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protecting & controlling

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> [Text 2829361 from COM]


> > Srila Prabhupada clearly advise ALL of us that a women SHOULD be always


> protected,


> > your servant, Sridhari devi dasi


> What you really want to say is "controled", protected is an euphemism.


Dear Prabhu:

Pamho, agtSP!

I kindly will request from you not to change what I mean to say, I know

what I mean and seems you don't, when I write protected I mean protected,

not controlled, there is a big diference in controlling someone, and

protecting someone.


I just have a school dictionary but will be gratefull to someone that can

give the definitions of PROTECTION & CONTROL, may be it will help you to

understand the diference.


> There a difference between imitating the spiritual master and following


> instructions? A camel swallowed a watermelon and it got stuck in the


> An apprentice, following the example of the doctor, his master, broke it

> with a hammer...


yes, I know that story and understand what is the diference in following

our spiritual masters instructions and imitating him.

May be you can clarify what do you mean to say with that example?


Humbly and sincerously


ys, Sridhari devi dasi

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