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Performance of svadharma ONLY as taught by the previous acharyas

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On 28 Nov 1998, Vidvan Gauranga wrote:


> > On 24 Nov 1998, Vidvan Gauranga wrote:

> >

> > > Action or performance of svadharmas in Krishna consciousness is also

> > > referred to in the Third Chapter as yajna.

> > >

> > > If somebody could present a study of the entire BG on this topic, it

> > > might be useful to convince hard-core skeptics.



I believe "hard-core skeptics" are also known as mayayapahrita-jnani's?

Probably not much hope for them.


> > Actually, I think this has already been done by somebody, his name is A.C.

> > Bhaktivedanta Swami and the book is Bhagavad-gita As It Is.


> Sorry for being unclear; I was saying if someone could do a study on

> *Prabhupada's* Gita commentary bringing out these points, it would be good.

> So many devotees have read the Gita (meaning Prabhupada's Gita) but haven't

> got the point. So that is needed.



I didn't do a specific study but I have kept notes while reading the gita As

It Is over the last 25 years on relevent points from my personal perspective.

Maybe they will be of some help to someone else, too.


Bhagavad-gita General Quotes


"Faith means unflinching trust in something sublime." Bg 2.41


"yogah - Krsna consciousness." Bhagavad-gita 2.50


"Service for the cause of the Lord is called karma-yoga or buddhi-yoga, or in

plain words, devotional service to the Lord." Bhagavad-gita 2.51


"The highest perfection of self-realization is to understand that one is

eternally the servitor of Krsna and that one's only business is to discharge

one's duties in Krsna consciousness." Bhagavad-gita 2.53


"...speech is the most important quality of any man." Bhagavad-gita 2.54



"Although the person in full Krsna Consciousness may apparently be on the

sensual platform, because of his being Krsna Conscious, he has no attachment

to sensual activities...This consciousness is the causeless mercy of the Lord,

which the devotee can achieve in spite of his being attached to the sensual

platform." Bg 2.64


"...one who is engaged without a relationship with Krsna is certainly always

in distress and is without peace, however much one may make a show of peace

and spiritual advancement in life. Krsna consciousness is a self-manifested

peaceful condition which can be achieved only in relationship with Krsna." Bg



"Sometimes Krsna consciousness is misunderstood to be inertia and one with

such a misunderstanding often withdraws to a secluded place to become fully

Krsna conscious by chanting the holy name of Lord Krsna. But without being

trained in the philosophy of Krsna consciousness, it is not advisable to chant

the holy name of Krsna in a secluded place where one may acquire only cheap

adoration from the innocent public. Arjuna also thought of Krsna consciousness

or buddhi-yoga, or intelligence in spiritual advancement of knowledge as

something like retirement from active life and practice of penance and

austerity at a secluded place. In other words, he wanted to skillfully avoid

the fighting by using Krsna consciousness as an excuse." Bhagavad-gita 3.1


"Karma-yogena - by the linking process of devotion." Bg 3.3


"Religion without philosophy is sentiment, or sometimes fanaticism, while

philosophy without religion is mental speculation." Bg 3.3


" Verse: All men are forced to act helplessly according to the impulses born

of the modes of material nature; therefore no man can refrain from doing

something, not even for a moment. Verse: One who restrains the senses and

organs of action, but whose mind dwells on sense objects, certainly deludes

himself and is called a pretender. Purport: There are many pretenders who

refuse to work in Krsna consciousness but make a show of meditation, while

actually dwelling within the mind upon sense enjoyment. ...But he who makes a

show of being a yogi, while actually searching for the objects of sense

gratification, must be called the greatest cheater, even though he sometimes

speaks of philosophy. His knowledge has no value because the effects of such a

sinful man's knowledge are taken away by the illusory energy of the Lord. Such

a pretender's mind is always impure, and therefore his show of yogic

meditation has no value whatsoever. Verse: On the other hand, he who controls

the senses by the mind and engages his active organs in works of devotion,

karma-yoga, without attachment, is by far superior. Purport: Instead of

becoming a pseudo-transcendentalist for the sake of wanton living and sense

enjoyment, it is far better to remain in one's own business and execute the

purpose of life, which is to get free from material bondage and enter into the

kingdom of God. The prime svartha-gati, or goal of self-interest, is to reach

Visnu. The whole institution of varnasrama-dharma is designed to help us reach

this goal of life. ...A sincere sweeper of the street is far better than the

charlatan meditator who meditates only for the sake of making a living." Bg



"Anyone who is in the material world is certainly possessed of the impure

propensity for lording it over material nature, or, in other words, for sense

gratification. Such polluted propensities have to be cleared. Without doing so

through prescribed duties, one should never attempt to become a so-called

transcendentalist, renouncing work and living at the cost of others." Bg 3.8


"We should always remember that the conditioned souls in material nature are

all eager for material enjoyment. But the Vedic directions are so made that

one can satisfy one's perverted desires, then return to Godhead, having

finished his so-called enjoyment." Bg 3.15


"The Vedas are therefore codes of working directions." Bg 3.15


"Although one who is situated in Krsna Consciousness may not have any interest

in the world, he still works to teach the public how to live and how to act.

Experienced persons in Krsna Consciousness can act in such a way that others

will follow... Bg 3.20


"In his pure state of existence he is meant to dovetail his activities in

devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna." Bg 3.28


"This verse clearly indicates the purpose of the Bhagavad-gita. The Lord

instructs that one has to become fully Krsna conscious to discharge duties, as

if in military discipline. Such an injunction may make things a little

difficult; nevertheless duties must be carried out, with dependence on Krsna,

because that is the constitutional position of the living entity." Bg 3.30


"...an ordinary man with firm faith in the eternal injunctions of the Lord,

even though unable to execute such orders, becomes liberated from the bondage

of the law of karma. ...In the beginning of Krsna Consciousness, one may not

fully discharge the injunctions of the Lord, but because one is not resentful

of this principle and works without consideration of defeat and hopelessness,

he will surely be promoted to the stage of pure Krsna consciousness." Bg 3.31


"Verse: Even a man of knowledge acts according to his own nature, for everyone

follows his nature. What can repression accomplish? Purport: Krsna

consciousness helps one to get out of the material entanglement, even though

one may be engaged in his prescribed duties. Therefore, without being fully in

Krsna consciousness no one should suddenly give up his prescribed duties and

become a so-called yogi or transcendentalist artificially. It is better to be

situated in one's position and to try to attain Krsna consciousness under

superior training." Bhagavad-gita 3.33


"Prescribed duties compliment one's psychophysical condition, under the spell

of the modes of material nature. Spiritual duties are as ordered by the

spiritual master, for the transcendental service of Krsna. But both materially

or spiritually, one should stick to his prescribed duties even up to death,

rather than imitate another's prescribed duties... A brahmana, who is in the

mode of goodness, is non-violent, whereas a ksatriya, who is in the mode of

passion, is allowed to be violent. As such, for a ksatriya it is better to be

vanquished following the rules of violence than to imitate a brahmana who

follows the principles of non-violence. Everyone has to cleanse his heart by a

gradual process, not abruptly." Bg 3.35


"One may not give up work and prescribed duties all of a sudden; but by

gradually developing Krsna Consciousness one can be situated in a

transcendental position without being influenced by the material senses and

the mind - by steady intelligence directed toward one's pure identity."Bg 3.43


"It is not a fact that the Lord appears only on Indian soil. He can advent

Himself anywhere and everywhere, and whenever He desires to appear." Bg 4.7


"...by the slow process of devotional service, under the guidance of the

bonafide spiritual master, one can attain the highest stage, being freed from

all material attachment, from the fearfulness of one's spiritual personality,

and from the frustrations resulting from void philosophy. Then one can

ultimately attain to the abode of the Supreme Lord." Bg 4.10


"Arjuna's desire to retire from activities on the battlefield was not approved

by the Lord. One need only know how to act. To retire from the activities of

Krsna consciousness and to sit aloof making a show of Krsna consciousness, is

less important than actually engaging in the field of activities for the sake

of Krsna. Arjuna is here advised to act in Krsna consciousness following in

the footsteps of the Lord's previous disciples such as the sun-god Vivasvan.

..Therefore He recommends the acts of the sun-god, who learned this art from

the Lord some millions of years before." Bhagavad-gita 4.15


"A krsna conscious person acts out of pure love for the Supreme Personality of

Godhead, and therefore he has no attraction for the results of the action. He

is not even attached to his personal maintenance, for everything is left to

Krsna. Nor is he anxious to secure things, nor to protect things already in

his possession. He does his duty to his best ability and leaves everything to

Krsna." Bg 4.20


"Consequently, whatever he does, he does for Krsna, who is the primeval Visnu.

Therefore, all his works are technically sacrifices because sacrifice involves

satisfying the Supreme Person, Krsna." Bg 4.23


"Renunciation by persons eager to achieve liberation of things which are

related to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, though they are material, is

called incomplete renunciation." Bhagavad- gita 5.2


"This is the secret of Krsna Consciousness - realization that there is no

existence besides Krsna is the platform of peace and fearlessness." Bg 5.12


"This Fifth Chapter is a practical explanation of Krsna consciousness,

generally known as karma- yoga. The question of mental speculation as to how

karma-yoga can give liberation is answered herewith. To work in Krsna

consciousness is to work with the complete knowledge of the Lord as the

predominator. Such work is not different from transcendental knowledge. Krsna

consciousness means to work in full knowledge of one's relationship with the

Supreme Absolute, and the perfection of this consciousness is full knowledge

of Krsna or the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Krsna consciousness brings one

into spiritual life even while one is within the jurisdiction of matter, for

it is an arousing of spiritual existence by practice in the material world."

Bhagavad-gita 5.29.


"The process of linking oneself with the Supreme is called yoga, ..."

Bhagavad-gita 6.3


"Since there is no question of sense gratification, there is no material

leisure for a person in Krsna consciousness." Bhagavad-gita 6.17


"There are many impediments, especially in this age of hypocrisy, to

practicing hatha-yoga, dhyana-yoga, and jnana-yoga, but there is no such

problem in executing karma-yoga or bhakti- yoga." Bhagavad-gita 6.20-23.


"God helps those who help themselves." Bg 6.24


"Nothing can exist without Krsna, and Krsna is the Lord of everything - this

is the basic principle of Krsna Consciousness." Bg 6.30


"Such a strong mind is supposed to be controlled by the practice of yoga, but

such practice is never practical for a worldly person like Arjuna. And what

can we say of modern man? Bg 6.34


"In other words, both Brahma and Lord Siva are also under the influence of

maya." Bg 7.14


"It is not that other devotees who are less complete in knowledge are not dear

to the Lord. The Lord says that all are magnanimous because anyone who comes

to the Lord for any purpose is called a mahatma or great soul." Bg 7.18


"...actual devotional service begins after liberation. ...After being

liberated, or being situated in the Brahman position, one's devotional service

begins." Bg 9.2


"...so any neophyte devotee who simply gives his attention to the arca-murti,

the form of the Supreme Lord in the temple and does not respect other living

entities is uselessly worshiping the form of the Lord in the temple....A

devotee should see that Krsna is present in everyone's heart as Paramatma;

therefore every body is the embodiment or the temple of the Supreme Lord, and

as such, as one offers respect to the temple of the Lord he should similarly

properly respect each and every body in whom the Paramatma dwells. Everyone

should therefore be given proper respect and should not be neglected." Bg 9.11


"In the second chapter of Bg it is clearly stated that one should only work

for satisfying Yajna or Visnu. The perfectional form of human civilization,

known as VAD, is specifically meant for satisfying Visnu." Bg 9.24


"Devotional service of the Lord is not an activity of this material world; it

is part of the spritual world where eternity, bliss and knowledge

predominate." Bg 9.29


"There are hundreds of thousands of temples in India for the worship of Krsna,

and devotional service is practiced there." Bg 9.34


"One must be free from all sinful activities to be in the knowledge of the

Supreme Lord." Bg 10.3


"When the parampara was lost, Arjuna was again selected to rejuvenate it." Bg



"Arjuna is the beginning of the parampara system." Bg 11.8


"When they tried to disrobe Draupadi in the assembly, Bhisma and Drona were

silent, and for such negligence of duty they should be killed." Bg 11.49


"One should work only for Krsna. It does not matter in what kind of work one

engages, but that work should be done only for Krsna. That is the standard of

devotional service." Bg 12.6-7


"The process is very simple; one can devote himself in his occupation and

engage at the same time in chanting Hare Krsna..."Bg 12.6-7


"One may either take the step by step process or the direct path. The direct

process is not possible for everyone; therefore the indirect process is also

good. It is, however, to be understood that the indirect process is not

recommended for Arjuna because he is already at the stage of loving devotional

service to the Supreme Lord." Bg 12.12


"A sannyasi may perform a marriage ceremony to help his disciple in the

advancement of Krssna consciousness. If one renounces such activities, it is

to be understood that he is acting in the mode of darkness." Bg. 18.7


"One should not imitate another's duty. A man who is by nature attracted to

the kind of work done by sudras should not artificially claim himself to be a

brahmana, although he may be born into a brahmana family. In this way, one

should work according to his own nature; no work is abominable, if performed

in the service of the Supreme Lord.

The occupational duty of a brahmana is certainly in the mode of goodness, but

if a person is not by nature in the mode of goodness, he should not imitate

the occupational duty of a brahmana. For a ksatriya or administrator, there

are so many abominable things; a ksatriya has to be violent to kill his

enemies, and sometimes a ksatriya has to tell lies for the sake of diplomacy.

Such violence and duplicity accompany political affairs, but a ksatriya is not

supposed to give up his occupational duty and try to perform the duties of a


One should act to satisfy the Supreme Lord. ...In the business field also,

sometimes a merchant has to tell so many lies to make a profit. If he does not

do so, there can be no profit. Sometimes a merchant says, "Oh, my dear

customer, for you I am making no profit", but one should know that without

profit a merchant cannot exist. Therefore it should be taken as a simple lie

if a merchant says that he is not making a profit. But the merchant should not

think that because he is engaged in an occupation in which the telling of lies

is compulsory, he should give up his profession and pursue the profession of a

brahmana. That is not recommended.

...The conclusion is that everyone should be engaged according to the

particular mode of nature he has acquired, and he should decide to work only

to serve the supreme cause of the Supreme Lord." Bg 18.47



"Even though a man is a sudra serving a bad master, he has to carry out the

order of the master, even though it should not be done." Bg 18.48

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