Guest guest Posted September 17, 2002 Report Share Posted September 17, 2002 16 Beneficial Activities for the Whole World By HH Tridandi Swami Bhaktiratna Sadhu Maharaja 16 Beneficial Activities as suggested by HH Tridandi Swami Bhaktiratna Sadhu Maharaj to his followers and disciples but which are essential for the whole world: (1) Complete the daily chanting of atleast 10 rounds each of the Nityananda and Gauranga Mantras alongwith the chanting of atleast 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra while chanting Panca-tattva mantra before each round of the maha-mantra. Apart from this whenever extra time is available keep on chanting the Nityananda and Gauranga Mantra because according to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada and Srila Prabhupada that these two names are the most beneficial mantras for the anartha-yukta conditioned souls to make them Krishna-unmukha very quickly. (2) Follow the five regulative principles: (a) No eating of grains twice a month on Ekadashis (and breaking the fast on time on Dvadashi) & also on the Appearance Days of the Lord like Gaura-Purnima and Janmashtami;(b) No eating of all kinds of non-veg food including meat, fish, eggs, onion, garlic etc; © No intoxication including drinking, smoking, tea, coffee etc; (d) No gambling; (e) No illicit-sex relationships. (3) Daily worship the Tulasi plant (who is the living maha-bhagavata Vaishnava in everyone's home) by offering obeisances, circumambulating it atleast 4 times, watering it, offering incense, flowers, a ghee lamp, putting the mud of one's head, sprinkling the leaves with water and removing the seeds etc. (4) Recite or hear (CD) daily 108 original Bengali verses of Chaitanya-Bhagavata or Chaitanya-Charitamrita or Navadvipa-Dhama-Mahatmya or Navadvipa-Shataka (Bengali versification by Thakura Bhaktivinoda) or Chaitanya-Chandramrita (Sanskrit) or Navadvipa-Bhava-Taranga, or Shrimad-Bhagavata (Bengali versification 'Krishna-Prema-Tarangini' by the great associate of Lord Gauranga, Srila Bhagavatacharya) or Chaitanya-mangala or Bhakti- Ratnakara, or Prema-Vilasa or Narottama-Vilasa or Karananda or Rasika- Mangala or Srila Prabhupada’s and Sri Guru's books. The recitation of 108 verses of the above daily is like chanting one round of Chaitanya-Bhagavata or Gauranga-Lila daily. The original Bengali verses of the above books are the direct words of the maha-bhagavata paramhansa Vaishnava Acharyas and have been directly dictated to them by Lord Gauranga Himself. So these verses have the potency to turn a maha-patita soul in to a maha-vaishnava instantly when he or she comes in contact with these verses whether one understands the meaning or does not understand the meaning in the beginning. The spiritual sound vibration of these verses which are directly descending from the eternal Sri Navadvipa-dhama is sufficient to fully purify the chanter or listener. As predicted by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada and quoted by Srila Prabhupada, a time will come when the whole world will learn Bengali to read, chant, hear and understand these original Bengali verses which are the abode of all transcendental sweetness. He also stated that in his Gaudiya Bhashya: "The Gaudiyas are not only residents of Gauda but by the help of Gaudiya language (Bengali) they become expert in the language of the eternally liberated inhabitants of Goloka Vrindavana and thus understand themselves as associates of Lord Gauranga and Lord Krishna." Also Srila Sarasvati Thakura suggested that the daily reading of the original Bengali verses of the above great literatures will enable us to directly associate with the liberated eternal associates of Lord Gauranga in the spiritual world so one will not lack the association of pure Vaishnavas (which is very very rare) while staying in this material world. The original Bengali verses personally composed by the great nitya-siddha acharyas who have descended from the spiritual world are very easy to understand or even learn compared to the difficult Sanskrit verses of Bhagavatam etc. even more so for those who know Hindi or other Indian regional languages. To end I would like to quote Srila Prabhupada from the Cc Adi 8.39 purport: "We are trying to present Sri Caitanya-caritamrta in English and do not know how successful it will be, but if one reads the original Caitanya-caritamrta in Bengali he will relish increasing ecstasy in devotional service." Also stressed by the acharyas in the repeated reading (not just once or twice) of the original Bengali verses of the above books. Srila Sarasvati Thakura suggested that one read all the original Bengali verses of Chaitanya-Bhagavata and Chaitanya-Charitamrita 100 times each to all his followers whom he suggested to learn Bengali for this purpose if required. Then it is 100% assured that this is one's last life in this material world because one will be constantly overwhelmed by the infinite bliss of Gauranga-Lila and Gauranga-Nama. (5) Try to visit Sri Navadvipa-dhama, Sri Vrindavana-dhama or Sri Jagannatha Puri dhama atleast once in a year. One can reside for long periods in Navadvipa-dhama and make tremendous spiritual advancement because no offenses are considered there whereas one should stay only for short periods in Vrindavana-dhama as suggested by Thakura Bhaktivinoda & Srila Prabhupada. (6) Hear one or half audio/video lecture of Sri Guru or Srila Prabhupada daily if possible. (7) Personally attend atleast two satsangs of Sri Guru in a month if possible. (8) Distribute atleast one Chaitanya-Bhagavata daily (Rs.25 only) alongwith a small book (& VCD) on the glories of chanting the Nityananda and Gauranga mantra alongwith the maha-mantra and thus deliver someone else daily by making him or her into a maha-vaishnava instantly. Also regularly read and distribute Srila Prabhupada's books. Assist as per one's capacity in the translation, publication, distribution and the popularizing of books on the glories of Gauranga-Nama and Lila in different languages all over the world which is very much required now according to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura because Lord Gauranga is going to become the most worshipable Lord of all living entities in all the cities, towns and villages of the world in a very short time and thus people will want to hear more and more about His Nama and Lila. Try to introduce the glories of the Name and Pastimes of the most magnanimous incarnation of Lord Nityananda-Gauranga through movies, telivision, internet (websites, webcams, chat forums & email), slide shows and multimedia presentations of Gauranga Nama-Lila, press propoganda and conferences, publication and distribution of books , audio and video CDs on Gauranga-Nama-Lila, free stickers, pamphlets etc etc, mass-scale advertising on bill-boards, banners, newspapers, tv etc., establishing Nityananda-Gauranga temples, Gauranga-Mantra-Seminars and Ashraya for everyone, Gauranga-Lila-Saptahs, Parayanas and Pandal programs, satsangs, door-to-door preaching, preaching to friends, relatives, aquaintances etc about this incarnation, establishing Gauranga-Pada-Pithas in all the places which the Lord visited in India which was inaugurated by Srila Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada himself, masssive publicity on the importance of Navadvipa-dhama as the topmost place on this planet with the slogan "Chalo Navadvipa" thus taking millions and millions of people to Navavdipa, massive publicity of the importance of chanting these two mantras 'Nityananda' and 'Gauranga' -- GOAL IS TO MAKE the whole world chant these two mantras atleast once so that Krishna-prema will come searching after them!, raising huge donations and funds to accomplish the above gigantic tasks etc etc etc etc... We request everyone to utilize whatever talent and energy one has in whichever forum possible to spread the Names and Pastimes of Lord Nityananda-Gauranga. This is an emergency for the whole world to save it from it's suicidal course. It is not for the Lord's benefit but for our own benefit that we actively, fully, whole-heartedly and enthusiastically participate in this mission of Lord Nitynanda-Gauranga and thus become Their eternal associates at the end of our lives. (9) Paste atleast 1 sticker of Nityananda & Gauranga Mantras daily at a noticeable place so that hundreds and thousands will become eligible for Krsna-prema simply by reading the two mantras. Spread these two mantras alongwith the maha-mantra as much as possible to as many people you know and request them to begin chanting these two mantras and gradually the maha-mantra. Then the Golden Age will come soon in it's full glory. (8) and (9) are the main practical services for every disciple of Guru and Gauranga especially for the benefit of others. (10) Attend once in 6 months atleast one Chaitanya-Bhagavata-Saptaha or Sloka-Parayana-Mahayajna (Cumulative recitation of all 12416 verses of Chaitanya-Bhagavata or 11555 verses of Chaitanya-Charitamrita in a week). Regularly organize Chaitanya-Bhagavata saptahs, parayanas or satsangs and invite as many people as possible to take advantage of the satsangs. (11) Try to install Lord Nityananda-Gauranga or Panca-tattva Deites & offer atleast 1 arati to them daily, chant before Them in japa [as in (1)] and kirtana (Vaishnava songs) and the read the 108 verses [as in (4)] before Them for Their pleasure and They will personally dance in your home because They are extremely merciful and easy to please. As per Srila Prabhupada, Sri Sri Radha-Krishna Deities and other Deities should only be installed at home when one has reached a very advanced stage in Krishna consciousness or by the order of the Guru who is well-aware of the disciple's qualification to worship Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. Srila Prabhupada said that Nityananda-Gauranga Deities can be brought in anyone's home and even the greatest sinners will make spiritual advancement simply by seeing the Deities everyday even if they are not able to do anything else to worship Them. (12) Offer all the cooked food in the house to the Nityananda-Gauranga Deities and then partake the Gauranga prasadam with great happiness. (13) Try to rise in brahma-muhurta daily and perform mangal-arati and/or sandhya-arati in the evening. Try to follow as much as possible of the morning and evening programs given to us by Srila Prabhupada. (14) Associate and discuss with sincere, simple-hearted devotees who have realized or are open to accept or to deeply understand the glories of chanting Nityananda-Gauranga-Nama and Gauranga-Lila alongwith the glories of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra and are well-versed in the bhakti-siddhanta irrespective of the external organization they may belong. Do not associate with those devotees who minimize or reject or criticize or do not accept the paramount importance of the daily chanting of Nityananda-Gauranga-Nama and Gauranga-Lila alongwith the maha-mantra because that will the most disastrous thing for one's spiritual life and because such devotees are not at all in tune with the direct order of Lord Nityananda to regularly chant the name of 'Gauranga'. Also do not associate with those who even subtly or in an indirect way try to minimize or belittle Srila Prabhupada in any manner whatsoever. (15) Follow the instructions of Sri Guru, Srila Prabhupada, the Acharyas and exalted Vaishnavas and Lord Nityananda-Gauranga. Avoid the association of those who try to minimize, belittle or criticize the instructions of the above great authorities just like one's avoids black plague. (16) For one's own spiritual benefit and for protecting one's delicate bhakti-lata-bija, one should strictly avoid hearing any kind of Guru-Vaishnava aparadha and prajalpa except those instructions which may sometimes be given by the Guru or exalted Vaishnavas for the benefit of the disciples (not out of envy for other successful Vaishnavas as Prabhupada states), so that the disciples can avoid ku-sanga and protect their spiritual life. Also the disciples should try to scrutinizingly study and avoid the 10 nama-aparadhas in chanting and the 64 seva-aparadhas in worshiping the Deity. Attached to this email are the closeup pictures of the worshipable Deities Nityananda-Gauranga of HH Bhaktiratna Sadhu Maharaja. These may be one of the most beautiful Deity photos of Nityananda-Gauranga which you may seen. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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