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>[Text 2264941 from COM]



>It is not only the matter of your using the terms per-se, but

>primarly, for using them for the sake of an aggressiv attack, for

>the sake of total humiliation and thus elimation of an another

>devotee who happend to be in disagreement with you.


Sorry, I just don't agree with you on this one. Read the conversation and

you will see Srila Prabhupada used the terms repeatedly. It seems that your

spelling are beginning to slip again.

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> Sorry, I just don't agree with you on this one. Read the conversation and

you will see Srila Prabhupada used the terms repeatedly. It seems that your

spelling are beginning to slip again.





Apparently some of have the authority to say any 'damn' thing we please,

whether we can spell it properly or not.







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On 25 Apr 1999, Madhusudani Radha wrote:


> Apparently some of have the authority to say any 'damn' thing we please,

> whether we can spell it properly or not.


When we are quoting Srila Prabhupada; yes, one does. As everyone knows this is

Srila Prabhupada's movement and I don't think that someone can be criticized

for quoting him. If it is out of context, then that it is another matter.


Of course, I have heard that some are suggesting that to put footnotes on

Srila Prabhupada books explaining just what he meant, ie. putting it into the

proper social context. Now ain't that a larf!

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On 25 Apr 1999, Vyapaka Dasa wrote:



> >

> When we are quoting Srila Prabhupada; yes, one does. As everyone knows this

is Srila Prabhupada's movement and I don't think that someone can be

criticized for quoting him. If it is out of context, then that it is another






We need to be careful not to superficially imitate with motives that are not

as elevated as Srila Prabhupada's, particularly on sensitive topics.












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> At 7:38 -0800 4/25/99, WWW: Vyapaka (Dasa) ACBSP (Montreal - CAN) wrote:


> >

> >> Apparently some of have the authority to say any 'damn' thing we please,

whether we can spell it properly or not.

> >>



> Please don't attribute statements to me that I didn't make.


> Ys,

> Madhusudani dasi





Yeah, I said that! Madhusudani would never say something like that, mostly

because she is not as funny as me. So please be more careful next time.


And no, I didn't slaughter any of the cows at NV.







Gosh, I gotta go pick up my kid, but I might be able to come back and play in

half an hour or so--that is, if my mother will let me.

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At 2:57 -0800 4/25/99, Robert Cope wrote:

>It seems that your

>spelling are beginning to slip again.




How is that relevant to anything?


Are you capabable of saying *anything* supportive and encouraging on this




Madhusudani dasi

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At 7:38 -0800 4/25/99, WWW: Vyapaka (Dasa) ACBSP (Montreal - CAN) wrote:

>[Text 2266140 from COM]


>On 25 Apr 1999, Madhusudani Radha wrote:


>> Apparently some of have the authority to say any 'damn' thing we please,

>> whether we can spell it properly or not.


Please don't attribute statements to me that I didn't make.



Madhusudani dasi

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> Sorry, I just don't agree with you on this one. Read the conversation and

> you will see Srila Prabhupada used the terms repeatedly. It seems that

> your spelling are beginning to slip again.



Sorry, I just don't agree with you on this one. Check out the

wether rapport on the CNN and you will see that the temperature

in Reykjavik has been dropping these days repeatedly. It seems

that your grammar is not getting any better.



(I mean, we are having a great time here, aren't we?) ;)



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> Sorry, I just don't agree with you on this one.


But you still haven't substantiate with Prabhupada's quote

your point that whoever can't substantiate his point with

Prabhupada's quote is... you know what.






I am sorry for no spelling mistake, too short text.

But next time..

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> Sorry, I just don't agree with you on this one.


But you still haven't substantiate with Prabhupada's quote

your point that whoever can't substantiate his point with

Prabhupada's quote is... you know what.






I am sorry for no spelling mistake, too short text.

But next time..

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On 24 Apr 1999, Vyapaka Dasa wrote:


> For the benefit of the readers who were upset by my use of certain words I

> again apologize. However, it seems that it was my misunderstanding that most

> everyone was aware of Srila Prabhupada's use of these terms during a

> conversation. That conversation can be found in the Feb. 19, 1977


> (770219r2.may) with Adi Kesava dasa and others in Mayapura.


I was aware that you were alluding to that conversation, and I can appreciate

the exasperation that would come from wanting more from a varnasrama

conference that gets lost in a long discussion of surgical alteration of

genitalia, however just because Prabhupada has said it doesn't make

appropriate for the crowd that's gathered here. Quite an overkill. Dripping

WINNEBAGOS? Cutting off RICHARD? Way too much. We got a rough and tumble PC

crowd here, you gotta watch your imagery.


Prabhupada was trying to drive home a point and was speaking to a particular

group. If we were to look for some fault, we might want to look towards

Prabhupada's audience; that they needed such strong imagery.


Ugra-karma was right. Jeesh, how could there even be a debate? Why can't we

sympathize with, be accepting of, and encouraging towards devotees with

unusual situations, without creating a weird version of Krsna Consciousness?

OK, so we're not exactly Vedic, but how far off the mark need we go?


Thinking of lipo-suction myself, I go to lick the dripping VEGI-BURGER,



YS Jiva Goswami

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Re: Profanity




>Mahanidi dasa commented:

>>But you still haven't substantiate with Prabhupada's quote

>>your point that whoever can't substantiate his point with

>>Prabhupada's quote is... you know what.




>Okay, you want the quote so here it is.



>Prabhupäda: No, we... “It is voluntary. In our society we find so many

>brahmacärés, so many gåhasthas. And if you cannot stop this itching

>sensation, all right, marry one girl and live peacefully like a gentle...

>What is this nonsense, every three weeks divorce? We are not so rascal. If

>we accept one girl as my wife, I take full responsibility. Because I


>a girl or woman, so this woman, that one... We are not so rascal that at

>home I have got woman, I am searching after another woman, another naked

>woman. We are not so madman. The sex pleasure is there at home, and I am

>seeking after sex pleasure in here, here, in the club, in the... What is

>that? Is that vagina is different? You are so fool. You require vagina;


>one vagina. Be satisfied. And lick it. Why you are going here and there,

>here and there, here and there? Even old man is going to the nightclub to

>lick another vagina. Is that civilization? You are proud of your

>civilization.” Tell them like that. “Licking of the vagina, different,

>obnoxious smell. You are less than the dog. The dog likes to smell the

>vagina. You are like that. What is business of going another vagina? You

>require vagina. Take one and be satisfied. That is intelligence. First of

>all there is no need of vagina. But if you want, take one and be satisfied.

>Why you are searching after dog vagina, this vagina, that vagina, that

>vagina? Is that civilization?” Expose them like that. “Your brain is filled

>with so much stool, so we are washing it. What is the wrong there?”

>Ädi-keçava: Actually they all need brainwashing.

>Prabhupäda: Yes, “Every one of you require, because your brain is filled up

>with stool. You have no brain. Brain is covered with stool.” What they will


>Satsvarüpa: That “If I want to have a stool brain, it may be lamentable,


>don’t force me to be washed.

>Prabhupäda: It is not force. It is no...

>Satsvarüpa: Let me remain in stool.

>Prabhupäda: We are preaching. It does not mean that we are forcing. We are

>saying that “Your brain is in stool. Wash it like this. If one agrees, he

>does it. Not that in our movement all world has joined. One who is

>intelligent, he has agreed, ‘Yes.’ I am not forcing. If I would have

>possessed that forcive power, what right you have got to bring me in the

>court? You are forcing me to stop this. You are forcing. Nobody can force,

>but you are forcing.” You should take this argument and expose them at


>in the court, licking of the vagina civilization, like dog. Yes animals do


>Ädi-keçava: I think the more strongly we preach in this way, that we don’t

>try to give in and compromise...

>Prabhupäda: No, no, no.

>Ädi-keçava: The more that everyone will hear about this issue...

>Prabhupäda: We must expose them, that’s all. This is our business. This is


>good opportunity in the court, so that it will be published. People will

>know what is our philosophy. Licking of vagina civilization, this. Publish.

>Ädi-keçava: All right.

>Prabhupäda: What they have got anymore, this Western civilization?

>Ädi-keçava: They say that they are all actually in despair. They don’t see

>any hope in the future.

>Prabhupäda: This is their position.

>Hari-çauri: Their only hope in the future is that we’ll eat trash, process

>trash and...

>Prabhupäda: What is that?

>Indian: (Bengali) (break)

>Prabhupäda: All, let us sit down here.

>Hari-çauri: In the room?

>Prabhupäda: Yes, Gaura-Nitäi. Is that argument all right, licking the



>Påthu-putra: Great.

>Ädi-keçava(?): Very bold.

>Hari-çauri: No one’s ever talked to them like that.

>Prabhupäda: But this is a fact. The old man, seventy-five years old, he’s

>going to lick up another vagina in the club. This is your Western


>Ädi-keçava: Sometimes in New York... You know we live right next to

>Broadway. The temple is right next to Broadway. Sometimes in New York we


>old, old men...

>Prabhupäda: And in France it is very... In France you have got.

>Påthu-putra: In France, yes. All the prostitution going on around the


>Ädi-keçava: You see even old, old men going to these clubs.

>Hari-çauri: If you can still have sex when you’re seventy-five, then you’re

>a great man. Glorified.

>Prabhupäda: Just see. This is their civilization. In Paris there are so


>clubs. The old men, they first of all pay fifty dollars to enter into the

>club. Then he selects which vagina he will lick up. Then another payment. I

>know that. (aside:) No, he can be asked to sit down there.

>Hari-çauri: To sit in the room.

>Prabhupäda: Yes. Actually this is the fact. But they are fools. They still

>like to lick up new vagina. Exactly dogs. We are restricting that “Give up

>this business, licking of vagina,” and they are seeking up to the point of

>death another vagina, another vagina, another... Which is better? If we say

>that “Give up this nonsense business,” is that brainwash? And if it is

>brainwash, it is for good. What is this civilization, who is never

>satisfied? The same business is going on up to the point of death. Our

>civilization is: “All right, you are attached to vagina-licking. Do it up


>fifty years. Then give it up.” This is our civilization. “You are so much

>accustomed to the vagina-licking business—up to fifty years, so long you


>young. Then give it... Don’t do it anymore.” This is our civilization. And

>that also, after twenty-five years. For twenty-five years teach him, “It is

>no good business. Brahmacäré. Remain alone. You have got so much

>botheration.” If he’s still unable: “All right, take one wife. Be


>Lick up one. And then, at the age of fifty years, give up.” This is our...

>Is that wrong?

>Satsvarüpa: It’s good.

>Hari-çauri: It’s great.

>Prabhupäda: Because unless you give up this business of vagina-licking, you

>ll have to be entangled in this body. Either as a dog or as a hog, as a

>human being or as a demigod, as a tree, as an insect, it will go on. In


>way plead. Let the people understand what we are preaching. Advance this

>philosophy, widely discussed. Then our success.

>Hari-çauri: There’s no question this will be widely discussed.

>Prabhupäda: And... (someone enters) (Bengali) (break) Smelling the aroma,

>such a nonsense.

>Hari-çauri: As you say, just like dogs.

>Prabhupäda: Hm?

>Hari-çauri: Just like the dogs.

>Prabhupäda: Dogs and all animals, smelling vagina. They think, “Here is




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Re: Profanity




>Mahanidi dasa commented:

>>But you still haven't substantiate with Prabhupada's quote

>>your point that whoever can't substantiate his point with

>>Prabhupada's quote is... you know what.




>Okay, you want the quote so here it is.



>Prabhupäda: No, we... “It is voluntary. In our society we find so many

>brahmacärés, so many gåhasthas. And if you cannot stop this itching

>sensation, all right, marry one girl and live peacefully like a gentle...

>What is this nonsense, every three weeks divorce? We are not so rascal. If

>we accept one girl as my wife, I take full responsibility. Because I


>a girl or woman, so this woman, that one... We are not so rascal that at

>home I have got woman, I am searching after another woman, another naked

>woman. We are not so madman. The sex pleasure is there at home, and I am

>seeking after sex pleasure in here, here, in the club, in the... What is

>that? Is that vagina is different? You are so fool. You require vagina;


>one vagina. Be satisfied. And lick it. Why you are going here and there,

>here and there, here and there? Even old man is going to the nightclub to

>lick another vagina. Is that civilization? You are proud of your

>civilization.” Tell them like that. “Licking of the vagina, different,

>obnoxious smell. You are less than the dog. The dog likes to smell the

>vagina. You are like that. What is business of going another vagina? You

>require vagina. Take one and be satisfied. That is intelligence. First of

>all there is no need of vagina. But if you want, take one and be satisfied.

>Why you are searching after dog vagina, this vagina, that vagina, that

>vagina? Is that civilization?” Expose them like that. “Your brain is filled

>with so much stool, so we are washing it. What is the wrong there?”

>Ädi-keçava: Actually they all need brainwashing.

>Prabhupäda: Yes, “Every one of you require, because your brain is filled up

>with stool. You have no brain. Brain is covered with stool.” What they will


>Satsvarüpa: That “If I want to have a stool brain, it may be lamentable,


>don’t force me to be washed.

>Prabhupäda: It is not force. It is no...

>Satsvarüpa: Let me remain in stool.

>Prabhupäda: We are preaching. It does not mean that we are forcing. We are

>saying that “Your brain is in stool. Wash it like this. If one agrees, he

>does it. Not that in our movement all world has joined. One who is

>intelligent, he has agreed, ‘Yes.’ I am not forcing. If I would have

>possessed that forcive power, what right you have got to bring me in the

>court? You are forcing me to stop this. You are forcing. Nobody can force,

>but you are forcing.” You should take this argument and expose them at


>in the court, licking of the vagina civilization, like dog. Yes animals do


>Ädi-keçava: I think the more strongly we preach in this way, that we don’t

>try to give in and compromise...

>Prabhupäda: No, no, no.

>Ädi-keçava: The more that everyone will hear about this issue...

>Prabhupäda: We must expose them, that’s all. This is our business. This is


>good opportunity in the court, so that it will be published. People will

>know what is our philosophy. Licking of vagina civilization, this. Publish.

>Ädi-keçava: All right.

>Prabhupäda: What they have got anymore, this Western civilization?

>Ädi-keçava: They say that they are all actually in despair. They don’t see

>any hope in the future.

>Prabhupäda: This is their position.

>Hari-çauri: Their only hope in the future is that we’ll eat trash, process

>trash and...

>Prabhupäda: What is that?

>Indian: (Bengali) (break)

>Prabhupäda: All, let us sit down here.

>Hari-çauri: In the room?

>Prabhupäda: Yes, Gaura-Nitäi. Is that argument all right, licking the



>Påthu-putra: Great.

>Ädi-keçava(?): Very bold.

>Hari-çauri: No one’s ever talked to them like that.

>Prabhupäda: But this is a fact. The old man, seventy-five years old, he’s

>going to lick up another vagina in the club. This is your Western


>Ädi-keçava: Sometimes in New York... You know we live right next to

>Broadway. The temple is right next to Broadway. Sometimes in New York we


>old, old men...

>Prabhupäda: And in France it is very... In France you have got.

>Påthu-putra: In France, yes. All the prostitution going on around the


>Ädi-keçava: You see even old, old men going to these clubs.

>Hari-çauri: If you can still have sex when you’re seventy-five, then you’re

>a great man. Glorified.

>Prabhupäda: Just see. This is their civilization. In Paris there are so


>clubs. The old men, they first of all pay fifty dollars to enter into the

>club. Then he selects which vagina he will lick up. Then another payment. I

>know that. (aside:) No, he can be asked to sit down there.

>Hari-çauri: To sit in the room.

>Prabhupäda: Yes. Actually this is the fact. But they are fools. They still

>like to lick up new vagina. Exactly dogs. We are restricting that “Give up

>this business, licking of vagina,” and they are seeking up to the point of

>death another vagina, another vagina, another... Which is better? If we say

>that “Give up this nonsense business,” is that brainwash? And if it is

>brainwash, it is for good. What is this civilization, who is never

>satisfied? The same business is going on up to the point of death. Our

>civilization is: “All right, you are attached to vagina-licking. Do it up


>fifty years. Then give it up.” This is our civilization. “You are so much

>accustomed to the vagina-licking business—up to fifty years, so long you


>young. Then give it... Don’t do it anymore.” This is our civilization. And

>that also, after twenty-five years. For twenty-five years teach him, “It is

>no good business. Brahmacäré. Remain alone. You have got so much

>botheration.” If he’s still unable: “All right, take one wife. Be


>Lick up one. And then, at the age of fifty years, give up.” This is our...

>Is that wrong?

>Satsvarüpa: It’s good.

>Hari-çauri: It’s great.

>Prabhupäda: Because unless you give up this business of vagina-licking, you

>ll have to be entangled in this body. Either as a dog or as a hog, as a

>human being or as a demigod, as a tree, as an insect, it will go on. In


>way plead. Let the people understand what we are preaching. Advance this

>philosophy, widely discussed. Then our success.

>Hari-çauri: There’s no question this will be widely discussed.

>Prabhupäda: And... (someone enters) (Bengali) (break) Smelling the aroma,

>such a nonsense.

>Hari-çauri: As you say, just like dogs.

>Prabhupäda: Hm?

>Hari-çauri: Just like the dogs.

>Prabhupäda: Dogs and all animals, smelling vagina. They think, “Here is




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