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devotees of the first and second class

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At 16:40 -0800 10/7/99, COM: Mundita Mastaka (das) (NE-BBT Russian) wrote:

>[Text 2683950 from COM]


>> Are you saying that ISKCON gurus are second

>> class or lower?


>> If yes: The you are yourself guilty of what you have been accusing others

>> for the past few weeks.


>Excuse me, I know this your question was not directed to me, but I'm curious

>what's wrong with saying that ISKCON gurus are devotees of the second class



Of course anyone can say that, but it reduces the power of his argument re.

etiquette towards one's godbrothers. That's all.


The point Srila was making was that it was OK for Narayan Maharaja to

reinitiate disciples of ISKCON gurus (in good standing) if they had:

1) asked their 2nd class or lower guru for permission to take siksa from NM

2) the 2nd class or lower guru had refused this


because then, according to Srila, these disciples had every right to reject

their 2nd class or lower guru and seek shelter elsewhere.


There are several problems with that argument. First of all, there has

never been any objective determination re. how is 1st class, who is 2nd

class etc. That applies to all current gurus under discussion, including

Narayan Maharaja.


Secondly, Srila has been telling us that we must not even indirectly

criticize anyone. Yet, he is making judgments about gurus whose disciples

have been reinitated by NM (my guru is one person to whom this has

happened). Thus he is applying a different standard to himself than to the

rest of the conference members.


Thirdly, there are many reasons for coming to these difficult decisions.

Srila is criticizing the current ISKCON gurus for not allowing their

disciples to associate with NM. However, the way they see it, they are

following Srila Prabhupada's orders. Srila may disagree, but we all have

to follow our own hearts and brains.


They're convinced that they're right. Srila is convinced that he's right.

Ultimately none of us on this forum will be able to judge either one. It's

a good idea to stop criticizing. However, this goes both ways. I don't

like seeing people criticizing Srila prabhu, Mulaprakriti prabhu, Jadurani

prabhu and the many others who have found inspiration from Narayan

Maharaja. However, I don't like seeing them criticizing ISKCON's leadership

either for doing what they think it's right.


Unlike an issue like child abuse, this is not simple stuff. It would

probably serve all of us well to be less judgmental.



Madhusudani dasi

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> And why can it not be that some of them are lower than the second class? No

> offence meant, just wondering. Madhyama-adhikari is quite high a level. It

> begins with the stage of nistha. Would be very good if we attain it in this

> life. Even to become kanistha-adhikari is not so easy because the kanistha,

> by definition, should have firm faith in the Deity.


> Your servant.


I agree wholeheartedly, and in the past have ironically suggested the


of a madhyama anti -defamation league. Not everyone is going to hit 70 homers

every season. A 40 home run hitter is still pretty good.


Why should I be so arrogant as to think I can only be preached to by an uttama?


Srila Prabhupada is an uttama who is accessible to everyone as siksa through


books. That's enough for me.

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> First of all, there has

> never been any objective determination re. how is 1st class, who is 2nd

> class etc. That applies to all current gurus under discussion, including

> Narayan Maharaja.


But at least there was a clear case of many ISKCON gurus (supposedly 2nd

class, able to discriminate) taking siksa from NM and regarding him as 1st

class guru.

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On 8 Oct 1999, Mundita Mastaka wrote:


> > Are you saying that ISKCON gurus are second

> > class or lower?

> >

> > If yes: The you are yourself guilty of what you have been accusing others

> > for the past few weeks.


> Excuse me, I know this your question was not directed to me, but I'm curious

what's wrong with saying that ISKCON gurus are devotees of the second class

(madhyama-adhikari)? If we put emotions aside, why you consider it offensive?





Okay, if we put emotions aside, lets say that those who charge that ISKCON

gurus are second class, etc, are simply envious snakes, etc. I mean, anyone

can say anything and then claim innocent of offense.


In any event, whether elevated devotees are first, second, third or forth, I

am note so certain of our own qualifications to judge it all as if we were

ranking some sporting event.





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On 9 Oct 1999, Mundita Mastaka wrote:


> > First of all, there has

> > never been any objective determination re. how is 1st class, who is 2nd

class etc. That applies to all current gurus under discussion, including

Narayan Maharaja.


> But at least there was a clear case of many ISKCON gurus (supposedly 2nd

class, able to discriminate) taking siksa from NM and regarding him as 1st

class guru.



If so, that is their perogative. There are others who see the Gaudiya Math

guru's as second class and thus prefer to take shelter of Srila Prabhupada and

his disciplic line. And then there are even others who think much of all this

is childish as it can often be an indulgence along the lines of the mentality:

'my dad is better than your dad because he's my dad.'


And the beat goes on.





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On 8 Oct 1999, Madhava Gosh wrote:




> Why should I be so arrogant as to think I can only be preached to by an







Because, quite frankly, I'm self-convinced I am an uttama, too, and us uttamas

gotta hang tight.








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On 07 Oct 1999, Madhusudani Radha wrote:

> >> Are you saying that ISKCON gurus are second class or lower?


Mundita Mastaka wrote:

> >Excuse me, I know this your question was not directed to me, but I'm

curious what's wrong with saying that ISKCON gurus are devotees of the second

class (madhyama-adhikari)?


> > And why can it not be that some of them are lower than the second class?

No offence meant, just wondering.


> > Madhyama-adhikari is quite high a level. It begins with the stage of

nistha. Would be very good if we attain it in this life.


Mundita-Mastaka Prabhu has understood my point. A

qualified *madhyama-adhikari* means *nistha* or beyond. Actually, a guru is

not really qualified as a bona fide guru until he attains the

platform *nistha*, when *anartha-nivrtti* is complete. Anartha-nivrtti means

far more than just restricting oneself from sinful life, it means one has

factually become purified by devotional service so that the unwanted desires

in the heart become cleansed -- labha, pratistha, puja, etc. Thus one is in

fact a purified soul, a "pure" devotee, freed from material conditioning. He

doesn't fall down. He has given up sex life because of a higher

taste. *Madhyama-adhikari* is no easy achievement. We would like to see more

of them.


A lesser realized devotee can also act as a guru (eg, either as

uttama-kanistha or kanistha-madhyama) but his guidance will necessarily be

insufficient (NOI, 5).


The guidance of more qualified Vaisnavas is always to be sought by all

subordinate classes of devotees. A lesser realized guru himself benefits by

such higher association. When a disciple sees his guru submitting himself to

higher direction, the lesser advanced guru's shortcomings become less

pronounced and worrisome. This is being in spiritual "good-standing."


Merely conforming to some ecclesiastical board guarantees little, however. We

are purified by higher association, not by organizational structure. In the

name of such institutional conformity, one can avoid surrender and instead

rekindle the anarthas -- the desire for position, name, fame, profit, (labha,

pratistha, puja, etc.) -- thus we fall down once again. This we have witnessed

so many times. Do we not learn from the past and from the loss of so many of

our best leaders?



Srila dasa

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> On 8 Oct 1999, Madhava Gosh wrote:


> Why should I be so arrogant as to think I can only be preached to by an

> uttama?


Becäuse I äm so speciäl - fälse ego mäibe...?

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