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Gita-Nagari Y2K Preparedness? Srila Prabhupada Preparedness

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Dear Maharajas & Prabhus:




Several devotees have asked me to share some of the things that the

Gita-Nagari community has working on for Y2K preparedness. First let me

begin by sharing a few quotes from Srila Prabhupada:


" Civilization will collapse very soon, all over the world. It will

collapse. Either you bring this 'ism' or that 'ism', this civilization will

collapse. People will become mad, being harassed in so many ways. When one

is harased in so many problems, he commits suicide. So that position is

coming." (A Transcendental Diary, Vol. 1, pg. 18)


Yogesvara: So then we should begin our rural communities like New Vrindavan,

and then by training up people in the cities, we can send them gradually...

Prabhupada" There will be no city. We don't want cities.

Bhagavan: What about our city temples?

Prabhupada: No, no. For the time it may go on. But as we make progress,

there will be no necessity. City means...For the present we have got.

Because the city is there, we are there. But suppose the city is closed? We

shall be there? If the city is closed, you will still be there?

(Conversations, Vol. 17, pg. 265)


"Yogesvara: These atomic weapons constitute very great storehouses for them.

So what should they do with all these things?

Prabhupada: They should throw. I throw upon you, you throw upon me. You go

to hell. I go to hell. That's all. This will be the result. And the world

will be cleansed of all these rascals. This will be the result...

Yogesvara: Is such an atomic way foretold in Bhag...

Prabhupada: Yes. Next war means atomic war. All the rascals will be killed

automatically. I will kill you, you'll kill me. That's all.

Yogesvara: Is that war to occur in the recent future? Or is that [a] long

way off?

Prabhupada: Very recent, very recent future...(Conversations, Vol. 9, p.



" If I am to travel again, then I shall visit the farms and make them

perfect. If these farms become successful, then the whole world will be

enveloped by Krishna Consciousness. Whatever you build get the materials

locally. Baladeva is holding a plow and Krishna a calf." (Srila Prabhupada,

Aug. 1977, Letter to Hari Sauri)


"The whole idea is that we are ISKCON, a community to be independent from

outside help." (Letter from Srila Prabhupada to Yasomatinandana, Nov. 18,



"Unless in the human society varnasrama is introduced, no scheme or social

order or any order, political order wil be successful." (Conversations, Oct.

18, 1977)


".....if the process of varnasrama dharma is introduced, even in the age of

Kali, the situation of Satya-yuga can be invoked. The Hare Krishna movement

or Krishna Consciousness is meant for this purpose." (Srimad Bhagavatam



"If you can carry it out you can change the whole world. Especially if you

can change America then the whole world will change." (He continues with

tears in his eyes described by SDG in S.P. Lilamrta) "It is the duty

Caitanya Mahaprabhu has explained--para-upakara: save them. If it is not

possible to save everyone--save as many as possible. This is human

life--this is Krishna Consciousness, so save those who are in darkness."

(Srila Prabhupada at Mississippi Farm, 1975)


At Gita-Nagari we are actually not so interested in Y2K, earth changes,

economic collapse, nuclear chemical or biological warfare, etc. Although we

have studied these issues from many different perspectives and are totally

convinced about their gravity, we are more interested in all of the concerns

that Srila Prabhupada stressed in the above quotes. Therefore, we call the

Y2K meetings we have 'Srila Prabhupada is Coming' meetings, i.e, "Prabhupada

Preparedness" meetings. We are clear that the present problems in the

global community, secular as well as spiritual, is a wake up call for us to

speed up more in trying to carry out Srila Prabhupada's orders for

establishing spiritual, self-sufficient communities. Now I will enumerate

some of the highlights of our community development.


1. Since Srila Prabhupada was literally on his way to Gita-Nagari to show us

how to establish self-sufficiency based on varnasrama dharma model before he

returned to Vrndavan and left his body, we feel especially indebted to play

our roles in fulfilling Srila Prabhupada's plan. So our motto is "Srila

Prabhupada is coming". Therefore, he is going to notice when he arrives at

what stage we have arrived in our development. This is most powerful

because the greatest point of cooperation we have ever seen in ISKCON was

when devotees were anticipating Srila Prabhupada's arrival. Practically

everyone became highly empowered in putting so many things in place for

Srila Prabhupada.


2. In the Gita-Nagari prophesy that Srila Prabhupada wrote in India, before

he came to the West, he mentioned that the best way to honor a great person

is to create a living community that represents the values he taught. We

have taken

this deeply to heart.


3. Also in the Gita-Nagari prophesy, Srila Prabhupada explains that

Gita-Nagari should be a 'hospital for the heart.' Our community is based on

this foundation. For us, healthy vaisnava relationships is our highest

priority. For we understand that without establishing this everything else

will be a failure or will be cosmetic.


4. We have appointed someone as a Social Development Coordinator who helps

to facilitate the constant caring process. Although it is every devotees

duty to be in this mood as well.


5. We try to minimize confidentiality as we want to be there as much as

possible for each other. We want to have strong open communications and we

want to be fully accountable for the things that we say and do. So it is

very natural for our devotees to be constantly sharing with each other to

see how to help themselves, as well as raise the consciousness of the



6. We spent almost two years in relationship building exchanges, i.e, once a

week, having community building sessions.


7. We put very serious emphasis on honoring all the samskaras. This is our

way of bringing more attention and accountability to the individual who is

going through the important life changes and for the whole community to come

together to honor and give blessings to such individuals.


8. We understand that in order to serve each other we must have something to

offer materially and spiritually. So we had implemented a once a week

Skills Development workship where devotees would share their individual

skills and knowledge. Not only did this give devotees more information on

topics related to self-sufficiency, but it also helped devotees to

appreciate each other's talents and services more.


9. We appreciate that although we're in Kali-yuga, we can create an

atmosphere similar to Satya-yuga, if all the devotees collectively purify

their consciousnes thereby elevating the consciousness of the entire

community. We are accepting that whatever happens to the individual or to

the community is in direct correspondence to the prevailing consciousness.


10. To facilitate developing Gita-Nagari as a hospital for the heart and

laying a serious foundation that will allow us to healthily move towards a


sense of community and self-sufficiency, we all constantly reflect on four

principles. We eat, drink and sleep these principles:


(1) Treat each person that you come in contact with the bhakti and care as

if the success or failure of your own spiritual life is based on this. The

manner in which you treat people is the same way you are treating Guru and



(2) Anytime there is a problem in a relationship, you should first see it as

your own fault. By starting from this premise, you will notice your own

faults or you will get a better understanding of how to be a better servant.


(3) Treat every devotee you come in contact with the same love as the person

you love the most.


(4) As we associate with each other, we should do so in the mood that these

are the people I am living with and they will probably be the people I leave

this world with.


11. Four years ago, on a more practical side we established fourteen cells

where devotees were meeting at least once a week, networking, gathering

experiences and information and forming strategies for self-sufficiency.

The areas are:


1. Farming & Cow Protection

2. Water

3. Clothing & Barter Systems

4. Building & Land Development

5. Alternative Energy Sources

6. Traditional & Alternative Health Care

7. Child Care

8. Counseling Services

9. Fund Raising & Cottage Industries

10. Defense, Security & Survial Training

11. Field Trips, Alliances with Other Self-Sufficient Communities

12. Legal committee

13. Public Relations & Outreach for Additional Manpower

14. General Reseasrch to Aid All of the Cells


Unfortunately as we became more involved in the day-to-day maintenance at

Gita-Nagari, the cells became almost non-operational. Recently, however,

the Y2K concerns have acted as a wonderful catalyst in helping us to

refocus. Our present cells are almost the same categories, but everyting

has become so much more alive and exciting and is creating so much more

teamwork. We have received reports from a few other communities on how many

devotees are putting aside certain issues and are focusing more

on creating a productive environment that will guarantee their future

abilitiy to maintain body and soul together and increase their preaching.


12. As there is a chance that the devotees living in the urban areas may

have to take shelter of the rurual communities if problems are serious and

prolonged, we have asked the farm devotees to plan for the worst, expect the


so that we'll have more likliehood to be able to help the devotees who may

come to be with us. Therefore in our cell meetings, we try to work from the

premises that normal functions have ceased for an indefinite time. ie.,

access to food, water, electricity, medicine, communications, transportation

has all become a serious challenge.


13. We plan soon to conduct drills lasting for one week where we do not use

or rely on the normal utilities, food, transportation or communication

sources so as to see in all areas what things we need to improve or work on.


14. We are on a one-year storage plan for food and establishing

arrangements for permanent alternative energy usage if necessary.


15. The community meets every Saturday with all the cells together to check

in on their projects and different cells meet at different times according

to their projects.

Our main concern is seeing this as a wonderful time for us to purify

ourselves to work together more with powerful loving relationships and to

move forward with all haste in creating a community that Srila Prabhupada

and Vaishnavas would be proud of with the mood of 'simple living and high



To give greater insight into some of the practical aspects of our

preparations, I end this report with the minutes of the most recent "Srila

Prabhupada is Coming" meeting held on January 23, 1999. This includes

reports and updates from some of the cells.


I pray that some of the points shared will help us not to overreact and

surely not to underreact. But to be very realistic in helping us to create

a stronger culture of devotion that will stimulate us more individually and

collectively at a very critical time in our movement and in the secular

world. These are the days that without strong supportive vaishnava

relationships we will surely increase our casualties.



"Srila Prabhupada is Coming"

Meeting Minutes 1-23-99

Sruti Prabhu began leading kirtana at 6:40 PM

The devotees agreed to meet on Saturday nights at 6PM for the kirtana, and


discussion afterwards, at 6:30.

The independant groups should meet separately. Saturdays will be for



the full assembly.


1st report Sanitation Pariksit


Pariksit prabhu spoke to an engineer to get a permit fron the PA Dep. Of

Enviromental Protection.

The engineer is coming Wed. at 9:30 AM to survey the area. Pariksit and


will meet with him.


2nd Report Food Deva Deva

Got 2nd food dehydrater for kitchen while in NJ.

Bought 40lbs. Basmati rice, contacted Indian grocery suppliers for bulk




Getting 5 gal. Buckets from Muktavandya Prabhu for storage of grains,



Getting mylar bags to line buckets, and Oxygen tabs to help preserve.

Bought grains and raw sugar.

Bhoga needs to be packed into buckets. Devotee help is required ASAP for

washing buckets. Packing begins next week.

We are ordering from Dutch Valley, who sells to stores only.

Truck will deliver grains and beans to GN store on Thursday, sugar is at


Trip to Lancaster, PA to visit Amish. Vrajalila has books and a film on


culture which devotees may want to study befoe the trip, so as not to appear



3rd report Communication Sadacara


All equip. is ready.

Will take FCC test in Feb.


4th report Defense Krsnastra


Talked to Bhakta Jim regarding "hand-helds"

Has Y2K websites… www.y2ksupply.com

Has report from Governor… worried about Northern stated during Dec./Jan.

80% of nuclear missels’ computers are checked.


5th report Cow Protection Sruti


Mangala Arotik is donating laxmi to help pay for the windmill. Will create

enough waterflow for cows and devotees.


Ample Shelter for the herd, solar panels for electric fences.


Madhusudana and Sruti are training oxen.


Prioritizing goals, breaking up work between Sadacara, Madhusudana,


Checking with Balabhadra prabhu about rotational grazing


6th report Water Ekavira


Checking with a plumber for best location.

Electricity may be generated from windmill.


Handpumps are in order. They need to be located at many places, 2"-4" bits



Deep well pumps are a challenge over 60ft., harder to pump the water. Will

check on their practicality


Fri. Jan. 29th, orientation to get free vocational training, including

plumbing. Meeting in Mfflintown.


7th report Health Anasuya

Mohini Murti joined the alternative Health cell. Mother Indulekha is also

interested in participating


Researched the 40 key herbs. Buying Wholesale now from Frontier to learn by

practice how much we will need to grow.

Half grow wild on the farm, half we will need to buy seeds.

Diabetics, etc. should get 1 yr supply of med. from doctor.


8th report Agriculture Sadacara

Some crops are available now in the greenhouse… Russian kale, various



We will need $3000 for seeds for next 3 yrs. We are saving seeds, and will


growing extra crops to produce our own seeds.

Repairs to greenhouse are underway

Seedling planting begins soon.


9th report Children Krsnastra

Krsnastra planned trip to FireHouse for children to learn fire safety

from Firefighters. Date set for Feb. 6th, afternoon.


10th report Clothing Samvit


Contacted 5 suppliers of spinning/weaving supplies, waiting for response

Wrote M. Savitri in Phil. About learning skills, asked if she knows where


get used equip.

Continuing to read on sheep care and spinning/weaving


Ordered gen. Merchandise and shoe catalogs from Amazon dry goods.

Will write to Canadian co. that hand knits 100% wool diaper covers for


Typed survey to see what devotees need and what skills they have. Will make

copies for Sat. Jan.30 meeting.

Urging devotees to take good care of all clothing, never throw anything


MangalaArotika suggested placing an ad in HKW requesting donations. I will







Health Care Committee Update - 1/21/99

Natural Remedies Subcommittee Activities:

Mohini Murti has jointed the health cell. She will be on the natural

remedies subcommittee. Her first assignment is to talk to Kaisori re: what

herbs on the farm/surrounding area can be used as foods, if necessary.

Anasuya has prepared a very comprehensive packet on herbs which details

those that grow on the farm or Bhakti Marg's land and those that we need


order, with prices. It also gives ideas on some herbal salves and


we may want to make, components of a herbal first aid kit and a list of

personal hygiene products we will need to store. Acyuta and Mohini Murti

will review the packet and give her feedback by 1/24/99. Anasuya and


will discuss ordering herbal seeds for the herbs that don't grow on that

farm. The health committee committed to take responsibility for assisting

with the herb garden. Acyuta will find out what the plan is for the


to assist with the vegetable garden to see if there will be additional


to ensure that we will have the manpower required to maintain a

comprehensive herb garden.

Mangala Aroti discovered a website on survival that covers topics such as

first aid; alternative, herbal and wilderness medicine and psychological

survival. The address was given to the natural remedies subcommittee to


Medical subcommittee activities:

Sivaratri and Chakra will develop a list of medical supplies/equipment


we will need to have on hand. Cintamani gave them the first aid station

supplies list from Alachua. They will determine if anything needs to be

added and will research ways to obtain the items. Sivaratri will speak


Madhavacarya to see how he can possibly help (he'd said he would be able


get some first aid supplies).

In terms of the medical interviews, Sivaratri is reviewing the medical

questionnare that was used in WDC when the cell groups were active. A

complete questionnaire with additional questions on mental health and

alternative health will be reviewed at our next meeting on Thursday,

1/28/99. The initial interviewing will focus on devotees who live on the

farm. It was decided that the Health Committee would meet every

Thursday, 10:00


at the temple. Everyone will also try to attend as many of the weekly


meetings as possible.

Alternative health subcommittee activities:

Kion was traveling with the cookie team so there was no update. We will

obtain this upon his return.


Update 1/23/99

Acytuta gave feedback to Anasuya about her herb list. She agrees with the

list of herbs presented and offered information regarding which herbs to


vs. grow. Sadacara Prabhu will come to the committee meeting on 1/28/99 to

speak with us in detail about the herb garden.

-Cow Protection Committee Update-January 20, 1999-


Ekavira Prabhu has located a 60 ft high windmill and 100,000 gal tank from


man in Lancaster, PN. Mangala-arotik is providing a down payment. This one

mill could provide enough water to the temple and cows. The suggested


is Govardhana Hill. Sadacara Prabhu suggests that we will need to locate a

strong well at this sight. We may need to bring in an expert in this area.

It was also suggested that we may need to supplement our non electric

freezeless tanks with additional freezeless tanks for the small oxen and


milkers. No work has presently been done in this regard. Research will

begin this week on how to facilitate these tanks for next winter.


We have ample shelter for the size of our herd. In the spring, we would

like to build up the ground on the end of the heifer barn to facilitate


entrance and exit of the cow for the following winter. We are concidering

George Brackbill to do the work. We will contact him when the work is

needed and funds are available.


Sadacara Prabhu will ask Madhava (Maha-mantra) for our one solar fencer.


was loaned to him for use in his garden. Sadacara Prabhu said the fencer

needs a new battery. He estimated the cost to be $20. The price of new

solar fencers that can facilitate our needs cost approximately $150-$200.

We will try to raise funds for these fencers in our spring fundraiser.

Ox Training

Madhusadana and Sadacara Prabhu's are going to work together to see how


oxen can be used in the summer garden. Madhusadana will take the oxen out

twice a month for a refresher with their commands.


This week most of the major equipment was inventoried. On Friday Jan. 22,

1999, Sruti and Sadacara Prabhu will meet at 11am to discuss what repairs

should be made on the equipment. Included in this discussion will be a

prioritizing of maintenance, that is, what should be fixed first, to what

should be fixed last. Also this week, Madhusadana, Mangala-arotik, and

Sruti will meet to discuss policies on use of equipment. This discussion

will be a brainstorm on policies to be instituted in regards to the

individuals who use the equipment and how the equipment is to be


Results of these discussions will be submitted to the Agriculture


and the Gita-nagari Board for approval.

Pasture Management

As mentioned in the last report, Madhusadana and Sruti have been reading

about rotational grazing systems. This week they will contact the local

farmer who employs this method to see about a possible tour of his farm.

Grain and Hay Production and Storage

We have been advised to refer our question on the need for grain in the


of our milking and working oxen to the Minister of Cow Protection,

Balabhadra Prabhu. We are presently waiting for an e-mail response from

him. In regards to hay, the manual for the New Holland square baler was

located. This manual will help facilitate an assessment of what is

presently malfunctioning in the baler. This week the manual will be read

and beginning work will be done on fixing the baler. For larger problems


operation, it has been suggested that Clark's in Honey Grove can


the repairs.


Govinda’s Gardens/Food Relief Project Update


1) Inner construction of cold frame over existing plant beds is completed.

2) End wall repairs are to be completed by 1-31-99.

3) Installation of exhaust fan(s) and inflation unit to be completed on


4) Alternative heating is currently under research.

5) Installation of irrigation system using soaker hoses is to begin in


6) Seedling production for greenhouse to begin on 1-25-99.

7) Seedling growing room setup to be completed by 1-31-99.

8) Complete inventory of current seed storage will be completed on 2-3-99.

9) Ordering of non-hybrid seeds is currently on hold due to lack of


Sadacara is going out to raise money for seeds and soilblocking equipment.


need $1500.

Submitted by Sadacara das

Energy back-up systems

Farm generator and Katolight generator mfg. By Katolight corp. Unable to


actual company; located in Mankato, Minnesota, no telephone listing,

Spoke with Jim Clark at Clark’s and Son’s about matching a possible P.T.O


with unit- We need to find more information on the output of the generator



more precise match.

Update on the propane conversion kit

Talked to Peter at Jack Mountain’s in Boulder Colorado. He gave information


the distributors of Onand Generators (propane regulated) who may carry the

conversion parts.

Jason Rogers 303-287-0201

or 800-927-7201

We are awaiting a return call from their parts department.


Well Drilling Geology Information

We have received some info on well construction from the PA Agriculture

Extension office. The materials have not been completely processed for a

report. We will obtain more materials from Harrisburg on wells and geology.

Clothing Committee Update

1) There is presently a large amount of clothing stored above the GN Store.


Jagannatha Pandit’s attic, all of the community children’s clothing is


stored. Samvit plans to speak to M. Cintamani to set a date this week to


and separate the children’s clothing into sizes and seasons, and add more to



2) Samvit wrote to Savitri Prabhu to inquire about learning to spin and


wool, and to ask her if she knows where used equipment can be found.

3) We are waiting for replies from wool equipment suppliers.

4) We are waiting for delivery of Gen. Merchandise and shoemaking supply

catalogs from Amazon Dry Goods.

5) We will contact HKW to inquire on pricing for a classified ad requesting

donations of clothing for the devotees.

6) We will survey the devotees on Saturday to see what clothing items they


and what skills they can provide. The survey has been typed and now must be


7) Samvit is writing to the Murari Sevaka farm to see if Sikhi Prabhu is


and to ask him about his sheep.

8) Samvit will ask Mother Kaisori about a devotee she knows in Boston who


be able to get large clothing donations for us.

9) Mother Kartamisa is researching prices on items like ponchos, boots, ski

masks, and sleeping bags from Army surplus suppliers.

10) Samvit is writing to a Canadian company who hand knits woolen diaper


for patterns and instructions.

11) All of the devotees are urged to save all clothing and fabric, and to


their garments carefully for long life.



Vishvambhara and Krsnastra checked out the road in question and found a wide

logging road that extends almost to 75 . What remains in question is does

ISKCON own part of the road and do we any have right to use it. Tariya says

,"it doesn't belong to us"

So we need to research the matter more.

Krsnastra found the name of the coordinator for the Y2K problem for State of

Pennsylvania . Krsnastra will send him an e-mail

Requesting any information pertaining to Y2K preparedness

And to ask him what is the state's contingency plan in the event

Of an emergency.

Krsnastra has also checked the fire extinguishers and found all of them

need to be recharged.

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