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On 13 Dec 1998, Trayimaya das wrote:


> >If it's not Vedic it is nasty.


> Accha, well then we come to a point of definition.

> What does vedic mean, anyway? Just a general question, is there such a

> standard definition?


> In the vedic times they had prostitution, is that not nasty?



Exactly. (And I'm glad I didn't have to bring this subject up again! I was

beginning to think I had some Freudian problem. Geesh!)


In Vedic Dvaraka there were so many things going on which would appear to be

non-Vedic. Certainly if Jivan Mukta dasa was present then he would be very,

very busy fault-finding all the inhabitants there. And he would be complaining

about the leader of the city (Krsna) for tolerating all this "nonsense". Would

Jivan Mukta stand outside the door of the millions of prostitutes and write

down the names of their patrons as they exited? The list would include many

big names I'm sure. Who were those tens of millions of men (@ ten men per

prostitute, approx.) who frequented the prostitutes? They were obviously

devotees living in Krsna's city. But were they not satisfied by their Vedic

wives? And all the "society girls"? Who were their fathers and why would they

"allow" their daughters to be unwed?


I point out these seeming "anomalies", and there were probably many others,

i.e., meat-eating, gambling, intoxication, etc., because we know they occured

in the Holy Dhama and the Lord was there to witness them but He tolerated

them. WHY?


It brings us back to the original question - What Is Vedic? To me, Vedic

means, technically, "with knowledge". Knowledge of Godhead. Knowledge that

Godhead is a person. Knowledge that the supreme "personality" of that

Godhead/Person is Krsna, Son of Vasudeva and the inhabitants of Dvaraka

crossed that one line that makes them go TOWARDS Him. Not away from Him. It

immediately sets them apart from the non-devotees of the material world. They

are going toward Krsna at whatever speed their particular destiny is moving

them. That "destiny" is actually the Lord in the heart directing them. No one

else. All they had to do was turn toward their Friend (like the bird in the

tree story, eating the fruits with Krsna as the witness and friend, all he has

to do is turn towards his Friend and the Lord does the rest).


There is something obviously going on "between the lines" in Dvaraka. They

were engaged in all these things which a person like Jivan Mukta would be

screaming about constantly, yet Krsna loved every one of His community

members. If we see only the faults in them and ourselves we will miss the

pivotal point in advancement of Krsna consciousness - that Krsna is directing

all the activities of the living entity and the spirit soul does nothing but

serve the Lord or His seperated energies.


The prostitutes and all the other residents of Dvaraka realized that somehow

or other they are engaged in their particular occupation by the will of the

Lord and their only duty is to induce a change of heart within themselves - to

become bhaktas. That one tiny step towards the Lord is awarded with infinite

mercy by the Supreme Father and He leads us ALL back home. He has ALL the

patience in the world while we lose our patience regularly.


Advancement breeds advancement. Once we taste even a little bit of the mercy

of the Lord we enjoy the taste and want to VOLUNTARILY progress in our service

to the Lord. It's extremely personal. No force - it would be useless. It must

be with real care and choice in love of the service. That will come to all of

us IF WE JUST KEEP ON TRYING to move towards the Lord!


The city of Dvaraka existed 5000 years ago in times which were much more

conducive to spiritual practices and dharmic action and yet we see their

seeming faults through the eyes of Jivan Mukta. How much more compassionate

and tolerant must we be with ourselves and fellow bhaktas in these very

difficult times of Kali-yuga? We should be always encouraging one another to

continue whatever even tiny amount of devotional service we are doing, for

however long it takes. For this is the ONLY thing which will bring about the

desired change of heart and cleanse us of our impurities.


There are great boons in this age and we should take advantage: in other ages

if one even thought of a sinful activity he had to suffer the reaction. In

this age, for our facility, if one even thinks of a pious activity he reaps

the result and no reaction is incurred for thinking about sinful activity. We

need these faciltites and should encourage each other to take full advantage

of them.




"VEDIC" means all of the above to me. Vedic is not 5000 or 5000000000000000

years ago - it is in the heart of a bhakta NOW.

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