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Everybody is born sudra. No one has to remain...

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>On 16 May 1998, Caitanya Candrodaya wrote:


>>care,opportunity to learn something new to improve our status


>Yes "to improve the status". Not to remain sudra or mlecha.


>Kalau sudra sambhava. Everyone is already sudra, uneducated and



> It is not the type of work that makes one shudra.


<<Jd: I humbly disagree. What is the meaning of Lord Krsna's words - Guna

karma vibhagasa?>>


If you are driving your car it is not that you are shudra. If you cooking it

is not that you are becoming shudra. If you are a professional musician for

Krsna -- it is not that you are shudra. Shudras ONLY duty, profession, is to

serve other classes. if there are no 'other' classes there are no real




Triguna. The gunas will ultimately determent what type of occupation you

should have. If one is in Tamo-guna his occupation is of a sudra - serve

brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas.


Now since we are talking about ISKCON. We want to appy functionality of the

VA in the society of Srila Prabhupadas disciples and grand-disciples. Right?

Everyone is shudra by birth. So everyone should be trained.


Sanatana Gosvami gives direction in the Hari-bhakti-vilasa that one man can

become a brahmana by the regular process of diksa. Diksa, this initiation,

cannot be offered to a sudra. (!) it is the statement of the sastras that in

the Kali-yuga most of the population are sudras. Kalau sudra sambhava. How

they can be initiated?


How shudra becomes dvidja?


Initiation is offered not according to the Vedic rules, because it is very

difficult to find out a qualified brahmana. Diksa is offered to a qualified

brahmana. Therefore this diksa is offered according to Pancaratriki-vidhi.

That is recommended in this age. (


Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, Srila Prabhupdadas) spiritual

master inaugurated this Pancaratriki-vidhi, and we are following his

footsteps. Anyone who is inclined to devote his life for Krsna, he should be

accepted as brahmana. Of course, he should be trained up.


Training is important in becoming DVIDJA. Since everyone is shudra by birth

-- everyone should get training before he can claim that he is dvidja.



Training is change. One can change the karma and guna!


Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 5: Chapter One, Text 14


guna--of quality; karma--and work; damabhih--by the ropes;






As stated in Bhagavad-gita, the four orders of the social system--namely

brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra--are arranged according to guna and

karma, their qualities and work. There is some controversy about this,

however, because some say that since one receives a body according to the

guna and karma of his past life, it is one's birth that determines his

social status. Others say, however, that one's birth according to the guna

and karma of his past life is not the essential consideration, since one can

(!) change his guna and karma even in this life. Thus they say that the four

divisions of the social order--brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra--should

be arranged according to the guna and karma of this life. This version is

confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam by Narada Muni.


Guna-karma vibhaga in BG



Why Krsna has repeated this words 'guna-karma vibhaga' TWICE in His

Bhagavat-gita 3.28 and 4.13?


To make sure no one will think that karma-kanda is the essence of BG:



tattva-vit--the knower of the Absolute Truth; tu--but; maha-baho--O

mighty-armed one; guna-karma--of works under material influence;

vibhagayoh--differences; gunah--senses; gunesu--in sense gratification

vartante--are being engaged; iti--thus; matva--thinking; na--never;

sajjate--becomes attached.


prakrteh--of material nature; guna--by the modes; sammudhah--befooled by

material identification; sajjante--they become engaged;

guna-karmasu--in material activities; tan--those;

akrtsna-vidah--persons with a poor fund of knowledge; mandan--lazy to

understand self-realization; krtsna-vit--one who is in factual knowledge;

na--not; vicalayet--should try to agitate.




One who is in knowledge of the Absolute Truth, O mighty-armed, does not

engage himself in the senses and sense gratification, knowing well the

differences between work in devotion and work for fruitive results.

Bewildered by the modes of material nature, the ignorant fully engage

themselves in material activities and become attached. But the wise should

not unsettle them, although these duties are inferior due to the performers'

lack of knowledge.






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