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everything ONE? NO!

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> What Krishna Kirti Prabhu was probabaly trying to say is was stated by

> Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur: "The bees go for the honey & the

> flies go for the sores"...


> If we want, indeed we can & probably will make a successful lifetime

> business out of faultfinding.


Or a succesful lifetime in trying to resolve them... (the faults). Both ways

are open to us, you don,t think also?


> That doesn't mean that there are no faults in the world. "Sarvarambha hi

> doshena"... (Gita); every endeavor is covered by some fault.


....like fire is covered by smoke.


> So if we wish, we are all welcome to indulge accordingly... only... just

> consider that overindulgence in faultfinding may just be maya's

> diversion...her trick - to make us all forget about Lord Vishnu, his

> pastimes, his glories, energies, etc.


I would be endeed an offence towards ones own God given inteligence, common

sense, and a great waste of time and energie on the computer, if the goal of

ones writing would be just "faultfinding" other say "critizism".

If that would be the goal than one would be better of somewhere else, where

one can gossipp about the "faults" of others to ones hearts desire, if one

wishes so, in my opinion.


Why I personally use this so caled "faultfinding" is in order to ilustrate

some points and present them for further discussions on that matter, with

the goal of finding a positive solution to them, or learn something moore

for my own life.


Therefore I am moore interested in a constructive dialogue rather than just

"faultfinding" or critizizing like it is commonly understood as beying not

very reasonable in ones spiritual life.


A constructive dialogue is a commonly used form of discussion, between

inteligent people, with a common goal to make things better, or to broaden

ones understanding about a particular topic or problem.


To remember Lord Visnu or Krsna does not automaticaly mean to turn a blind

eye on the problems of life which are surounding us.


We have to make also our contribution to solve them or reduce them, which

means also to point them out. Than I think, also Lord Visnu is satisfied

with us, and can give us inspiration from within so we can remember Him.



Harsi das

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