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Authorities: Deserved of respect?

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> I had been thinking about the kinds of experiences Mahanidhi prabhu must

> have had to lead him to this kind of stance (I am not being critical here

> of him at all, but I am critical of the society that lead him to have this

> unforunate outlook), not just him, but most of us.

> When I came home this

> afternoon, it kind of became a little clearer to me why he should offer

> these statements, and I thought to offer a possible reason for it. This is

> in no way siding with any particular party, but just another way to look

> at it. I have not been closely following this particular thread, but I

> have a feeling that Mahanidhi prabu is probabaly using his trademark

> cynicism, and maybe he does not feel this way at all, but nontheless, some

> people could justifiably feel this way.



What I am using here is, I suppose, a bit of my own intelligence.

See, I have been *told* here what my grave mistake and poor

judgment was. You hardly "blinked" then on such piece of "naked

truth". But now, when I chose to exercise a bit of my own ability

to extend the search of my own mistakes and poor judgments, then

the situation becomes all different. Perhaps I also could analyze

the reasons that lead you to act so differently. Thus, maybe, in

the case of me getting right in my finding that it as indeed the

poor judgment of the society as a spiritual (while being simply

an exclusive and brainwashing sect appearing externally like

spiritual) that gave me no other choice but to commit the next

logically wrong step (accepting a guru that looked spiritual),

in that case I am not - alone. Then we all are on the same boat.

Having you and Srila on board. So I guess, not pleasant type

of "naked truth" that you would be ready not to blink on now.




> Many of us in ISKCON were told "you NEED a guru". We were kind of

> pressured, "Oh god I need a guru". Then we hear, "he's a guru". So we kind

> of amble along, and if he looks good, and speaks nicely we accept "OK he

> seems ok, Ill accept him".


Well, many of us are being told the same RIGHT NOW. And not just

"a guru", but a pure infallible uttama-adhikari, or otherwise it's

all bogus. The guru that does not walks by so often in our short

troubled lives, that got to be "grabbed" by any chance. The NEED

and the MUST is all what I read here, these days.



As far as "those days", there was no other way. Staying in the

temple and refusing to get initiated (for some 10 years at

least) was unheard of. What are you talking about "he speaks

nicely, so OK he seems OK"?? Where you were then? It was the

SYSTEM that no newcomer (practically speaking) had any chance

to go around. You got either to be understood as a crazy fellow

(and if useful and harmless, then allowed to stay in the temple),

or you got NOT TO JOIN the movement.


The entire zones all over the Globe were making "grave mistakes"

and "poor judgments" (who fell down among the gurus and who did

not is even irrelevant point in this moment).


It is the *society*. If me as an individual are to be exposed

here for my poor judgments and a grave mistake, then I will

take the liberty upon myself to expand that blame on myself

and kick my own rear end for letting myself into such brainwashing

sect. Even Srila das would say "It was such a society". Just see.

It was not *him* really, what he as a little small and illusioned

individual can be blamed for? I feel the same like Srila.




> I will always remember how Yamuna Dasi once described that Srila

> Prabhupada 'spoiled' the devotees in the early days. He 'spoiled' them

> with his love for them. He personaly cooked and fed them, he shared their

> worries. He was concerned that they keep some personal money for

> emergencies, and made sure they were reimbursed. he sent them remedies for

> illness. He *cared* about them.



Some in ISCKON might be even in situation to be happy having

a kind of relationship with their guru that you are talking

about. But then they may happen to read few texts from you and

Srila, here on COM, and then they get all worried about how their

guru might indeed not be an infallible mahabhagavata, and therefore

not a guru at al but just some cheater, pretender, "bad money",

and so on. They are getting told to go to "Switzerland" (read:

"Gaudiya Math") where the big, big bankers are (is if there to

expect a kind of relationship as you are describing here).

Or to pray to God to send them one of a sort.





- mnd

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