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The Uttama-adhikari as taught in Purport to NOI 5

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Dear Trivikrama Swami and others. Jaya Prabhupada.


> Of course it is the responsiblity of the disciple to find a spiritual

> master who is qualified, but what if there is no "first-class" devotee on

> the planet at this time? Does it mean that the guru disciple dynamic will

> cease? In the Nectar of Devotion Srila Prabhupada states: "The one point

> is that without increasing the number of disciples, there is no

> propagation of the cult of Krsna consciousness." ND.pp-65.


Here In Russia there is now a lot of argument from outside Iskcon from GM

sources, surrounding Iskcon's "closed door" policy of only looking to Srila

Prabhupada and not to other "uttama adhikari" devotees, some of which are

still on the planet but in other instiutions.


The idea they espouse (and believe is straightforward) is that due to the

rule of Maryada Vyatikrama, a lower class vaisnava will voluntarily refrain

from accepting disciples if a higher class Uttama adhikari vaisnava is

available on the planet. So given that, they argue:


As I quote one of them who wrote me when I was complaining about the

unethical "preaching tactics" of some of the GM members to Iskcon

congegational members about the so-called "lower status" of Iskcon gurus.


> Sri Sri Guru-Gaurangau jayatah!

> Prabhu, please accept my pranamas. I will deliver your message to the

> addressee. Our Gurudeva never approved of para-charcha, gossiping of

> others' defects. When I approached him with Harikesha's case he advised us

> to "better keep silence about it. We don't know what will happen tomorrow

> with ourselves... Better you print a book about glories of the Holy Name

> and distribute it to general public." Long time ago I have delivered a >

letter on this subject personally to ...Maharaj. I've already received few

> protests from congregation (not our Math's members), addressed to

.....Maharaj Devotees state that Sripad (another)... Maharaj was never

> vilifying anybody from ISKCON, only explaining the significance of Sraddha

> and sincerity. They state that ....Maharaj was probably ill-informed.

> Even if in some cases accusations of my Godbrothers in criticism are true,

> I humbly suggest that creating a chain reaction won't do any good to

> anybody.


> I agree that madhyama-bhagavatas' attempt to preach and give mantra by the

> direct inspiration from their Gurudeva is laudable. It is not a question

> of "madhyama vs paramahamsa". It is a question of anugatya. Without

> following Mahabhagavata, wherever he manifests himself, where madhyama's

> adhikar will come from? Sadhu-sanga is not only a starting point.

> Krishna-prema janmile, tiho punah mukhya anga. Uttama-Vaishnavas are

> always present (Bhaktivinod-dhara will never cease to be --Srila Prabhupad

> Sarasvati Thakur), and real madhyama, as Srimad Bhakti Vallabha Tirtha

> Gosvami Maharaja's example shows, will always search for Paramahamsa

> Shiksha-Guru to back him and guide him --not just to answer complicated

> technical questions. I believe that was the mood of Sripad ..........

> Maharaja's preaching


> Please don't take any offence. We are taught to be straightforward...


> I would be glad to be of some use in your service


> dasabhas Narasimha


So by their mood, and preaching is, (and probably echoed by B. A.

Paramadvaiti etc. since their guru B.P.Puri is "the uttama adhikari" Iskcon

Madhyama's should take siksa, association, "not just for technical

questions" and should bring all new people to him.


Or if that is not feasible, then like Rasikananda who mades disciples but

brought them to the feet of Syamananda, so we should bring our disciples to

take darshan and hear siksa from the lips of Uttama adhikari vaisnavas.


Other god-brothers would (and are-some on this converence too) also speak

the same of B.V.Puri, and some for N. Maharaja as well.


Just curious...In that light of your above comment (at the top) what do you

say about that in relation to these statements? What is your recommendation

for us to say who are getting such type of "spiritual flak" here in Russia?



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