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> Iron fists can sometimes ending up punching their owner and causing more

> problems then they were intended to resolve. Compared to other countries

> of comparitable material stature, India has quite a bit going for it.


> The list you mention is not to be denied -- welcome to the material world.

> More important than iron fisted ksatriyas are self-realized brahmanas.


In one sense, this is definitely true. The pen is mightier than the sword.

However, from another perspective, brahmanas and kshatriyas are exactly

equally important. They need each other to function properly.


What good will the preaching or intelligent advice of the realized brahmana

do if no one heeds it? It will simply remain intellectual armchair

theorizing. Therefore, virtually all countries and cultures of the world

have intelligently chosen to establish both legislative and executive forces

in their governments. You need law makers and you need law enforcers. One is

useless without the other.


This is a problem in India and this is a problem in ISKCON. How to enforce

the laws. Even the most wise and foresighted GBC resolutions will not do

much if there are no executives competent and powerful enough to enforce



E.g. The topmost ISKCON Brahmanas, the GBC, have acknowledged the problem of

child abuse as far back as 88 or 89. In 1990 they passed a resolution on how

to prevent child abuse in ISKCON.That there should be a child protection

team in every community, that perpetrators should be handed over to

government authorities for prosecution etc....


In spite of this, ISKCON is now facing a huge lawsuit pressed by

ex-gurukulis who accuse the society of gross, nay criminal neglect.

Apparently the good intentions and tears of the GBCs shed in 95 when

exgurukulis described their agonies were not enough to pacify them? Why?

Because they don´t just want brahminical sympathy and good intentions, they

want to see kshatriya action and money. Action meaning perpetrators should

be brought to justice and money meaning that ISKCON should pay victims for

their therapy and vocational training.


So yes, in one sense the realized brahmanas are the head of society and

without their guidance everything goes haywire. However, if there are just

some pie in the sky brahmanas, as learned, well intentioned and idealistic

they may be,and no expert kshatriyas to execute their wise directions, then

also everything goes haywire.And even if you have learned brahmanas and

expert kshatriyas, you will not get a prosperous and well organized society

if there is no money.


Example: Dhira Govinda das has been doing a wonderful job with his Child

Protection Office. All glories to him and his co workers. The GBC have

pledged 750 000 $ towards maintaining the CPO and restituting victims of

abuse. They have not fulfilled their pledge and the CPO may have to close

down soon which would be a disaster.


Conclusion: You need competent Brahmanas (GBC´s) to legislate, guide,

advise, evaluate and judge, you need competent kshatriyas (temple managers,

GBC ministers and deputies) to execute, enforce and maintain the law and you

need vaishyas to finance the whole show. No money, no show. So in this sense

Brahmans, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas are equally important. If you have only

Brahmanas you can run a little monastery but not a large community, an

international society or a whole country.


ys Anantarupa das

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