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man-mana bhava mad-bhakto

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So many nice things in Krsna consciousness? We have got arts, we have

painting, we have got dancing, we have got music, we have got first-class

food, we have got first-class dress, first-class health, everything first

class. It is only the foolish rascal that he'll not be attached to these

first-class things. Everything. And it is easy at the same time. What is the

reason that one should not be attached to this process? The reason is that

he's a first-class rascal. That's all. I tell you frankly. Let anyone come,

argue with me whether he's not a first-class rascal by not accepting Krsna

consciousness. I'll prove it.

============ REF. Bhagavad-gita 7.1 -- Los Angeles, December 2, 1968


iha-sabara kon mate ha-ibe nistara?

tahara hetu na dekhiye,--e duhkha apara"


"How will these yavanas be delivered? To My great unhappiness, I do not see

any way."


This verse reveals the significance of Lord Sri Caitanya's appearance as

patita-pavana, the deliverer of all the fallen souls. Srila Narottama dasa

Thakura sings, patita-pavana-hetu tava avatara: "O my Lord, You have

appeared just to deliver all the fallen souls."...


....Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is so merciful that He not only gives knowledge

of Krsna but by His practical activities teaches everyone how to love Krsna

(krsna-prema-pradaya te).

Those who are following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu should

take the Lord's mission most seriously. In this Age of Kali, people are

gradually becoming less than animals. Nevertheless, although they are eating

the flesh of cows and are envious of brahminical culture, Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu is considering how to deliver them from this horrible condition

of life.

============ REF. Cc. Antya 3.51


yena tena prakarena

manah krsne nivesayet

sarve vidhi-nisedhah syur

etayor eva kinkarah

(from Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu)

Just like in Europe and America, some of our friends criticize that "Swami

Maharaja, he is not doing this, not doing that." We are doing everything,

but our main business is just to induce them to Krsna consciousness. That is

the secret. You have to induce them. Then even there is some discrepancies

in the rules and regulation, it does not matter. Rupa Gosvami says, sarve

vidhi-nisedha syur etayor eva kinkara. First of all, we must be Krsna

conscious somehow or other. We must find out. It can be changed according to

country, climate, and circumstances. But the result, we have to see by the

result whether one has become Krsna conscious. That is wanted. That is

wanted. Then we say that this is the rule: you don't do this, we don't do

this. In the beginning we have many difficulties. Because their behavior,

their culture, everything just opposite. Just opposite. How you can expect

everything to the right point? That is not possible. So we have to find out

means how he becomes Krsna conscious. That is my first business. So that is

the secret.

So Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami followed strictly the Rupa

Gosvami. Just like Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami introduced that a

sannyasi should go for begging alms in motorcar. In motorcar. They should

live in palatial buildings. Now if in this age if we follow that rupanuga.

Srila Rupa Gosvami used to live underneath a tree, and if we say now we

shall also imitate., just like there are many babajis in Vrndavana, they are

imitating, a small loincloth but doing all nonsense. So imitation is not

required. Real thing is required. How, what is the purpose of Gosvami? They

say that yena tena prakarena manah krsne. Somehow or other first of all

engage him in Krsna consciousness. That is my Guru Maharaja's gift.

============ REF. Srimad-Bhagavatam 7th Canto -- Calcutta, March 7, 1972


Srila Prabhupada ki Jaya!

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura ki Jaya!

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki Jaya!

Gaura-bhakta-vrnda ki Jaya!

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