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Enzombied souls

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At 13:55 -0500 12/19/1999, COM: Guru-Krsna (das) HDG (Alachua, FL - USA) wrote:

>Now we need not wonder how the psychiatrists, sociologist,

>scholars, etc. will diagnose someone who desires to become the *dog* of

>another person!--or do we?



There are so many schools of thought within psychology and sociology,

that you could probably find quotes to support pretty much any point

you wanted to make there too.



Madhusudani dasi

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>> But there's a nagging little example or two which come directly from our

>> sastra Srimad-Bhagavatam. Prahada Maharaja, a mahajana, was preaching to

>> his classmates *not* to waste time in play. Narada Muni tells that as boy

>> he did not waste time in sports. Pariksit Maharaja is described similarly.

>> These are examples to be glorified, not condemned. Do you agree?


>At least you are sailing away from that "zombi" argument "It was not

instructed by >Prabhupada".


Oh, don't relax yet, prabhu. Whatever the particular item might happen to

be, for me it *does* matter if something was instructed or prohibited by

Srila Prabhupada. Imperfect as I certainly am in my ability to follow a

particular order or prohibition, nevertheless it will make a difference in

how I approach the matter. So I guess that means I'm still a zombie, no?


>You seem to got that deeper insights of how to be executing a pure life of

a >mahabhagavata style that none else have ever heard about here.


You give me much more credit than I'm due. I have no realizations of

anything of value and am simply like a parrot repeating some words that I've

heard or read from pure devotees. But I don't know what else to do with my



>Can you simply understand that people are not mahabhagavatas, and that some

will >still like to get out on a field sometimes and kick a stupid ball with

a stupid >foot?


Well, that's kind of how I was thinking, but I didn't feel right to just

come out and say it that way, you know :)


>Really, who does bother what you have read in Srimad bhagavatam how Narada

Muni has >never kicked a ball in his life.


That's a good point, prabhu. You're right to say it doesn't matter whether

anyone cares about what we hear and chant from Srimad-Bhagavatam. We should

simply absorb ourselves in the process of *krsna-katha* whether others

appreciate it or not. I definitely agree with you on that.


>Too many gurus in ISCKON have deserted and left their dogs tooling

painfully. To >become a *dog* of a guru in ISCKON may be at the moment for

many the

>most stupid thing to do (again) in life.


Here's where we *really* disagree! We always have Srila Prabhupada as our

perfect siksa-guru. We cannot go wrong by becoming his dog.


>Please, stop rubbing our noses with "our puny independence" and "guru's

dog" >demagogy. Too many have already got mentally and emotionally screwed

up with it.


We all have to get tough and tolerate so much pain in this material life, as

you surely know. But if we take full shelter of Srila Prabhupada, he

definitely helps us to cope. I say that from my personal experience (so no

one needs bother to challenge me for that statement).


>But, what this "dog of the guru" has anyway to do with our sanity to find

it our >for ourselves wether "to kick a damn ball or not to kick a damn ball"?


I don't know, prabhu. Some questions can be answered only by Krsna Himself :)


(Peace, love, and Hare Krsna!)




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Oh, I really enjoyed this text. But it's getting hard to not be

misunderstood isn't it? Too bad many of our devotees are so cranked-up with

finding fault in every direction that they can't take a few of Srila

Prabhupada's words without feeling they are under personal attack.


Your servant,

Sri Rama das


[srirama (AT) bbt (DOT) se], or





Guru-Krsna.HDG (AT) bbt (DOT) se [Guru-Krsna.HDG (AT) bbt (DOT) se]

Saturday, December 18, 1999 1:40 PM

COM: DMW (Dharma of Men and Women); COM: India (Continental

Committee) Open (Forum); COM: Varnasrama development; COM:

(International) Women's Ministry; COM: Madhusudani Radha (dd) JPS (Mill

Valley - USA)

Enzombied souls



[Text 2868647 from COM]


On 18 Dec 1999, Prema Bhakti wrote:


> > Did he ever instruct them not to?


> Your question is meant for zombies, that's the point.


That's right. The zombie mentality thinks that the answer to every

ridiculous question has to be found in the sastra:


"Prabhu, did Prabhupada ever tell us not to waste time in useless debates on


"No way, prabhu; COM didn't even exist during Srila Prabhupada's time."

"So he never said we couldn't. Great! That means we can. And if anyone tries

to preach otherwise, I'll challenge him to ***show me one quote*** where

Srila Prabhupada said we couldn't!"


> If a zombi attempts to do something on his own, then you surprise

> him with "have you ever been instructed to do so, my dear zombi?".


"The bewildered zombie-like embodied soul thinks himself the independent

doer of activities which are in actuality carried out by the material

energy." (Bg 3.27)




....The zombie-conditioned soul has no knowledge that ultimately he is under

the control of Krsna. The zombie in false ego takes all credit for doing

everything independently, and that is the symptom of his zombiness. He does

not know that this gross and subtle enzombiment is the creation of material

nature, under the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and as such

his zombie motivated activities should be engaged in the service of Krsna,

in Krsna consciousness. The zombie forgets that the Supreme Personality of

Godhead is known as Hrsikesa, or the master of the senses of the material

body, for due to his long misue of his zombie-like senses in zombie sense

gratification, he has practically become a zombie--which makes him forget

his eternal relationship with Krsna and instead think that he is a very

intelligent and free-thinking spirit, although always a fully controlled



> And then a zombi gets caught up, starts scratching his head, not

> finding the "right" *answer*, spinning around aimlessly not knowing

> what really to do next... till the programer redirects him

> to somewhere that a zombi can be able to identifiy and

> recognize as an already given instruction what to do.


That's why all zombies are advised to surrender their zombie-like false

independence and simply become the zombie of the Supreme Personality of

Godhead. At least Krsna's pure zombies go to Him and never have to return to

zombie-loka again.


> How long we'll be insisting in creating a mental wracks through

> such similar odd zombi programs?


Are you a deprogrammer?

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> Oh, I really enjoyed this text. But it's getting hard to not be

> misunderstood isn't it? Too bad many of our devotees are so cranked-up

> with finding fault in every direction that they can't take a few of Srila

> Prabhupada's words without feeling they are under personal attack.


Too bad many of our devotees are so cranked-up with finding

fault in every direction that they can't present a few of

Srila Prabhupada's words without distorting them and trying to

create the feeling of "you_are_not_following_Acarya's_instructions"

onto others.

(see how easy it is to say something of a kind, based simply on

our own little corners of individual perceptions)



You know, somebody likes to kick a ball every now and then, and

it is immediately a sinful thing, prohibited activity, against

Acarya's instruction, a form of gambling... What a silliness!

Yes, one got to be either a zombi to let that mush into his

head, or be suffering from some post-child traumas of bad

sporting-hour experiences in a primary school. You know, kids

loughed on you for your two "left" legs, like that...



Otherwise, personally, I am really quite away from feeling being

under "personal attack" with somebody's cyber space silly ideas

about what my eventual kicking a ball would mean. Can't careless.

But, see, I also like to enjoy some texts; I like to call publicly

silly ideas -- silly. But as you sad it, "It's getting hard to not

be misunderstood isn't it?" (meaning nothning personal, to say it

so not to get ourselves into further misunderstandings, Srirama

Prabhu. :)




- Mahanidhi das

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