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Cow Slaughter at Murari Sevaka

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> Bhakti-tirtha spoke to Bir Krsna Goswami (GBC Of Murari Sevaka) and

BKG indicated it was all right with him.<


That is completely false. I never said that nor did Bhakti Tirtha Swami

ever talk to me about the money.


I ordered that all money be given back and that Drumila pay restitution.

And that all money recovered be spent for the cows protection.

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Dear Balabhadra Prabhu;




I have been aware of most of the ongoings at Murari for sometime and had

been very critical of Drumilla. Even I did not know that he would do what he

did. In Vedic culture a Ksaitrya would obviously have little difficulty

dealing with such a sinful rogue. However in our Lord Caitanya's movement

the situation is quite different so I think the punishment will be unique to

this time and circumstance. He has created the most sinful act possible

next to the Mad elephant offense. I for one suggest that the devotees

simply first let everyone know just how heinous his dastardly deed is and

was. This is the first step. Expose him for what he is. A murderer of

innocent animals which he was sworn by all spiritual duties to protect. Any

person who gives him shelter will have to understand exactly what he did.

He premeditately slaughtered Krishna's cows who devotees loved and served

faithfully for many years. Drumilla I have never felt more angry at a

devotee in my life. How could you do this thing. I feel sorry for your

reaction. You are a liar, theif and murderer of innoncent cows. Your deed

is the worst that has ever happened. May Krishna have mercy on your soul.



Dvibhuja Das


COM: ISCOWP (Balabhadra Dasa & Chaya Dasi - USA) <ISCOWP (AT) bbt (DOT) se>

Bhakti-tirtha Swami <btswami (AT) ibm (DOT) net>; Bir Krishna Goswami

<70324.1511 (AT) compuserve (DOT) com>; COM: Kalakantha (das) ACBSP (Alachua - USA)

<Kalakantha.ACBSP (AT) bbt (DOT) se>; COM: Mukhya (dd) (SysOp) (Lund - S)

<Mukhya (AT) bbt (DOT) se>; COM: Tirtharaj (das) TKG (Brisbane - AU)

<Tirtharaj.TKG (AT) bbt (DOT) se>; COM: Cow (Protection and related issues)

<Cow (AT) bbt (DOT) se>; COM: Varnasrama development <Varnasrama.development (AT) bbt (DOT) se>

Cc: COM: Balavanta (das) ACBSP <Balavanta.ACBSP (AT) bbt (DOT) se>; Damon S Campbell

<damoncampbell (AT) juno (DOT) com>; sawmilldirect (AT) webtv (DOT) net <sawmilldirect (AT) webtv (DOT) net>;

Rennaissanceart (AT) webtv (DOT) net <Rennaissanceart (AT) webtv (DOT) net>

Sunday, November 07, 1999 6:30 AM

Cow Slaughter at Murari Sevaka



>[Text 2761030 from COM]


>Dear Prabhus,




>I have spoken to Balavanta Prabhu who is one of the land trustees for

>Murari Sevaka and practicing lawyer. The final decision of whether to

>prosecute or not, I was told, was left up to him. The district attorney


>Balavanta that he (the district attorney) was not going to prosecute this

>case as he felt that they did not have a case which they could win in


>In America cow killing is not a crime. From an outsider's point of view

>(district attorney) these cows were sent to the slaughterhouse by the so

>called acknowledged administrative authority of Murari Sevaka Farm which to

>them is not a crime.


>The crime aspect of this case comes into play with the blood money received

>from the sale of these cows. If it can be proved that Drumilla used this

>money for his own personal expenses then a case of embezzlement could be

>brought against him. Drumilla is claiming that he has receipts showing that

>he used the money for "devotional service expenses" for Murari Sevaka Farm.


>The district attorney has said that if the farm wanted to prosecute, it

>could, but he did not see a winning case under the circumstances. In my

>previous letter I spoke of all the gray areas surrounding this case and now

>we are experiencing the frustrations of these gray areas. What it really

>boils down to is a management problem, or lack of management.


>In talking to Gayatri prabhu we have found that Drumilla can be very sweet

>with words and makes you feel sorry for him. Drumilla said that he would

>seek counsel with Bhakti-tirtha Swami. When I spoke with Bhakti-tirtha


>I also got this explanation of Drumila being a sweet talker, whereas

>Bhakti-tirtha Swami felt compassion for him. Gayatri prabhu explained that

>they tried to work things out with Drumila but he showed no remorse and

>blames everyone else for his situation. Showing compassion to such persons

>is like like trying to plant a garden on stone in the middle of the desert,

>fruitless. In my conversation with Bhakti-tirtha Swami it was divulged that

>Drumilla asked if he could keep the remaining monies still in his


>from the sale of the cows as he had put money into the Murari Sevaka

>project. Bhakti-tirtha spoke to Bir Krsna Goswami (GBC Of Murari Sevaka)


>BKG indicated it was all right with him.


>I feel that some serious atonement sentencing is necessary, after all 12

>innocent cows residing at an ISKCON COW PROTECTION facility were sold to

>slaughter under an ISKCON authority (Drumilla). I will be in touch with


>Swami and Bir Krsna Goswami as to what sentencing they feel should be given

>and will give a report to you all as soon as I have any information. I have

>already given a list of proposed stipulations to Gayatri prabhu which he

>read to the board members at their last board meeting. As a board, due to

>time restraints, they are still to resolve this issue. Their next board

>meeting is scheduled for November 14.


>In speaking with Balavanta prabhu, he strongly feels that the remaining 5

>cows at Murari Sevaka should not be sent to New Talavan as planned. They

>should remain at Murari and the community of Vaisnavas should rally around

>the EMBODIMENT OF RELIGIOUS PRINCIPLES, Krsna's cows, giving full support


>this cornerstone of Krsna consciousness philosophy. The Ministry of Cow

>Protection and Agriculture agrees 100%.


>Your servant,

>Balabhadra das

>ISKCON Minister of Cow Protection and Agriculture





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Dear Maharaj




I feel like there has been a death in the family. Now that everybody has

had time gather their thoughts, I really feel strongly that the outrage at

what Drumilla did should now be portrayed.

I know that you are deeply saddened and disturbed by what he did. I hope

that everyone understands what happened he did in his own sick mind. He

made the decision to murder these innocent cows just to gratify his senses.

He is a stone liar and criminal. I just want everyone to know who is

associated with cow protection. He is the lowest of the low. No human

would knowingly do what he did. He should be where insane people dwell. No

ISKCON temple is suitable for a person who would do what he did. Its like a

murderer cooking in the Lord's kitchen. Everywhere he goes everyone should

know this person has created a sin which in the eyes of the cowherds is

unforgivable and now whatever wrath Krishna will sanction towards him is

gladly given by this fallen soul. We should die to protect Mother cow.

This bastard sold them to those who he knew would cut their throats. He is

the worst kind of traitor and snake. So I guess you know now why I couldn't

come to a meeting with him there. Who can look at the face of such a


Please forgive my offenses.



Dvibhuja Das


Bir Krishna Goswami <BKGoswami (AT) compuserve (DOT) com>

iscowp <iscowp (AT) ovnet (DOT) com>

Cc: COM: Cow (Protection and related issues) <Cow (AT) bbt (DOT) se>; COM: Varnasrama

development <Varnasrama.development (AT) bbt (DOT) se>; Bhakti-Tirtha Swami

<btswami (AT) ibm (DOT) net>; COM: Balavanta (das) ACBSP <Balavanta.ACBSP (AT) bbt (DOT) se>; COM:

Kalakantha (das) ACBSP (Alachua - USA) <Kalakantha.ACBSP (AT) bbt (DOT) se>; (unknown)

<Rennaissanceart (AT) webtv (DOT) net>; (unknown) <sawmilldirect (AT) webtv (DOT) net>; Bir krsna

maharaj <70324.1511 (AT) compuserve (DOT) com>; Damon S Campbell

<damoncampbell (AT) juno (DOT) com>; COM: Mukhya (dd) (SysOp) (Lund - S)

<Mukhya (AT) bbt (DOT) se>; COM: Tirtharaj (das) TKG (Brisbane - AU)

<Tirtharaj.TKG (AT) bbt (DOT) se>

Sunday, November 07, 1999 8:10 AM

Cow Slaughter at Murari Sevaka



>[Text 2761224 from COM]


>> Bhakti-tirtha spoke to Bir Krsna Goswami (GBC Of Murari Sevaka) and

>BKG indicated it was all right with him.<


>That is completely false. I never said that nor did Bhakti Tirtha Swami

>ever talk to me about the money.


>I ordered that all money be given back and that Drumila pay restitution.

>And that all money recovered be spent for the cows protection.


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Dear Balabhadra Prabhu,


Dandavats! Jayasrila Prabhupada! So did I hear correctly? 12 cows

from Murari Sevaka were sent to the slaughter house? I can hardly believe

this! Is the person responsible still on ISKCON property?


YS, Kusha devi dasi

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On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, COM: Kusha (dd) ACBSP (Philadelphia, PA - USA) wrote:


> [Text 2767227 from COM]


> Dear Balabhadra Prabhu,


> Dandavats! Jayasrila Prabhupada! So did I hear correctly? 12 cows

> from Murari Sevaka were sent to the slaughter house? I can hardly believe

> this! Is the person responsible still on ISKCON property?


> YS, Kusha devi dasi



Drumilla das is no longer on ISKCON property.


We are hoping to hear soon from the GBC about


1. Whether Drumilla will be required to return the several thousand

dollars which he earned by arranging for the sale of the cows.


2. Whether it will be possible to prosecute Drumilla for any charge.


3. Whether it is indeed true as alleged that prior to becoming the leader

of the Murari Sevaka farm in spring 1998, that Drumilla Nani at some point

served time in prison on drug-related charges.


We are also hoping to hear soon from the GBC about what policy steps they

are proposing to avert such catastrophes in the future. My personal



1. Candidates for positions of authority in ISKCON should have some type

of background check.


2. Their character should be carefully evaluated before they are put in

positions of authority. (In Drumilla's case he drove many sincere

devotees off the property -- with arrogant claims that he was the only

true follower of Srila Prabhupada.)


3. All candidates for any major position of authority in ISKCON -- such

as temple president, vice president, treasurer, sannyasa, spiritual

master, GBC -- should be required to sign a legal contract affirming

that they will uphold the fundamental devotional principles taught by

Srila Prabhupada, and that they will uphold the laws of ISKCON.


4. That ISKCON establish leadership training for its temple presidents,

GBC and other authorities.



We are now living in a dream. We are always waiting for the next white

knight in shining armor to arrive on a white horse and take over the

management of this temple or that project.


The absolute truth is that no knight in shining armor is coming. These

people are only products of fantasy.


The truth is that according to Srila Prabhupada's instructions every

temple was supposed to be a training center. We were supposed to

establish varnasrama colleges to *train* people how to be leaders, how to

be cow herds, etc.


If we had actually done this, most of our former gurukula students would

be productively engaged right now. One of them might have been leading

Murari Sevaka -- instead of an ex-convict. One of them might have been

leading the Krsna-Balarama temple right now -- instead of a coward who has

allowed a cult of Vedics and women beaters to take over the temple.


If we had not neglected the order of our spiritual master to establish

varnasrama colleges and build a varnasrma society, so many of our current

problems would have solved themselves.


Instead, we as a society have neglected the orders of our spiritual

master, and by neglecting the orders of our spiritual master we have

diminished the potency of our chanting the Holy Names of the Lord.


Thus, we are subject to all these troubles.


But, it is never to late to change. We should keep chanting Hare Krsna,

and we should take Prabhupada's instructions to establish varnasrama

seriously -- beginning by studying his actual instructions.


Please, I urge all of you, get a copy of *Srila Prabhupada on Varnasrama

and Farm Community Development* from the Bhaktivedanta Archives. Read it

and have weekly class discussions on it in the company of devotees. Get

Srila Prabhupda's guidance on sane social organization.


Then we will end cow abuse.


We will end scandalous leadership.


We will end women abuse.


We will end child abuse.


We will prevent abuse of elderly devotees.


We will build a spiritually potent and sane society which will be the

inspiration of the world.


We will build a society that is worth offering to Krsna.


We will build a society that will bring complete happiness to Srila




your servant,


Hare Krsna dasi

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> We are now living in a dream. We are always waiting for the next white

> knight in shining armor to arrive on a white horse and take over the

> management of this temple or that project.


> The absolute truth is that no knight in shining armor is coming. These

> people are only products of fantasy.


> The truth is that according to Srila Prabhupada's instructions every

> temple was supposed to be a training center. We were supposed to

> establish varnasrama colleges to *train* people how to be leaders, how to

> be cow herds, etc.


Exactly! "The waiting for the Knight in shining armor"-syndrom is prevailing

in ISKCON. Why?

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