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Prabhupada on Varnasrama & Farm Community Development

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Hare Krsna dasi


Hari bol, prabhu. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila



Thanks for your very kind note. As it happens, just yesterday I have sent the

formatted manuscript to the Bhaktivedanta Archives. They tell me that there is

some hope that the book will be back from the printers and available to the

devotees by mid-June -- providing there are no serious formatting errors or

problems with the printer's schedule.


For information on prices, etc., you could contact the Bhaktivedanta Archives

directly at archives (AT) earthlink (DOT) net. Probably you could also contact Krishna

Culture at krsnacultr (AT) aol (DOT) com or call them at 1-800-829-2579.


Thanks to all of you who have helped put this project together so far, and we

hope more people will give us their contributions for upcoming volumes.


For your information, I have listed the table of contents below your letter.


your servant,


Hare Krsna dasi



"COM: Jara Mara Hari (das) HPS (Madrid - E)" wrote:


> [Text 2296174 from COM]




> My name is Jara Mara Hari Das.


> I am writing you from Spain.


> Than you very much for the way you are inspiring devotees around the world

> with your personal activities.


> Simple living and High thinking in KC is the way of becoming happy and make

> others happy or at least less suffering in the way back to God.


> I heard about your recopilation of SP quotes on SL and farm comunities

> developement.


> Is it allready finish ?


> If so.How can we get a copy ?


> Trying to stablish a comunity here in Spain.


> Thank you again.


> Your fallen servant JMHD


Prabhupada on Varnasrama and Farm Community Development: Vol. 1: Speaking about


Compiled by Hare Krsna devi dasi, edited by Suresvara dasa Adhikari. Series

editor: Hare Krsna devi dasi.

ISBN 0-89312-316-3 (Vol. 1)


Below are the chapter titles for 40 different conversations and lectures. This

will give you an idea of the range of subjects that Srila Prabhupada discusses.

They are arranged chrologically from Montreal, July 16, 1968 to Vrndavana

October 18, 1977.


Mutual Respect in Varnasrama

Different Duties for Different Kinds of People

Spiritual Communism

Get All Your Necessities from the Land

False Wealth or Real Wealth?

Varnasrama To Save a Troubled World

Working Is Also Preaching

Varnasrama College

Chant Hare Krsna and Draw a Plow

Guru Gives Varna Guidance

Grow Your Own Food

Petroleum vs. Ox Power

Eskimo Self-sufficiency

Every Man Should Own Some Land

Food Grains or Factories

Harnessing Natural Inclination

How to Utilize the Bulls

Machines and Unemployment

Self-sufficiency or Commercial Production?

Illusory Progress

They Will Be Attracted by Our Training Power

Krsna Consciousness: The Peaceful Revolution

Good Government Means Good Training

Agriculture: The Noblest Profession

Plain Living, High Thinking

Ugra-karma in the Factory

Vedic Civilization Is Training

Simple Living, Good Health

Living as Krsna Lived

Prabhupada on Cow Care

Home Grown Is Best

Not by Birth, But by Training

Brahmana Guidance For Ksatriyas

Varnasrama Is Not the Caste System

Localized Economics

Artificial Banking Systems

Varnasrama System Must Be Introduced

Four Varnas to Solve Four Problems

>From the Cities to the Villages

"Made with Our Own Wool"

"I Wanted to Introduce This"

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