priya-vargadhyam

srivasa-bhavane tatha

nisayam smared anandam



In the late evening, He meets His dear associates at the home of

Srivasa Thakura, where they perform a great sankirtana festival far into the

night. The sadhaka shall thus blissfully meditate on Sri Gauracandra.

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