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> So, as far I am concerned problem we are dealing here with is that

> sannyasis are using diplomacy and sastra in political purposes to fight

> WITH WOMEN for power.


> Maharaj, could you please, since you want to gain your power on the

> sastric ground, give us some references were it is said that SANNYASIS


> SANNYAS ASHRAM and use diplomacy and sastra in political purposes for

> gaining power?


> Maharaj, you can call us "uneducated village women", but please don't fail

> to aknowledge that most of Srila Prabhupadas books are translated, edited

> and proofread by women. And, even if we would be uneducated village women,

> every fool can understand that sannyasis should not be dealing with money

> and women. Besides that, it took an inocent girl to say: KING HAS NO




Prabhupada to Hayagriva in their discussions on philosophy;


Prabhupada: These are all imagination. When woman, when she is misguided,

she becomes dangerous. There is no question of love. But one thing,

according to Vedic conception life, that women and children are on the same

level, so they should be given protection by men. In childhood the

protection is from the father, in youthhood the protection is from the

husband, and in old age the protection is from the grown-up sons. So they

should never be given independence. They should be given protection, and

their natural love for father or for husband or for children, then that

propensity will grow very smoothly, and that will establish the relationship

with woman and man very happy, and both of them will be able to execute

their real function, spiritual life, by cooperation. The woman is known as

his better half, so if she looks after the comfort of the man, a man is

working and he is looking after the comfort, then both will be satisfied and

their spiritual life will progress. Woman is meant for certain duties; man

is meant for... Man is meant for hard working, and woman is meant for homely

comfort, love. So both of them, if they are situated in their respective

duties under proper training, then this combination of man and woman will

help both of them to make progress in spiritual life.



SB 6th Canto Chapter 17:34-35 Purport


"Here is a difference between male and female that exists even in the higher

statuses of life -- in fact, even between Lord Siva and his wife. Lord

Siva could understand Citraketu very nicely, but Parvati could not. Thus

even in the higher statuses of life there is a difference between the

understanding of a male and that of a female. It may be clearly said that

the understanding of a woman is always inferior to the understanding of a

man. In the Western countries there is now agitation to the effect that

man and woman should be considered equal, but from this verse it appears

that woman is always less intelligent than man." (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Prabhupada. Srimad Bhagavatam SB 6:17:34-35. purport.)


Kindly note that **Srila Prabhupada** not Bhakti Vikas Swami, myself, GHQ,

XYZ, ABC or whomsover, clearly says that "women are meant for certain



Now take a look at these quotes from Prabhupada.


"But we have to pick up the order of the shastras. Tasmad shastra-vidhanokta

As the shastra gives regulative, we have to accept that. And if we do not

accept that, yah shastra-vidhim utsrjya vartate kama-karatah, if we do

whimsically, then na siddhim avapnoti, you cannot get any perfection of

life, na sukham, neither you’ll be happy."


Srila Prabhupada on 27-9-76 at Vrindavan in a lecture on SB 1.7.32-33.


"So those who are not following the authorized instructions, they are simply

creating disturbance, and by such process one cannot be happy, neither

perfect, and what to speak of going back to home, back to Godhead? We do not

therefore accept anything which is not authorized by the disciplic

succession. We reject immediately. There is example that in India there is a

tree, sagu, sagu(?) tree. I do not know whether it is in your country. That,

that tree has a very, I mean to say, thick trunk. But a little jerking, it

will break. A little jerking. Sagu. And there is another tree which is

called tamarind tree. So even a fingerlike stem, you cannot break. It is so

strong. So our policy should be that when we are falling down, we must take

shelter of this tamarind tree, not that sagu tree. The tamarind tree is

Vedic instruction, infallible, without any mistake. As I have given you

several times the example that Vedas says that stool of animal is impure,

and in another place it says that stool of cow is pure."


Srila Prabhupada From a lecture on SB 2.3.24 at Los Angeles on 22-6-72.


Similarly, a devotee, an unflinching devotee, without any other desires, who

is dedicated to the service of the Lord, he is Sadhu. So we have to take

shelter of such Sadhu. Adau gurv-ashrayam. And Sadhu will instruct you. Not

by whims, but through Shastra. He is Sadhu. Sadhu will never speak to you

anything which is not in the Shastra. Sadhu, Shastra, and guru. And guru is

bona fide spiritual master who follows Sadhu and Shastra. Who follows his

bona fide spiritual master and who follows the instructions of Shastra, he

is guru. Sadhu-Shastra-guru-vakya, tinete kariya aikya. Narottama dasa

Thakura says that you have to act by accommodating the instruction of Sadhu,

instruction of Shastra. And you have to distribute. Because Caitanya

Mahaprabhu says that these ignorant people who are being defeated

repeatedly, such persons, they are being entangled in this materialistic way

of life, in this material world. Krishna bhuliya jiva. He said, Krishna

bhuli' sei jiva anadi -bahirmukha. Anyone who has forgotten Krishna, he is

anadi bahir mukha. He is enamored by this external energy, material world.

Just like in Bombay city everyone is working hard, very hard. Their mission

is, "How I shall be able to construct a skyscraper building." That's all.

Why they are working so hard? Their mission is that I must have a skyscraper

house and good apartment and nice wife, nice children and bank balance, then

happy. (chuckles) But he does not know how long these things will continue.

Ten years, twenty years, fifty years, hundred years, then finished. Your

skyscraper building, your nice wife, your apartment, your friends,

everything that you have made(?), you do not know where you are going. That

you do not know. There is risk. Yam yam vapi smaran loke tyajaty, at the

time of death everything will be examined. What are you going to be next?

You have to accept another body. So that body will be created in this life.

Yam yam vapi and that bodily structure will be formed at the time of your

death. Just like if you leave this apartment, you'll have to go another

apartment. So you have to select another apartment, good or bad. That will

depend on your capacity, how much rent you are able to pay. Then you leave

this apartment. Similarly, at the time of death by the superior arrangement,

another apartment will be given to you, and immediately that is settled up,

you leave this body and enter into that body. Daiva-netrena, karmana

daiva-netrena. That will be considered by your work. If your works are

nice... That is explained in the Bhagavad-gita...


Srila Prabhupada in a Lecture on TLC at Bombay 17-3-71.


Srila Prabhupada *did* appoint sannyasis to the GBC.


He *did not* appoint even a single woman as either a GBC or TP.

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COM: Jivan Mukta (das) TSI (Back to Basics) (Ontario - CAN) wrote:


> [Text 1928898 from COM]


> >> He *did not* appoint even a single woman as either a GBC or TP.

> >

> >He did not use the internet.


> We use the Internet, therefore children should also be allowed to become

> GBC or TP.


> Your servant, Sita dd


If the best qualified candidate was a child, certainly, although within

the context of the argument, this doesn't follow logically. Historically,

the original GBCs were very young men who weren't much older than children.


Of course, my opinion is that you won't find many children who are

qualified, unless the 4 Kumaras come wandering in, in which case, would

you deny them, just because most children aren't qualified?

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