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Everybody is born sudra. No one has to remain...

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>Dear Prabhus,



>that designating is at all not required as it cames to this varna.It will

>be enough to create places,places with brahmanas,ksatryas,vaisyas ...

>be material and spiritual care: good salary,social and medical

>care,opportunity to learn samething new to improve our status

Yes "to improve the status". Not to remain sudra or mlecha.


Kalau sudra sambhava. Everyone is already sudra, uneducated and

unintelligent. By now the problem we face in the ISKCON society is education

(difficult to find trained brahmanas), mismanagement (ksaiyas often don't

know what they are doing), and lack of attention to cow protection. We

always have nice humble devotees who don't think they are this bodies and do

all kinds of services to others, but being unprotected, uneductated they are

beeing forced to go out and look for a job of a shudra. Instead of

'labeling' them in sudras I want to see them educated and promoted to the

duties of the higher varnas. If our "head", "hands" and "belly" are educated

and potent there will be no problems in the society.


It is not the type of work that makes one shudra. Cook is shudra. Cook for

Krsna is brahmana. If someone is not a brahmana but has inclination he can

serve brahmana, if one is not ksatriya, let him help ksatriyas according to

his inclination (but that doesn't make the assistant shudra). If we will be

stressing education some who know what they are doing (brahmana, ksatriya,

vaisya) will be teaching others.


In this way ISKCON will in the same time an ideal example and a functioning





Srila Prabhupada 1975:


This is the way of Krsna consciousness movement. We want to create some

ideal men. People will see them, and at least they will understand that

"Here are the ideal men." They will be ashamed.


So those who are in Krsna consciousness movement, they should be sreyan--yad

yad acarati sreyan--the best men in the society. Otherwise useless. If you

waste your time to make a free hotel and sleep--useless. That will not make

our mission successful, if you take advantage of free hotel and no work.

That will not be successful. We must be sreyan, first-class men. That is

wanted because there is no first-class men. All fourth-class, fifth-class

sudra. Kalau sudra-sambhavah. Sudra means fourth-class men, and candala

means fifth-class men. So nowadays they are mainly candalas.

Kirata-hunandhra-pulinda-pulkasa abhira-sumbha yavanah khasadayah. Yavana

and candalas. By the grace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, this movement is able to

pick up even candalas and yavanas to become brahmanas. Mam

cavyabhicarini-bhakti-yogena yah sevate, sa gunan samatityaitan

brahma-bhuyaya kalpate: "One who is engaged in devotional service, he

becomes immediately transcendental to this infection of the three qualities

of material nature."


Sa gunan samatityaitan brahma-bhuyaya kalpate. That is actually happening.

This powerful Krsna consciousness movement is so strong that we can pick up

from the lowest stage of life and bring him to the highest stage of life if

we follow the rules and regulation. It is possible. Practically we are

seeing. So that is required, yad yad acarati sreyan, a class of men, maybe

minority, it doesn't matter, but their ideal behavior, character, will lead

other people to appreciate: "Yes. We should be like this." Now, who was

telling this night? I think Pranava was telling that some friend has told

that in the Western countries they are appreciating this movement because I

have stopped amongst my members this intoxication. There are. Are you not



Pranava: Yes.


Prabhupada: Yes. They are gradually appreciating that "Oh." Yes, Professor

Judah also, he says that. They are appreciating now, that "How is this, nice

movement, that our students, they were habituated to all these and they have

now become God conscious? They are mad after God?" And one priest in Boston,

he also agreed. One priest came to see me. He said, "Swamiji, how is that?

Your disciples look so bright." They are appreciating. This is wanted,

everyone sreyan. So this movement is very important movement because it is

creating first-class men so that others will see and follow. So this is

required. Yad yad acarati sreyan tad tad itarah ihate. It is natural.



Exert from Srila Bhakrivinoda Thakuras Jaiva Dharma:


-- Are persons born in upper-class families in varnasrama the only persons

eligible to engage in devotional service?


>Simply by being a human being one is eligible to engage in devotional



-- Persons who follow varnasrama must follow both the rules of varnasrama

and the rules of devotional service. I see they must follow both sets of

rules. On the other hand, persons who do not follow varnasrama need only

follow the rules of pure devotional service. From what I can see it must be

very difficult for the followers of varnasrama to follow both the rules of

karma-kanda and the rules of devotional service. What is the proper

understanding of all this?


>A person engaged in pure devotional service need only follow the rules of

devotional service, even though he may be living within the varnasrama

social system. By following the rules of devotional service, his duty to

follow the rules of karma-kanda is automatically fulfilled. In the places

where they DO NOT OPPOSE devotional service there is no harm in following

the rules of karma-kanda.

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