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Govindabhasya on bhakti and svadharma

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> I see some similar explanation in the Vedanta sutra 3.4.32 commentary of

> Baladeva Vidyabhusana (trans by some scholar Vasu):



> The purvapaksa says "The object of all ritualistic karmas is to obtain

> vidya or divine knowledge; and when that is obtained where is the

> neccessity of performing karmas?..It is a general rule that when the

> result is obtained, the previous acts are discontinued (when the food is

> cooked, fire is no longer kept burning) Therefore when Vidya is gained,

> the karmas should not be performed any longer."


> Siddhanta "The works of the Asramas must be performed even after the

> attainment of vidya, as shown in the next sutra."


> 3.4.32 The works peculiar to ones stage in life must be performed also,

> because they have been so enjoined.


> The force of the word "also" is to indicate that not only the asrama

> karmas but also the varna karmas or duties particular to ones caste must

> also be perfomed by the perfected sage. It therefore follows that both

> kinds of duties must be performed. Why? In order to increase divine

> knowledge. Because scripture enjoins that even after acquisition of vidya,

> the karmas must be performed to increase that vidya......


> 3.4.33 The karmas are to be performed , not as leading to release, but as

> cooperative towards Vidya.


> .. The Svanistha adhikari first performs special duties of his caste and

> order with the sole object of gaining the higher self. He does not

> perform these religious duties with any lower motive. After performing

> works in this spirit with the Supreme Self as his goal , he gets vidya or

> divine knowledge. When vidya is thus originated by the due performance of

> these karmas, he still goes on performing them in order to increase that

> vidya. The karmas performed after origination of Vidya are not opposed to

> Vidya, and the vidya has no tendency to destroy such karmas, because there

> is no such conflict between vidya and karma. ...




Just a short note on the Vedantic terminology. In Vedanta Sutra commentaries

by Vaishnava acharyas, the term 'vidya' simply stands for performance of

bhakti. 'Karma' stands for performance of svadharmas. With this in mind, if

you read the above, it would be easier to understand, hopefully.


> Seems like varna and asrama duties are important and not to be rejected as

> material--in the same spirit that Krishna says that one must light the

> fire.


Svadharmas are not material if they are done favorably to bhakti and offered

to Krishna. That is very nicely elaborated in the Gita and Bhagavatam, in

the writings of Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Prabhupada and the previous

Vaishnava acharyas.


Performance of svadharma, made favorable to bhakti and as instituted by

Vaishnava acharyas, canNOT be abandoned (dustyajya) by practicing Vaishnavas

and Vaishnavis. Let this be broadcasted in all levels of ISKCON far and wide

and taught to the younger generations too.


As Prabhupada often quotes from the songs of Narottama dasa Thakura:

sadhu-sastra-guru-vakya, cittete koriya *AIKYA*...


yhs vgd

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