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On 18 Jul 1999, Mahanidhi das wrote:

> But I still doubt that you will succeed in braking down the

> set-up of the Institution as established by its founder-acarya

> Srila Prabhupada. He was well aware of the war that consumed the

> Gaudiya Math after the departure of Bhaktisiddhanta. The war

> over who will get in charge in the Institution, who's the

> next "most senior" acarya to be obeyed by all. But all they

> succeeded was to brake down the Institution into some impotent

> fractions that are still not able to put themselves together.


I have no intention to "break down the Institution." It is already broken down

and crippled, ten times over (for each leader who fell and then some -- child

abuse, philosophical mISKCONceptions, etc.).


As far "the war that consumed the Gaudiya Math after the departure of

Bhaktisiddhanta." I suppose we didn't have any wars in ISKCON over who would

the next acarya? C'mon, in ISKCON we not only had beatings, but we had car

bombings, vandalizing, shootings and killings as well. The movement splintered

and fractured. Don't kid yourself anything less disastrous has transpired in



The Zonal Acarya system disenfranchised most of the godbrothers worldwide

(including Sweden) and left most of the grand-disciples spiritual orphans

(inclduing your good self), practically destroying ISKCON in the process. We

haven't seen the end of it yet either in the form of this upcoming

class-action lawsuit against ISKCON. Don't think that this lawsuit is

anything but the collective reaction to our past misdoings.


Living in such a "glass house", you still have the gall to keep throwing

stones at the Gaudiya Math? I say ISKCON has become the "Gaudiya Math" that

Prabhupada criticized.


You keep citing the example of Gaudiya Math faults, what to speak of learning

from the example of others, when are we going to learn from our own mistakes



Everything is not all black in ISKCON, to be sure. So many sincere devotees

are there and in some places things are actually progressing. But if we are

going to steadily improve and overcome the grave challenges that face our

society, we have to be aware of where we have been going wrong. Otherwise,

what kind of varnasrama society can we create?


No rose-colored glasses. No black paint. Let's just learn to see things for

what they are. Stop being a "self-flattering society" and become a progressive

Krsna conscious society. As long as there are serious aparadhas, our

development of devotional consciousness is checked.


In any business, the "bottom-line" dictates company policy and future

outlooks. So when there are more losses than gains, it's time reconsider who

are ISKCON's CEO's and give them a comprehensive job performance analysis. The

GBC wants to be the "ultimate authorities" so let them be "ULTIMATELY"

RESPONSIBLE and pay the price.


On 19 Jul 1999, Sthita-dhi-muni Dasa wrote:

> Not feeling that I am in a definite position to publicly judge senior

devotees in public by name, I would then have to add that this is probably the

3rd or 4th time you have practically condemned RS for his letter. We now

understand your feelings.


Again, my apologies if I have offended anyone, but our GBC leaders need to

understand that they are accountable to the society at large for their actions

and not just to themselves as some elite body.


In the Daksa arena (SB 6th Canto), undoubtedly much inappropriate cursing and

counter-cursing ensued, but the original problem was that Lord Siva, the

greatest Vaisnava, was unduly offended. Let us look the precipitating cause

in the chain of events and then pin the blame where it belongs. This is

speaking truthfully and beneficially. Sometimes the truth hurts and is not

always palatable. Sometimes we have to call a spade a spade or let the emperor

know he's missing some clothes.



Srila dasa


PS: If someone continues to hold their line despite all evidence to the

contrary, there is the tendency to hold it aganist them. Sorry for that.

Forgive me.

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