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Material or spiritual arrangement.

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> Male/female definitely IS wrong conception of life,and everyone who wants

> to become serious devotee should try to change that conception, but when

> we are married, we can't deny there is affection to other person we are

> married for, even on the bodily platform. So when it's there what to do ?

> We can't say that's transcendental. Marriage is material arrangement that

> should help us to advance spiritually, by seeing and realizing in depth

> all " wonderful " and relations " full of nectar " between husband and

> wife. If they consume they marriage in Krsna Consciousness properly, for

> sure, at the end they will be in great amount, free from false male/female

> identification. If they do it differently, than: " visayendrija samyogat

> yat tad agre mrtopamam pariname visam iva tat sukham rajasam smrtam " BG

> 18.38. they will suffer because Krsna is not in the center and they wanted

> to have happiness in the mode of passion. We all know then what is the

> result like.



What is "material" and what is "spiritual" arrangement for helping

us to advance spiritually?


Grhasta asrama is one among 4 asrama. Why do you feel the need

to outline this one as a "material" arrangement, as something that

we got to realize to be like a stinky toilet that we sooner are

through that more advanced in KC we are? This is a part of the

wrong preaching in ISKCON that has been going on for these few

decades. You seem to be simply reflecting it here. Are you

married yourself? If you are, my suggestion is to rather sooner

give up such one sided kind of vision that you have been assumed.

It will help you just nothing, but will be the cause of

a lot of misunderstandings in your relationship with the wife.

And if you are a brahmacari interested to stay as such, then

this negative approach to the marriage will not "save" you

from "falling", just like it did not help to so many sannyasis

and big, big "renounciates" who preached the same "marriage-pit-of-stool"

all along their carrier that ended pitifully.


Srila Prabhupada used to say: "The house where husband and wife

live in agreement becomes Vaikuntha, the place of residence

for Laksmi-Narayna." So it can be Vaikuntha as well. Not only

a pit of stool that is to be "realized in it's depth" as

such and thus given up as soon as possible by "realized"

spiritualist. Wrong, wrong, wrong. A good wife follows her

good husband all along to the Spiritual world.


Otherwise, everything in this world may be said to be "a material

arrangement for our spiritual advancement", if you want to see it

so. Brahmacari asrama, or sannyasa asrama are similarly the material

arrangement - you get physically, materially, separated from the

association with the opposite sex. The Deity worship - you get

the material elements, the form that your material conditioning

may perceive, as the mean to get the chance to worship God

and make the spiritual advancement. And everything is either

material or spiritual - depending of your own consciousness.

So is with grhasta asrama.




ys mnd

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