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Picking up the mood of Srila Prabhupada

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> "Maharaja Prithu did not allow himself to function outside the institution

> of four varnas and four ashramas, although as a Vaishnava he was a

> paramahamsa, transcendental to all material activities. He remained at

> his position as a ksatriya to rule the world and at the same time remained

> transcendental to such activities by satisfying the Supreme Personality of

> Godhead."

> S.B. 4.22.50.


> Now are the "leaders" of ISKCON above Prithu Maharaja? Are they better

> than paramhamsas? Just what is their excuse for not following Srila

> Prabhupada's orders in this regard for more than 25 years? If they could

> just be honest and admit that they don't know how to do it that would be

> at least truthful instead of pretentious and misleading to their followers

> who follow blindly.


The problem with leaders of ISKCON is that they are in the wrong asrama.

Sannyasis are not supposed to manage a society. They are not supposed to be

dependent on the institution nor to manage it. It is "neither live, neither

die" situation.

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Hare Krishna,


It would be more constructive if you could make your point without

becoming insulting. You are doing yourself a disservice by undermining your

own position. It is unfair to condemn all ISKCON leaders, when in fact, they

are individuals with their own minds and realizations and histories.


The problem here is that no one has yet put together a successful

varnashrama model for the present day. We have some portion of a model from

what we know of Vedic culture; and Srila Prabhupada gave us general

principles and, occasionally, some tips on the details. Unfortunately, no

one has outlined a practical "how to get from no varnashrama to

daivi-varnashrama in 12 easy steps" program.


The following is not meant as sarcasm: If you think you know how to do

it, then clearly outline your proposed plan for everyone's benefit. Better

still, take up the rod of responsibility and demonstrate by your leadership

of a varnashrama community how this "other 50%" of Srila Prabhupada's

mission should be achieved.


Your servant,

Sri Rama das


[srirama (AT) bbt (DOT) se], or




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> Janesvara.ACBSP (AT) bbt (DOT) se [Janesvara.ACBSP (AT) bbt (DOT) se]

> Monday, December 06, 1999 8:17 AM

> COM: DMW (Dharma of Men and Women); COM: India (Continental

> Committee) Open (Forum); COM: Varnasrama development

> Picking up the mood of Srila Prabhupada



> [Text 2835556 from COM]


> > Again, let me humbly suggest that the best first step to starting

> > varnasrama is to study Srila Prabhupada's instructions on the matter. I

> > suggest that every temple, no matter how small, can obtain one copy of

> > *Srila Prabhupada on Varnasrama and Farm Community Development, Vol. 1:

> > Speaking about Varnasrama* and use it as a text for weekly classes

> > meditating and discussing Prabhupada's instructions on varnasrama in the

> > company of devotees. This text was produced by the ISKCON Farm Research

> > Committee and the Bhaktivedanta Archives just to aid the devotees in

> > fulfilling Srila Prabhupada's desire. This would be an important step to

> > setting up a varnasrama college in every temple, as requested by Srila

> > Prabhupada in Vrndavana in March 1974.

> >

> > your servant,

> >

> > Hare Krsna dasi



> Yes, Mother Hare Krsna dasi remains tirelessly dedicated to promoting a

> practical means for ISKCON's so-called leaders to begin to live

> up to their

> responsibilities. She does half the work for these so-called qualified men

> who seem far more interested in having followers then serving Srila

> Prabhupada's greater mission of offering practical and certain engagement

> for all people of the world in the service of the Supreme Lord.


> The GBC doesn't even give lip service service to Varnasrama-dharma anymore

> and instead continue to mire themselves in treating the symptoms of Kali's

> diseases. They are not leaders. They are devotees, but to impersonate

> leaders is rotten.


> All devotees of ISKCON must learn to demand of their leaders that they

> prioritize training according varnasrama-dharma in every center of Srila

> PRabhupada's movement. If they don't take it up immediately the devotees

> must lobby for their replacement by others who realize the need for this

> training and daily practice.


> "Maharaja Prithu did not allow himself to function outside the institution

> of four varnas and four ashramas, although as a Vaishnava he was a

> paramahamsa, transcendental to all material activities. He

> remained at his

> position as a ksatriya to rule the world and at the same time remained

> transcendental to such activities by satisfying the Supreme Personality of

> Godhead."

> S.B. 4.22.50.


> Now are the "leaders" of ISKCON above Prithu Maharaja? Are they

> better than

> paramhamsas? Just what is their excuse for not following Srila

> Prabhupada's

> orders in this regard for more than 25 years? If they could just be honest

> and admit that they don't know how to do it that would be at

> least truthful

> instead of pretentious and misleading to their followers who

> follow blindly.


> Any devotee of ISKCON who says that "we don't need varnasrama in

> ISKCON, we

> are above it" is in gross illusion and acting against Srila Prabhupada's

> direct teachings.


> If they say it can't be done now they are ignorant.


> Many of them talk big about India but seem to fail to understand the

> significance of Bharata-varsa:


> "In the planet known as Bharata-varsa there are many rivers and mountains,

> as there are in other tracts of land, yet Bharata-varsa has special

> significance because in this tract of land there exists the Vedic

> principle

> of varnasrama-dharma, which divides society into four varnas and four

> asramas. FURTHERMORE, Narada Munis opinion is that even if there is some

> temporary disturbance in the execution of the varnasrama-dharma

> principles,

> they can be revived AT ANY MOMENT." SB 5.19 Introduction.


> When will the devotee citizens unite and demand good leadership?


> Thank you Mother Hare Krsna for the easy steps offered for the leaders to

> implement Prabhupada's wishes. Will they take it up? I doubt it

> as much as I

> doubted they would follow their own laws for cow protection.


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Dear Janesvara Prabhu.

Please accept my humble obeisances. All the glories to Srila



Hare Krsna, thank you very much for your text my husband and me very much

aprecciatte and agree with you.


> When will the devotee citizens unite and demand good leadership?


Do you know that we Junior are being blame for request things from Senior?

Even that we have more than a decade of full service in our Society.

They hide theirselves in Vaisnava etiquette and that we cann't say nothing

because inmediatly we become offenders, they are Senior and we are Junior.

I personally received an e-mail an year ago where a Guru said me that just

because I am junior I can even say what I think if I disagree with a

Senior. So many (lots if not ALL) are scared of complaining. How can we

find a solution for this? and change the way of the illness story of our

beloved ISKCON?


your servant, Sridhari devi dasi

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Dear Janesvara Prabhu.

Please accept my humble obeisances. All the glories to Srila



Hare Krsna, thank you very much for your text my husband and me very much

aprecciatte and agree with you.


> When will the devotee citizens unite and demand good leadership?


Do you know that we Junior are being blame for request things from Senior?

Even that we have more than a decade of full service in our Society.

They hide theirselves in Vaisnava etiquette and that we cann't say nothing

because inmediatly we become offenders, they are Senior and we are Junior.

I personally received an e-mail an year ago where a Guru said me that just

because I am junior I can even say what I think if I disagree with a

Senior. So many (lots if not ALL) are scared of complaining. How can we

find a solution for this? and change the way of the illness story of our

beloved ISKCON?


your servant, Sridhari devi dasi

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Hare Krishna,


> It would be more constructive if you could make your point without

> becoming insulting.


I do not consider it insulting to call a cheater a cheater. Cheating leaders

are the cause of so much misery in the material world:


"This KC movement has been started to give an opportunity to all the members

of human society, who are mislead by foolish leaders." SB 5.14.1.


"The conditioned soul, however, not being interested in reviving his

relationship with Visnu, becomes captivated by material activities and

remains in everlasting bondage, being misled by so-called leaders." SB




> You are doing yourself a disservice by undermining

> your own position.


I do not claim a position of leadership for which I am not qualified to

hold. I realize my need for training according to varnasrama-dharma

principles and I endeavor for that daily. I can admit my own faults but know

that the righteous thing to do is take up daiva varnasrama consciousness on

a daily basis.



> It is unfair to condemn all ISKCON leaders, when in

> fact, they are individuals with their own minds and realizations and

> histories.


I do not nor have I ever condemned ALL of ISKCON leaders; only the

"so-called" leaders as I stated in my comments. If there are some leaders

promoting implementation of varnasrama-dharma in ISKCON on a daily basis

then they are leaders and deserve credit. How many are doing this? Can you

name them? Do they have varnasrama education and or training provided on a

daily basis in the centers for which they are responsible? Are they dividing

the devotees in their regions into the four varnas and four asramas?



> The problem here is that no one has yet put together a successful

> varnashrama model for the present day. We have some portion of a model

> from what we know of Vedic culture; and Srila Prabhupada gave us general

> principles and, occasionally, some tips on the details. Unfortunately, no

> one has outlined a practical "how to get from no varnashrama to

> daivi-varnashrama in 12 easy steps" program.



This is a lame excuse. I am sorry for being blunt, but if Prabhupada were

here I believe he would say, no, I will quote him instead from his

varnasrama morning walk conversations:


"Srila Prabhupada: Yes. Brahmana means intelligent brain. Through an

intelligent brain one can learn anything and teach anything.


Satsvarupa Goswami: Srila Prabhupada, this is all very new. It seems that

there will be many difficulties if we try to start this.


Srila Prabhupada: What is difficulty? If I teach you how to cook, is there

any difficulty?


Satsvarupa Goswami: No.


Srila Prabhupada: And similarly like that. I am doing that. I am teaching

how to mop the floor.


Satsvarupa Goswami: It becomes easy.


Srila Prabhupada: I must know everything because I am a teacher."



Srila Prabhupada never said anything about developing some "12 easy steps

plan" BEFORE we do anything. He said simply start varnasrama colleges in

EVERY center of the movement. Obviously he did not mean to start some big

university type college in every center. He meant to start the educational

process and dividing the devotees into the four varnas. Varna first, asrama

later. This paradigm is the opposite in ISKCON and has been for more than 25

years due only to stubborn leaders to change it.


Either that or they simply do not know how to do it and won't admit that

either. They should be replaced by those who want to train according to

varnasrama and be given control of all of the facilities available to do so.



> The following is not meant as sarcasm: If you think you know how to do it,

> then clearly outline your proposed plan for everyone's benefit. Better

> still, take up the rod of responsibility and demonstrate by your

> leadership of a varnashrama community how this "other 50%" of Srila

> Prabhupada's mission should be achieved.


This is always the retort from failing leaders (I am not including you,

unless you are one of those leaders. Are you?) They always say, "OK, if you

are so smart then you do it!" And yet they will not transfer the same

facilities and authority that they have in their possession nor give true

heartfelt blessings to those who would even attempt such a task. They would

rather set someone up as the sacrificial goat and use him as the example to

say, "I told you so" after his failure instead of lending full, sincere,

dedicated and non-envious support for a chosen group of sincere individuals

who would organize a meaningful attempt to implement varnasrama education

and training in ISKCON. Are they simply against the idea of varnasrama?


I have stated many times "my" plan: Start reading, discussing and teaching

Srila Prabhupada's teachings of varnasrama-dharma and Vedic living EVERYDAY,

in EVERY center for EVERY devotee. It has to start with baby steps.

Elementary education leads to higher education and application. Publish

booklets of every conversation Prabhupada ever held regarding the subject.

There are several very detailed and instructive conversations of this

nature. And now Hare Krsna dasi has coordinated the publication of: *Srila

Prabhupada on

Varnasrama and Farm Community Development, Vol. 1: Speaking about

Varnasrama* which is a fantastic curricular facility for introduction into

every center on a daily basis. The Vrindavana morning walk conversations are

in booklet form and I have distributed them for more than 25 years to any

interested devotees. I have them in ASCII format as well as MS-Word for

anyone. Also, the Valentines Day 1977 conversation with Hari Sauri Prabhu

and Satsvarupa are very, very clear instructions to the devotees to divide

the society into the four varnas according to guna and karma. Srila

Prabhupada is absolutely adamant about this in this conversation.


This is NOT rocket science. This is possible and it CAN be done. There

simply has to be a consensus amongst qualified and empowered leaders to

prioritize its promotion and daily reminding for everyone. Postings of the

many varnasrama quotes; wonderful, positive, uplifting potent quotes from

the pure devotee, can be put up in every center and discussed by everyone.


A massive and pervasive paradigm shift in the leaders management directives

and goals for existing members and new recruiting methods must include

varnasrama-dharma at the forefront. It must become our motto of achievement.

When we begin to manifest the symptoms of daiva varnasrama in our members we

can know that we are progressing in our spiritual lives. We can become the

true leaders of the whole earth society.


EVERYONE must BELIEVE that varnasrama is the best direction for ISKCON to go

in. The thousands of verses and references of Srila Prabhupada in this

specific regard will give all the credibility required. But they have to be

wholeheartedly supported by a consensus of the present leaders or those that

would be empowered to do so.


To expect a single person or even a few individuals to "show the example" of

a successful varnasrama community under the doubtful eye of naysayers and

fatalists is ridiculous. This should be, MUST BE, a group endeavor. We are

ALL supposed to be taking up this task, Prabhu. Why just me? Wouldn't you be

willing to write a letter every week to the GBC and other leaders to say,

"It is really time we take up this task of implementing Srila Prabhupada's

instructions to divide the society into the four varnas and train according

to guna and karma. We really need to empower a strong facilitated committee

of dedicated people to start and carry out this thing. We really need to

begin the process NOW."


Such letters of various description from senior devotees like yourself and

others, in concert, sent to all present leaders could induce some action.


It is very hard to withhold harsh criticism of leaders who have failed for

25 years. If it were 2 or 3 years maybe some consideration could be given,

IF they actually were trying. But they haven't even TRIED! Now, after 25

years of miserable leadership and the resulting chaos and misery in the

movement including murder of Lord Govindas dearest cows, we have every right

in the world to get angry and demanding of our leaders to respond to this

most important issue.

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Hare Krishna,


> It would be more constructive if you could make your point without

> becoming insulting.


I do not consider it insulting to call a cheater a cheater. Cheating leaders

are the cause of so much misery in the material world:


"This KC movement has been started to give an opportunity to all the members

of human society, who are mislead by foolish leaders." SB 5.14.1.


"The conditioned soul, however, not being interested in reviving his

relationship with Visnu, becomes captivated by material activities and

remains in everlasting bondage, being misled by so-called leaders." SB




> You are doing yourself a disservice by undermining

> your own position.


I do not claim a position of leadership for which I am not qualified to

hold. I realize my need for training according to varnasrama-dharma

principles and I endeavor for that daily. I can admit my own faults but know

that the righteous thing to do is take up daiva varnasrama consciousness on

a daily basis.



> It is unfair to condemn all ISKCON leaders, when in

> fact, they are individuals with their own minds and realizations and

> histories.


I do not nor have I ever condemned ALL of ISKCON leaders; only the

"so-called" leaders as I stated in my comments. If there are some leaders

promoting implementation of varnasrama-dharma in ISKCON on a daily basis

then they are leaders and deserve credit. How many are doing this? Can you

name them? Do they have varnasrama education and or training provided on a

daily basis in the centers for which they are responsible? Are they dividing

the devotees in their regions into the four varnas and four asramas?



> The problem here is that no one has yet put together a successful

> varnashrama model for the present day. We have some portion of a model

> from what we know of Vedic culture; and Srila Prabhupada gave us general

> principles and, occasionally, some tips on the details. Unfortunately, no

> one has outlined a practical "how to get from no varnashrama to

> daivi-varnashrama in 12 easy steps" program.



This is a lame excuse. I am sorry for being blunt, but if Prabhupada were

here I believe he would say, no, I will quote him instead from his

varnasrama morning walk conversations:


"Srila Prabhupada: Yes. Brahmana means intelligent brain. Through an

intelligent brain one can learn anything and teach anything.


Satsvarupa Goswami: Srila Prabhupada, this is all very new. It seems that

there will be many difficulties if we try to start this.


Srila Prabhupada: What is difficulty? If I teach you how to cook, is there

any difficulty?


Satsvarupa Goswami: No.


Srila Prabhupada: And similarly like that. I am doing that. I am teaching

how to mop the floor.


Satsvarupa Goswami: It becomes easy.


Srila Prabhupada: I must know everything because I am a teacher."



Srila Prabhupada never said anything about developing some "12 easy steps

plan" BEFORE we do anything. He said simply start varnasrama colleges in

EVERY center of the movement. Obviously he did not mean to start some big

university type college in every center. He meant to start the educational

process and dividing the devotees into the four varnas. Varna first, asrama

later. This paradigm is the opposite in ISKCON and has been for more than 25

years due only to stubborn leaders to change it.


Either that or they simply do not know how to do it and won't admit that

either. They should be replaced by those who want to train according to

varnasrama and be given control of all of the facilities available to do so.



> The following is not meant as sarcasm: If you think you know how to do it,

> then clearly outline your proposed plan for everyone's benefit. Better

> still, take up the rod of responsibility and demonstrate by your

> leadership of a varnashrama community how this "other 50%" of Srila

> Prabhupada's mission should be achieved.


This is always the retort from failing leaders (I am not including you,

unless you are one of those leaders. Are you?) They always say, "OK, if you

are so smart then you do it!" And yet they will not transfer the same

facilities and authority that they have in their possession nor give true

heartfelt blessings to those who would even attempt such a task. They would

rather set someone up as the sacrificial goat and use him as the example to

say, "I told you so" after his failure instead of lending full, sincere,

dedicated and non-envious support for a chosen group of sincere individuals

who would organize a meaningful attempt to implement varnasrama education

and training in ISKCON. Are they simply against the idea of varnasrama?


I have stated many times "my" plan: Start reading, discussing and teaching

Srila Prabhupada's teachings of varnasrama-dharma and Vedic living EVERYDAY,

in EVERY center for EVERY devotee. It has to start with baby steps.

Elementary education leads to higher education and application. Publish

booklets of every conversation Prabhupada ever held regarding the subject.

There are several very detailed and instructive conversations of this

nature. And now Hare Krsna dasi has coordinated the publication of: *Srila

Prabhupada on

Varnasrama and Farm Community Development, Vol. 1: Speaking about

Varnasrama* which is a fantastic curricular facility for introduction into

every center on a daily basis. The Vrindavana morning walk conversations are

in booklet form and I have distributed them for more than 25 years to any

interested devotees. I have them in ASCII format as well as MS-Word for

anyone. Also, the Valentines Day 1977 conversation with Hari Sauri Prabhu

and Satsvarupa are very, very clear instructions to the devotees to divide

the society into the four varnas according to guna and karma. Srila

Prabhupada is absolutely adamant about this in this conversation.


This is NOT rocket science. This is possible and it CAN be done. There

simply has to be a consensus amongst qualified and empowered leaders to

prioritize its promotion and daily reminding for everyone. Postings of the

many varnasrama quotes; wonderful, positive, uplifting potent quotes from

the pure devotee, can be put up in every center and discussed by everyone.


A massive and pervasive paradigm shift in the leaders management directives

and goals for existing members and new recruiting methods must include

varnasrama-dharma at the forefront. It must become our motto of achievement.

When we begin to manifest the symptoms of daiva varnasrama in our members we

can know that we are progressing in our spiritual lives. We can become the

true leaders of the whole earth society.


EVERYONE must BELIEVE that varnasrama is the best direction for ISKCON to go

in. The thousands of verses and references of Srila Prabhupada in this

specific regard will give all the credibility required. But they have to be

wholeheartedly supported by a consensus of the present leaders or those that

would be empowered to do so.


To expect a single person or even a few individuals to "show the example" of

a successful varnasrama community under the doubtful eye of naysayers and

fatalists is ridiculous. This should be, MUST BE, a group endeavor. We are

ALL supposed to be taking up this task, Prabhu. Why just me? Wouldn't you be

willing to write a letter every week to the GBC and other leaders to say,

"It is really time we take up this task of implementing Srila Prabhupada's

instructions to divide the society into the four varnas and train according

to guna and karma. We really need to empower a strong facilitated committee

of dedicated people to start and carry out this thing. We really need to

begin the process NOW."


Such letters of various description from senior devotees like yourself and

others, in concert, sent to all present leaders could induce some action.


It is very hard to withhold harsh criticism of leaders who have failed for

25 years. If it were 2 or 3 years maybe some consideration could be given,

IF they actually were trying. But they haven't even TRIED! Now, after 25

years of miserable leadership and the resulting chaos and misery in the

movement including murder of Lord Govindas dearest cows, we have every right

in the world to get angry and demanding of our leaders to respond to this

most important issue.

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> Hare Krishna,


> It would be more constructive if you could make your point without

> becoming insulting. You are doing yourself a disservice by undermining

> your own position. It is unfair to condemn all ISKCON leaders, when in

> fact, they are individuals with their own minds and realizations and

> histories.


> The problem here is that no one has yet put together a successful

> varnashrama model for the present day. We have some portion of a model

> from what we know of Vedic culture; and Srila Prabhupada gave us general

> principles and, occasionally, some tips on the details. Unfortunately, no

> one has outlined a practical "how to get from no varnashrama to

> daivi-varnashrama in 12 easy steps" program.


> The following is not meant as sarcasm: If you think you know how to do

> it, then clearly outline your proposed plan for everyone's benefit. Better

> still, take up the rod of responsibility and demonstrate by your

> leadership of a varnashrama community how this "other 50%" of Srila

> Prabhupada's mission should be achieved.


> Your servant,

> Sri Rama das


Appropos words, Sri Ram Prabhu. Sadhu, Sadhu, sadhu!


Thank you very much for the sanguine observations.

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> Hare Krishna,


> It would be more constructive if you could make your point without

> becoming insulting. You are doing yourself a disservice by undermining

> your own position. It is unfair to condemn all ISKCON leaders, when in

> fact, they are individuals with their own minds and realizations and

> histories.


> The problem here is that no one has yet put together a successful

> varnashrama model for the present day. We have some portion of a model

> from what we know of Vedic culture; and Srila Prabhupada gave us general

> principles and, occasionally, some tips on the details. Unfortunately, no

> one has outlined a practical "how to get from no varnashrama to

> daivi-varnashrama in 12 easy steps" program.


> The following is not meant as sarcasm: If you think you know how to do

> it, then clearly outline your proposed plan for everyone's benefit. Better

> still, take up the rod of responsibility and demonstrate by your

> leadership of a varnashrama community how this "other 50%" of Srila

> Prabhupada's mission should be achieved.


> Your servant,

> Sri Rama das


Appropos words, Sri Ram Prabhu. Sadhu, Sadhu, sadhu!


Thank you very much for the sanguine observations.

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"COM: Janesvara (das) ACBSP (Syracuse - USA)" wrote:


> [Text 2835556 from COM]


> > Again, let me humbly suggest that the best first step to starting

> > varnasrama is to study Srila Prabhupada's instructions on the matter. I

> > suggest that every temple, no matter how small, can obtain one copy of

> > *Srila Prabhupada on Varnasrama and Farm Community Development, Vol. 1:

> > Speaking about Varnasrama* and use it as a text for weekly classes

> > meditating and discussing Prabhupada's instructions on varnasrama in the

> > company of devotees. This text was produced by the ISKCON Farm Research

> > Committee and the Bhaktivedanta Archives just to aid the devotees in

> > fulfilling Srila Prabhupada's desire. This would be an important step to

> > setting up a varnasrama college in every temple, as requested by Srila

> > Prabhupada in Vrndavana in March 1974.

> >

> > your servant,

> >

> > Hare Krsna dasi




> ...When will the devotee citizens unite and demand good leadership?


> Thank you Mother Hare Krsna for the easy steps offered for the leaders to

> implement Prabhupada's wishes. Will they take it up? I doubt it as much as I

> doubted they would follow their own laws for cow protection.


Thank you for your kind praise, Prabhu. But I don't really want to be part of


sweeping condemnation of the GBC for not trying to establish varnasrama. Over

the years, I have heard from a number of GBC who are working sincerely on

building up simple living in different places. I know that several of them

already have the Prabhupada varnasrama book and are thinking how to use it in

their communities. Many of the devotees working on this, although they are

leaders in our society in that they have GBC positions are low profile workers

for Krsna. So let's not condemn them altogether. We should try to encourage

them, then they can convince others.


your servant,


Hare Krsna dasi

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"COM: Janesvara (das) ACBSP (Syracuse - USA)" wrote:


> [Text 2835556 from COM]


> > Again, let me humbly suggest that the best first step to starting

> > varnasrama is to study Srila Prabhupada's instructions on the matter. I

> > suggest that every temple, no matter how small, can obtain one copy of

> > *Srila Prabhupada on Varnasrama and Farm Community Development, Vol. 1:

> > Speaking about Varnasrama* and use it as a text for weekly classes

> > meditating and discussing Prabhupada's instructions on varnasrama in the

> > company of devotees. This text was produced by the ISKCON Farm Research

> > Committee and the Bhaktivedanta Archives just to aid the devotees in

> > fulfilling Srila Prabhupada's desire. This would be an important step to

> > setting up a varnasrama college in every temple, as requested by Srila

> > Prabhupada in Vrndavana in March 1974.

> >

> > your servant,

> >

> > Hare Krsna dasi




> ...When will the devotee citizens unite and demand good leadership?


> Thank you Mother Hare Krsna for the easy steps offered for the leaders to

> implement Prabhupada's wishes. Will they take it up? I doubt it as much as I

> doubted they would follow their own laws for cow protection.


Thank you for your kind praise, Prabhu. But I don't really want to be part of


sweeping condemnation of the GBC for not trying to establish varnasrama. Over

the years, I have heard from a number of GBC who are working sincerely on

building up simple living in different places. I know that several of them

already have the Prabhupada varnasrama book and are thinking how to use it in

their communities. Many of the devotees working on this, although they are

leaders in our society in that they have GBC positions are low profile workers

for Krsna. So let's not condemn them altogether. We should try to encourage

them, then they can convince others.


your servant,


Hare Krsna dasi

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> Thank you for your kind praise, Prabhu. But I don't really want to be

> part of a sweeping condemnation of the GBC for not trying to establish

> varnasrama. Over the years, I have heard from a number of GBC who are

> working sincerely on building up simple living in different places. I

> know that several of them already have the Prabhupada varnasrama book and

> are thinking how to use it in their communities. Many of the devotees

> working on this, although they are leaders in our society in that they

> have GBC positions are low profile workers for Krsna. So let's not

> condemn them altogether. We should try to encourage them, then they can

> convince others.


> your servant,


> Hare Krsna dasi




Fair enough. I have never condemned ALL of them; only those who hold

positions as leaders but do not actively pursue and promote varnasrama

education and implementation for those in their charge on a daily basis.

This isn't an optional thing for devotee leaders; it is an order by the pure



Besides, its great advice from Srila Prabhupada! He said it (VAD) would

eliminate the chaos and create employment for everyone and thus create

economic development along dharmic principles. How nice. Such a fresh change

would be so welcome in present ISKCON.


Could you please provide everyone here publically with the names of those

leaders and the exact projects and their status which are implementing these

auspicious programs? I would like to offer my heartfelt appreciation and

assistance in any way I can.


Hari! Hari!


Janesvara dasa

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> Thank you for your kind praise, Prabhu. But I don't really want to be

> part of a sweeping condemnation of the GBC for not trying to establish

> varnasrama. Over the years, I have heard from a number of GBC who are

> working sincerely on building up simple living in different places. I

> know that several of them already have the Prabhupada varnasrama book and

> are thinking how to use it in their communities. Many of the devotees

> working on this, although they are leaders in our society in that they

> have GBC positions are low profile workers for Krsna. So let's not

> condemn them altogether. We should try to encourage them, then they can

> convince others.


> your servant,


> Hare Krsna dasi




Fair enough. I have never condemned ALL of them; only those who hold

positions as leaders but do not actively pursue and promote varnasrama

education and implementation for those in their charge on a daily basis.

This isn't an optional thing for devotee leaders; it is an order by the pure



Besides, its great advice from Srila Prabhupada! He said it (VAD) would

eliminate the chaos and create employment for everyone and thus create

economic development along dharmic principles. How nice. Such a fresh change

would be so welcome in present ISKCON.


Could you please provide everyone here publically with the names of those

leaders and the exact projects and their status which are implementing these

auspicious programs? I would like to offer my heartfelt appreciation and

assistance in any way I can.


Hari! Hari!


Janesvara dasa

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