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Senate Y2K report: progress and warnings


Small businesses, rural areas at risk

September 22, 1999

Web posted at: 12:56 p.m. EDT (1656 GMT)



WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States has made progress with Y2K computer

problems but there could still be major disruptions locally in health,

education and small business sectors, according to a Senate committee

report released Wednesday.

With 100 days remaining until January 1, 2000, the report stated that the

country has made "remarkable progress" and Y2K problems will cause "more

inconveniences than tragedies."

"The United States will be able to weather this with minimum difficulty,"

said Sen. Robert Bennett, R-Utah, chairman of the Senate Special Committee

on the Year 2000 Technology Problem.

"The problems will be random and probably fixable in a short period of


Most major systems will work in the United States, but many local

governments and other regional services, such as 911 call centers, and s

maller businesses have a long way to go.

Y2K problems will be sporadic and based on geography, the size of

organizations involved and levels of preparation.

For instance, one survey showed that 28 percent of small businesses plan to

take no action to deal with the Y2K problem, the report stated.

Water utilities seem to be ahead of the game, but nearly 500 oil and gas

companies will be scrambling to finish Y2K fixes before the year's end.

That means disruptions in billing, production, transportation and

distribution of oil and gas are likely, the report states.

Jetway security and runway lighting systems at some of the nation's 670

airports remain at risk, although the Federal Aviation Administration has

updated air traffic control systems for 2000.

While federal agencies and the nation's transportation and communications

systems are in good shape, it is hard to say how computer problems will

affect individual lives, the report stated.

"The Y2K problem still has the potential to be very disruptive,

necessitating continued, intensive preparation in the time remaining," the

report stated.

It noted that Y2K has been compared to a winter storm, and that people have

been told to make similar kinds of preparations.

The nation's trade partners are months behind in addressing Y2K problems

and "are not likely to avoid significant disruptions," the report said.

The committee pointed to China, Russia and Italy as strategically and

economically important to the United States but lagging on Y2K remediation.

"Severe long and short-term disruptions to supply chains are likely to

occur," the report stated. "Such disruptions may cause a low-to-moderate

downturn in the economy."


Koskinen agrees


John Koskinen, President Clinton's chief Y2K adviser, said he and the

Senate committee were "pretty much in agreement on where the risks are."

The bottom line, he said, is that "there will be some glitches, and nobody

is guaranteeing perfection even in the sectors" where much money and

technical know-how has been employed.

The Senate report was the result of nearly 30 hearings.

Some highlights of the report:


Health care

While individual physicians should have minimal Y2K problems, larger group

practices tend to have diagnostic and therapy devices and patient-records

systems that may have Y2K problems.

Larger nursing homes have increased Y2K exposure due to more medical

equipment with date-sensitive devices.

The prescription-drug industry has taken steps to ensure a 90-day drug

supply regardless of Y2K-related problems elsewhere.

Most urban and suburban hospitals will be Y2K compliant or have contingency

plans for Y2K problems. But concern remains about the general lack of

testing of certain biomedical devices in hospitals.

Rural and inner city hospitals have the same Y2K problems as big city

hospitals, but generally lack the money to correct them. Patient advocates

and others should help raise more money and develop plans for possible Y2K



Local Governments


The committee is "greatly concerned" about the ability of local governments

to solve Y2K problems and "doubts that adequate contingency planning has

occurred." Some 10 states are not prepared to deliver such services as

unemployment insurance and other benefits.

Of utmost concern is the "mixture of Y2K-hype, large millennium

celebrations and potential malicious attacks. There are few standards and

little confidence that sufficient testing and verification of specific Y2K

plans has occurred."




One survey in March indicated that only 72 percent of school districts

expected to be Y2K compliant by October 1, a figure the committee called



Utilities and banks


A prolonged, nationwide blackout will almost certainly not occur.

However, local and regional outages are possible. Only 25 percent of

electric utilities routinely disclose Y2K information to the public, the

committee said.

Telephone companies and banks predict few disruptions to service, having

spent billions of dollars on Y2K fixes. ATM machines will work and there

will be no cash shortage, the report predicts.






-----Mensaje original-----

De: COM: Srirama (das) ACBSP [sMTP:Srirama.ACBSP (AT) bbt (DOT) se]

Enviado el: Jueves 2 de Septiembre de 1999 7:21 AM

Para: COM: Varnasrama development

Asunto: RE: "Varnasrama college"


[Text 2599273 from COM]


Hare Krishna,


This thread touches on how varnas are determined and selected: A few



In the Gunguli 12-volume translation of Maha Bharata, Bhima is asked a

question, "How is a person's varna to be determined?" Answer, "Varna cannot

be determined by birth. There has been so much inter-marriage between

brahmans, ksyatrias, vaishas, and sudras that no one can claim to be born

into a particular varna. Therefore a person's varna can only be known by




So much for birth and family connections. How does this affect our

devotees? Srila Prabhupada said in one letter, "You are all members of

unknown mixed castes."


We can't manage our way into Varnashrama. Who can tell someone else what

their varna is? I doubt it would even be wise for a guru to make such a

determination. Free will and demonstrated behavior should be the governing



The brahmana's job is to educate everyone on the duties and privileges


each varna. For example: brahmanas can accept charity, but they should not

accept employment. Sudras must take directions from the other varnas, but

have the privilege of not being burdened with much responsibility.


Individuals who want to take part in varnashrama need to learn what are

the activities of the different varnas. They must then choose were they


they fit in best. Ksyatrias have the responsibility to ensure that everyone

performs their duties according to the position in society they have



In practice, we will see that a person's varnic position may change

several times within this lifetime.


Of course, pure devotees may act according to the rules for any varna

they may choose--according to whatever is needed for the service of Guru


Krishna. But it should be noted that even such advanced souls do not cast

aside varnashrama principles and thereby disturb the minds of others by

setting a poor example.


Your servant,

Sri Rama das


[srirama (AT) reachme (DOT) net], or

[srirama (AT) bbt (DOT) se]






Madhava.Gosh.ACBSP (AT) bbt (DOT) se [Madhava.Gosh.ACBSP (AT) bbt (DOT) se]

Monday, August 23, 1999 7:15 PM

COM: Practical Varnasrama

Re: "Varnasrama college"



[Text 2577971 from COM]




> We really need a brahmin to sort this out. Who can we rope in?


Well, I don't want to fan the embers of a long dormant debate, but IMHO,


won't have a real brahman until there is a vaisya class supporting and


him. In the meantime, we have to make do with who and what we have.


For instance, if a young man were to come to me now, and say, I feel I



ksatriya, what should I do?


Obviously, ISKCON is not ready to fully engage him just yet.


So my advice would be as follows (sorry for the USA centric advice, but



what I know) :


Join the US Marine Corp Reserve.

Opt for Military Police school.

In 6 months, you are back on the street with some discipline and some



Join a martial arts school when you get out, for continued discipline and


Use the GI bill to help go to college. That and the pay from the weekend a

month, will help defray the cost.

Get either an MBA or a lawyer's degree (whatever that is called).


While all this is going on, keep close relationship with a pragmatic


type to advise and encourage you. (no fanatic self righteous ones, as


will hinder your progress). someone who would write you 2-3 letters a week

during your boot camp and training.


Establish a relationship with other gurukulis or bhaktas who have already


in the military or still are. Like maybe a COM conference. Another source


advice and guidance.


Get the suggested reading list from Hare Krsna dasi (hopefully off the web


CIVIL.edu) and read all those books.


Hopefully by the time he passes the bar exam(or whatever MBAs do), there


be a village for him to move to with an economic base to sustain a


There, as a sideline, he could teach martial arts to supplement his






> So I wonder if we need to do a lot more resarch, or just wait for these

> books to be published, and then just take them, and think, OK how do we


> this now, instead of trying to write all the rules now.


> Whadya think?


> I hope this doesnt throw a damper on the whole thing.


> YS


The cow conference spent over a year evolving the Cow Standards. There was


facilitator (Mother Chaya) who, after a rough outline was generated,



guided the discussion along. A topic would be brought up, discusssed for


while, then finalized, and another one brought up. sometimes 2-3 going



smae time, but pretty focused. the outline itself also changed as time




That was done with people who had 20 + years experience working with the

subject. Unfortunately, we won't have that experience to draw on when we


talking about land allocation and starting a nontraditional educational


so patience is going to be a necesssity.


Hopefully there are some mature devotees here who have seen that the crisis

management quick fix bandaids that have been the status quo for the last 20

years haven't been successful in the long run. So patience is going to be



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