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Born Sudra

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>>important than any other *class*. Just different in purpose.


>An intelligent person does not ignore his legs and feet thinking, you are

>>so low and I don't want to be involved with you or have anything to do

>>with you.


>If a person does not take care of their feet they will surely be in

>trouble. Feet are very important if you want to go anywhere.


Of course sudras are needed. Of course feet are important and each part of

the whole body of the society is as important as the other.


However for a devotee who wants to dedicate his life to the preaching of the

Holy Name of the Lord in Prabhupada's movement and following his footsteps

and the footsteps of the liberated acaryas it is wrong to think that he

should remain shudra. Not only that, but to consider the devotee to be a

sudra is an apparadha. Even if one is so fallen that he remans a sudra he

should be given all the facilities to raise to the higher position in the

regulations of bhakti, cleanleness, education etc., Of course sudras are

needed, there are plenty sudras in the world.


Also devotees can play the role of a sudras or do sudras work, but PLEASE

'never think that he is a sudra'.


ys ccd


Room Conversation Mayapur, February 14, 1977






Prabhupada: Everywhere, wherever, Mayapura or anywhere. Question is that

here it is clearly said, sve sve karmany abhiratah. Brahmana has his duty,

ksatriya has his duty, vaisya has his duty, sudra has his duty. And if he

performs his duty nicely, then he also becomes perfect. So why artificially

he should be called a brahmana? Let them do, according to sastra, the work

of sudra, or vaisya. He'll get the perfect. Perfection is not checked. But

why artificially he should be made a brahmana or he should be made a

sannyasi and fall down and become a ludicrous? That is the point. Better let

him live in his position and become perfect. That's good. That looks very

nice. And that is possible. That is possible. Varnasramacaravata purusena

parah puman visnur aradhyate. Visnu, Lord Visnu, can be worshiped if you

perfectly follow the rules and regulation of four varnas and four asramas.

Here it is also said, sve sve karmani. You work as a perfect brahmana or a

perfect ksatriya, perfect sudra; you get perfection. The perfection is

available in your natural life. Why should artificially you become unnatural

and fall down and become ludicrous? Perfection is not checked.

Satsvarupa: But in most of our temples, the duties are either Deity worship,


Prabhupada: Brahmanas are available. Why you are bothering about this?

Brahmanas are also available, sudras are also available. Why sudra should be

artificially become a brahmana?

Satsvarupa: What will the sudras do in the big city temple, in all the



Prabhupada: Why you are bringing our temples? I am talking of the principle.


Satsvarupa: Oh.

Hari-sauri: The principle we follow. We're just thinking how it can be

implemented. You were saying that it should be started in our society.

Prabhupada: Yes, that is a very broad idea. Now we are speaking of some of

them, training them. That is another thing. That is small scale.

Hari-sauri: The principle we're following.

Prabhupada: Yes. In the... FOR THE BIG SCALE, THIS IS THE REQUIRED. In big

scale you cannot make all of them as brahmanas or sannyasis. No. That is not

possible. THIS IS A SMALL SCALE. How many percentage of people of the world

we are controlling? Very insignificant. But if you want to make the whole

human society perfect, then this Krsna consciousness movement should be

introduced according to the Krsna's instruction, if you want to do it in a

large scale for the benefit of the whole human society. NOW WE ARE PICKING

UP SOME OF THEM, BEST. That is another thing. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu said

para-upakara. Why a certain section should be picked up? The whole mass of

people will get the benefit of it. Then it is required, systematic. Sve sve

karmany abhiratah samsiddhim labhate narah. Para-upakara means mass benefit,

not there is certain section. Then we have to introduce this

varnasrama-dharma. It must be done perfectly, and it is possible and people

will be happy.







Just like the body. Head is important; the arm is important; the belly is

important. They must be kept in order. Just like I am in trouble because my

belly is not working. Digesting power is not good. So in spite of brain,

hand, and leg, I am diseased. If an part of the society remains diseased,

the whole society will suffer. Therefore they must be maintained in correct

order. You cannot say if there is some trouble in the leg, "Neglect the leg.

Take care of the brain." No. Brain will be taxed due to the pain in the leg.

This is nature. Therefore everyone should be kept in order. Then things will

g on. That is varnasrama. They do not know that. Sometimes they are giving

stress... That communist is giving stress to the sudra class, and the

capitalist are giving to the belly class. And what about the head? What

about the arms? And therefore topsy-turvied.






Satsvarupa: But the people are not at our disposal to organize.

Hari-sauri: We are thinking of "we" because actually we only have our own

society at the moment to organize.

Satsvarupa: We cannot approach the masses to organize.

Hari-sauri: It can't be implemented on such a big scale.

Prabhupada: I do not follow what you say.

Satsvarupa: Just like...

Prabhupada: Ideal. We are giving the ideal.

Satsvarupa: But no one's listening and no one's taking it up except a few...

Prabhupada: But you take. You show them.

Hari-sauri: That's why we say, "we."

Prabhupada: That "We said" means not we are going to take them, but we are

simply giving the ideas. We are not going to be a sudra. But to show the...

Just like you play in a drama. You are playing the part of a king. You are

not a king.






Satsvarupa: If in our society we say, "Srila Prabhupada wants some to be


Prabhupada: No, no, no. I don't want. I want everyone to become Vaisnava.

But because he's a sudra, it is not possible to bring him immediately to the

platform of brahmana, or Vaisnava. Therefore falling down. Therefore system

must be. But even if he remains a sudra, he's a Vaisnava.

Hari-sauri: So we'd have to completely revise the whole system that we have


Prabhupada: No. Whatever we have, that is all right. But we see by

experience that they're falling down.





Bhubaneswar, January 23, 1977


Vaisyas also. Sudras also. Satsvarupa: You were saying that last night in

your talk. Prabhupada: Yes. Everyone is required. But he must be a Vaisnava.

That's all. Actually none of us belong to any group. They are servant of

Krsna, and for Krsna's sake he can act as a brahmana, as a ksatriya, as a

vaisya or a sudra. It doesn't matter. It is all Krsna's service. Just like

he is giving massage. That does not mean he's a sudra. This is actual

sudra's business, servant. But he's not a sudra. Similarly, we can act for

Krsna in any position. We do not belong to this material occupation or

platform. Sa gunan samatityaitan brahma-bhuyaya kalpate. This is to be

dwelled on. He's above all this nonsense. Brahma-bhuyaya means liberated.

Jivan-mukta sa ucyate.... he may act in this life as a ksatriya, brahmana,

sudra. It doesn't matter. But he's liberated. He's not going to take birth

again. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti. A sudra cannot get that position. So

try to understand our philosophy thoroughly and distribute it.






Sastra says that: "Accept everyone as sudra." Kalau sudra sambhava. There is

no more brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya. All sudras. We have to accept. Because

no Vedic culture, no Garbhadhana samskara. They are born like cats and dogs.

So where is this division? There cannot be. Therefore, accept them as sudra.

Varna sankara is less than sudra. So at least, sudra they should be. So

there is no Vaidic diksa. For sudra, there is no diksa, there is no



Initiation is meant for the persons who are born in brahmana family,

ksatriya family, or vaisya family. The sudra has no initiation. So in India

there are professional gurus. They initiate sudras, but do not eat foodstuff

touched by the disciple. So there are so many things, that ...


if he's initiated, how he can remain sudra?



Sritatva by Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Sutra 44


Neophyte, materialistic devotees should follow varnasrama-dharma, but

advanced devotees, who are situated on the spiritual platform and are free

from the grip of the modes of material nature have no use for

varnasrama-dharma. This pure devotional service is described by the Lord in

these words (Bhagavad-gita 7.19 and 7.17):


"He who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me."*

"Of these, the wise one who is in full knowledge in union with Me through

pure devotional service is the best."*

In Srimad Bhagavatam (11.18.28) the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

"A learned transcendentalist dedicated to the cultivation of knowledge and

thus detached from external objects, or My devotee who is detached even from

desire for liberation, both neglect those duties based on external rituals

or paraphernalia. Thus their conduct is beyond the range of rules and


In Bhagavad-gita (18.66) the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall

deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear."*


Manu explains:

"A brahmana should: 1. study, 2. teach, 3. worship the Lord, 4. convince

others to worship the Lord, 5. give charity, and 6. accept charity.

"A ksatriya should: 1. protect the citizens, 2. give charity, 3. worship the

Lord, 4. study scripture, and 5 not become attached to material


"A vaisya should: 1. protect cows, 2. give charity, 3. worship the Lord, 4.

study scripture, 5. engage in banking and commerce, and 6. engage in


"A sudra has one duty: without envy he should faithfully serve the other




In the Vedanta-sutra (1.3.34) it is said:

"Because he approached impelled by unhappiness from hearing an insult, the

word 'sudra' here means 'unhappy'."


This sutra is explained by the passage that begins with these words of

Chandogya Upanisad (4.1.1):

"There was a man named Janasrutir Pautrayana...."


The following explanation is seen in a sutra of Vyasa (Vedanta-sutra

1.3.35): "That he is a ksatriya is understood from the clue related by the



In other sutras (Vedanta-sutra 1.3.36-37) it is said:


"This is also so because the scriptures state both the necessity of

undergoing the samskaras (rituals of purification) and the exclusion of the

sudras from these rituals."*


"This is so because care is taken to determine that a student is not a







Prabhupada's Lectures Srimad-Bhagavatam 1973


Paricaryatmakam karyam sudra-karma svabhava-jam. And those who are neither

brahmana... They have no brain to become brahmana or to become ksatriya or

vaisya, they are called sudras. And sudra's business is to serve the other

upper three classes, laborer, worker classes, and satisfied with some

service.... here it is said that tatah pariksid dvija-varya-siksaya: ``He

was educated and trained up by the best class of the brahmanas,'' not by the

sudras. Sudra's training, what he can become? He can become a rascal, that's

all. The training was entrusted to the first-class brahmana, who is himself

trained up to speak truth, satya sama dama, to remain clean, to become very

simple in habit, to become master of knowledge, and practical application.

Such person should be the trainer, should be the teacher. Not a third-class

rascal becomes a teacher and professor.





Madhya-lila: 8, Text 128

One who is actually advanced in spiritual knowledge of Krsna is never a

sudra, even though he may have been born in a sudra family.


Prabhupada's Lectures Nov 18, 1968

Of course, a Vaisnava is never sudra, but in social standard they belonged

to the ksatriya or sudra.

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