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GBC has agreed to active participation in cow protection

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>Several of them have worked to provide a substantial amount of

>funding which is the only reason why this varnasrama book can be written.


Is it possible to contribute to this title? Or is it being written solely


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Rohita dasa

 > > Our GBC is now. Bir Krishna and due to his many responsibilities

he is unable to come at all this year. This to me means he has not thought

about (at least he has not expressed) these four visits - I say he has not

thought, because there is no mention of a monitor coming.


Janesvara das:

 Aw gee, surprise?! surprise?!



It is said do not be surprized at who goes be surprized by who stays. I am

saying this because as Vaisnavas we should avoid this kind of reply. Lord

Krsna is arranging something; he is doing it this way for some reason. It

would be better if we sent a personal invitation asking him to come (or asking

any GBC to come) as Mother Hare Krsna Devi has suggested. There is one more

thing we can do. We can pray, for Krishna to curb our tongues and arrange that

things should be corrected according to his desire.


Hare Krsna dasi comments:

> > Well, I am an admirer of Bir Krishna Maharaja. He's the only GBC I've

seen behind a team of oxen (Balabhadra's).


Janesvara das:

> I wouldn't judge a ksatriya by this. I do not believe it is one of the

qualities Krsna mentions in Bg. for a ksatriya. Or maybe the GBC aren't

ksatriyas? Why are they responsible for management then?



The GBC is not a group of Ksatriyas as you seeming think they should be. This

is a unique time and circumstance, true varnasrama; daiva varnasrama is not

existent on this planet. That is the duty that Srila Prabhupada has passed on

to his followers. But before we should concern ourselves with how they are

organized (the GBC) it is more important for our spiritual life to worry about

how much we are following. Have you come to Mangala arotik for the last 25

years (or however long any of you had to opportunity)? Have you faithfully

chanted the prescribed number of rounds - DAILY … there can be no excuse if

you have not been or done you are no better than a dead body if you have not.

To continue in the same vein, when was the last time you milked a cow, hooked

up the team or brought hay and to a cow that is unable. When was the last time

you turned on that set or gone off to town to get some ice cream, how much are

you a cent per cent devotee? Have you become so complacent you are unable to

distinguish which of the preceding actions are not done in the mood of

Attaining the Supreme?


Hare Krsna dasi comments:

> >Nevertheless, if he neglects to make even one single visit to New Talavana,

he is breaking Krsna's law.



The example is there, Rama raja has given.


Hare Krsna dasi comments:

> > Srila Prabhupada states in the First Canto of the Bhagavatam that cow

protection and brahminical culture are the "two pillars of spiritual

progress." How can ISKCON make spiritual progress if the head of the GBC only

has one pillar?



Each of us is responsible to see that those pillars are there, better we

should ask how can we help them meet their commitment. We should act as

servant. Instead so many are verbally attacking (thank Krsna it is not more)

and some are creating situations that take their attention away from their

real GBC duties. If allowed to make amends they may do. Bir Krsna Maharaja can

not come, you have not really asked why? He has to deal with Rttviks, and

other similar problems all politically (artificial) created because someone

thinks they deserve more than what Krsna has allotted them - I pray that none

of you have created problems to deviate the GBC from his primary functions. He

has to deal with emergencies, thoughtlessly created by those in the

conditioned mode of life. If he does not deal with them there would be even

greater disturbances in our society. So do not be a part of the problem.


Hare Krsna dasi comments:

> > I'm sure he will do this if he is properly approached. I'm sure he will

want to set a good example.


Janesvara das:

> I wouldn't hold your breath, you may be holding it for another 25 years.



That is no concern of mine, just to the best of my limited ability I have to

facilitate, whatever it takes to accomplish the intended goal, in this case

the participation of the GBC in cow culture. Now if you will excuse me I have

to write a lettre to my GBC and offer my obeisances and render whatever

service is given.


Rohita dasa

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On 15 Jun 1999, Nistula das wrote:



> This is not my understanding - as Krishna created things - we are always

> bound to work according to our natural ablilites and nature, we can't

> change them at will. I believe that in a real sense VAD is eternally

> existant and everyone is engaged accordingly. It's simply our vision (or

> management) that is faulty, not that - catur varnam maya srstam - has

> mysteriously evaporated. As active managers we are automatically kshatriyas

> (either 'acting', by default, or by nature, which amounts to the same

> thing).





This is clear thinking.







> "Holier than thou", sentiments are hardly an improvement upon open




Hear, hear!

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On 16 Jun 1999, Hare Krsna dasi wrote:




> "WWW: Janesvara (Dasa) ACBSP (Syracuse - USA)" wrote:


> > [Text 2408923 from COM]

> >

> > Yes. That is the subject of this conference. Funny we have zero


> > from any GBC's on this conference. They must have found a BETTER social

> system

> > than the catur-varnyam mentioned by Someone in Bg?


> Hare Krsna dasi comments:


> Too catty, my son.



Yes. You are right. It is too cynical. I have allowed myself the cowardly

attitude of cynicism. I don't like it. I'm sure if Srila Prabhupada were here

he would tell me to not be so cynical. I will try to stop. I hope patience

will be extended to me at least a fraction of the time that is afforded to

"leaders" who haven't reformed their varnasrama priorities in a quarter




I do not mind being a critic, however. Srila Prabhupada was an accomplished

critic of bad leaders for they prey upon the apathy and weaknesses of their

citizens including cows, children, women and other humans desiring to engage

in their rightful varna dovetailed in the service of the Lord by hearing,

chanting, remembering, etc., His pastimes, name, etc.



> There are several GBCs who are quite interested in

> varnasrama

> and who do read much of the posting on this conference. They are silent

> observers.



Leaders should not remain "silent observers" for very long. Active

participants is the opposite of silent observers.





>I think for the most part they do not speak out because they cannot

> afford the time to be drawn into some of our endless controversies.


Their responsibility as leaders is to address all controversies with the

correct prescribed medicine of varnasrama-dharma as advised by guru and

sastra. Controversies will NEVER end, even with VAD, but the direction has to

be correct. You have to take the right medicine to treat the disease.




> But they

> are

> listening. I at least get private notes from different members from time to

> time,

> usually requesting information on self-sufficiency.



There are thousands of people out there attempting self-sufficiency who know

absolutely nothing about daiva varnasrama-dharma. It will not really help the

fallen souls go back home. It sometimes ends up being a hippie-like protest of

technology. Prabhupada said we are not opposed to technology - only its






> So let's not be sarcastic

> and

> say they think they have found a better system. You know, if I were a GBC


> had

> to listen to to this continual stream of disparagement, I personally would


> want to give up.



I have asked the question many times previously without an answer to date:

What IS the social system they have been leading and supporting for the last

20+ years? Emergency social system? Hogwash. Emergencies don't last 25 years

especially after pure, clear advice was given by the pure devotee and recorded

for everyone's review.



If I were a GBC who had failed to implement the instructions of the guru for

the leadership of his disciples for 25 years I would be a lot more worried

about the reactions to that than a little disparagement.



Its amazing how some people claiming the title of "leader" can neglect clear

instructions to start varnasrama colleges in EVERY center for more than 25

years and if they make some token acknowledgment of VAD once in awhile all of

their past neglect is forgotten.



> I don't know how they can stand it. Pretty discouraging --

> especially for those GBC who are actually working to support our rural

> communities

> and help the establishment of varnasrama.




I would not discourage any person, GBC or otherwise, working to support such

projects. But perhaps they should be a little more active in our discussions

of this subject on this conference. We have the right to question them any

time. If they are following the prescribed method of implementing

varnasrama-dharma in ISKCON as advised by Srila Prabhupada in his morning walk

conversations in March 1974, and with Hari-sauri in Feb. 1977 they have

nothing to worry about. If they are changing the prescription according to

their own whims and speculations, like we have seen in so many cases before,

they have a lot to worry about.


They also must show some contrition. This responsibility as leaders to

implement VAD has been neglected for more than 25 years and they have hardly

even begun! Citizens would regard any so-called leader as purely arrogant and

out of touch with his responsibilities if he does not at least attempt a

contrite demeanor. I do not see this.



Thanks again for the reminder to watch my cynicism. I will make every attempt

to control the same.




Janesvara dasa

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