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Statement by the GBC Executive Committee -Reply

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> Hare Krsna to all Srila Prabhupada's faithful followers! I'd like to

> relate a recent happening here on the Big Island of Hawaii. As you may be

> aware, we are really far removed from devotee association, so we have a

> tendancy to mix with all the different Maharaja camps here -

> SiddhaSwarupa, Govinda, Sridhara, Narayana etc. For Christmas there was a

> gathering at the Golden Temple in Honokaa (managed by BhaktSaranga M. whp

> I think is a disciple of Puri M.). anyway, the following Sunday, we

> invited some of the devotees (non-ISKCON and ISKCON) to my house; My son

> Raghunatha lead a great kirtan, we read from SP's B.G., feasted, and then

> we played the new Hare Krsna World video, produced by ITV, edited by Jalu

> and Vikram; the 'other' devotees were transfixed - literally could not

> take their eyes from the screen. All they have heard for years is the

> faults and problems of ISKCON, and there in front of their eyes unfolded

> glory after glory, testiment to SP's potency and the purity of the ISKCON

> devotees that have pushed on despite so many obstacles. Some of the

> 'ISKCON' SP disciples that have been away from th temples for years were

> also totally enlivened to see the tremendous preaching that has been going

> on. One devotee said, 'it makes me want to go join a temple again'.

> For me the realization is that even if there are so many faults, even if

> th guru issue is not resoved, SP's potency is pouring out in so many ways

> all over the world. When I see the shining faces of devotees in Russia or

> South America, that have never met SP, that were born AFTER his departure,

> it is clear that his transcendental association with Krsna and Lord

> Chaitanya, and his unalloyed devotion to carry out the instructions of his

> guru Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, is manifesting in these new disciples.

> The visiting devotees, some who have followed 2 or 3 other guru's since

> Sp's depature, were speechless - they could not respond to the video and

> still accommodate the stance that ISKCON is doomed, full of error, a dying

> institution, etc etc. To promote harmony, I did not push it, but I could

> have simply asked 'where is the comparable preaching in your camp?'

> So we are embarking on a new year (Happy 1999!); as we struggle to address

> and amend, to adjust and grow, to heal and tranform, surely SP will help

> us to continue to carry out his loving mood of compassion for all living

> entities. We are the only hope for the suffering of the world, we can not

> allow maya to divert us from this mission through quarrel, division and

> politics. We can see that NO OTHER camp has the special potency that SP

> has to carry on in Kali Yuga. At the very least, let us pray that we can

> remain under the shelter of Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet so we can do

> some small bit for his pleasure..



> YS

> Jagaddhatri dd


Dear Jagaddhatri Mataji,

Please accept my humble obeisances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada.All

glories to ISKCON Guru and Vaisnava Vrnda.


Your text is Simply Wonderful.I am reminded of an excerpt from Srila

Prabhupada lilamrta where Srila Prabhupada says:

"Your philosophy is simply wonderful, your prasadam is simply wonderful, you

are simply wonderful.And your Krsna is simply wonderful.The whole process is

simply wonderful.Krsna acts wonderfully, and it is acting wonderfully. Who

can deny it?"

Kirtananda Maharaja:"Prabhupada is simply wonderful".

(SPL-"This Remote Corner of the World" Page-235)


My realisation in being an ISKCON devotee has been that ISKCON was

personally established by Srila Prabhupada - The Senapati Bhakta of Lord

Caitanya's Sankirtana army. So it is the manifestation of Lord Caitanya's

internal desire. Lord Caitanya's potency directly flows in this movement.As

you put it perfectly - We can see that NO OTHER camp has the special potency

that Srila Prabhupada has to carry on in Kali Yuga.


Hauri Sauri Prabhu, in 'Prabhupada Order' states that ISKCON is a grand

experiment in progress, the likes of which has never been seen before in the

history of Gaudiya Vaisnavism.


Since ISKCON is a spiritual movement in the material world, it is only

natural that we would have difficulties. If only devotees could see this

point and stick on to ISKCON through the thick and thin, it could scare

Kali. Besides, how pleasing this would be to Srila Prabhupada! It would go

down in history that we valiantly carried on the precious movement that he

started till our last breath.


To read texts like the one you have posted would surely drive away the

clouds of cyncism that prevails in the minds of some ISKCON devotees and

those devotees who have left ISKCON. It is great to hear that one devotee

remarked to you "It makes me want to go join a temple again".All glories to

you. If other devotees adopt your method how many more such change of hearts

we could witness!


Mataji, devotees like you are the moons of our movement.With so many

powerful and wonderful devotees in our movement, only unfortunate souls can

doubt that this movement will not last ten thousand years or compare it to

the history of the Gaudiya Math and the like.


Hope to read many such texts like yours.


Your humble servant

Acintya Caitanya dasa

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