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Is that varnasrama dharma? A Cut and Paste philosophy!

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>But, obviously you fit SP's description, that in the West the men do not

>understand dharma, nor the women chastity.

>What is your proposal, to try and force me to abandon my current

> understanding of dharma?


Dear Ameyatma Prabhu

Pamho; agtSP.


"There is a popular saying that there is no harm in creating some antagonism

with a great scholar but there is harm even by creating a friendly relation

with a fool. An antagonistic scholar will never deal in revenge but an

ignorant fool may commit many blunders even in the friendly dealings. So we

are not afraid of " you because you are an very old devotee and are used to

criticisms with the view you hold.


I understand quite well what you are talking about. I grew up in a culture

where the condition of women is not very much different from a slave status.

I hate what I know from it. I hate injustice, especially in the name of

religion. I am not sure if -you- do know how exactly the world of polygamy

looks like, apart from what you've heard or read in the old scriptures. And

I think what you are proposing is a danger for women and society in general.

I feel ashamed when I hear, -and I do quite often-, male devotees

proclaiming, just like if it was the most natural and religious thing to

say, that women are less intelligent; that they don't need to go to school;

and, why not?, they are like mrdangas, they must be beaten if we want to get

the best out of them (yes, I know, it's just a joke). And all that in the

name of VD. You may say that these things have nothing to do with what

you're preaching, but I believe them to be part of the same pattern; they

follow "your dharma rules" like a shadow.


The shadow is: woman in the back of temples; women not offering flowers

during gurupuja while the men are still leading the kirtans; not expressing

themselves in public; not having any leadership position in society; always

being the last for any treatments; behind the curtain, the sexual abused

doll; etc., etc., etc. In other words, it is regression. A regression that

we justify in the name of vedic culture; by quoting Srila Prabhupada!


I am certainly not against the concept of polygamy, for, like you, I cherish

vedic culture. But I am certainly against such obscurantism. Varnasrama

dharma doesn't mean reduction, but evolution. If you and me were to be

compared for our natural attitude towards how women should behave in

society, you will be surprised my mentality.


I am not a westerner, if I can put it this way. I was born in a Muslim

country and in a pious Muslim family. Although I already joined KC, I was

still held responsible for giving authorization so that my two sisters get

married to husbands chosen by my parents. My sisters did not know their

husbands before. (After more than 25 years, they are still together.) I

regret so much how heavy I was with my wonderful sisters, (which they never

reproach me anyway). And on top of it, Krsna blessed me with a sweet woman

to whom some devotees advised not to marry me. I am such a macho! But I

worked hard to come to the platform that I am addressing you now.


Bellow is a little talk from Srila Prabhupada in Vrindavana. Just because he

said it, this is what we understand by ksatriya in varnasrama dharma at the

dawn of the XXI century. And judges will be formed in the style of

Bhaktivinod Thakur; very efficient. Just to know that there are devotees,

who will not hesitate to integrate these Lois if they were put in charge of

a government, gives me goose flesh.


Prabhupada: But if some of the ksatriya or the sudras, they want, so that is

our prescription: "Go to the forest and kill some animal and eat that."

That's all. You can kill one boar. Some disturbing elements, you can kill.

You can kill some tiger. Like that. Learn to kill. No nonviolence. Learn to

kill. Here also, as soon as you'll find, the ksatriya, a thief, a rogue,

unwanted element in the society, kill him. That's all. Finish. Kill him.

Bas. Finished. So other will see, "Oh, the ruler is very strong." And others

will... One killing will be lesson for many hundreds and thousands. No

mercy. "Kill him." That's all. That was the system. In Kashmir about hundred

years ago. If somebody has stolen, cut his hand. Bas. He cannot steal any

more. So one cutting hand means finish. In that part of the world, no more



What I dislike in your presentation, is your lack of psychology, your "Cut

and Paste" philosophy, that Dharma you're holding on the westerners' head

like the sword of Damocles. If I could draw a caricature of you, I will make

you look like a mullah in Iran. One of those who maintain by hook or by

crook the old teachings of the Coran. And of course, if such talents were

given to you, I will be a politician promoting women's freedom. I will be

wearing a long hat with the American flag printed on it, and I will be

holding the hips of a woman with her arm around my neck.


Let's consider these pictures extreme concoction of my false ego and settle

for a reasonable and feasible state of KC. Then by positive examples we

could show to others what we mean by polygamy, widows or justice. If you

have such statistics, produce them. Remember, even the Mormons failed in

practice and had to comply to democratic rules. So, don't make the same

mistakes. I propose you a synthesis of these two extremes. Unstead of

brandishing the Rules of Dharma against the neo-liberarism, let's offer to

the world the art of living. That is, examples of individuals and situations

were women will love to be sheltered. Not that they should be forced to

accept. But that commands too much effort maybe.


You may not resemble what my impressions tell me about you, but you sound

terribly like someone to guard from. I feel, by the little I know from your

writings, that you took a firm stand on that matter. Therefore I don't

expect any constructive dialogue from this exchange. I just wanted to share

with you my perception on your position, since your message was posted in an

open forum.


Respectfully, your servant Ak

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