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Is Prabhupada guilty of encouraging abuse of women?

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Basu Ghhosh wrote.


> These are **Srila Prabhupada's** opinion(s) regarding the issue of the

> equality of men & women.


> Does this catagorize him as one who encourages the abuse of women & one

> who puts them down? Looks like that, eh?



Prabhu, if you put in your subject line something absurd

like that, "Is Prabhupada guilty of encouraging abuse of

women?", then I feel that you are on wrong place to

"discuss" something like that.



You see, many of us here are that enough brainy to be able

to discriminate in between Srila Prabhupada and you few

activists from GHQ. Srila Prabhupada's opinion about his

female disciples, Vaisnavis, regarding the issue of the

quality of men & women are so far well known to all of

us. He clearly gave the possibility to ISKCON ladies to

act in both roles, that one traditionally meant for women

and that one traditionally meant not for women but for men.

As far as Srila Prabhupada's approach, strategies and lenguages

in this regard, and all these from the side of you, I think

we are able to discrimnate as not the same aslo, eh?



So long you deny the mentioned approach of Srila Prabhupada

and insist stuborny and blindly only on the part "traditionally

for women" ignoring everything that Prabhupada said or did otherwise,

thus attempting to deprive the ISKCON Vaisnvis (that some of are even

Prabhupada's initiated disciples and older than you) from their *right*

(yes) to follow either this or that option given to them by Srila

Prabhupada,... that long you may be categorized (unlike Srila

Prabhupada!) as one who *does* (not only "encourages") the abuse

of women and puts them down. Further more, it becomes the abuse

of Srila Prabhupada's kindness and concension for women to

act from the platform above that one of mundane women that you

are insisting on constantly.



ys mnd


> P.S. Don't lose your sense of humor Prabhu. Srila Prabhupada didn't under

> much greater adversities. I know. I saw him. Personally. Many, many

> times. He was the most blissful personality! :) !


I can see him also . But not in your presence, thought you saw

him "many, many times." There used to be many, many more of those

who saw Prabhupada "many, many times" but are now many, many

milies away from his many, many instructions and his his blissful


(just following your advice not to lose our sense of humor :)

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> The origin of our bodies is the result of fate that we accrue from past

> karmas. That is what Bhagavatam says. It is material, but we are indeed

> in the material world. Therefore, in order to see that the world is

> managed properly, Lord Krishna has given a system - varnashrama dharma.

> Prabhupada & Srila BSST wanted to revive that & since those who would

> follow this revived system were all to become devotees of Vishnu/Krishna

> it is called "daiva varnashrama".


> But the same duties still apply. We have no authority to change them. We

> may not be fit to follow them fully, but if we concoct that they are not

> our guiding authority, then we are in contravention of Gita 16.23 & 24.


> Simple.


Simple in theory, but in practice?


But the we have the answer. If a women is born as a leader, they we should

allow her to lead! If she has all the requirements of leadership, who are

we to change her karma, and thus Krsna's plan, to try to put her in any




I think this is the key point of Varnasrama. That there is a place for


in society. Noone need to change to something else (if that is posible at


to fit in. The society is all inclusive. Even prostitutes are allowed in the


And there is exactly where the anti-women movement is wrong. They

try to restrict persons from following their karma and intended social


Srila Prabhupada says over and over again that it is not birth which

determines the position in society, but the qualities inherit in the person.

It does not matter if you are white, black or yellow, the external gross

body does not determine the varna and social task. How then can

we still think that having a female body is a disqualification?


My excursion in sex intricasies was just to show what are the

actual differences between men and women. That actually they

are very small biologically. We are blinded by the external sex

characteristics, but they actually does not mean very much at all.

except for sex live, It is the inner qualities that counts.


Some men might be very proud of having a male body, and thus

automatically feel superior. But that maleness is hanging on

a very thin string. It just requires a small accident, and suddenly

you are not superior anymore. You would still be the same person on

the inside, with the same abilities, same intelligence, but now suddenly

you would be considered less intelligent and inferior.


your servant Prsni garbha das






> > According to this imprinting the body develops accordingly (normally).

> > Science have figured out that all fetuses are female, and that male

> > fetuses develop, or even "mutate", differently from a very early time as

> > a modification from the basic female form, by the influence of hormones.


> Prabhupada said that the Nobel prize should be given to an Ass... This was

> his opinion of modern scientists. Please write to H.H. Bhakti Swarup

> Damodar Maharaj in this connection as he had much personal discussion with

> Prabhupada.


> Of course, scientific research is responsible for this communication. We

> purify this nonsense by discussing the philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita &

> Srima Bhagavatam.


> > To compare with varnas, there are brahmanas born in sudra

> > families, and look like sudras, i.e. with sudra genes, as well

> > as the other way around. Even here, genes are not the determining

> > factor.


> > A brahmana born in a sudra family does not become a sudra,

> > but he internally keeps his "brahminical" identity, as well as

> > persons with surgually altered sex characteristic, even when

> > made on newborn children, keep their original gender identify.


> Surgically altered sex characteristic is a product of modern demoniac

> civilization, don't you agree.


> But in Vedic culture there ARE precedents for persons born in non-brahmana

> families who become brahmanas. Srila BSST wrote a tretise on this called

> Brahmanas O Vaishnavas in Bengali. Pundarik Vidyanidhi Prabhu at

> Vrindavan has published (or was just on the verge of doing so) that. So

> you can read it.


> To understand these things is not difficult, but requires deep reading of

> Prabhupada's books & association with senior devotees here heard from

> Prabhupada. And there were many. Don't "lump" everyone in with those who

> have broken the rules, left ISKCON for sense gratification, abused women &

> children, etc. There ARE some sincere devotees who are still following,

> although I understand the anguish of those who's authorities betrayed

> them.


> Prabhuji, hope you don't misunderstand. Your questions are sincere, but I

> urge you to look within Prabhupada's books for the answers.


> Hope you are well.


> dasanudas,


> Basu Ghosh Das

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