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> Dear Janesvara Prabhu,


> Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


> > My opinion is, Deity worship and "diksa" rituals are just so many

> > oblations into ashes if at the same time the practitioners are

> > neglecting people and cows.


> Well thanks for your opinion, but I think that the Northern European BBT

> has kindly provided this nice email facility to the devotees so that we

> can understand what is the opinion of guru, sadhu and sastra.


> Your servant, Bhaktarupa Das



Thanks for YOUR OPINION, Prabhu!


My opinion is based upon what I have learned thus far in my long, long

journey toward Krsna consciousness. I have a long, long way to go for sure.

And, therefore my opinion is certainly not close to perfect, but by

repeating guru, sadhu and sastra my opinion may have some validity, I hope.


Verse: "I am present in every living entity as the Supersoul. If someone

neglects or disregards that Supersoul everywhere and engages himself in the

worship of the Deity in the temple, that is simply imitation. Purport: In

purified consciousness, or Krsna consciousness, one see the presence of

Krsna everywhere. If, therefore, ome only engages in deity worship in the

temple and does not consider other living entities, then he is in the lowest

grade of devotionalservice. One who worships the Deity in the temple, and

does not show respect to others is a devotee on the material platform, in

the lowest stage of devotional service." Srimad Bhagavatam 3.29.21


Verse: "One who worships the Deity of Godhead in the temples but does not

know that the Supreme Lord, as Paramatama, is situated in every living

entity's heart, must be in ignorance and is compared to one who offeres

oblations into ashes. Purport: In other words, a devotee should not ignore

any living entity." Srimad Bhagavatam 3.29.22


Verse: "My dear Mother, even if he worships with proper rituals and

paraphernalia, a person who is ignorant of my presence in all living

entities never pleases Me by the worship of My Deities in the temple."



"There are prescribed duties for the different classes of men - brahmana,

etc. ...Sva-karma-krt is one who engages in discharging his prescribed

duties. It is not that one who has become a devotee of the Lord or who

engages in devotional service should give up his prescribed duties. No one

should be lazy under the plea of devotional service. One has to execute

devotional service according to his prescribed duties." Srimad Bhagavatam



"... it is distinctly mentioned that the individual soul should be

recognized in relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The

method of worshiping the individual soul is described here as either giving

charitable gifts or behaving in a friendly manner, free from any separatist

outlook." S.B. 3.29.27.


And in direct relation to a program of non-separatist endeavors Srila

Prabhupada speaks regarding varnasrama-dharma:


"Hari-sauri: The principle we follow. We're just thinking how it can be

implemented. You were saying that it should be started in our society.

Prabhupada: Yes, that is a very broad idea. Now we are speaking of some of

them, training them. That is another thing. That is small scale.

Hari-sauri: The principle we're following.

Prabhupada: Yes. In the... for the big scale, this is the required. In big

scale you cannot make all of them as brahmanas or sannyasis. No. That is not

possible. This is a small scale. How many percentage of people of the world

we are controlling? Very insignificant. But if you want to make the whole

human society perfect, then this Krsna consciousness movement should be

introduced according to the Krsna's instruction, if you want to do it in a

large scale for the benefit of the whole human society. Now we are picking

up some of them, best. That is another thing. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu said

para-upakara. Why a certain section should be picked up? The whole mass of

people will get the benefit of it. Then it is required, systematic. Sve sve

karmany abhiratah samsiddhim labhate narah. Para-upakara means mass benefit,

not there is certain section. Then we have to introduce this

varnasrama-dharma. It must be done perfectly, and it is possible and people

will be happy."


In my opinion, we are not fully following Srila Prabhupada's and Lord

Caitanya's program of para-upakara unless and until we implement

varnasrama-dharma within this movement, or at least try very hard with full

priority legislation.


Or as Srila Prabhupada stated it far better than I:


"Society cannot depend on sudras. Nor can you depend on the brahmanas. To

fulfill the necessities of your body, there must be a brain, arms, a

stomach, and legs. The legs, the brain, and the arms are all required for

cooperation to fulfill the mission of the whole body. So in any society you

can see that unless there are these divisions, there will be chaos. IT WILL



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