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Visvamitra Muni ate dog flesh

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On 11 Jun 1999, Hare Krsna dasi wrote:



> The point is: Meat eating is permitted if one is in a life and death

> situation.



As we approach varnasrama-dharma implementation in a practicable manner it is

important to remember that we are doing so in order to engage as many humans

as possible (Lord Caitanya's para-upakara program) in this divine institution

in order that they get on the path of Krsna consciousness - bhakti yoga.

Sudras, vaisyas and ksatriyas are all effected by different modes of nature

than brahmanas and therefore the guna and karma daiva engagements and

lifestyles will differ accordingly. Facility is offered to them in the daiva

varnasrama-dharma institution by means of brahmanas performing their

prescribed duties for different religious functions such as sacrifices.


"One should not imitate another's duty. A man who is by nature attracted to

the kind of work done by sudras should not artificially claim himself to be a

brahmana, although he may be born into a brahmana family. In this way, one

should work according to his own nature; no work is abominable, if performed

in the service of the Supreme Lord.

The occupational duty of a brahmana is certainly in the mode of goodness,

but if a person is not by nature in the mode of goodness, he should not

imitate the occupational duty of a brahmana. For a ksatriya or administrator,

there are so many abominable things; a ksatriya has to be violent to kill his

enemies, and sometimes a ksatriya has to tell lies for the sake of diplomacy.

Such violence and duplicity accompany political affairs, but a ksatriya is not

supposed to give up his occupational duty and try to perform the duties of a


One should act to satisfy the Supreme Lord... In the business field also,

sometimes a merchant has to tell so many lies to make a profit. If he does

not do so, there can be no profit. Sometimes a merchant say, ‘Oh, my dear

customer, for you I am making no profit', but one should know that without

profit a merchant cannot exist. Therefore it should be taken as a simple lie

if a merchant says that he is not making a profit. But the merchant should

not think that because he is engaged in an occupation in which the telling of

lies is compulsory, he should give up his profession and pursue the profession

of a brahmana. That is not recommended.

...The conclusion is that everyone should be engaged according to the

particular mode of nature he has acquired, and he should decide to work only

to serve the supreme cause of the Supreme Lord." Bg. 18.47.



"There was a tailor who was a meat-eater but was sewing garments for Srivas

Thakur. The Lord, being merciful to him, showed him His own form." CC Adi



"The meat-eaters are generally called mlecchas. But all meat-eaters are not

mlecchas. Those who accept meat in terms of scriptural injunctions are not

mlecchas, but those who accept meat without restriction are called mlecchas."

S.B. 1.16.20.


"Everyone is inclined in this age to eat meat and fish, drink liquor, and

indulge in sex life, but according to the Vedic injunctions, sex is allowed

only in marriage, meat eating is allowed only when the animal is killed and

offered before the goddess Kali, and intoxication is allowed only in a

restricted way... The word niyamyate indicates that all these things - namely

animal killing, intoxication and sex - should be regulated." 4.26.7.


"Sometimes ksatriyas go to the forest to kill animals like deer because they

have to learn the art of killing, and sometimes they eat the animals also.

Sudras, too, eat animals such as goats... Those who desire to eat meat may

satisfy the demands of their tongues by eating lower animals, but they should

never kill cows, who are actually accepted as the mothers of human society

because they supply milk." S.B. 6.4.9.


"Four kinds of sinful activities - associating with women for illicit sex,

eating meat, intoxication and gambling - are allowed for the ksatriyas. For

political reasons, sometimes they have to take to these sinful activities.

Ksatriyas do not refrain from gambling. One vivid example is the Pandavas."

S.B. 4.22.13


"Just like the ksatriya, they must learn how to kill. So, practically they

should go to the forest and kill some animal, and if he likes he can eat also.

But not from the slaughterhouse. Those who are ksatriyas, they are allowed

sometimes to eat meat....So for ksatriyas, if they want to eat meat, they can

be allowed on particular occasions. But they must go to the forest and kill

the animal.


..if some of the ksatriyas or the sudras want to eat meat, this is our

prescription - go to the forest, kill some animals and eat them.


And the sudras, they also sometimes eat meat, or the candalas.


The sudras, they can take a goat and sacrifice it before the Deity of the

goddess Kali and then they can eat. No one should be given unrestricted

freedom to eat meat or wine. If one is adamant to drink wine there is Durga

puja, Candi puja. That means restriction. Under certain conditions."

SP MWC Vrin. ‘74




These were prescribed responsibilities for ISKCON's leaders over 25 years ago

given by Srila Prabhupada in order to engage as many people as possible in

Krsna's eternal service. That is what preaching and leadership mean.


Are we going to continue to try to change every sudra, vaisya and ksatriya

into a brahmana? This program has thus far proven unsuccessful for many, many

excellent candidates of devotional service to the Lord.


"Prabhupada: Everywhere, wherever, Mayapura or anywhere. Question is that

here it is clearly said, sve sve karmany abhiratah. Brahmana has his duty,

ksatriya has his duty, vaisya has his duty, sudra has his duty. And if he

performs his duty nicely, then he also becomes perfect. So why artificially

he should be called a brahmana? Let them do, according to sastra, the work

of sudra, or vaisya. He'll get the perfect. Perfection is not checked. But

why artificially he should be made a brahmana or he should be made a

sannyasi and fall down and become a ludicrous? That is the point. Better let

him live in his position and become perfect. That's good. That looks very

nice. And that is possible. That is possible. Varnasramacaravata purusena

parah puman visnur aradhyate."


"Prabhupada: Yes. In the... For the big scale, this is required. In big

scale you cannot make all of them as brahmanas or sannyasis. No. That is not

possible. This is small scale. How many percentage of people of the world

we are controlling? Very insignificant. But if you want to make the whole

human society perfect, then this Krsna consciousness movement should be

introduced according to the Krsna's instruction, if you want to do it in a

large scale for the benefit of the whole human society. Now we are picking up

some of them, best. That is another thing. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu said

para-upakara. Why a certain section should be picked up? The whole mass of

people will get the benefit of it. Then it is required, systematic. Sve sve

karmany abhiratah samsiddhim labhate narah. Para-upakara means mass benefit,

not there is certain section. Then we have to introduce this

varnasrama-dharma. It must be done perfectly, and it is possible and people

will be happy."

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