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cOMmon Shanti vission ???

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Dear Prabhus,


and Good sports,


Next step in this reductionist method after the (?) is NOTHINGNESS- the

BUDDHIST void !.... and after that...

.....and after that....

.....and after that....


Om Mani Padme Hum....


PG Das

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"COM: Param Guru (das) DDG (Timisoara - RO)" wrote:


> [Text 2436668 from COM]


> Dear Prabhus,


> and Good sports,


> Next step in this reductionist method after the (?) is NOTHINGNESS- the

> BUDDHIST void !.... and after that...

> .....and after that....

> .....and after that....


> Om Mani Padme Hum....


> PG Das


Such liberation of the living entity from material bondage is not at all

easy. The impersonalists and the yogis attain liberation only after much

trouble and many, many births. Even then, the liberation they achieve --

merging into the impersonal brahmajyoti of the Lord -- is only partial, and

there is the risk of returning to this material world.


>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bg 4.9




Which means another birth, which in this day in age of spiritual chaos,

where no VarnaAshram Dharma is currently completely implemented, which

means again Questions on the Birth of VarnaAshram dharma System.


So , there you have it, another cycle completed in Birth and Death.

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